
If the Washington Post is to fly again, its journalists must share the cockpit | Margaret Sullivan

New publisher Will Lewis’s heavy-handed moves alienated a great staff

When Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, he said he wanted to give the storied but struggling newspaper the “runway” it needed to take off in the digital age.

A few years later, the plane seemed to be soaring. Readership was up, revenue – built on new digital subscriptions – was up, and the newsroom’s scrappy staff was trading scoops daily with the New York Times, and doing essential journalism, particularly during the campaign and administration of Donald Trump.

Margaret Sullivan is a Guardian US columnist writing on media, politics and culture

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The post If the Washington Post is to fly again, its journalists must share the cockpit | Margaret Sullivan first appeared on The News And Times.

The post If the Washington Post is to fly again, its journalists must share the cockpit | Margaret Sullivan first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.