
House Democrat slams media for making up fake story about him calling for President Biden to step out of the race


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Earlier today I wrote that we should all be very careful when it comes to the media’s ongoing claims that this or House or Senate Democrat has supposedly privately called for President Biden to drop out. These stories don’t even make sense. It’s not as if the media has these private meetings bugged. So who exactly are their sources supposed to be? Are we supposed to believe that House Democrats themselves are leaking to the media about what they’ve said in private meetings? These stories all feel like they’re being made up by the media, and for that reason, we shouldn’t automatically turn against any House or Senate Democrat who has reportedly privately turned against Biden.

Now it turns out I’ve very quickly been proven correct about this. The Washington Post reported this evening that influential House Democrat Ted Lieu said on a House Democrats call that Biden should drop out of the race. But Ted Lieu immediately fired back at this reporting, revealing that he never even spoke on such a call.

. . .

In other words the media is just making these stories up out of thin air, or choosing to print leaks that they have to know are bogus. We’ll see if the Washington Post bothers to print a retraction now that Ted Lieu has called them out for flat out lying about him. This is a reminder that the problem isn’t just the New York Times. It isn’t just MSNBC or CNN. It’s the entire media – and that’s what we’re fighting back against. Donate to Palmer Report

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