
In thrall to Viktor Orbán and the hard right, Europe is facing its moment of truth

With nationalists set for EU election gains, now is not the time for Hungary’s pro-Putin Europhobic leader to take the helm

Viktor Orbán was his usual poisonous self, spouting toxic twaddle in true Boris Johnson/Nigel Farage style. Hungary’s hard-right prime minister and Europe’s saboteur-in-chief warned supporters at a Budapest rally that, without him, their country would be overrun by millions of illegal migrants and cease to exist as a nation.

The EU was to blame, he said. The commission was under the spell of his liberal nemesis, the Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros. It was secretly preparing to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. A vote for his ruling party, Fidesz, in this weekend’s European parliamentary polls was the only way to keep the peace.

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The post In thrall to Viktor Orbán and the hard right, Europe is facing its moment of truth first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.