Audio Post #Audio#AudioPost#King The Enduring Oddness of King Charles III…
#FBI: Objective measurements of the FBI performance: quality, efficiency, and ethics – Google Search

The FBI Director Is Under Resignation Fire From His Agents…
On this day in 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte, 51, dies in exile on the island of St. Helena. “France… Armée… Tête d’armée… Joséphine,” he supposedly calls out in his final moments.

Michael Novakhov: The Signs (Diagnostic Triad) of the New Abwehr Operations: 1. Judeophobia with the psychologically complex (e.g. self-hatred), mixed German-Jewish identity and background, as in upper echelons of Abwehr. 2. Homophobia, often with the latent or overt Homosexuality, as present, presumed or perceived in many high German military officers after WWI. 3. The key, “pathognomonic” sign of Austria Phobia, the cognitive bias prevalent in Abwehr officers, the historical legacy of the German – Austrian wars and rivalry of XIX century, e.g. the derision and hatred of Hitler after the WWII. The presence of all these signs, in various degrees is hypothesized to be present in the case of Anthony Weiner, which led to the October Surprise 2019. In my opinion, this and other circumstances of the Election 2019 point to the quite possible involvement of the New Abwehr in it as their staged political-intelligence operation, as many other in the post WWII History. See the New Abwehr Hypothesis. Google Search
New Abwehr Hypothesis – Google Search

NATO’s highest soldier, luitenant-admiral Rob Bauer told Dutch TV on Sunday that the drone attack against the Kremlin was “probably” executed by Russia itself in order to gain support for its war against Ukraine. Admiral Bauer is chairman of the Military Committee of NATO.

drone attack against the Kremlin was “probably” executed by Russia itself – Google Search

Downgrade WHO and Tedros for incompetence: It was the POLITICAL Pandemic, not the medical one. Intelligence Services should continue to monitor and to analyze it retrospectively: What really happened? Who caused it? My hunch is, it was the New Abwehr, in their commemorations of the Anniversaries of WWI and WWII: “Put your masks on and shut up about your victories!” WHO downgrades COVID pandemic, says it’s no longer emergency…
US Intel says modern army Russia tried to build over 20 years “largely is gone” and it will be difficult to mount even modest offensive operations without substantial additional supplies of material/troops.… View statements here:…

Without A New Draft, Russian Offensive Operations Are Over, US Intel Chiefs Say… via @DefenseOne
“Позитивный для Путина результат этой ужасной войны – в том, что система стала его заложницей. Степень риска того, что против него будут выстраиваться заговоры, уменьшилась”. Политолог Николай Петров о неожиданной консолидации российских элит вокруг Путина…
Hundreds of terrified shoppers fled in panic after a gunman stepped out of a silver sedan and opened fire at a Dallas-area outlet mall on Saturday, killing eight and wounding seven before being killed by a police officer who was nearby, authorities said.…
#Mohrenschildt Lee Harvey Oswald’s benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt – Google Search

#DavidFerrie david ferrie – Google Search

#LeeHarveyOswald Lee Harvey Oswald bisexual – Google Search

Lee Harvey Oswald bisexual – Google Search…
“Wagner a ‘shadow of what it once was’: Russia security expert on the rage of mercenary boss Prigozhin” Prigozhin looks like a corps walking.…
Dark clouds gather over Moscow as the Kremlin cancels May 9th Victory Day celebrations amid fears of drone attacks- UK intelligence says 6 oblasts and 21 fearful Russian cities caused Kremlin leadership to cancel. Do they know something that we don’t?…

A gunman opened fire at a crowded mall outside Dallas on Saturday, killing at least eight people and injuring at least seven before a police officer killed him, the authorities said. Here is what we know about what happened.
Lee Harvey Oswald’s benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt – Google Search

Abwehr penetrated SMERSH – Google Search

Check out this video:…
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim – New York Post
James Douglass “JFK and the Unspeakable” – Google Search
U.S. intelligence warns that Russian intelligence is plotting a primitive psyop for May 9th- the details are murky, but a highly coordinated effort to undermine our defenses and sow confusion is coming.…
#OTD 78 year ago, 7 May 1945 Eisenhower, Supreme Commander in Europe, cables: “The mission of this Allied Force was fulfilled at 0241, local time, May 7th, 1945.” Victory in Europe achieved. Reading it today still sends shivers down the spine…

Putin’s passive response to Finland joining NATO debunks the myth that NATO expansion caused the war in Ukraine. In reality, Putin has always known NATO poses no security threat to Russia but used the issue as a smokescreen for his invasion of Ukraine…
Eight Americans, including children, were killed in Allen, Texas yesterday – the latest act of gun violence to devastate our nation. Jill and I are praying for their families and those critically injured. We’re grateful to the first responders who acted quickly and courageously.
Two telling names of shooting locations sum up in one historical name of CIA Director. Is this a reference to JFK assassination in Dallas and the CIA’s role in it? Or to the Nazi – New Abwehr Connection?… See also:… Allen, Texas – Google Search + Dallas shooting – Google Search… . . . = Allen Dulles – Google Search… . . .
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim – New York Post
JFK and the Unspeakable – Wikipedia

CIA and JFK assassination – Google Search

allen dulles – Google Search

Authorities looking into the motive for the mass shooting at a Texas mall on Saturday are investigating the gunman’s possible links to white-supremacist ideology
#Allen#Dallas#AllenDalles#CIA Allen, Dallas shotting is the telling name and the repoint – redirect to Allen Dalles, the CIA Director. What exactly is the message? Any guesses to share?

#mauriciogarcia mauricio garcia – Google Search
Покушение на генерального прокурора Болгарии связывают с Россией: незадолго до него Гешев выступил за контроль над соблюдением санкций, введенных из-за войны, а в Болгарии до сих пор многие российские политики продолжают владеть недвижимостью и активами…
At least seven people were killed in Brownsville, Texas, on Sunday after the driver of a vehicle plowed into a crowd of migrants. The driver was charged with reckless driving and has been detained, police said.
mauricio garcia – Google Search

#Allen#Dallas#AllenDulles#CIA Allen, Dallas shooting is the telling name and the repoint – redirect to Allen Dulles, the CIA Director. What exactly is the message? Any guesses to share?

So true! Israel’s Mossad spy agency is renowned for its daring, high-risk operations in hostile environments, diverse recruitment process, innovative use of technology, and culture of secrecy.…
Security is the main target for 🇷🇺. In our country & in all the free world. Destroying it, bringing death & chaos is all the terrorist state does. All who help 🇺🇦 restore security, who put pressure on the terrorist state – all are defenders of peace. I thank everyone who with 🇺🇦!
Scoop: Gunman in Texas mall shooting may have had white supremacist beliefs; patch on his chest suggested neo-Nazi views, according to people familiar with the matter…
NEW: The 33-year-old Texas mall shooting suspect interacted with neo-Nazi and white supremacist content online, officials say.…
United States of mass shootings: Texas mall massacre is America’s 199th incident in 2023

On this day in 1429, Joan of Arc marches at the head of a French army to rescue the besieged city of Orleans. She is just 17 years old.

The suspected gunman who killed at least eight people outside a shopping mall in Allen, Tex., may have had white supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs, people familiar with the investigation said Sunday. Here is what we know about him so far.
allen premium outlets shooting – Google Search

Российские войска потерпят такое же поражение в Украине, как нацистская Германия во Второй мировой войне, заявил Владимир Зеленский в видео, снятом у военного мемориала в Киеве, также предложив отмечать День Победы в Украине 8 мая…

“С 53-го года на этой территории не было ни одного случая, чтобы официально опубликованная книга, публично поставленная пьеса или фильм, показанный в кинотеатрах, были официальной причиной для ареста”
Stalin’s Death: Cheyne Stokes breathing – Google Search

#Putin#Agony#CheyneStokes#Stalin#DeathOfStalin The Cheyne Stokes Agony of the Putin regime… No Treatment. Regime change. See also: Stalin’s Death: Cheyne Stokes breathing – Google Search
“С 53-го года на этой территории не было ни одного случая, чтобы официально опубликованная книга, публично поставленная пьеса или фильм, показанный в кинотеатрах, были официальной причиной для ареста”

A Ukrainian-American family celebrates the death of Stalin, 1953

The Death of Stalin – Beria Trial and Execution
The Death of Stalin (2017) IMDb –… *** 75 / 100 #movies#MovieReview#IMDb#movienight#MoviesLover

#AllenDulles#lovers#Canaris#spies Allen Dulles lovers, Canaris spies – Google Search

Interpretation: Allen Premium Outlets shooting in Dallas, by the neo-Nazi security guard armed with AR-15, may refer to the CIA Director Allen Dulles, his various connections with Abwehr and Canaris, and his role in transplanting the German Nazi officers en masse (e.g.”Operation Paperclip”), and to a certain extent their philosophy, ideology and political practices to America. It would be a questionable claim in a complex situation.

The Abwehr operations diagnostic triad can be easily traced in the Kennedy Assassination: 1. Judeophobia: The Jewish background of Jack Ruby and his circle.… 2. Homophobia: Lee Harvey Oswald was gay or bisexual, his wife Marina egged him on by teasing him that “he is not the real man” and looked “girlish”; while reminiscing about her old flame in Minsk, who “looked like Kennedy”.… 3. Austria Phobia: Vienna Summit: “In retrospect the summit may be seen as a failure.”…

Quote: “according to CIA intercepts, someone had impersonated Oswald in phone calls and visits made to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City several weeks before the assassination.[58] Over the next 40 years this became one of the CIA’s most closely guarded secrets on the Oswald case.”…
My Opinion: Oswald was indeed a patsy, a cover for the New Abwehr operatives. The main overarching goal was to present the KGB as the culprit and to ignite the WWIII between US and Russia, which was always the most obvious strategic and logical choice for the New Abwehr planners after the WWII.

#Oswald Very convenient: Blame everything on “God’s Power”! Oswald Name Meaning Scottish (Fife and Lanarkshire) northern English German and French (mainly Alsace and Lorraine): from an Old English personal name composed of the elements ōs ‘god’ + weald ‘power’. oswald last name meaning – Google Search

Another telling last name, with the homophobic reference, and right on the money: David Ferrie (Fairy – Gay – GS) David Ferrie: mafia pilot, participant in anti-castro bioweapon plot, friend of lee harvey oswald and key to the jfk assassination – Google Search “Of the all the people surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy, few are more mysterious and enigmatic than David William Ferrie of New Orleans.”

“Of the all the people surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy, few are more mysterious and enigmatic than David William Ferrie of New Orleans. Author Judyth Vary Baker knew David Ferrie personally and worked with him in a covert project in New Orleans during the summer of 1963, and this book examines his strange and puzzling behavior both before and after the assassination. At the time of the assassination, Ferrie was a 45-year-old New Orleans resident who was acquainted with some of the most notorious names linked to the assassination: Lee Oswald, Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, Jack Ruby, and Carlos Marcello. He possessed assorted talents and eccentricities: he was at one time a senior pilot with Eastern Airlines until he was fired for homosexual activity on the job; he was also a hypnotist; a serious researcher of the origins of cancer; an amateur psychologist; and a victim of a strange disease, alopecia, which made all of his body void of hair. His odd lifestyle was embellished with an equally bizarre appearance featuring a red toupee and false eyebrows. This is the first book focused solely on David Ferrie and his alleged involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.” david ferrie: mafia pilot, participant in anti-castro bioweapon plot, friend of lee harvey oswald and key to the jfk assassination – Google Search

John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories – Wikipedia In 1966, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison began an investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy. Garrison’s investigation led him to conclude that a group of right-wing extremists, including David Ferrie and Guy Banister, were involved with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy’s attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam.[357][358] Garrison also came to believe that New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw was part of the conspiracy and that Clay Shaw used the pseudonym “Clay Bertrand”.[359] Garrison further believed that Shaw, Banister, and Ferrie conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.[360] On March 1, 1967, Garrison arrested and charged Shaw with conspiring to assassinate President Kennedy. On January 29, 1969, Clay Shaw was brought to trial on these charges, and the jury found him not guilty.
“My cousin Roy Marcus Cohn — counsel to Senator Joe McCarthy, consigliere to Mafia bosses, mentor to Donald Trump — had almost no principles,” wrote David Marcus. “He smeared Jews even though he was Jewish. He tarred Democrats even though he was a Democrat. He persecuted gay people even though he was gay.” ‘A New Strain Of Son Of A Bitch’: The Life Of ‘Fixer’ Roy Cohn, From The Red Scare To Trump

Are Roy Cohn’s nose problems a sign of congenital syphilis? – Google Search

Are Roy Cohn’s nose problems a sign of congenital syphilis? – Google Search
“The only child of Dora and Albert Cohn was born on February 20, 1927, at Manhattan’s Woman’s Hospital. Roy’s father was a judge who had married into the well-to-do Marcus family. “When Roy was born, he was a cute little baby, an adorable-looking kid, but he had a little spur on his nose and that drove Dora crazy,” one of the family says. “She took him to some surgeon or other who botched the job of trying to get rid of the spur. All his life Roy had that scar down his nose.” Roy Cohn’s nose problems – Google Search

Roy Cohn’s nose problems do not look like “nose spur” at all, they look like the surgery for the “saddle nose”, a sign of congenital syphilis – Google Search

The Red Scare and McCarthiism also reveal the presence of the New Abwehr operations diagnostic triad: Both 1. Judeophobia and 2. Homophobia are present abundantly in the historical figure of Roy Cohn, his circles, and their political agenda and actions. 3. Austria Phobia is present too: 1950 Austrian general strikes can be seen as the precursors of McCarthiism. “The Austrian General Strikes of 1950 were organised by the Communist Party of Austria with half-hearted support of the Soviet occupation authorities. In August–October 1950 Austria faced a severe social and economic crisis caused by anticipated withdrawal of American financial aid and a sharp drop in real wages.”… Why did the Soviets leave Austria in 1955? 📷 The Soviets pulled out of the country in 1955, along with the Western Allies, in exchange for Austria’s promises that it would remain neutral in the Cold War. The Soviet Union released Austrian prisoners at a much faster rate than the Germans, but the last Austrians were not released until 1955. Austria history 1950-s – GS:… See also: Allied-occupied Austria…: “Whereas Germany was divided into East and West Germany in 1949, Austria remained under joint occupation of the Western Allies and the Soviet Union until 1955; its status became a controversial subject in the Cold War until the warming of relations known as the Khrushchev Thaw. After Austrian promises of perpetual neutrality, Austria was accorded full independence on 15 May 1955 and the last occupation troops left on 25 October that year.”

