
So much for THAT fake Biden story


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It’s important to stay informed. However, with the media largely owned by the political right, and clickbait doomsday pundits on the Left, it’s up to us to dig deeper for the truth. The latest pundit panic is about Hollywood billionaires refusing to donate to Democrats unless Biden withdraws. Notice how I open this piece by downplaying the issue instead of saying, “OMG Biden is being abandoned by billionaires!”

It’s a given that the biggest news outlets like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and network and cable TV are controlled by authoritarian billionaires pushing a narrative. Why else would ABC’s George Stephanopoulos disgrace himself repeatedly asking Biden incoherently stilted questions?

The day after the debate, four separate New York Times opinion pieces declared Hollywood billionaires were abandoning Biden, which were then quoted in other Hollywood trade magazines, in what appears to be a coordinated message. So, I investigated some of these “Hollywood donors” and immediately recognized several well-known controversial individuals.

The biggest donor is known to be “incredibly performative and erratic.” Then, there’s Abigail Disney, who is known to support progressive disruptors, like The Squad and Katie Porter. But despite the alarmist headlines, buried in the reports are names of the most active big Democratic fundraisers, such as Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg, who continue to strongly support Biden, even rallying A-list actors at an event the day after the debate.

Another donor mentioned, Andrew Yang, is a tech billionaire well-known for unsuccessfully trying to primary Biden. Speaking of tech billionaires, Substack, the preferred blogging platform of our best pro-Biden analysts like Jeff Tiedrich, Simon Rosenberg, and Scott Dworkin, was almost entirely funded by one tech billionaire venture fund whose top exec has a best-selling book out about blockchain. And although the firm claims to be politically agnostic, it focuses investment in blockchain and crypto, which is code for supporting the offshore dark economy.

So, it seems to me these are all self-interested billionaire donors. Unlike Trump who never does anything without demanding something in return, it’s possible Biden has made it clear he doesn’t give big donors special access. The only promises Biden makes is to voters. And he keeps those promises.

. . .

Speaking of voters, all of us small donors have picked up the slack from these mega-donors making June the biggest fundraising month this cycle for Biden. We wield great power, not only with our vote, but every small donation we make to the Biden campaign matters. Yes, we must dig deeper for the truth in this crazy news cycle. But that only makes us stronger and smarter. Vote blue!

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Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

The post So much for THAT fake Biden story appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post So much for THAT fake Biden story first appeared on The News And Times.

The post So much for THAT fake Biden story first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.