
Goodbye, Bonza airlines, you were taken from us too soon. Thank you for saying g’day even when my flight was delayed | Vivienne Pearson

There was a hilarious theme-park element to flying the budget airline, which gave us more than just cheap flights and a bizarre booking system

Bye bye Bonza. I will miss you. As someone who lives in regional New South Wales and has family in country Victoria, I am mourning the loss of the only direct Gold Coast to Albury flight. I’m also sad I did not get a chance to fly from Gold Coast to Darwin, a route I’m astonished no other airline offers.

In case you’re not yet in the know, Bonza airline has gone belly-up. Not literally, though I did have a very rough Bonza landing at Albury airport just before Christmas – I think the pilot thought the tarmac was a couple of metres lower than it was – but the plane was upright once we came to a hastier-than-usual stop.

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