Former Chief Security Officer Of Uber Sentenced To Three Years … Department of Justice
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — After her husband died last year, she wrote a children’s book on grief. Now she’s charged with murder in his death.
Kouri Richins, 33, was arrested Monday and is accused in charging documents of poisoning her husband with a lethal dose of fentanyl at their home in Kamas, a small mountain town near Park City.
The murder charges come months after Richins self-published “Are you with me?” — an illustrated storybook about a young boy wondering about his father’s presence in his life after the father dies.
Prosecutors allege Richins called authorities in the middle of the night in March 2022 to report that her husband, Eric Richins, was “cold to the touch.” She told officers she had made her husband a mixed drink to celebrate him selling a home. She then went to soothe one of their children to sleep in the next bedroom. She later returned and, upon finding her husband unresponsive, called 911.
A medical examiner later found five times the lethal dosage of fentanyl in his system.
In addition to the murder charge, Richins also faces charges involving the alleged possession of GHB — a narcolepsy drug frequently used in recreational settings, including at dance clubs.
The charges are based on officers’ interactions with Richins that night and the account of an “unnamed acquaintance” who claims to have sold her the fentanyl. The acquaintance told investigators they sold Richins the opioid hydrocodone once and fentanyl twice — in February and March 2022.
The charging documents allege Richins deleted text messages from the night of her husband’s death before handing her phone over to investigators and may have tried to poison her husband on Valentine’s Day, a month before his death.
“Shortly after their dinner, Eric became very ill. Eric believed that he had been poisoned. Eric told a friend that he thought his wife was trying to poison him,” investigators wrote, referring to the Valentine’s Day incident.
Richins’ attorney, Skye Lazaro, declined to comment on the charges.
In Richins’ book, the boy wonders if his father, who has died, notices his goals at a soccer game, his nerves on the first day of school or the presents he found under a Christmas tree.
“Yes, I am with you,” an angel wing-clad father figure wearing a trucker hat responds. “I am with you when you scored that goal … I am with you when you walk the halls … I’m here and we’re together.”
Richins told local media she decided to write “Are you with me?” after her husband unexpectedly died last year, leaving her widowed and raising three boys. She said she looked for materials for children on grieving loved ones and found few resources, so decided to create her own. She planned to write sequels.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted pictures of the three Islamic Jihad officials who were killed, along with the name of Israel’s …
Google Alert – Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said the country was “prepared for all possibilities”, adding: “I suggest that our enemies not test …
Google Alert – Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, informed American officials who visited Israel that he was planning to attack Gaza Strip, …
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It is slated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit the UAE, but the details of the visit have not been disclosed yet.
Google Alert – Benjamin Netanyahu
NPR News: 05-09-2023 3PM EDT
NPR News Now
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The unanimous jury verdict that has turned Donald Trump from an alleged sexual assaulter into a proven one may create political shockwaves if recent history is any guide. As numerous empirical studies have shown, the American public has come to view sexual assault as a form of abusing power that can disqualify a perpetrator from holding public office. Trump may suffer significant political damage from this new majoritarian understanding.
In November 2017, 61% of voters – including 56% of men and a nontrivial margin of white men (50-43) and white women (55-37) – said then-President Trump should be impeached and removed from office if he were proven to have engaged in “sexual harassment,” according to a Quinnipiac poll. That overall support – the eye popping number of 61% – was higher than any poll tracking public support for impeachment and removal from office for the scandalous conduct in Trump’s first and second impeachments (see Five Thirty-Eight’s complete collection of surveys for the first and second impeachment). What’s more, Quinnipiac asked only about sexual harassment not sexual assault in the case of Trump. The latter, which is also the core crime in the E. Jean Caroll verdict, would have presumably produced even greater levels of support for removal from office.
The Quinnipiac poll was not alone.
A December 2017 Public Policy Polling survey found 53% of voters thought Trump should resign because of the “allegations” of sexual harassment against him, and another Quinnipiac poll in December 2017 found that 50% of voters already thought Trump should resign because he had “been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault by multiple women.” (See appendix below for the exact wording and results of each of these surveys.)
These results are no surprise when taken in context of recent social science studies. Rigorous empirical research shows that Americans generally consider sexual assault incompatible with serving in elected office or positions of public trust (see e.g., Savani and Collignon, 2023; Stark and Collignon, 2022; Masuoka, Grose & Junn, 2021; Craig and Cossette, 2020). A 2020 study in the journal Political Behavior found that “(1) a significant electoral penalty is likely to be assessed against politicians accused of sexual harassment; (2) the size of that penalty (in terms of lost votes and lower favorability) … is concentrated among co-partisans and, to a lesser extent, Independents.” That study, like many others, concerned “accusations” and “allegations” of misbehavior; the results are likely to be even more pronounced in the event of allegations being proven – especially in a court and especially by a unanimous verdict.
A number of caveats and qualifications are worth mentioning however as we consider the potential damage to Trump.
First, Republicans are less likely to electorally punish their own party candidates who face sexual harassment or sexual assault allegations, according to researchfindings. For Trump, that may mean less of a political cost in the primary election season than in the general. That said, Republican women are more likely than Republican men to do so. What’s more, some Republican primary voters may also look over the horizon at how voters in the general election will react to his having been proven to have committed sexual assault and accordingly wish to select a more competitive nominee for their party.
Second, while there are many cases of Republican and Democratic elected officials being compelled to resign or being electorally defeated following public allegations of sexual harassment or sexual harassment, there are also counterexamples. One prominent counterexample is Trump himself in the 2016 campaign. What makes Trump’s victory even more complicated is that notable percentages of his supporters believed the allegations to be true, as William Saletan documented in 2017.
That being said, multiple factors seem to distinguish the allegations in Trump’s 2016 campaign from the Carroll verdict in 2024, and ultimately constitute bad news for the former president.
Factor one: There is a difference between a belief that something is true, and proven confirmation by a unanimous jury verdict that it is so. Indeed this was a jury verdict following a full-blown trial in which Trump’s attorneys had the opportunity to challenge the specific allegations. The Carroll case also involved jurors’ assessment not only of the evidence of her sexual assault, but also of two other witnesses who testified that Trump sexually assaulted them. In other words, the verdict is a reflection of the allegations of three women.
Factor two: The difference between sexual assault and sexual harassment, cuts against Trump. Several (but not all) of the surveys discussed by Saletan in 2017 asked respondents about allegations of “inappropriate behavior,” “unwanted sexual advances,” and “unwanted advances on different women.” The respondents were not asked about allegations of sexual assault, which presumably would have given them greater pause on whether to vote for Trump.
Factor three: There may be a difference in how voters assess Trump on these issues of sexual harrassment and sexual assault when comparing him to the alternative candidate for office – Hillary Clinton in the case of the 2016 election. Indeed, that may help explain why some Republicans were willing to vote him into office in 2016, but some of Trump’s 2016 voters supported his resigning from office on the basis of the mere allegation of sexual harassment (7% in one study, 12% in another) and a larger percentage of Republicans (28%) supported his impeachment and removal from office if allegations of sexual harassment were proven.
In deciding whether to vote for him in 2016, the alternative was a Hillary Clinton presidency. In the case of removal from office, the alternative was Mike Pence. If the alternative option helps explain the difference, it could spell a negative fate for Trump in the current presidential primary, where voters can choose a different Republican.
Factor four: A difference between 2016 and 2024 is the advent of the #MeToo movement following the women who stepped forward in 2017 to report on sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein. That movement has helped shape the public conscience over a short period of time, and demonstrated an ability to “limit motivated reasoning” and “temper partisan biases” when individuals’ assess politicians’ misconduct (Klar and McCoy, 2021).
The question of course is to what extent any of these voter preferences against the kind of behavior here at issue would translate into electoral outcomes. One need only look at voters’ overwhelming support for certain gun reforms — and the absence of any corresponding legislation — to understand the gap between voter preferences and political outcomes. There are many structural impediments to the expression of democratic choices in U.S. elections that go beyond the subject matter of this essay. It is notable, however, that a candidate’s having engaged in sexual assault has in many instances proven fatal to their holding public office.
* * *
With #MeToo translated into the political arena, many Americans have shown they are not willing to support a candidate for elected office who has committed sexual assault – with the understanding that such a severe abuse of power is simply disqualifying for holding a position of public trust. Time will tell if the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault verdict has the effect that a large majority of Americans said they wanted in 2017, namely, to deny the presidency to Trump if the allegation that he had engaged in such abominable conduct was proven. It now has been.
Cited Academic Works
Stephen C. Craig and Paulina S. Cossette. “Eye of the beholder: Partisanship, identity, and the politics of sexual harassment.” Political Behavior 44, no. 2 (2022): 749-777.
Samara Klar and Alexandra McCoy. “Partisan‐motivated evaluations of sexual misconduct and the mitigating role of the# MeToo movement.” American Journal of Political Science 65, no. 4 (2021): 777-789.
Natalie Masuoka, Christian Grose, and Jane Junn. “Sexual harassment and candidate evaluation: Gender and partisanship interact to affect voter responses to candidates accused of harassment.” Political Behavior (2021): 1-23.
Manu M. Savani and Sofia Collignon. “Values and candidate evaluation: How voters respond to allegations of sexual harassment.” Electoral Studies 83 (2023).
Stephanie Stark and Sofia Collignon. “Sexual Predators in Contest for Public Office: How the American Electorate Responds to News of Allegations of Candidates Committing Sexual Assault and Harassment.” Political Studies Review 20, no. 3 (2022): 329-352.
Jamillah B. Williams. “#MeToo and Public Officials: A post-election snapshot of allegations and consequences,” Georgetown University Law Center (2018).
Appendix: Polling Questions and Results
Photo credit: E. Jean Carroll arrives for her civil trial against former President Donald Trump at Manhattan Federal Court on May 8, 2023 (Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
The post Why the E. Jean Carroll Verdict Will Matter to Voters appeared first on Just Security.
Just Security
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Jurors believed that Carroll’s allegation of sexual abuse in a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s was more likely true than not. They awarded her $5 million in total damages.
(Image credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
NPR News: 05-09-2023 2PM EDT
NPR News: 05-09-2023 5AM EDT
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To people who joined in the celebrations, the King said: “To know that we have your support and encouragement, and to witness your kindness expressed in so many different ways, has been the greatest possible Coronation gift.”
3 accused of extorting 82-year-old Houston man who paid for sex … Houston Chronicle

Allen W. Dulles (1893-1969) was many things before he became the Office of Strategic Services’ (OSS) “Our Man in Bern.” After graduating from Princeton, he joined the State Department’s Foreign Service in 1916 and was assigned to Bern, Switzerland. His acceptance to the Foreign Service was probably not harmed by family connections to the State Department. His maternal grandfather, John W. Foster, was Secretary of State under Benjamin Harrison, and his uncle by marriage, Robert Lansing, was Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson.
According to Dulles’ later writings, he told of receiving an urgent phone call on April 8, 1917 from a Russian émigré in Bern who wished to talk to him. Dulles had a scheduled tennis match that day and turned him down. The émigré was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known to history as Vladimir Lenin. Lenin was deported the next day and sent on a sealed train to St. Petersburg, Russia. Dulles later told new recruits to the CIA to always meet with potential agents.
Dulles survived the 1918 Flu pandemic, and in 1926, Dulles became a lawyer and joined his brother, John Foster Dulles at the Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell. (John was future Secretary of State to President Eisenhower, and famously drew the wrath of Winston Churchill who described him as “A bull who carried his own china shop around with him.” Churchill also created a stinging superlative adjective: “dull, duller, Dulles.”)
In 1940, Dulles ran into a fellow Wall Street lawyer at the Republican Party convention. His friend, William Donovan, the future chief of the OSS, suggested that Dulles might be interested in joining a proposed American intelligence service if the US was pulled into the current European war. When the US did join the war after December 7, 1941, Dulles joined the newly formed OSS as Agent 110 and he requested assignment to Switzerland, based on his prior experiences there.
Dulles arrived in Switzerland in November, 1942, where he made little effort to disguise his role in Bern. Swiss newspapers identified him as a personal representative of President Roosevelt, with “special duties.” Dulles preferred this high profile as it encouraged potential agents to flock to him. His British counterpart, Frederick Vanden Huevel, the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) station chief in Bern had a few pangs of jealousy over this and Dulles’ lavish budget. (SIS is the official title of “MI6”). Dulles soon developed two important contacts: a German diplomat, Fritz Kolbe, and Hans Bernd Gisevius, attached to the German Consulate in Zurich, but in fact an Abwehr officer. Gisevius would later be a key witness at the post war Nuremberg trials.
These two men provided valuable intelligence throughout 1943-45 on a wide range of subjects, including the German resistance movement, plots to kill Hitler, and the development of V-1 and V-2 weapons. Unfortunately, OSS in Washington was skeptical of both Kolbe and Gisevius as sowing disinformation.
Perhaps Dulles’ biggest success was “Operation Sunrise,” in which he conducted a series of secret negotiations from February to May of 1945 with Waffen SS Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff. (Obergruppenführer is the equivalent of a Lieutenant General). Dulles and Wolff met in Lucerne and then near Lugano, in the Italian speaking Canton adjacent to Italy. Essentially, Wolff offered to surrender the 225,000 men under his command, which then expanded to Army Group C, a force of about 585,000 men, including the German 10th and 14th Armies and Italian Army Group Liguria. By the time the surrender was signed on April 29, 1945, in Caserta, Italy, German army elements in southern Austria were included and the estimated number for the surrender was one million soldiers. The surrender became effective on May 2, 1945, five days before General Alfred Jodl signed the final unconditional surrender on May 7, 1945 at Reims, France.
Karl Wolff was a beneficiary of the surrender as he was not prosecuted at Nuremberg, despite being involved in and guilty of a number of war crimes. This would later tarnish Dulles’ reputation.
Operation Sunrise created a few shock waves among both ally and enemy. When Stalin learned of the negotiations and the surrender, he once again feared that this was part of a separate agreement with the Third Reich, and a possible alliance against the USSR. Hitler’s successor, Admiral Karl Doenitz, was caught off guard by the surrender and probably felt betrayed. In any event, Dulles’ reputation was secured and would lead eventually to him joining the CIA, in 1951, a few years after its formation replacing the disbanded OSS. He was appointed Deputy Director Plans, the CIA’s vague euphemism for what is today called the Clandestine Service. In 1952, after the election of President Eisenhower, Dulles became the first civilian Director of the CIA.

Dulles Receives the National Security Medal, November 1961. Courtesy of the CIA Archives.Dulles career was not without controversy. He had a fondness for an extravagant lifestyle, women other than his wife, and risky covert operations. During his tenure as Director, the CIA was involved in coups in Iraq (1953) and Guatemala (1954). A final attempted coup, the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April 1961, turned into a fiasco that ultimately led to President Kennedy dismissing Dulles on November 29, 1961, after the consolation prize of awarding him the National Security Medal the day before. Dulles was the longest serving CIA director so far.
Dulles had enormous influence on the post war US intelligence system. His personal negotiations for the surrender of the entire German army in Italy and southern Austria prevented needless fighting and saved the lives of many Allied and Axis soldiers.
Further Reading
Max Hastings, The Secret War: Spies, Cyphers, and Guerillas, Harper Collins, 2016, (p. 305-313)
Keith Jeffery, The Secret History of MI6, Penguin Press, 2010, (p. 509)
Christopher Andrew, The Secret World, A History of Intelligence, Yale University, 2018
Neal H. Petersen, From Hitler’s Doorstep: The Wartime Intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles, 1942-1945 1st Edition Penn State University Press, 2010. (Excellent primary source edited by a former State Department historian.)
Allen Dulles, The Secret Surrender (N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1966)
Allen W. Dulles, The Craft of Intelligence, 1963
Allen Dulles in wartime: The Exploits of Agent 110 by Mark Murphy

