
Donald Trump is “being seen as weak”


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The media has only been giving a medium amount of attention to the fact that Donald Trump keeps falling asleep during his criminal trial. But Trump can’t handle even those headlines, so he made the major tactical mistake of angrily denying that he’s falling asleep, which has only served to bring more attention to the story.

So why is Trump taking the bait? He’s apparently embarrassed:

Reporter: Trump is probably embarrassed by the reports that he is falling asleep in court. He’s worried about the optics. He’s being seen as weak

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) May 3, 2024

. . .


Trump hasn’t made a smart tactical move of any kind in a very long time. But it’s worth noting that his decisions keep getting dumber and dumber. If you’re doing something as disqualifying as falling asleep during your criminal trial, and the media is only treating it like a third-tier story, the best thing you can do is shut up and hope the media doesn’t elevate it. Instead Trump elevated the story himself.

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I need your help: If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it’ll help keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation’s history: Donate now

The post Donald Trump is “being seen as weak” appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post Donald Trump is “being seen as weak” first appeared on The News And Times.