
New legal trouble for Trump Media

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Even as Donald Trump sits through his criminal trial today, it’s just one of numerous troubles he’s having on the legal front. It’s not just that Trump has other criminal trials coming up. It’s that even his one remaining supposed cash cow is in trouble.

For all the talk about how Donald Trump is going to get bailed out financially by Truth Social and Trump Media, the whole thing keeps getting more scandalous. There have long been media reports of a federal investigation into the parent company. And now the SEC is shutting down Trump Media’s auditor, accusing it of massive fraud.

We’ll see where this goes. If the company doing Trump Media’s financial audits is a corrupt sham, then it points to Trump Media’s financials being a corrupt sham as well. It also suggests that the SEC’s investigation is targeting Trump Media as well.

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Keep in mind that Donald Trump’s shares in the company aren’t worth anything to him until the timeframe in which he’s allowed to sell them. If the company and share price collapse by then, it’ll be worthless to him.

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