This article is part of an ongoing series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II made possible by Bank of America.
Walter Wolf joined the Museum in October 2019 as the Museum’s first intellectual property Rights Manager in the Curatorial Department. Walter has a Bachelor’s degree in Modern European History and a Juris Doctor degree in law. He also has a certificate in Espionage and Covert Operations from the University of New Orleans.
A first-generation American of Lebanese descent, James Jabara was intent on being a fighter pilot. Soon, the five foot five airman would make US military aviation history.
Marking the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, The National WWII Museum connects two instances of remorse for Nazi criminality by leading German politicians.
Modern mechanized armies need a robust logistics chain to provide fuel, ammunition, and other sinews of war to sustain combat operations. Fighting the Allies during the North African campaign of 1942-1943, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps (DAK)was resupplied by a concerted air and sea lift effort.
The treaty that Hitler hated even more than the Treaty of Versailles and one of the most important treaties you have probably never heard of.
Much has been made in the historical record of the capture of the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany in early March of 1945. However, fewer accounts exist of Operation Flashpoint, Ninth US Army’s assault crossing of the Rhine, which began on March 24. General William H. Simpson, commander of Ninth Army, has received little attention in the historiography of World War II.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Kasserine Pass, US II Corps passed to the command of General Harold Alexander’s 18th Army Group. When Alexander took command on February 20, 1943, one of his first tasks was to assess II Corp’s combat readiness after its setbacks during its early engagements around Kasserine Pass.
Many historians have written about the famous “Buffalo Soldiers” of the all-Black 92nd Infantry Division, who fought with distinction during World War II.
At the Arcadia Conference, held in Washington, DC, from December 24, 1941 to January 14, 1942, the Western Allies agreed to a “Germany First” policy to govern global strategy, but the question where to engage Germany, and when, remained unsettled.
Mary Bancroft was that rarity in real life, a glamorous upper- class spy. She reached that condition by the tried and tested method of having a love affair with a man who was himself one of the most important spies of the Second World War and went on to be the most celebrated chief of America’s Central Intelligence agency.
Allen Welsh Dulles had served as an American secret agent in Switzerland during the First World War. After the United States joined the Second World War, Colonel “Wild Bill” Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA, gave Dulles the assignment of returning to Switzerland to create a network of intelligence inside Nazi Germany.
Dulles sent an NBC radio technician, Gerald Mayer, ahead to begin identifying possible agents, and one of the first people Mayer recruited was Mary Bancroft.
Then a handsome, bored married woman aged 38, Mary Bancroft had dropped out of Smith College in Massachusetts, and rebelled against the ultra- respectable life of a debutante in Beacon Hill, the Mayfair of Boston, where she was brought up by her stepgrandfather, C.W. Barron, who was the publisher of the Wall Street Journal and the founder of the business magazine which bears his name. Something of a Bright Young Thing, not to say a “goer”, in the Jazz Age, Bancroft had been married twice, first to an American, then, to the surprise of her friends, to a Swiss accountant called Jean Rufenacht. She tired of the marriage, and first wrote a novel, then began to study the work of the great Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung.
She had many lovers, and as her husband’s work took him away from home frequently, she was in restless and emotionally available mood – “randy and ready”, says Dulles’s biographer – when, early in December 1942, she was introduced to Allen Dulles over a drink at the ultra-discreet Hotel Baur am Lac in Zurich. Her upper-class credentials appealed to Dulles, himself the nephew and grandson (and later the brother) of American Secretaries of State, and a partner in the powerful New York law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell. But she was also a highly intelligent woman who had been living in Switzerland since 1934 and had acquired excellent French and German.
He quickly put the relationship on a more intimate basis by asking her to help him to find some bed-linen, scarce in wartime Bern, where he lived under diplomatic cover, and she obliged by lending him some from her husband’s country chalet.
Within days he took her for a walk along the lake in Zurich and put his double proposition to her with bluntness close to effrontery. “We can let the work cover the romance,” he said, “and the romance cover the work.”
Before long both work and romance had settled into an efficient and pleasurable routine. Every morning, at precisely 9.20, Dulles would telephone Bancroft and tell her what reports he needed translated. They kept their conversation secure by using American slang, something that was more impenetrable in Switzerland in 1943 than it would be today.
Once a week she would take the train from Zurich to Bern, and check in at a cheap hotel opposite the station. She would then take a taxi to Dulles’s comfortable home, where they would spend the day preparing a report for Washington. That evening Dulles would report to Donovan over a more or less secure radio-telephone, high technology for the day. Spy master and spy mistress would then retire to bed together.
After a while, Dulles gave Bancroft the assignment of editing a book written by Hans Bernd Gisevius, an upper-class Prussian military intelligence officer who was both an agent of Admiral Canaris’s Abwehr secret intelligence service, and a member of the anti-Nazi underground. He was naturally one of Dulles’s most prized contacts inside the German Resistance. Before long, Mary was romantically involved with Gisevius too.
At the same time as she was becoming drawn deep into the web of intelligence- gathering and anti-Nazi plotting in Switzerland, Bancroft was getting more and more involved in her study of Jungian psychology, and eventually became a confidante of Jung himself.
Her relationship with Dulles soon began to cool; he was a physically ardent but emotionally cold lover who once demanded that they make love hastily on a sofa “to clear his head” before an important meeting. After the end of the war, Dulles was joined in Switzerland by his wife Clover. She lost no time in telling Bancroft that she was aware of her relationship with her husband and that she approved of it, and the two women became close friends for life.
Later, after Dulles had become the first head of the new Central Intelligence Agency and she had returned to New York, Bancroft also became close, though apparently not sexually involved with, Henry Luce, the publisher of Time and Life, whose wife, Clare Booth Luce, was another of Allen Dulles’s lovers. She became a leading champion of Jung’s psychology in the United States and wrote a number of articles in learned journals about his work.
The relationship with the Dulles family became even closer when, in 1952, Bancroft’s daughter, Mary Jane, married Horace Taft, son of the conservative candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and Allen Dulles gave the bride away.
In 1983 Mary Bancroft wrote her memoirs, which she called Autobiography of a Spy.
Godfrey Hodgson
Mary Bancroft, spy: born 29 October 1903; twice married (one daughter); died New York 10 January 1997.
The suspected mass shooter who killed at least eight people at an Allen, Texas mall on Saturday frequently posted pro-white supremacist and neo-Nazi materials on social media, according to an FBI bulletin reviewed by Rolling Stone.
The FBI’s “review and triage of the subject’s social media accounts revealed hundreds of postings and images to include writings with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist rhetoric, including neo-Nazi materials and material espousing the supremacy of the white race,” the bulletin reads.
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The document also says the alleged shooter was discharged from the military in 2008 amid “mental health concerns.” The Defense Department did not immediately return Rolling Stone‘s request for comment.
Investigators believe the shooter was a neo-Nazi and an “incel,” according to an internal email circulated by Texas law enforcement.
On Saturday, a man, identified in law enforcement documents as 33-year-old Dallas resident Mauricio Garcia, opened fire at Allen Premium Outlets. The suspected shooter was killed by police at the scene, where several of the victims were found deceased. Nine additional victims were later transported to the hospital. Another two victims later died at the hospital.
Garcia had no criminal history but is believed to have been associated with a local neo-Nazi group, according to the email. He previously reported a lost firearm to authorities, which police believe allowed him to then modify that same firearm in an attempt to make it harder to trace, according to the law enforcement documents reviewed by Rolling Stone. The suspect is a U.S. citizen who has never applied for a passport, the law enforcement documents also noted.
Garcia was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and a handgun, according to law enforcement emails. He was also wearing a tactical vest with an “RWDS” patch — a reference to “right wing death squad,” which is a term used by white supremacists. He had 10 rifle magazines and six pistol magazines on his body. More handguns and rifles were found in his car, according to law enforcement emails.
The investigation into the shooter’s motives is ongoing.
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Ukraine says it has for the first time used a US-made Patriot air defense system to intercept a Russian hypersonic missile. CNN’s Sam Kiley reports. #CNN #News
Bern, spring 1943
The quiet city of Bern, capital of the Swiss Confederation, seemed barely touched by the events in Europe and the rest of the world, but it was impossible to guess from mere appearances how the city was swarming with activity. Fake diplomats were putting together embryonic counteralliances, and professional spies of all nationalities and all political persuasions had set up their headquarters there. Bern was the privileged place for thwarting the enemy’s stratagems, trying to foresee the ends and the means of the opposing camp, and exchanging false rumors for true secrets.
Switzerland was not only a nest of spies, but also, thanks to its status as a neutral country in the heart of Europe and at the gates of the Reich, the best extraterritorial platform that could be imagined. This had been even truer since November 1942. With the occupation of the southern zone by the Germans, France had been closed off to the Allies. Switzerland had become the only base for observation in the heart of Europe, planted like a triangle between Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and occupied France.
A mysterious figure had been living since November 1942 in a handsome old house in Bern, located not far from the cathedral, at Herrengasse 23. He could often be seen walking rapidly, the pockets of his coat full of hastily folded newspapers, between the railroad station and his downtown house. He liked the neighborhood, with its medieval fountains with multicolored sculptures, its sidewalks beneath arcades, and its ancient paving stones. From the windows of his large apartment on the ground floor of a building that had four stories, he had a magnificent view of the mountains of the Bern Oberland.
In the morning, to get to his office on Dufourstrasse, in the embassy district, he crossed the Kirchenfeld bridge over the Aare (a metal bridge forty meters above the river). At noon, he had lunch at the Theater Café, where the waiters seemed to know him very well. He could very often be seen at the Hôtel Bellevue, where foreign diplomats met Swiss politicians for dinner. Most of the time he went on foot. But sometimes he could be seen in the back seat of a Citroën driven by a personal chauffeur, and smoking a pipe. He was a tall man, with a mustache, who wore glasses with rather thick lenses that made him look like a college professor. He dressed in corduroy, flannel, or tweed. He usually wore a bow tie. Elegant without being stiff, he had a habit of wearing his hat toward the back of his head, which gave him an air of studied negligence. Some people thought he was English. In fact, he was an American.
Allen Welsh Dulles was officially the special assistant for legal affairs of the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland. The son of a Presbyterian minister, a member of the East Coast establishment, this 1914 Princeton graduate knew Europe remarkably well. In 1917 and 1918 he already was an attaché at the American embassy in Bern charged with gathering intelligence about Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Balkans. He then spent a few months behind the scenes at Versailles during the treaty negotiations, with other young diplomats who had recently graduated (most of them from Princeton), whom President Wilson liked to have around him. Dulles felt all the more at ease in these surroundings because Robert Lansing, the secretary of state, was his uncle, and because his grandfather, General John W. Foster, had held that post a few decades earlier. During the negotiations, and in the years following the restoration of peace, the young Allen W. Dulles had traveled extensively through France and Germany devastated by the war. He was convinced that a solid alliance between the United States and Germany would make it possible to create a solid rampart against the spread of Bolshevism.
Although he had given up a diplomatic career to become a Wall Street lawyer, Allen Dulles had continued to be of service to the State Department. In 1933, in the course of a diplomatic mission to Germany, he had met Hitler in person. Although he felt nothing but disgust for the Nazis, Dulles was a friend to Germany.
In November 1942, Dulles was back in Bern. At the last moment, he had crossed through France from Spain, just when the German troops were seizing the southern zone. He had been able to reach Switzerland only through the providential assistance of a not overly scrupulous French customs agent who had not informed the Gestapo of his passage. Once there, Dulles had not attempted in the slightest to conceal his arrival or especially hidden the nature of his work. In the Swiss press, an article presented him as the “personal representative of President Roosevelt,” charged with a “special duty.” From then on everyone knew that Mr. Dulles was a key figure in American espionage in continental Europe. In fact, he had been appointed by the Office of Strategic Services, the American intelligence organization that had just been established by President Roosevelt in June. Oddly, the publicity around his name did not trouble him in the least, whereas it irritated some of his English counterparts, who were a little suspicious of this “dilettante” intruding on their preserve.
Dulles’s notoriety and his natural charm, but also the rather substantial financial resources he had at his disposal, meant that large numbers of people came to see him. Everyone who had information to offer (or to sell) came to knock at his door. Every night, after curfew, shadows slipped furtively beneath the arcades leading to his house, and left through the back garden, which sloped steeply toward the River Aare, hidden from prying eyes. Among these night visitors were double agents, manipulators, charlatans. Over a drink, Dulles listened to them more or less attentively. He usually put people at ease by seating them before a fire, and let them talk while he stirred the embers and smoked his pipe. “The Swiss knew very well that their country was the scene of all manner of intrigues; agents of the secret service, spies, revolutionaries and agitators infested the hotels of the principal towns”: this description of the country in 1914 by Somerset Maugham in Ashenden applied to Bern in 1943. Dulles had enough confidence in his own instincts to be able to sort out the true from the false.
His mission was to gather all the intelligence possible about occupied Europe, particularly about Germany, but also relating to France, Italy, and other countries allied to the Reich. Among other things, he had been asked to “establish and maintain contacts with underground anti-Nazi movements in Germany.” Dulles personally would have liked to provide active assistance to those movements, but he could not because of a lack of political support in Washington.
The British were of course his privileged interlocutors, even though some old intelligence veterans complained about his casual manner. He was considered an eccentric, but they recognized his talent. The French agents of the Deuxième Bureau in Bern were all prepared to work for him since the Vichy regime, in November 1942, had lost its last illusions about its sovereignty. The French agreed to be financed by the OSS in Bern, which helped them send intelligence to the authorities of Free France, now based in Algiers. Within a very short time, Dulles thus had an excellent observation network at his disposal in occupied France. The Poles also offered him their services: Dulles soon made the acquaintance of Halina Szymanska, the widow of a Polish officer based in Bern, who was the mistress of Admiral Canaris, chief of military intelligence (Abwehr). Not infrequently, when Admiral Canaris wanted to “let slip” a piece of intelligence intended for the Allies, he confided a secret to Mme. Szymanska (for example, in June 1941, Hitler’s imminent invasion of Russia). Several diplomats from Axis countries stationed in Bern, wishing to establish relations with the Allies, also became preferred sources. Baron Bakach-Bessenyey, the Hungarian envoy, was notably among them.
Things were more difficult with the Swiss. The authorities in Bern were intent on maintaining equal distance from all the countries involved in the conflict. But the reality was entirely different: the majority of the population sympathized with the Allies. Dulles soon had his own network of trusted men inside the Swiss intelligence service, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Masson.
At all times, one had to be wary of the Germans. Among the countless networks of informers present in the country, those working for Germany were particularly effective and well established on the ground thanks to the existence of a large German community. German newspapers had numerous correspondents in Bern. And there were Swiss Germanophile circles, particularly in the army. For years, this small world had been receiving active support from the German legation. In addition, the German consulates in Switzerland were more often than not headed by men from the Abwehr or the SD (Sicherheitsdienst, foreign intelligence services).
Hitler had given up the idea of invading Switzerland in 1940. He needed a solid economic and financial conduit bordering Germany, and Switzerland provided Germany, in exchange for gold, the currency it needed to procure raw materials indispensable for the war. Nevertheless, Hitler judged that, sooner or later, Switzerland would become a part of the “Greater Reich.” Rumors of a plan of attack constantly came to the ears of the authorities in Bern. The threat grew as the new strategic context became clear in late 1942 and early 1943, marked by the advance of Allied forces in North Africa and the weakening of Italy. Was Germany not going to “swallow” Switzerland in order to strengthen its southern flank? Living with the perpetual threat of invasion, the authorities of the Swiss Confederation were in a state of maximum alert. From time to time they expelled one foreign diplomat or another when his activities seemed to exceed the terms of his mission. All citizens of countries involved in the conflict were subject to strict surveillance. The Allied intelligence services were more tolerated than their German counterparts, but neutrality was not to be trifled with in light of the knowledge that Berlin needed only a pretext to invade Switzerland. The entire country lived in fear of a fifth column.
Allen Dulles thus found that his work was naturally handicapped. Nevertheless, his address book was filled every day with new names, and his scanty knowledge of German did not prevent him from communicating with all kinds of people: anti-Nazi exiles from all milieus (political, cultural, union), diplomats and intelligence agents of all nationalities—including Chinese—lawyers, bankers, industrialists, publishers, journalists, churchmen, and even German bargemen authorized to travel on the Rhine between Germany and Switzerland. He met fairly frequently with Carl Gustav Jung in Zurich, who presented his analysis of the psychology of the Nazi leaders and of the “collective unconscious” of the Germans.
Allen Dulles had very good informants in Geneva. One of his most interesting contacts was the Dutchman Willem A. Visser’t Hooft, general secretary of the Ecumenical Council of Churches. He was also well acquainted with William Rappard, former rector of the University of Geneva, who had also represented Switzerland at the League of Nations. Through one or another of his friends, he entered into contact with Adam von Trott zu Solz in January 1943. This young and brilliant German diplomat, an eminent member of the Kreisau Circle, wished to obtain American aid for the underground opposition movements in Germany. “Support us or we will be tempted to turn to the Soviets,” was the substance of his message in a conversation on Swiss territory with one of Dulles’s close collaborators. Allen Dulles had instructions to promise nothing to anyone, especially since the policy defined by Churchill and Roosevelt was the “unconditional surrender” of Germany (a formulation that Dulles personally considered a “catastrophe” because it stifled any impulse toward resistance in Germany). The German diplomat thus left empty-handed.
At about the same time (mid-January 1943), Dulles was visited by Prince Maximilien Egon Hohenlohe von Langenberg, one of his old acquaintances from the time of the First World War. Prince Hohenlohe was a German aristocrat with roots in Sudetenland, who divided his time among Germany, Spain, and Mexico—where his wife, a Spanish marquise, owned large estates. He himself had a passport from Liechtenstein, a neutral country like Switzerland, which enabled him to travel almost everywhere in the world. He was in contact with very high officials throughout Europe (the Aga Khan was among his friends), but especially in Berlin, and notably with Heinrich Himmler. “Help the SS; they are the only ones who can protect Germany against communism and maintain order in the country,” Hohenlohe had told Dulles. The prince encouraged a simple solution: elimination of Hitler, a seizure of power by the SS, a separate peace with the West, and a united front of Western democracies against the Russians. No one knows precisely what Dulles answered, but it seems that the American spymaster left all doors open in order to maintain contact for the future.
It was not easy for Dulles to communicate with Washington, particularly with complete security. Since the end of the unoccupied zone in France, Switzerland had literally been cut off from the rest of the world. Diplomatic mail was suspended. All connections with the outside had to be by telegraph or telephone. Telephones were of course tapped, and nothing confidential could be said over that channel. For telegraphy, a very secure system of encryption had to be used because the only lines available were those of the Swiss postal and telecommunications service. As a result, this work required two full-time employees out of the small OSS Bern crew, which numbered only about fifteen. Dulles and his colleagues were not exceedingly cautious. As a method of encryption, they used simple transpositions of letters, a technique as old as the hills that consisted of changing the order of letters by constructing more or less sophisticated anagrams.
In the spring of 1943, Allen Dulles learned that the Germans had succeeded in deciphering a series of dispatches that he had sent from Bern to Washington. That day, he had used—for convenience—the coding system of the State Department, normally used by the American legation in Bern. This method was even less secure than that of the OSS. This technical failure might have been very costly to the Americans if the leak had concerned sensitive information.
From that day onward, Dulles was encouraged to strengthen the security of his communications. He multiplied encryption keys by using systems with double or triple transpositions. This did not save his system from remaining rather rudimentary in comparison to the complexity of the German Enigma code.
The man who had informed Dulles of the leak was a German. Six feet five inches tall, myopic (the lenses of his glasses were as thick as bottles), his appearance was not very prepossessing. “He looks like a Latin teacher,” thought Dulles when he met him for the first time during the first few weeks of 1943. This was Hans-Bernd Gisevius, vice-consul of the Reich in Zurich, but above all member of the Abwehr, the military intelligence service. After carrying out a long and very meticulous investigation of this obscure figure, Dulles had agreed to enter into contact with him.
