
Lunatic deep end


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Continuing their streak of doing nothing for the American people, House Republicans have instead sued Merrick Garland, demanding in their suit that Garland hand over audio recordings of President Biden. It’s disappointing to see them focus on such trivial matters instead of addressing the real issues, yet it’s hardly a surprise.

That is not going to happen, and the lawsuit will likely be thrown out. However, this does show us a few things. The GOP is still terrified of Biden. How do I know this? Well, look, if the GOP really thought they could win and were 100 percent confident of that, there would be no need to do this. Instead, they have signaled they’re STILL looking for ways to discredit Biden, which only underscores their lack of confidence in their own strategy.

Let’s look at it as a war. When your side is winning and has all the weapons it needs, it does not abandon the war to go hunting for new weapons. The House Republicans not only have shown they have souls made of plastic, but they are ALSO showing they do not have a damn arrow in their quiver except suing people — oh and , of course, calling for absurd hearings.

. . .

The thing is — this is just embarrassing. If this IS a war, the House GOP Caucus should perhaps surrender NOW. They should do that because this lawsuit is wholly and utterly worthless. It’s not worth the paper that it’s printed on. This won’t help the GOP win the election. The fact that THEY DO NOT KNOW that shows they have not learned a thing, and it’s frustrating to see them waste time and resources on such futile and foolish endeavors. Donate to Palmer Report

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