Gisevius had long been a friend of Hjalmar Schacht, former economics minister of the Reich. He was also close to Admiral Canaris and to General Oster, the mysterious heads of the Abwehr. Finally, he said that he had close contacts with the Protestant circles opposed to the regime. Gisevius had a Nazi past and had even been a member of the Gestapo in 1933 and 1934. Having gradually become an opponent of the regime, he had a mission to make contact with the Allies for the purpose of obtaining support for the plots that were being hatched against Hitler. The English were suspicious of him and had refused to take him seriously. But by revealing to the Americans a technical secret of great importance, Gisevius had given them a token of his good faith. He soon became known as “Tiny,” as a joke on his great height. He became “512” in the internal nomenclature of the OSS.
Dulles and Gisevius met fairly often, at night after curfew, in Bern or Zurich. Gisevius was (along with a few others) one of the first to reveal to Dulles the existence of long-range German missiles designed to be fired on London. In February 1943, he explained that these rockets were being built “somewhere in Pomerania.” In June, Dulles learned from another source that this “somewhere” was in fact Peenemünde, a Baltic Sea resort. The information provided by Gisevius was hence of the highest quality. Thanks to him, Dulles was also able to transmit to Washington precise details about the state of mind of the German population and the balance of power inside the Nazi regime. Gradually, the head of the American secret services in Switzerland was beginning to become a serious competitor of his British colleagues.
In Washington, however, Dulles did not have an excellent reputation. In late April 1943, the head of American intelligence in Switzerland received the following telegram from his superiors in the OSS:
It has been requested of us to inform you that “all news from Bern these days is being discounted 100% by the War Department.” It is suggested that Switzerland is an ideal location for plants, tendentious intelligence and peace feelers but no details are given. As our duty requires we have passed on the above information. However, we restate our satisfaction that you are the one through whom our Swiss reports come and we believe in your ability to distinguish good intelligence from bad with utmost confidence.
The post We need regime change in Russia — but how? – The Hill first appeared on My News Links – The News And Times.
Сегодня ночью киевским режимом была совершена попытка нанесения удара беспилотными летательными аппаратами по кремлёвской резиденции Президента Российской Федерации.
Два беспилотных летательных аппарата были нацелены на Кремль. В результате предпринятых военными и специальными службами своевременных действий с применением систем радиолокационной борьбы аппараты были выведены из строя. Вследствие их падения и разлёта осколков на территории Кремля пострадавших и материального ущерба нет.
Расцениваем эти действия как спланированную террористическую акцию и покушение на Президента, проведённые накануне Дня Победы, Парада 9 мая, на котором планируется присутствие и иностранных гостей.
В результате этого террористического акта Президент не пострадал. График его работы изменений не претерпел, продолжается в обычном режиме.
Российская сторона оставляет за собой право принять ответные меры там и тогда, где и когда посчитает нужным.
Published: 19:36 BST, 7 May 2023 | Updated: 23:32 BST, 7 May 2023
The Texas mall mass shooter has been named as 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia, who investigators believe may have been a white supremacist or neo-Nazi who followed extremists ideologies.
Garcia, 33, killed eight people – including children – before he was shot dead at Allen Premium Outlets on May 6.
The killer fired more than 100 times during his rampage, and he had more ammunition and weapons in his car – which he was seen coming out of before the bloodbath.
Garcia, dressed in tactical gear and armed with an AR-15 and a handgun, opened fire outside a H&M store on a busy Saturday afternoon in Allen, Texas.
He was eventually killed by a police officer – who was on the scene for an unrelated call but rushed over when he heard the gunshots outside the H&M.
Garcia was a security guard, but it is unclear if he worked at Allen Premium Outlets.
The gunman, Mauricio Garcia, was dressed in SWAT gear with a semi-automatic rile at his side. He is seen laying dead outside another Allen store, a dozen feet from the H&M shop
His gray car is seen parked outside his family home in Dallas before the shooting
Dashcam footage showed the moment a gunman opened fire and killed multiple civilians – as cops are reportedly on the hunt for a second gunman believed to have aided in the assault
A bouquet of flowers is left in front of the Allen Premium Outlet Mall entrance in remembrance of those killed during the mass shooting that happened the day before in Allen, Texas
It’s also believed that Garcia was living at a motel at the time of the massacre. Police also searched that residence and found additional ammunition, WSJ reports.
According to the Washington Post, a patch the gunman was wearing on his chest alluded to his extremist ideologies – although no formal motive has been released.
The patch read ‘RWDS’ which is an acronym for ‘Right Wing Death Squads.’
This comes after new audio revealed how the heroic officer made a frantic phone call begging for his colleagues to join him on the scene, radioing: ‘I need everybody I got.’
The officer bravely ran towards the active shooter – who was armed with 60 rounds and had shot more than a dozen people by this point – and killed him.
About two minutes after first calling for backup, the cop said: ‘I got him down.’ Minutes later, another voice is heard on the radio saying: ‘We got victims. I need an ambulance.’
The FBI and police raided dead Garcia’s Dallas home just one hour after the massacre and requested a translator to speak with his family.
Neighbors say they often saw Garcia wearing a security guard-type uniform, but he was ‘very quiet’ and had ‘very unusual behavior.’
His gray Dodge Charger, which was seen at the scene, was often parked outside the home.
Mauricio Garcia, the shooter, died at the scene. He was shot dead by a cop – but he had already let off bullets and killed eight people himself
Officers with the Allen Police Department man the mobile command post the day after the gunman shot multiple people
Mall employees embrace as they greet each other the day after a shooting at Allen Premium Outlets on May 7, 2023 in Allen, Texas
Nasir Willis and Hannah McAbee from Denton come out to the mall to reflect as Nasir has a cousin who was here during the shooting
Dashcam video showed gunman Mauricio Garcia getting out of a car and shooting at people on the sidewalk on Saturday afternoon. More than three dozen shots could be heard as the vehicle that was recording the video drove off.
Garcia was using an AR-15-style gun during the mass shooting, and was dressed in full tactical SWAT gear.
Allen Fire Chief Jonathan Boyd confirmed that seven people died at the scene, including the gunman, and then a further two victims died in hospital.
Three of the wounded were in critical condition in the evening, and four were stable, Boyd said in an update on Saturday night.
A Dallas-area medical group said it was treating victims as young as five-years-old.
Investigators confirmed they believe shooter Garcia was working alone, but they have not yet released any motive for the killings.
Fontayne Payton, 35, was at H&M when he heard the sound of gunshots through his headphones. He said: ‘It was so loud, it sounded like it was right outside.
‘I pray it wasn’t kids, but it looked like kids,’ he said.
The bodies were covered in white towels, slumped over bags on the ground. ‘It broke me when I walked out to see that.’
The front entrance of a home connected to suspected mall gunman, Mauricio Garcia
Police and FBI searching the house on Saturday night
Glass is seen shattered across the sidewalk in front of one of the fashion stores in Allen, where the mass shooting took place just after 3pm on Saturday, May 6
Payton then saw the body of the dead shooter – which was the only one not covered, he recalled.
Another witness, Kimberly Blakey, said she and her daughter, 14, were among the crowd of people rushing to flee the parking lot after the gunfire started.
She said the raining bullets were ‘non-stop.’ Her car got shot at during the ordeal as she tried to escape.
Blakey told CNN: ‘I told my daughter to get down. I could hear her start praying.’
Another witness, Sheliza Ramlall, who was in the Nike store when the violence broke out, said: ‘I had the most horrifying experience earlier. I was standing in line at the Nike store when all of a sudden people started to scream and run.
‘The people in the doorway saw the man with the gun outside and raised the alarm. All of us in line dropped to the floor and started to crawl looking for a hiding place while falling over each other.
‘I crawled behind the counter. At that moment, I realized that we were right in plain sight and and figured that I needed to get away from the front.
MacKenzie Bates embraces her mother Rochelle where flowers were left at the scene of the shooting
Residents return in an effort to retrieve their vehicles at the scene
‘As I looked to the back of the store, I heard someone saying ‘get to the back, get to the back’ and everyone started running at that point. An employee opened the back door and let us out. We are standing by the roadside shaken, crying, and hugging each other.
‘Not knowing where the gunman was or what was happening on the other side was terrifying but I wanted to get out of there so I left the crowd and started to flag the cars down to give me a lift.
‘An elderly woman stopped and I hopped in a panic. She started to tell me about the gunshots she heard and drove me to my car. I raced out of there with an elevated heartbeat.
‘I am grateful for our brave first responders who stopped the shooter and helped the people to safety.’
DALLAS, TEXAS – The gunman who killed at least eight people and wounded a half-dozen more at a Dallas-area outlet mall was identified Sunday as a 33-year-old suspected neo-Nazi sympathizer named Mauricio Garcia, two senior law enforcement officials told NBC News.
Garcia was killed after the outbreak of deadly violence Saturday by a police officer who happened to be at the Allen Premium Outlets, some 25 miles north of Dallas, police said.
Garcia, who lived in Dallas, was armed with an “AR-15 style assault weapon,” President Joe Biden said.
The slain suspect was wearing a tactical vest and was also armed with a handgun, one of the senior law enforcement officials said.
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More weapons and ammunition was found in his car, the source said.
Also, the law enforcement officials said, Garcia had several social media accounts and appeared to be drawn to neo-Nazi and white supremacist content. He was also wearing, when he was killed, a patch on his chest with a right-wing acronym.
That said, the officials stressed it was still too early in the investigation to ascribe a motive to the mass killing.
It was the second deadliest mass shooting in the United States this year was and the second in Texas in a little over a week.
A next-door neighbor of the suspect, who asked to only be identified as Julie, said she would see Garcia going to and coming home from work every day like clockwork.
“He tried to acknowledge us but seemed a little off,” Julie said. “He wasn’t somebody you could carry a conversation with.”
Still, Julie said she was stunned when she learned Garcia was involved in the mall massacre.
“You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out,” she said.
Another neighbor, Gilda Bailey, said she found three police squad cars parked outside his house when she got home. She said they would not let the gunman’s relatives inside the residence and later saw the FBI removing items of some kind from Garcia’s home.
“I don’t understand what triggered him,” Bailey said of Garcia.
Another neighbor said living so close to a suspected mass killer was “chilling.”
“Just the thought of living a few houses down from someone who can do this can be a little scary and give you more caution,” said Moises Carreon, 52. “I don’t know why people want to shoot innocent people for any reason.”
Hampton reported from Dallas, Texas. Dienst and Siemaszko reported from New York, Dilanian reported from Washington.
ALLEN, Texas (AP) — The assailant who killed eight people at a Texas outlet mall was identified by authorities Sunday as a 33-year-old man who had been staying at a nearby motel.
Three law enforcement officials who spoke to The Associated Press named the gunman as Mauricio Garcia, who was fatally shot by a police officer who happened to be near the suburban Dallas mall. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.
One of the officials said Garcia had been staying at a nearby motel. The official said investigators have been searching the motel and a home in the Dallas area connected to the suspect.
The official said police also found multiple weapons at the scene after Garcia was fatally shot by a police officer. The weapons included an AR-15-style rifle and a handgun, according to the official.
The gunman’s name emerged as the community of Allen mourned for the dead and awaited word on the seven people who were wounded.
John Mark Caton, senior pastor at Cottonwood Creek Church, about two miles from the mall, offered prayers during his weekly service for victims, first responders and the shoppers and employees who “walked out past things they never should have seen.”
“Some of our people were there. Some perhaps in this room. Some of our students were working in those stores and will be changed forever by this,” Caton said.
Recalling phone conversations with police officers, he said: “There wasn’t an officer that I talked to yesterday that at some point in the call didn’t cry.”
The church planned an evening prayer vigil in the aftermath of the shooting, which was the latest attack to contribute to the unprecedented pace of mass killings this year. Barely a week before, five people were fatally shot in Cleveland, Texas, after a neighbor asked a man to stop firing his weapon while a baby slept, authorities said.
Police did not immediately provide details about the victims at Allen Premium Outlets, a sprawling outdoor shopping center, but witnesses reported seeing children among them. Some said they also saw what appeared to be a police officer and a mall security guard unconscious on the ground.
A 16-year-old pretzel stand employee, Maxwell Gum, described a virtual stampede of shoppers. He and others sheltered in a storage room.
“We started running. Kids were getting trampled,” Gum said. “My co-worker picked up a 4-year-old girl and gave her to her parents.”
Dashcam video circulating online showed the gunman getting out of a car and shooting at people on the sidewalk. More than three dozen shots could be heard as the vehicle that was recording the video drove off.
Allen Fire Chief Jonathan Boyd said seven people, including the shooter, died at the scene. Two other people died at hospitals.
Seven people remained hospitalized Sunday — three in critical condition and four in fair condition, the Allen Police Department said in a statement.
An Allen police officer was in the area on an unrelated call when he heard shots at 3:36 p.m., the department wrote on Facebook.
“The officer engaged the suspect and neutralized the threat. He then called for emergency personnel,” the post said.
Mass killings have happened with staggering frequency in the United States this year, with an average of about one per week, according to a database maintained by The Associated Press and USA Today in partnership with Northeastern University.
In a statement, President Biden said the assailant wore tactical gear and fired an AR-15-style weapon. He urged Congress to enact tighter restrictions on firearms and ammunition.
“Such an attack is too shocking to be so familiar. And yet, American communities have suffered roughly 200 mass shootings already this year, according to leading counts,” said Biden, who ordered flags lowered to half-staff.
Republicans in Congress, he said, “cannot continue to meet this epidemic with a shrug.”
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has signed laws easing firearms restrictions following past mass shootings, called the mall attack an “unspeakable tragedy.”
Video shared on social media showed people running through a parking lot amid the sound of gunshots.
Fontayne Payton, 35, was at H&M when he heard gunshots through his headphones.
“It was so loud, it sounded like it was right outside,” Payton said.
People in the store scattered before employees ushered the group into the fitting rooms and then a lockable back room, he said. When they were given the all-clear to leave, Payton saw the store had broken windows and a trail of blood to the door. Discarded sandals and bloodied clothes lay nearby.
Once outside, Payton saw bodies.
“I pray it wasn’t kids, but it looked like kids,” he said. The bodies were covered in white towels, slumped over bags on the ground. “It broke me when I walked out to see that.”
Further away, he saw the body of a heavyset man wearing all black. He assumed it was the shooter, Payton said, because unlike the other bodies it had not been covered.
Tarakram Nunna, 25, and Ramakrishna Mullapudi, 26, said they saw what appeared to be three people motionless on the ground, including one who seemed to be a police officer and another who resembled a mall security guard.
Another shopper, Sharkie Mouli, 24, said he hid in a Banana Republic. As he left, he saw someone who looked like a police officer lying unconscious next to another unconscious person outside the store.
“I have seen his gun lying right next to him and a guy who is like passing out right next to him,” Mouli said.
Stan and Mary Ann Greene were browsing in a Columbia sportswear store when the shooting started.
“We had just gotten in, just a couple minutes earlier, and we just heard a lot of loud popping,” Mary Ann Greene told The Associated Press.
Employees rolled down the security gate and brought everyone to the rear of the store until police arrived and escorted them out, the Greenes said.
Eber Romero was at an Under Armour store when a cashier mentioned there was a shooting.
As he left, the mall appeared empty and all the shops had their security gates down, Romero said. That is when he started seeing broken glass and victims of the shooting on the floor of the shopping center.
Allen, a city of 105,000 residents, is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of downtown Dallas.
Associated Press writers Jamie Stengle and Adam Kealoha Causey in Dallas and Gene Johnson in Seattle contributed to this report.
Democratic White House contender Robert Kennedy Jr. blames the CIA for the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy — proclaiming it “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Kennedy made the bombshell accusation about a murder that’s spun many conspiracy theories during an interview Sunday with John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM’s “Cats Roundtable.”
“There is overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his murder. I think it’s beyond a reasonable doubt at this point,” Kennedy said of JFK’s assassination in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas.
“The evidence is overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder, and in the cover-up.”
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames the CIA for the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.Bettmann ArchiveKennedy Jr. cited James Douglas book, “JFK and the Unspeakable” as compiling the most evidence on the topic — and labeled denials of the CIA’s role as a “60 year coverup.”
The US government’s official investigation, The Warren Commission Report, concluded Lee Harvey Oswald acted as a lone wolf in the fatal shooting, and that there was no credible evidence he was part of a conspiracy to assassinate the 35th president. The report was released Sept. 24, 1964.
Robert Kennedy Jr. cited James Douglas book, “JFK and the Unspeakable” as compiling the most evidence on the topic.Christopher Peterson /
The US government’s investigation found no merit to the claim. REUTERSThe Central Intelligence Agency’s own website references an article calling claims of the spy agency’s role in JFK’s murder a “lie.”
The head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog expressed growing anxiety about the safety of a Russian-occupied nuclear power plant near the front lines of fighting in Ukraine after the Moscow-installed governor of the area ordered the evacuation of the city where most plant staff live. “The risk of a chemical or nuclear attack by the enemy is always there,” said one Ukrainian soldier in training.
“The risk of a chemical or nuclear attack by the enemy is always there.”
#Zaporizhzhia #Ukraine #plant
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Специальный гость Радио Свобода – Николай Петров, руководитель Центра политико-географических исследований, приглашенный исследователь Фонда науки и политики в Берлине.
Сергей Медведев: Война не перестает удивлять. Одно из удивлений – мысль о том, как консолидирована российская элита; по прошествии года и двух месяцев войны в ней практически не наблюдается ни расколов, ни обвалов, ни перебежчиков, единственное, что отпустили Кудрина и Чубайса (но не отпустили Набиуллину). Что держит их вместе – лояльность или страх?
Николай Петров: Я точно так же был этим удивлен в самом начале войны, когда мне казалось, что мы увидим гораздо более нормальную и разнообразную реакцию со стороны элит. Потом я обратил внимание на то, что если рассматривать элиту в широком смысле, не ограничиваясь управленцами, политической элитой, то мы увидим, что целый ряд слоев, групп внутри этой элиты (художественная, артистическая и прочая элита) ведут себя совсем не так, как элита управленческая. Мы видим, как много актеров, представителей шоу-бизнеса, к которым мы раньше могли относиться скептически, ведут себя, выказывая абсолютно нормальные человеческие реакции.
Объяснить ситуацию можно тем, что элитой, как каким-то реальным субъектом политики, как людьми, способными принимать решения независимо от бюрократической машины, в которую они встроены, у нас сегодня является только художественная интеллигенция, и даже не обязательно интеллигенция: люди, которые относительно самостоятельны и демонстрируют эту самостоятельность.
Что держит вместе российскую элиту – лояльность или страх?
Сергей Медведев: Наш разговор прежде всего об управленческой элите. Такое ощущение, что это какие-то кролики перед удавом: люди просто парализованы, они механически исполняют свои функции.
Николай Петров: Я бы их сравнил с командой подлодки, которая пошла на погружение. Не приходится серьезно говорить о том, что у них есть какая-то степень свободы, что они могут принимать решения не в пределах очень узкого круга и поставленных перед ними конкретных задач, а оценивать ситуацию в более общем плане. Я бы все-таки только отчасти объяснил это страхом, хотя основания бояться есть. В прошлом году мы видели жуткие расправы над людьми по разным причинам, они не расследовались, по крайней мере публично: мы ничего об этом не знаем. Очевидно, что это были в том числе сигналы этим управленческим элитам.
Но отчасти я объяснил бы это тем, что на протяжении 20 лет шла деградация номенклатурных элит. Шел, с одной стороны, естественный отбор, когда в системе оставались те люди, которые были готовы выполнять приказания, не задумываясь о смысле того, что они делают, и соответствии этого своим представлениям о морали, и их натаскивали. То есть те, кто сегодня составляет костяк номенклатурной бюрократической системы, – это люди, которые уже давно сделали для себя выбор, а дальше просто двигались по наклонной плоскости. В этом смысле 24 февраля не было для них каким-то Рубиконом.
На протяжении 20 лет шла деградация номенклатурных элит
Сергей Медведев: Реализуется полушутливый мем: куда ты денешься с подводной лодки? А тут подводная лодка погибла в степях Украины в неравном воздушном бою. Вы сказали о сигналах: видимо, не случайна был череда самоубийств крупных менеджеров, в том числе нефтяных компаний?
Николай Петров: Не случайна, безусловно. Это отчасти напоминает то, что мы видели в начале 90-х годов, когда люди, так или иначе связанные с деньгами партии, выбрасывались из своих квартир на высоких этажах. В этот раз новизна была в том, что там же были коллективные убийства или самоубийства, когда человек якобы сначала убивал всю свою семью, а потом кончал жизнь самоубийством. Что объединяет все эти случаи? Помимо того, что это все люди, так или иначе связанные с нефтегазовым сектором, также и то, что информация моментально поступала, как белый шум. Когда отравили Навального, сразу оказалось, что у него и наркотики, и алкоголь, и все остальное, и если бы потом не было тщательного расследования за пределами России, то эти версии так и жили бы в информационном пространстве. Никто специально не расследовал эти убийства – это тоже их объединяет. Возникает загадочная смерть, предположим, высшего сотрудника ЛУКОЙЛа, не просто так, а в день рождения Вагита Алекперова. Нам дают первую версию: человек оступился, упал с балкона или даже кончил жизнь самоубийством, и все, больше мы ничего не знаем. Это уже совершенно мафиозные сигналы – в день рождения, с какими-то совершенно очевидными, демонстративными вещами – все это трудно объяснить стечением обстоятельств.

Вагит АлекперовСергей Медведев: Загадочная болезнь Чубайса… Или это все-таки скорее совпадение?
Николай Петров: Ситуация мутная, любые вещи хочется объяснять какими-то конспирологическими схемами. Тут могло быть как угодно. Для тех людей, которым разрешено уйти с этой подводной лодки, условием этого ухода является хранить молчание и ни о чем публично не рассказывать: мы, наверное, узнаем об этом не очень скоро.
Сергей Медведев: Но при этом удивляет абсолютно византийская статуарность, застывшесть высшего слоя путинского двора. Ковальчук, Патрушев, Ротенберг, Сечин, Чемезов – примерно 8–10 особ, приближенных к императору, остаются неизменными.
Никто специально не расследовал убийства топ-менеджеров
Николай Петров: Это правда. С одной стороны, наверное, логика в этом есть – коней на переправе не меняют. Сегодня, по мнению Путина, Кремля, пришел черед им отдавать долги родине и тем, кто им все это время помогал. С другой стороны, ведь в ситуации подводной лодки людей, которые вдруг даже на относительно высоких постах выходят из обоймы (по самым разным причинам), просто складируют где-то. Многие вещи, я думаю, мы узнаем потом, а сегодня мы просто видим, что человек исчезает, как Дмитрий Козак, место его формально сохраняется, хотя функции перераспределяются.
Кремль старается, с одной стороны, демонстрировать, что никаких поспешных, связанных с сиюминутными вещами, с провалами, решений он не принимает, а с другой стороны, старается не показать, что какие-то изменения происходят. В этом смысле меняется функционал, меняются роли, которые играет та или иная фигура, кто-то задвигается на второй план, кто-то выдвигается ближе, как мы видим среди военных, но каких-то громких отставок мы практически не наблюдаем.
Сергей Медведев: Будем надеяться, что складируют не в зиндане и не “на подвале”, как говорят в Донбассе. При этом, как ты отмечал в своей недавней статье на портале Re: Russia, идет постепенный рост ближней гвардии Путина, условно говоря, его охранников. Если в прежние годы мы помним, как поднялся из охранников Путина Золотов, покойный Зиничев, Дюмин стал губернатором, то сейчас это просто становится системой – как Путин продвигает своих телохранителей.
Николай Петров: Как в самом начале нулевых, когда Путин пришел к власти, когда мы увидели взлет питерских, взлет людей из мэрии, из ФСБ, работавших раньше с Путиным, примерно так же и сейчас. У Путина очень короткая скамейка. В ситуации его собственной изоляции, которая началась несколько лет назад, резко сократившихся контактов с внешним миром мы наблюдаем, что он реально продвигает тех людей, с которыми общается. Есть несколько десятков человек вокруг него, включая ординарцев, телохранителей и так далее: это люди, которых он знает, которым может доверять, он с ними общается уже очень много лет. А всех остальных он просто не знает, и в этом смысле он не может никого брать из каких-то других эшелонов. Эти ординарцы продвигаются не потому, что они особенно эффективны, а потому, что других людей в качестве кадрового резерва нет.
Сергей Медведев: Это просто люди, допущенные к телу. Путин видит их вокруг себя, они ему чай приносят, дверь открывают и так далее. Он знает, что это люди, которые его не убьют, а остальных людей Путин просто не видит.
Ситуация мутная, любые вещи хочется объяснять конспирологическими схемами
Николай Петров: Ассоциации с поздним Сталиным. Только тогда классическая номенклатурная система имела очень серьезно разработанный, работавший довольно эффективно блок воспроизводства. Здесь пришел Кириенко, попытался сделать что-то более серьезное, чем раньше на коленке, с кадровым резервом, “Лидеры России” и так далее, но это люди другого эшелона, которых может назначать Кириенко (на посты губернаторов, в том числе), но не Путин.
Сергей Медведев: Олигархи потихоньку уходят в тень? Фридман, Авен, Алекперов, Усманов и так далее – какую роль сейчас играет фактически весь ближний путинский олигархат?
Николай Петров: Это как раз очень интересный слой. Если сравнить поведение олигархов с поведением бюрократической прослойки, с одной стороны, и творческой элиты – с другой, то мы увидим, что олигархи ближе к бюрократической прослойке, они не играют сегодня самостоятельную роль. Если сохраняется какое-то их влияние, то, на мой взгляд, это влияние не индивидуальное, а влияние в качестве тли, которую пасут муравьи-силовики, которая обеспечивает их сахаром, чем-то еще, но не способна принимать собственные решения, делать то, что она хочет.
Зависимость, которую мы видим, задним числом оправдывает те персональные санкции в отношении богатых людей, которые принимались скопом, исходя из презумпции виновности. Вдруг оказывается, что эти люди, даже несмотря на свою позицию, которая отличается, и понятно почему (многие из них родом из Украины, у многих даже остались там родственные и прочие связи, не говоря уже о том, что они умные и нормальные люди), крайне опасаются высказать нечто, что будет воспринято Кремлем как нарушение табу. Алекперов – это как раз один из очень немногих. Тиньков – понятно, он и не в России, и он думает о высоком. Алекперов и ЛУКОЙЛ, совет директоров в самом начале марта принял заявление с осуждением войны. Мы видим, что в результате получилось: их собственников реально оттеснили, произошла, по сути дела, такая ползучая передача права собственности, если не национализация. Значительная часть тех смертей (а их было с десяток в прошлом году) – это смерти людей, связанных с ЛУКОЙЛом.

Рамзан КадыровСергей Медведев: Страшноватый сценарий… Можно понять олигархов, которые оставлены как кормовая база волчьей стаи, силовиков, захвативших власть; оставлены некие дойные коровы, которые смотрят на них зачарованными глазами.
Хочу поговорить о челленджерах путинской бюрократической системы и о том, какая ей может предстоять трансформация. Сначала о челленджерах. Естественно, на слуху Пригожин и Кадыров. Насколько они являются несистемными игроками? Или они вообще полностью завязаны на персональной лояльности Путину?
Николай Петров: Я думаю, они скорее маргинальные системные игроки, чем несистемные. Они, обладая каким-то своим самостоятельным ресурсом, тем не менее как раз в ходе военной кампании показали, что есть очень серьезные ограничения, им может быть перекрыт кислород, их ресурса не хватает на абсолютно самостоятельную игру, они должны встраиваться в какие-то коалиции. Здесь, я думаю, и тот, и другой могут сыграть какую-то заметную роль в будущем.
Но скорее, мне кажется, мы видим в их лице то, что война выносит на поверхность не лучшее, а худшее. Мы видим какую-то публичную мафиозность происходящего с демонстративным нарушением закона. Это демонстративное нарушение тех правил игры, по которым играет вся остальная бюрократия, в том числе силовая, делает этих людей выскочками, малоприемлемыми для других. В этом смысле, я думаю, или они слишком рано выскочили, продемонстрировав себя, или они не очень хорошо встроены в какие-то более крупные, серьезные коалиции. Пока, мне кажется, мы наблюдаем и в том, и в другом случае скорее движение вниз после некоторого прыжка вверх, чем постепенное повышение значимости.
Можно понять олигархов, которые оставлены как кормовая база волчьей стаи
Сергей Медведев: Армия. С одной стороны, мы видим удивительное отсутствие кадровых перемен, несмотря на очевидный, признаваемый в Кремле провал военного планирования, исполнения всего этого, отсутствие перемен в армейском руководстве. С другой стороны, может ли армия в этих условиях всеобщего недовольства, может быть, недовольства среднего и низшего офицерского звена получить какую-то новую субъектность?

Министр обороны РФ Сергей Шойгу и губернатор Тульской области Алексей ДюминНиколай Петров: Думаю, способна в принципе, но не как единая корпорация. Потому что довольно давно мы видим принцип контроля со стороны Кремля за важными, в первую очередь силовыми корпорациями. Он заключается в том, что руководители корпораций не должны быть плотью от плоти корпораций, в этом смысле не должны всецело опираться на поддержку изнутри. Поэтому и министрами обороны у нас являются не выходцы из среды военных, а самые разные фигуры, которые получают какой-то ресурс, но это не тот ресурс, который они могут использовать в персональных интересах.
С другой стороны, понятно, что армия в ходе масштабной войны приобретает большую самостоятельность и субъектность, пусть и не будучи единой корпорацией, не имея в качестве выразителя своих интересов какой-то конкретной фигуры. Конечно, Кремлю придется с этим считаться. Даже после несравнимо меньшей по масштабам кампании в Афганистане мы видели последствия этих военных братств на протяжении очень многих лет. То есть люди спаиваются, объединяются в какие-то хорошо организованные группы с очень серьезными внутренними сетями и доверием, и эти группы начинают играть довольно серьезную роль, пусть и не в качестве единой гигантской миллионной корпорации, но в качестве вполне крупных и при этом вооруженных отрядов.
Сергей Медведев: И первые лица, знаковые персоны, которые были в российской политике в ельцинскую эпоху, все эти генералы так или иначе вышли из Афганистана, из афганских братств, за ними тянулся шлейф войны.
Николай Петров: Любая война, даже существенно более ограниченная, рождает целую плеяду командиров, пусть и не самого высокого уровня, но имеющих авторитет и способных играть дальше внутриполитическую роль.
Сергей Медведев: В этом контексте вопрос о преемниках вообще не стоит? Естественно, он ставится в медийном поле, обсуждается. Но, если посмотреть прогностически с точки зрения политического расклада, сейчас об этом даже и говорить рано?
Николай Петров: Это зависит от того, какое содержание мы вкладываем в слово “преемник”. Если это человек, который заменит Путина в его роли, то, мне кажется, такого варианта у Кремля и у Путина уже нет. Если это человек, который заменит Путина в его формальном качестве – скажем, президента страны, то такого рода людей может быть много, но с их приходом и с уходом Путина кардинально меняется сам режим. В этом смысле преемничество как сохранение базы при смене лица невозможно.
Мы видим какую-то публичную мафиозность происходящего
Сергей Медведев: В этом отношении транзит власти в рамках этой системы вообще не стоит на повестке? То, что мы видим в иберийских диктатурах в их поздний период: и Франко, и Салазар – когда готовился переход, за много лет ставилась проблема перехода власти, готовился, как в португальском случае, преемник. В России это невозможно?
Николай Петров: После 24 февраля ситуация очень сильно переменилась. Хотя принято говорить о колоссальных ошибках, допущенных Путиным, если есть какой-то позитивный для Путина результат от этой ужасной войны, то он заключается в том, что система стала в гораздо большей степени его заложницей. Степень риска того, что против него будут выстраиваться какие-то заговоры, существенно уменьшилась. Потому что в этой самой подводной лодке все заинтересованы в том, чтобы сохранять командира, пока он еще справляется со своими обязанностями хотя бы в техническом плане.

Алексей Навальный Сергей Медведев: Какой можно представить сценарий перехода? Какую взять возможную матрицу? Сталин, 1953 год? Или это скорее как после смерти Брежнева: 1982–85 год, сменяющаяся череда старцев на престоле?Николай Петров: Плюсами той и другой системы перехода власти была гораздо большая институционализированность системы. Было политбюро, было понятно, как срабатывает механизм смены одного лидера другим. И даже в случае Сталина, когда это было менее понятно, были институты. Сегодня этих институтов нет. Поэтому я бы рассматривал две базовые опции, более мягкую и более жесткую. Более мягкая – это все-таки каким-то образом контролируемая передача власти с резким изменением системы, потому что того объема власти, который сегодня есть в руках Путина, не может быть ни у кого другого, по крайней мере в первое время. А с другой стороны, более жесткая, когда Путин исчезает неожиданно, без какой бы то ни было подготовки, когда начинается грызня и борьба всех со всеми, в результате которой создается какая-то выигрышная коалиция в хорошем случае.
Сергей Медведев: Механизмы ротации элиты и смены лидера так же неэффективны, как и все остальное на этом медленно тонущем корабле.
Date: Thursday, May 4th, 2023
Time: 09:30am
Location: Dirksen SD-G50
Russian efforts to seize more Ukrainian territory are likely doomed unless the Kremlin manages to launch another draft, U.S. intelligence chiefs told lawmakers on Thursday, adding that Russia’s ground forces will in any case need years to rebuild.
“If Russia does not initiate a mandatory mobilization and secure substantial third-party ammunition supplies beyond existing deliveries, from Iran and others, it will be increasingly challenging for them to sustain even modest offensive operations,” Avril Haines, who heads the Office of the Director of National Intelligence or ODNI, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Gen. Scott Berrier, who heads the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, confirmed the analysis. “The reorganization that the Russian military took in the early 2000s meant that they were better, faster, smaller…from what they were in the Soviet era. That army largely is gone and they’re relying on reserves and reserve equipment, older Soviet-era kinds of kit. It’s gonna take them a while to build back to more advanced kit. The estimates go from five to 10 years based on how sanctions affect them.”
Many observers of the Russian military in Europe and in Washington have argued that a second mobilization would be nearly impossible for Russia to undertake successfully and would put Russian President Vladimir Putin in a politically perilous position.
Haines and Berrier’s remarks follow April statements from Gen. Chris Cavoli, who heads U.S. European Command. Cavoli told lawmakers that Russian ground forces had been degraded “somewhat” but that Russian nuclear forces, including bombers and submarines, remained untouched by the war.
Some pro-Russian voices on Twitter framed Cavoli’s comments as an indication that war has not affected Russian forces and that Russia retained the advantage in the conflict.
Berrier said his analysis of the situation was “very, very similar” to Cavoli’s in thatRussia remained an “existential threat with a nuclear arsenal that they have.”
Haines said Putin likely still aims to destroy Ukraine as a free, independent nation but that the Russian leader recognizes he won’t be able to achieve that objective anytime soon. “We assess that Putin probably has scaled back his immediate ambitions to consolidate control of the occupied territory in eastern and southern Ukraine, and ensuring that Ukraine will never become a NATO ally,” she said. He “may be willing to claim at least a temporary victory based on roughly the territory he is occupying.”
But while Putin may have hit a wall in Ukraine, Russian forces are branching out elsewhere. Last week, Cavoli testified that Russian submarine activity had been increasing in some parts of the Atlantic. Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, who leads Air Forces Central Command, recently told Defense One that Russian pilots over Syria are trying to goad U.S. pilots into dogfights.
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., asked Berrier and Haines about such actions. “Are there other instances of growing Russian aggression and…what’s the intelligence community’s assessment for why Russia has grown increasingly aggressive in these ways?”
Haines asked to respond in closed session.
NPR News: 05-07-2023 7AM EDT
That’s according to the President’s Office press service, Ukrinform reports.
On the instruction of President Volodymyr Zelensky, within an ongoing dialogue with Ukraine’s international partners, Yermak briefed Sullivan on the latest front line developments, preparation of Ukraine’s forces for the liberation of Ukrainian territories, as well as the urgent needs of the Ukrainian Army.
The parties also discussed the Peace Formula initiated by President Zelensky.
Read also: U.S. focusing on air defense for Ukraine – White House“The Head of the President’s Office thanked the entire team of U.S. President Joseph Biden, both houses of the U.S. Congress and the friendly American people for their consistent, comprehensive support to Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor state to preserve freedom and respect for international law, and restore a just peace in Europe and the world,” the report reads.
As reported earlier, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine held a meeting with the delegation of representatives from Utah-based businesses and charitable organizations, headed by the President of the local Senate, Stuart Adams.
After exhausting excuses for its disastrous military failures in the aggression against Ukraine, Russian media resort to dusting the country’s favourite ancient scapegoat: the Jews. Cnaan Lipshitz of The Times of Israel daily analysed the recent developments in the resurging antisemitism as it permeates the Russian media landscape.
Lipshitz’s “Antisemitism seen seeping into Russian media landscape as Ukraine invasion slows” article was published by The Times of Israel on September 29. In the article, he notes how the recent resurgence of antisemitic rhetoric in the past two months has obliterated any progress in removing antisemitism from the public discourse that was made over the past 22 years. Under Putin, open antisemitism has been cracked down upon. Save for a few exceptions, most rulers of the Kremlin have “either encouraged, tolerated or ignored” antisemitism. Russia invaded Ukraine under the pretence of denazifying the country. But no one of any importance on the international stage took such ludicrous claims seriously. With the exception, perhaps, of the Russian people, who after such a long time of being brainwashed by the state propaganda machine have seemingly lost the ability to think for themselves.
As the article reads, “Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has left him isolated on the world stage, with his claims of Nazis in Ukraine largely dismissed as a fabrication, making a strong stance against antisemitism less useful.”
And as the seemingly inevitable victory of the Russians, who obviously are always the goodies, failed to materialise and Ukraine started to gain the upper hand, Russian propagandists scrambled to find someone to blame the failure on. And they resorted to the oldest trick in the playbook: blaming the Jews.
“At a moment when the regime’s stability was threatened, a Jewish target was selected,” Lipshits quotes Roman Bronfman, a former Israeli lawmaker. “In many ways, this is a repeat of multiple episodes in Russian history, including the final days of Josef Stalin’s time in power.”
Indeed, Stalin’s death likely saved the lives of tens or even hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews. Not having purged anyone for quite some time, the Red Tsar instigated a new wave of repression justified by the so-called “Doctors’ Plot”, accusing physicians of Jewish origins of plotting to murder the Soviet leadership.

The current situation is a heel-face turn for Putin’s regime. During his time in power, antisemitism has been heavily censured. Lipshitz points to two recent examples of this. A man was jailed for two-and-a-half years for scrawling antisemitic graffiti in 2019, and the police in Krasnodar engaged a rabbi to fake his own death to trap two terror suspects in 2020. It is hard to tell, whether Putin’s crackdown on antisemitism stemmed from his genuine sympathy for the Jewish people or from principled convictions, it just so happened to work very well with the “denazifcation” of the supposedly traditionally antisemitic Ukrainians talking point that was used to justify the invasion. What is important is that “as Russia’s war machine stalls in Ukraine […] there are mounting signs that the Putin-era taboos on displays of antisemitism are falling,” writes Lipshitz.
And so, the can was opened, and the antisemitic worms crawled out of it.

In July, Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian propagandist pundit, himself of Jewish background and always making sure everybody knows it, read the names of Jews whom he believed lacked patriotism on air. More recently, on September 18 (after the immensely successful surprise Kharkiv counteroffensive carried out by the Ukrainian and after the discovery of mass graves in liberated areas), Moskovskiy Komsomolets daily published an article from Dmitry Popov, its senior writer, listing well-known Jews whom he called “foreign agents”, a term the regime uses to discredit its opponents and judicially persecute them. The Jews might one day form a government in “the beautiful Russia of the future” (i.e. post-Putin), sarcastically mused Popov.
“Antisemitism has returned: Jews are blamed for the ‘beautiful Russia of the future,’” wrote Yulia Kalinina, a former longtime writer at the paper who collaborated with Popov, in an article published recently on the Novye Izvestiya website. Kalinina, who herself has Jewish ancestry, was shocked by the article. Popov’s article was later revised to omit the antisemitic parts of it.
“Russian antisemitism is much older than the Soviet Union. One of the three Russian words that have become an international term, in addition to vodka, is ‘pogrom’,” another collaborator of Moskovskiy Komsomolets anonymously told Novye Izvestiya.
If the Russian media limited themselves to polluting their landscape with antisemitic rhetoric targetting perceived internal enemies, perhaps few would have taken notice. But they also decided to throw some muck at the foreigners who oppose the regime abroad. Here is what Agnia Krengel, of The Strategic Culture Foundation think tank, wrote of Bernard-Henri Lévy, a prominent French-Jewish journalist, philosopher, and supporter of Ukraine. Lipshitz describes the language used by Krengel as “reminiscent of the classical antisemitism of the 19th and 20th centuries.”“This 74-year-old French citizen, born in a family of Algerian Jews, smells blood with his nose and, without delay, flies to lap it up — and for good money,” wrote Krengel of Lévy.
The wording is not merely “reminiscent”, as Lipshitz rather kindly describes it.It stinks of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and Nazi rags like “Der Stürmer”.

“The uptick in antisemitism adds to the forces that have caused tens of thousands of Russian Jews to leave their country since Putin invaded Ukraine,” writes Lipshitz. According to the data quoted by him, about 15 percent of Russia’s Jewish population (20,000 people), have left Russia for Israel in 2022 ALONE. The exodus of the Jews is likely going to gain pace after the mobilisation announced by Putin on September 22, and Israeli authorities are reportedly preparing for it. This, in turn, will likely feedback into the perception of Jews as unpatriotic. “Already, Russian media has noted that Chabad of Russia has appeared to speak of the war critically at a time when all other prominent clerics of state-recognized faiths have endorsed it,” writes Lipshitz. “Meanwhile, reports have noted that multiple highly-visible Jewish oligarchs — including Roman Abramovich, Viktor Vekselberg and Michael Friedman — have left Russia since the war began.” As the aforementioned Roman Bronfman said, this “led to an optic of Jews abandoning ship when the going gets hard”. But he also says that he doubts the resurgent antisemitism is a move ordered by Putin himself. Rather, it reflects “the zeitgeist at a time when ordinary Russians are experiencing privations and even danger because of Putin’s war in Ukraine.”
“These are matters of a general atmosphere,” Lipshitz quotes Bronfman. “Officials and the general population are reading between the lines on how they should treat the Jews. And the message is changing,” concludes Bronfman, and Lipshitz’s article.
source: The Times of Israel
The sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon its arrival at Washington National Airport. It was August 24, 1945, two weeks after the surrender of Japan, three months after the German capitulation. The general was hustled into a van with no windows and whisked to Fort Hunt outside the capital. There he was attended by white-jacketed orderlies and, the next morning, fitted with a dark-grey business suit from one of Washington’s swankiest men’s stores. General Reinhard Gehlen was ready to cut a deal. Reinhard Gehlen had been, up until the recent capitulation, Adolph Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union. His American captors had decked him out in one of their uniforms to deceive the Russians, who were hunting him as a war criminal. Now U.S. intelligence was going to deploy Gehlen and his network of spies against the Russians. The Cold War was on.
This is a story of how key nazis, even as the Wehrmacht was still on the offensive, anticipated military disaster and laid plans to transplant nazism, intact but disguised, in havens in the West. It is the story of how honorable men, and some not so honorable, were so blinded by the Red menace that they fell into lockstep with nazi designs. It is the story of the Odd Couple Plus One: the mob, the CIA and fanatical exiles, each with its own reason for gunning for Kennedy. It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22, 1963 when John Kennedy was struck down. And it is a story with an aftermath — America’s slide to the brink of fascism. As William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, put it in speaking of the excesses of the Nixon administration, “We could become the first country to go fascist through free elections.”
Photo by Wide World General Reinhard Gehlen, shown (center) in a rare photograph taken during WWII. Even Robert Ludlum would have been hard put to invent a more improbable espionage yam. In the eyes of the CIA Reinhard Gehlen was an “asset” of staggering potential. He was a professional spymaster, violently anti-Communist and, best of all, the controller of a vast underground network still in place inside Russian frontiers. His checkered past mattered not. “He’s on our side and that’s all that matters,” chuckled Allen Dulles, a U.S. intelligence officer during the war who later headed the CIA. “Besides, one need not ask a Gehlen to one’s club.” Gehlen negotiated with his American “hosts” with the cool hand of a Las Vegas gambler. When the German collapse was at hand, he had looked to the future. He lugged all his files into the Bavarian Alps and cached them at a site called, appropriately, Misery Meadows. Then he buried his Wehrmacht uniform with the embroidered eagle and swastika, donned an Alpine coat, and turned himself in to the nearest U.S. Army detachment. When the advancing Russians searched his headquarters at Zossen, all they found were empty file cabinets and litter.
The deal Gehlen struck with the Americans was not, for obvious reasons, released to the Washington Post. As Heinz Hohne and Hermann Zolling phrased it in The General Was A Spy, the German general took his entire apparatus, “unpurged and without interruption, into the service of the American superpower.” There is no evidence that he ever renounced the Third Reich’s postwar plan, advanced by his own family’s publishing house, to colonize vast regions of Eastern Russia, create a huge famine for 40,000,000, and treat the remaining 50,000,000 “racially inferior Slavs as slaves.”
Allen Dulles may not have invited such a man to his club, but he did the next best thing: he funneled an aggregate of $200 million in CIA funds to the Gehlen Organization as it became known. Directing operations from a fortress-like nerve center in Bavaria, Gehlen reactivated his network inside Russia. Soon, news of the first Russian jet fighter, the MiG-15, was channeled back to the West. In 1949 the general scored an espionage coup when he turned up Soviet plans for the remilitarization of East Germany. When Dulles spoke, Gehlen listened. The CIA chief was convinced, along with his brother, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that the “captive nations” of the Soviet bloc would rise up if given sufficient encouragement. At his behest, Gehlen recruited and trained an exile mercenary force ready to rush in without involving American units. Also at Dulles’ direction, Gehlen tapped the ranks of his wartime Russian collaborators for a cadre of spies to be parachuted into the Soviet Union. Some of these spies were schooled at the CIA’s clandestine base at Atsugi, Japan, where, in 1957, a young Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald was posted to the U-2 spy plane operation there. Atsugi was only one station on Oswald’s Far East intelligence route; he was also at the U-2 base at Subic Bay in the Philippines and, for a short while, at Ping-Tung. Taiwan In 1959 he was transferred to a Marine base at Santa Ana, California for instructions in radar surveillance. His training officer had graduated from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, which had close Agency ties. In May, 1960, when President Eisenhower was planning a summit meeting with Soviet Premier Khrushchev, a U-2 was shot down over Russia and its pilot captured. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, later blamed his demise on Lee Harvey Oswald. The U-2 affair effectively sabotaged Ike’s summit meeting. In 1955, by pre-arrangement, the Gehlen Organization was transferred to the West German Government, becoming its first intelligence arm, the BND. The BND became a Siamese twin of the CIA a global operation. They had already worked well together, in Iran in 1953, where the country’s first democratic government was in power. Two years earlier Premier Mossadegh had rashly nationalized the oil industry. Dulles, with Gehlen’s help, engineered a coup that toppled Mossadegh and reestablished the Pahlevi family regime. The family patriarch, General Reza Pahlevi, had been banished from the country for his pro-nazi activities during the war. Now his son, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, ascended the Peacock Throne. The Shah of Iran became one of the CIA’s most faithful assets. Gehlen pioneered the setting up of dummy fronts and cover companies to support his farflung covert operations. A major project was to form Eastern European emigre groups in the U.S. that could be used against the Soviets. Both the Tolstoy Foundation and the Union of Bishops of the Orthodox Church Outside Russia were funded by the CIA. When Lee and Marina Oswald arrived from the Soviet Union in June, 1962 they were befriended by some three dozen White Russians in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Many had identifiable nazi links; others were in the oil and defense industries. It was an improbable social set for a defector to the U.S.S.R. and his wife from Minsk. By the time the Gehlen Organization became part of the West German state, Gehlen already had his agent-in-place in the United States. He was Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, who had been a captain in Heinrich Himmler’s dreaded SS and Adolph Eichmann’s superior in Europe and Palestine. Von Bolschwing worked simultaneously for Dulles’ OSS. When he entered the U.S. in February, 1954, he cleverly concealed his nazi past. He was to take over Gehlen’s network not only in this country but in many corners of the globe. He became closely associated with the late Elmer Bobst of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical, a godfather of Richard Nixon’s political career, which brought him inside Nixon’s 1960 campaign for the presidency. In 1969 he showed up in California with a high-tech firm called TCI that held classified Defense Department contracts. His translator for German projects was Helene van Damme, Governor Ronald Reagan’s appointments secretary. Von Damme is currently U.S. Ambassador to Austria, next door to the nazi’s homeland. In 1968 Reinhard Gehlen withdrew to his chalet in Bavaria. The chalet had been a gift from Allen Dulles.
Wild Bill Donovan of the OSS, Allen Dulles and the Vatican Allen Dulles dubbed it Operation Sunrise. He mounted it from his walk-up office in Bern, Switzerland, where, since 1942, he had maintained contact with key nazis. Operation Sunrise was conceived when these nazis decided, in the face of defeat, that they preferred to surrender to the Americans and British. The agreement, which double-crossed the Russians, was signed April 29, 1945.
The principle negotiator on the German side was SS Commander Karl Wolff, head of the Gestapo in Italy. Wolff acted with full authority, for he was formerly chief of Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. Wolff’s relationship with Dulles spared him from the dock at Nuremberg, but when it was later discovered that he had dispatched “at least” 300,000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp he was handed a token sentence. In 1983 Wolff made the social pages when he and some of his old SS buddies sojourned on the late Hermann Goering’s yacht Carin II of Hamburg. The skipper was Gert Heidemann, an avowed Hamburg nazi. The yacht belonged to the widow, Emmy Goering, whose estate attorney was the celebrated Melvin Belli. Belli has always had an eclectic clientele. He represented Jack Ruby after he shot Oswald. And he represented actor Errol Flynn’s family interests. Flynn (once a close friend of Ronald Reagan) has been identified as having collaborated with the Gestapo.
Photo by Wide World John J. McCloy had a lengthy career riddled with Nazi sympathies When Wolff hammered out the secret surrender terms with Dulles, he had in the back of his mind a safe diaspora for his nazi compatriots. This is where the OSS, William Donovan and the sovereign state of the Vatican came in. “Wild Bill” Donovan was top dog in the OSS. Shortly before the Germans overran Europe, Father Felix Morlion, a papal functionary, had set up a Vatican intelligence organization called Pro Deo in Lisbon. When the U.S. entered the war Donovan moved Morlion lock, stock and barrel to New York and opened a sizeable bank account for him to draw on. The priest founded the American Council for International Promotion of Democracy Under God, on 60th Street. In the same building is the office of William Taub, whose name popped up during the Watergate affair. Taub is well-known as a wide-ranging middleman for such powerful figures as Nixon, Howard Hughes, Aristotle Onassis and Jimmy Hoffa, and his behind-the-scenes maneuvers were invaluable to Nixon in his 1960 run at the presidency. Taub was especially close to Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviania of the Holy See, who arranged Mussolini’s 1929 “donation” of $89 million to the Vatican to ensure its neutrality with Mussolini and Hitler. The money went into a special fund in the Vatican Bank, and after the war part of it was entrusted to “God’s Banker” Michele Sindona for investment. Sindona channeled a good chunk of it to the Nixon campaign. When Rome was liberated in 1944 Morlion and Pro Deo relocated there. In recognition of Donovan’s good works on behalf of Pro Deo, Pope Plus XII knighted him with the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester. And before he flew off to Washington to cut his deal with the CIA, Reinhard Gehlen received the Sovereign Military Order of Malta award from the Pontiff. So did James Jesus Angleton, a Donovan operative in Rome who became the CIA’s chief of counterintelligence.
For Dulles, Operation Sunset was a personal triumph, one that set in motion his rise to the top of the intelligence heap. In 1963, by virtue of that position, he became the CIA’s representative on the Warren Commission.
John J. McCloy and the Chase Manhattan President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation “thinking there was a conspiracy,” but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. “I never saw a case that was more completely proven,” he asserted.
McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.
Photo by Wide World Major General Charles A. Willoughby, “Our own Junker general.” When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham documents the role of Standard Oil of New Jersey, owned by the Chase Manhattan Bank, and I.G. Farben’s Sterling Products with the Bank for International Settlements. Standard Oil tankers plied the sea lanes with fuel for the nazi war machine. Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.
As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:
When the curtain fell on the war, McCloy helped shield Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyons,” from the French. Barbie and other vicious dogs from Hitler’s kennel were hidden out with the 370th Counter Intelligence Corps at Obergamergau. One of their keepers was Private Henry Kissinger, soon to enter Harvard as a McCloy protege. In 1949 McCloy returned to Germany as American High Commissioner. He commuted the death sentences of a number of nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. One was Alfred Krupp, convicted of using slave labor in his armaments factories. Another was Hitler’s financial genius, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, who subsequently went on the payroll of Aristotle Onassis. In 1952 McCloy left a Germany that was prepared to re-arm to return to his law practice. He became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the “Seven Sisters” of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald’s “best friend” in Dallas.
Busy as he was McCloy found time to supervise construction of the new Pentagon building. It was nicknamed “McCloy’s Folly.”
J. Edgar Hoover and Interpol FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover “mistrusted and disliked all three Kennedy brothers. President Johnson and Hoover had mutual fear and hatred for the Kennedys,” wrote the late William Sullivan, for many years an assistant FBI director. Hoover hated Robert Kennedy, who as Attorney General was his boss, and feared John. In turn the President distrusted Allen Dulles, easing him out as CIA director after the 1961 Bay of Pigs debacle. When JFK moved to lower the oil depletion allowance, he incurred the displeasure of John McCloy, whose clients’ profits would be trimmed. Hoover, Dulles and McCloy did not belong to the Kennedy fan club. When the president was shot, Hoover controlled the field investigation, and Dulles and McCloy helped mold the final verdict of the Warren Commission. As America stood on the threshold of World War II Hoover continued a friendly relationship with the nazis who dominated Interpol, the Berlin-based international secret police. He had been obsessed with the “Red menace” since 1919 when he became head of the Bureau’s General Intelligence Division. Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe and other fanatical nazis were active in Interpol. Even after Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia, Hoover ignored all evidence of nazi death squads and atrocities and cooperated with the boys in Berlin. As France fell, Hoover exchanged lists of wanted criminals, enclosing autographed photographs of himself. It was not until three days before Pearl Harbor that he called a halt — and then only because he feared his image might be tarnished.
When the war had been imminent Roosevelt charged Hoover with ferreting out nazi spies in the Western Hemisphere. Two escaped his notice. As early as 1933 Gestapo agent Dr. Hermann Friedrick Erben recruited Errol Flynn as an intelligence source. Erben went on to become a naturalized American citizen, but never abandoned his loyalty to Hitler. Flynn went on to make “Santa Fe Trail” in 1940, co-starring with Ronald Reagan, and the two paired up for “Desperate Journey” in 1942.
George de Mohrenschildt, the Oswalds’ genial host in Dallas, was tagged by Hoover’s FBI as a nazi spy during World War II. G-men noted that his cousin, Baron Maydell, had nazi ties, and that his uncle distributed pro-nazi films. Their suspicions were confirmed when they trailed de Mohrenschildt from New York to Corpus Christi. On October 8, 1942 a “lookout” was placed in his file in case he applied for another passport.
Photo by Wide World J. Edgar Hoover: he kept alive the Nazi intelligence network INTERPOL The parts left out of J. Edgar Hoover’s investigation before and after Kennedy was killed were the nazi associations de Mohrenschildt had while working for U.S. intelligence. George’s cousin, the movie producer Baron Constantine Maydell, was one of the top German Abwehr agents in North America. Reinhard von Gehlen recruited Maydell in the post-war era to be in charge of the CIA’s Russian emigre programs. Gehlen recruited veterans of Maydell’s Abwehr Group to work with East European emigre organizations inside the U.S. Part of Lee and Marina’s red carpet treatment in the U.S. started with their arrival from the USSR. Spas T. Raigkin was the ex-Secretary General of a group such as Maydell’s. The AFABN, the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, with CIA funding, assisted Lee and Marina to get settled. J. Edgar Hoover was trained only to see if there were Communists around …the red menace. The Abwehr, Reinhard Gehlen and Maydell were overlooked by the FBI.
After the war Interpol ostensibly cleaned up its act, moved to Paris and installed the prestigious Hoover as vice president. Yet Interpol steadfastly refused to hunt for nazi war criminals, contending it was independent of politics. The excuse appeared a bit lame when, in the 1970s, former SS officer Paul Dickopf became president.
“Sir” Charles Willoughby — a Franco-German-American He was a bull of a man who spoke with a German accent, wore a custom-tailored general’s uniform and affected a monocle. A fellow officer in the U.S. army under his true name of Adolph Charles Weidenbach, born in Heidelberg, March 8, 1892. But by the time he became Douglas MacArthur’s chief of intelligence for the war in the Pacific, he was Major General Charles A. Willoughby. Behind his back he was derisively tagged “Sir Charles.” For a man of such Teutonic traits it was odd that Willoughby preferred his fascism with a Spanish accent. But this was an accident of geography. While serving as a military attache in Ecuador, he had received a decoration from Mussolini’s government — the Order of Saints Maurizio and Lazzaro. After delivering an impassioned paean to Spanish dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco at a lunch in Madrid, he was toasted by the secretary general of the Falangist Party, “I am happy to know a fellow Falangist and reactionary. MacArthur’s pre-war headquarters were in the Philippines, whose commerce was dominated by resident Spaniards. The Daddy Warbucks of this crowd was Andres Soriano, who owned an early-day conglomerate of airlines, mines, breweries (“Of course!”) and American distributorships. During the Spanish Civil War Soriano was one of Franco’s principal money-bags. When the Rising Sun flag was raised over the Philippines Soriano fled to Washington to become finance minister of the government-in-exile. But there was such a fuss over his fascist reputation that he flew off to Australia to become a colonel on MacArthur’s staff. Willoughby accompanied the Supreme Commander to Tokyo for the occupation of Japan. His preferences remained the same; when military police shook down his hotel looking for a fugitive, they found Willoughby at dinner with the stranded Italian fascist ambassador to Japan and members of his staff. He became a heavy-handed censor, suppressing unfavorable news to the States. He delighted in falsely labeling correspondents who defied him as “Communists,” a tactic Senator McCarthy would adopt with enthusiasm. But the general’s priority project was a dressed-up history of the Pacific War in which MacArthur would be the towering hero. Willoughby brought in Japanese military brass for a view from the enemy side, a move that may have had an ulterior motive. The possibility existed that Willoughby was down-playing Japanese war crimes so that the perpetrators could be protected for use against the Soviets later. This was happening in Germany where the top nazis were writing the history of Malmedy. The tight security in which Willoughby wrapped the project only adds to this impression. One woman had a passkey, the wife of Dr. Mitsutaro Araki, a former exchange lecturer in Germany, who was closely tied in with high nazis in Tokyo and the Tojo clique. Willoughby harbored another secret that only came to light last year. During the war, the Japanese conducted germ warfare experiments with human beings as guinea pigs (at least 3,000 died, including an undetermined number of captured U.S. military). The Pentagon decided that the biological research might prove handy against the Russians, and the Japanese responsible for the experiments were granted immunity from prosecution in return for their laboratory records. On December 12, 1947 the Pentagon acknowledged the “wholehearted cooperation” of Willoughby in arranging the examination of the “human pathological material which had been transferred to Japan from the biological warfare installations.”
As his final public gesture to Franco, Willoughby lobbied the U.S. Congress in August, 1952 to authorize $100 million for the anti-Communist dictator’s needs. Then he settled down in the U.S. to do battle with the domestic enemy. As Sir Charles and his right-wing allies saw it, Marxism wasn’t the real enemy, the Liberals were.
1952: The Travels of Klaus Barbie, Evita Peron, Otto Skorzeny, and Nicolae Malaxa
By 1952 Klaus Barbie had arrived in Bolivia via a stop in Argentina. He had been spirited out of Germany by the CIA, with a hand from the Vatican. Soon he teamed up with SS Major Otto Skorzeny, who now was affiliated with the CIA. Dr. Fritz Thyssen and Dr. Gustav Krupp, both beneficiaries of McCloy’s amnesty, bankrolled Skorzeny from the start. Barbie and Skorzeny were soon forming death squads such as the Angels of Death in Bolivia, the Anti-Communist Alliance in Argentina, and in Spain, with Stephen Della Chiaie, the Guerrillas of Christ the King.
In 1952 the nazi, Martin Bormann’s money was released. In Argentina, Evita Peron died of cancer at age 33. In her name was deposited, in 40 Swiss banks, the nazi money. There was $100 million cash, another $40 million in diamonds. Several hundred million more were set aside with Evita’s brother, Juan Duarte, as the courier. This led to three murders the following year:
In 1952 Otto Skorzeny, who had been released from American custody in 1947, moved to Madrid. He created what is known as the International Fascista. The CIA and the Gehlen BND dispatched him to “trouble spots.” On his payroll were former SS agents, French OAS terrorists and secret police from Portugal’s PDID. PDID are the same initials as the Los Angeles police intelligence unit, Public Disorder Intelligence Division. The California PDID was exposed on May 24, 1983 as spying on law abiding citizens at an expense of $100,000, utilizing a computerized dossier system bought by the late Representative Larry McDonald’s “Western Goals.” (McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy assassination. Western Goals has offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that feed data to the Gehlen BND.) On the board of Western Goals are such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Luftwaffe pilot. SS Colonel Skorzeny’s CIA agents participated in terror campaigns waged by Operation 40 in Guatemala, Brazil and Argentina. Skorzeny was also in charge of the Paladin mercenaries, whose cover, M.C. Inc., was a Madrid export-import firm. Dr. Gerhard Hartmut von Schubert, [formerly] of Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda ministry, was M.C. operating manager. The nerve center for Skorzeny’s operations was in Albufera, Spain. It was lodged in the same building as the Spanish intelligence agency SCOE under Colonel Eduardo Blanco and was also an office of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The Albufera building was the kind of intelligence nest that was duplicated in New Orleans in 1963. That summer Lee Harvey Oswald handed out pro-Castro literature stamped with the address 544 Camp Street, a commercial building. This was a blunder, because Oswald actually was under the control of an anti-Castro operation headquartered there. His controller, W. Guy Banister, was connected with military intelligence, the CIA and a section of the World Anti-Communist League that had been set up by Willoughby and his Far Pacific intelligence unit in Taiwan.
In The Great Heroin Coup, Henrik Kruger disclosed that the International Fascist was “not only the first step toward fulfilling the dream of Skorzeny, but also of his close friends in Madrid, exile Jose Lopez Rega, Juan Peron’s grey eminence, and prince Justo Valerio Borghese, the Italian fascist money man who had been rescued from execution at the hands of the World War II Italian resistance by future CIA counterintelligence whiz James J. Angleton.”
A subcommittee on international operations of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee prepared a report “Latin America: Murder, Inc.” that is still classified. The title repeated Lyndon Johnson’s remark, three months before he died, “We were running a Murder, Inc. in the Caribbean.” The report concluded: “The United States had joint operations between Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. The joint operations were known as Operation Condor. These are special teams used to carry out ‘sanctions,’ the killing of enemies.” Jack Anderson gave a few details in his column “Operation Condor, An Unholy Alliance” August 3, 1979:
“Assassination teams are centered in Chile. This international consortium is located in Colonia Dignidad, Chile. Founded by nazis from Hitler’s SS, headed by Franz Pfeiffer Richter, Adolf Hitler’s 1000-year Reich may not have perished. Children are cut up in front of their parents, suspects are asphyxiated in piles of excrement or rotated to death over barbecue pits.”
Otto Skorzeny code-named his assault on American soldiers in the Battle of the Bulge Operation Greif, the “Condor.” He continued Condor with his post-war special teams that imposed “sanctions,” meaning the assassination of enemies. Skorzeny’s father-in-law was Hjalmar Schacht, president of Hitler’s Reichsbank. Schacht guided Onassis’ shipyards in rebuilding the German and Japanese war fleets. In 1950 Onassis signed on Lars Anderson for his whaling ships on the hunt off Antarctica and Argentina. Anderson had belonged to Vidkum Quisling’s nazi collaborationist group in Norway during the war. Clay Shaw, who was charged by New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison with complicity in the JFK assassination, was a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht.
Photo by Wide World Colonia Dignidad. Nobody comes, nobody goes In 1952 Nicolae Malaxa moved from Whittier California to Argentina. Malaxa had belonged to Otto von Bolschwing’s Gestapo network, as did his associate, Viorel Trifia, who was living in Detroit. They were members of the Nazi Iron Guard in Romania, and had felt prosecution. They had one thing in common; they were friends of Richard Nixon. Trifia had been brought to the U.S. by von Bolschwing. Malaxa had escaped from Europe with over $200 million in U.S. dollars. Upon arrival in New York he picked up another $200 million from Chase Manhattan Bank. The legal path for his entry was smoothed by the Sullivan & Cromwell law offices, the Dulles brothers firm. Undersecretary of State Adolph Berle, who had helped Nixon and star witness Whittaker Chambers convict Alger Hiss, personally testified on Malaxa’s behalf before a congressional subcommittee on immigration. In 1951 Senator Nixon introduced a private bill to allow Malaxa permanent residence. Arrangements for his relocation in Whittier were made by Nixon’s law office. The dummy front cover for Malaxa in Whittier was Western Tube. In 1946 Nixon had gotten a call from Herman L. Perry asking if he wanted to run for Congress against Rep. Jerry Voorhis. Perry later became president of Western Tube.
When Malaxa went to Argentina in 1952, he linked up with Juan Peron and Otto Skorzeny. Questions were raised at the time about J. Edgar Hoover, the Iron Guard, Malaxa and Vice President Nixon.
Photo by Wide World Richard M. Nixon: strange friends in strange places and occupations 1960 Elections: Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy Before the election of 1960, a group within the Christian Right plotted to kill John Kennedy in Van Nuys, California while he was still a candidate. The group was a meld of anti-Castro Cubans, Minutemen and home-grown nazis. Some were sought by Jim Garrison, following his arrest of Clay Shaw, for testimony before the New Orleans grand jury. When Garrison forwarded extradition papers for Edgar Eugene Bradley, a member of the group, Governor Ronald Reagan refused to sign them. The leader of one of these groups, the Christian Defense League (CDL), was the Reverend William P. Gale. During the war Gale had been an Army colonel in the Philippines training guerilla bands. His superior officer was Willoughby. By the late 1950s Gale was recruiting veterans for his “Identity” group, which was financed by a wealthy Los Angeles man.
One of the CDL’s contacts was Captain Robert K. Brown, a special forces professional from Fort Benning, Georgia. Brown was working with anti-Castro Cubans, mercenaries similar to Skorzeny’s teams. Brown is now publisher of Soldier of Fortune magazine and paramilitary texts such as Silencers, Snipers, and Assassins. The book explains how Mitchell WerBell made special weapons for the CIA, Bay of Pigs assault squads and other customers. WerBell, son of a wealthy Czarist cavalry officer, perfected a silencer so effective a gun can be shot in one room and not heard in the next. It is ideal for assassinations.
There had been prolonged controversy about how many shots were fired the day Kennedy was killed. The President’s wounds, nicks on the limousine and curb, and other bullet evidence indicated quite a few. But the Warren Commission concluded there were only three. It took the testimony of spectators in Dealy Plaza who said they only heard three. It never considered the possibility that silencer-fitted guns were fired. When Clay Shaw was arrested by Jim Garrison the news was of particular interest to the Italian newspaper Paesa Sera. It followed up with a story that Shaw belonged to a cover organization in Rome named Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC). Its location was frequently moved, its presidents rotated; its modus operandi altered. CMC included Italian fascists, elements of the European paramilitary right, the CIA, and the U.S. Defense Department. There were major shareholders with banks located in Switzerland, Miami, Basel and other major cities.
CMC had been formed in 1961, one year after Kennedy was elected. Its principals had worked with fascist networks established after World War II. The board of directors numbered Ferenc Nagy, a former Hungarian premier who led that country’s Anti-Communist Countrymen’s Party in exile. J. Edgar Hoover brought Nagy to the United States, where there were numerous Gehlen-supported emigre organizations. On August 18, 1951, the Saturday Evening Post pictured Nagy with Czech, Pole, Hungarian and Russian exiles under the heading: “They Want Us To Go to War Right Now.” On November 22, 1963 Nagy was living in Dallas. CMC was actually a subsidiary of Swiss-based Permindex, whose president was Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, Italian industrialist and large landowner. Spadafora’s daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Clay Shaw, who managed the New Orleans Intemational Trade Mart, was a director. Another was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who would later move to New Orleans. Once convicted of “criminal activities” in Switzerland, Mantello worked closely with his fellow Hungarian Nagy. One of the goals of the CMC was that “Rome will recover once again her position as center of the civilized world.” Major L. M. Bloomfield, a veteran of the OSS who resided in Montreal, was a suspect Garrison wanted to question. In Canada he reportedly controlled Credit Suisse, Heineken’s Breweries, Israel Continental Company, Grimaldo Siosa Lines and other international firms. Shaw’s name was found among eleven directors of a company in Montreal that actually was based in Rome. Who was giving the virtually unlimited money to CMC, and who was getting it? The answer might have been found in the huge amounts that flowed out of Evita Peron’s accounts. Paesa Sera reported on March 4, 1967 that CMC was a creature of the CIA serving as a money conduit, and that Shaw and Bloomfield conducted illegal political espionage under its cover. In New Orleans, Shaw was the respected citizen who had helped restore the French Quarter. In Rome he was a vital member of the boards of twin companies dealing with fascists accused of European assassinations. Shaw’s address book contained the private number of Principessa Marcelle Borghese, now Duchessa de Bomartao, who is related to Prince Valerio Borghese. Called the “Black Prince” and “The New Duce,” Borghese was leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, a neo-fascist syndicate. The Black Prince, who was a decorated submarine captain in the First World War, was convicted of cooperating with the nazis in WW II and given 12 years in prison.
The Black Prince is the same Borghese rescued by the CIA’s James J. Angleton. No wonder Angleton was awarded the Sovereign Military Order of Malta by the Pope after the war. It might explain what Angleton was hinting at when questioned about the murder of JFK: “A mansion has many rooms; there were many things during the period; I’m not privy to who struck John.” Clay Shaw’s affiliation with Permindex would plug in later to Argentina, Spain, Rome, New Orleans and Dallas. The international range of hit teams, using CIA money diverted overseas to cover companies set up by the Gehlen Organization, started coming together after Shaw’s arrest. In November, 1960 it would be Nixon versus Kennedy. Frank Sinatra introduced Judith Exner to John Kennedy on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. A few weeks later Sinatra introduced Judith Exner to Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana. So Exner became involved, as William Safire put it, in a “dual affair with the nation’s most powerful mobster and the nation’s most powerful political leader.” Giancana was busy with more than his love life; he was hired to form assassination teams to go after Fidel Castro. The man who retained him was Robert Maheu, a former FBI and CIA operative. It was a classic cutoff. Maheu never mentioned that the CIA was behind it. He intimated to Giancana that wealthy Cuban exiles were providing the funds. This sounded plausible, since Maheu was Howard Hughes’ right-hand man. Giancana put his Los Angeles lieutenant, Johnny Roselli, in charge of the hit squads. In 1978 when the House Select Committee questioned him, Roselli hinted that his assignment was aimed at Kennedy as well as Castro. Shortly afterward, his body was found floating in an oil drum off the Florida coast. Giancana never got a chance to testify. He was shot to death in his Chicago home. The Howard Hughes organization, used as a cover for the kill-Castro conspiracy, (Hughes thought it was a patriotic idea) has long retained Carl Byoir Associates as its public relations arm. Throughout the war Byoir represented nazi bankers and industrialists and the I.G. Farben interests. One of his clients was Ernest Schmitz, member of the I.G. Farben-Ilgner and the German American Board of Trade. His Information Services was subsidized by the nazi government. George Sylvester Viereck, editor of the German Library of Information, was also in business with Byoir. A lucrative Byoir client was the Frederick Flick Group. Flick, a Nuremberg defendant released by McCloy, was the single greatest power behind the nazi military muscle. Frederick Flick’s son was close to the W.R. Grace Company, and invested over $400,000 in partnership with J. Peter Grace in the United States. During the war, WR. Grace was accused in a military report of protecting a certain nazi Colonel Brite in Bolivia. In 1951, when the CIA smuggled Barbie out of Germany, he was sent to join the same Colonel Brite. George de Mohrenschildt was a close associate of the company’s founder, William Grace. De Mohrenschildt was a man of many faces. He befriended Lee and Marina Oswald, introducing them to the White Russian community. He made phone calls to obtain Lee jobs and housing. As he told it to the Warren Commission, he was fascinated with this strange couple just out of Russia. But at the Petroleum Club in Dallas, De Mohrenschildt sang the praises of Heinrich Himmler. His travels took him all over the world on missions identified with intelligence. In 1956 he was employed by Pantepec Oil Company owned by the family of William Buckley. De Mohrenschildt often discussed Oswald with J. Walton Moore, the CIA’s Domestic Contacts Division resident in Dallas. In the spring of 1963, just after visiting the Oswalds, he went to Washington. There is a record of a phone call de Mohrenschildt made on May 7, 1963, to the Army Chief of Staff for intelligence. The same month he had a meeting in person with a member of that staff. His military connections seem to have been wide. One of the first persons de Mohrenschildt took the Oswalds to see in Dallas was retired Admiral Chester Burton.
Photo by Wide World Lee Harvey Oswald’s benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt Although De Mohrenschildt and his wife Jeanne testified at length before the Warren Commission, only attorney Albert Jenner and Pentagon historian Alfred Goldberg attended. One of Jenner’s clients was General Dynamics, maker of the F-lll fighter that would achieve fame in Vietnam. The chief of security for General Dynamics in Dallas, Max Clark, was another De Mohrenschildt associate donating money to help Marina while George got Lee his next job in Dallas. He found one at the graphics house of Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, which held classified military contracts. Jeanne de Mohrenschildt was originally brought to the U.S. by a family member employed by the Howard Hughes organization. In 1977 George was found fatally shot, allegedly a suicide, on the day a House Select Committee investigator came by looking for him. Jeanne consented to a press interview. She said George had been a nazi spy. The placement de Mohrenschildt got for Oswald allowed him to visit the Sol Bloom agency at least 40 times. It was this agency that later decided the motorcade route for Kennedy’s fatal visit.
Ruth Paine, whom Oswald met via George, had called Roy Truly and procured work for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository.
If Maydell and the Gehlen agents were active in the U.S. they knew all the right moves to secure their patsy.1960: Young Americans for Freedom President Harry Truman warned about the CIA “Gestapo” he had created. President Eisenhower left the White House fearing the new “military-industrial complex” he handed to us. In 1960 candidate Richard Nixon was qualified for the job of President. A lot of influential people were sure he was the only choice. Nixon was familiar with every red scare tactic. From his first campaign against Jerry Voorhis in 1946 for the House seat, or vs. Helen Douglas in the Senate, and working with Sen. Joe McCarthy, he knew it well. The prosecution of Alger Hiss, with such flimsy evidence, proved his value alone. But Nixon had also accumulated strong connections with members of the crime syndicate, the Vatican hierarchy, defense industries and known nazis. He knew them all. What if he lost after those seventeen years of preparation? Would there be a back-up team for the future? Could the Pentagon or Reinhard Gehlen visualize leaving the entire United States presidency to chance elections? Remember what happened to Senator Robert Kennedy on the eve of his primary election in June, 1968? They can’t get that close to losing it again, you know. With both Kennedy’s gone, Nixon finally made it. September, 1960, two months before the elections, William F. Buckley Jr. launched his YAF, Young Americans for Freedom, from the grounds on his Connecticut estate. Prior to that date, Buckley’s career was one of the most conservative in the U.S. Following his graduation at Yale, mentor Frank Chodorov grabbed him for purposes related to his job with McCormick’s Chicago Tribune. Buckley served the CIA in Japan from 1950 to 1954. He also did a stint with CIA in Mexico with E. Howard Hunt. Co-founder of YAF was Douglas Caddy, whose offices were used by the CIA and Howard Hughes organization, at the time of Watergate illegal entries and other dirty tricks.
After the CIA in Japan, Buckley was ready to publish his own magazine, The National Review. This was an unusual opportunity to bring together the world’s most conservative writers for publication and much propaganda accompanied by Buckley’s glib innuendos.
Once the publication was going, Buckley decided to bring Young Americans for Freedom to the campus; old ideas, old money, and young minds to mold. Behind the project were always the well-funded military masters, such as the YAF’s Tom Charles Huston and the Cointel-Program Nixon cooked up. The selected advisory board for YAF was a Who’s Who of oldies even then: Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator John Tower, Mr. Ronald Reagan, Professor Lev Dobriansky, General Charles Willoughby, and Mr. Robert Morris are a sample. Robert Morris may not be a household name. But William Buckley knew him well, and Morris, Nixon, and Senator Joe McCarthy were team players. Senator Joe McCarthy’s two strongest supporters for him to represent Wisconsin were Frank Seusenbrenner and Walter Harnisfeger. Both admired Adolf Hitler and made continuous trips to Germany. Senator McCarthy obliged fast enough. Before he went after the Commies in the State Department, he had to release a few of Hitler’s elite nazis lingering in the Dachau prison camp. McCarthy beat John McCloy by about three years. In 1949, during congressional hearings on the Malmedy Massacre, the bloody Battle of the Bulge, McCarthy invited himself to take over the entire testimony. He wasn’t satisfied until the prison doors flew open. The most detestable and ugly battle of World War II, an assault upon Americans and civilians in Belgium, was ignored. Hitler’s precious Generals Fritz Kraemer and Sepp Dietrick, along with Hermann Priess and many others, were free. With that business finished, McCarthy took on Robert Morris as Chief Counsel for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. Morris’ earlier training in Navy Intelligence in charge of USSR counter-intelligence and psychological warfare could be utilized well by Senator Joe. Particularly the psychological warfare part. After McCarthy died, Morris moved to Dallas, Texas. He was a judge, and became president of Dallas University. In 1961, a year after Buckley founded YAF, another conservative organization was formed in Munich, Germany, calling itself CUSA, Conservatism USA. These were not students, but members of the U.S. army, soon to be mustered out, then to appear in Dallas, Texas, by November 1963. The host would be Robert Morris. A correspondence between Larry Schmidt in Dallas, to Bernie Weissman in Munich, Germany, in preparation for their arrival, was published in the Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. XVIII.
Segments of the letters are as follows:November 2, 1962: Dallas to Munich, Larry Schmidt:
“Gentlemen we got everything we wanted.”
“It saved the trouble of infiltration.”
“Met with Frank McGee … (president of the Dallas Council of World Affairs.)”
“Suggest Bernie convert to Christianity and I mean it.”
(Bernard Weissman, the only Jew, was brought all the way to Dallas on November 22, 1963, to lend his name to the “Wanted for Treason” fliers handed out to welcome JFK. He testified that the John Birch Society paid for the ads and “wanted a Jewish name at the bottom.”)
“We must all return to the church.”
“These people are religious bugs.”
“I think in terms of 300,000 members, $3,000,000.”
“The John Birch Society has a million members. Look for us to merge with them in 1964.”
“Arrangements are being made for me to meet the heads of the Dallas John Birch, General Walker, and H.L. Hunt, Texas oil millionaire.”
(General Walker had been retired from the military by John Kennedy for his compulsory Pro-Blud indoctrination.)
“I have already met the top editors of the Dallas Morning News, the country’s most conservative newspaper.”
“These people are radicals but there is a method in their madness. You see, they’re all after exactly what we’re after.”
“No liberal talk whatsoever, none.”
“Down here a Negro is a nigger.”
“I mean, no one is ever to say one kind word about niggers.”
“Liberals are our enemies.”
“The conservative isn’t against the Niggers, he just wants to keep him in his place for his own good.”
(Pres. John Kennedy and Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy had waged a bitter battle from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, 1962, at the University of Mississippi. The integration of one black student brought in the U.S. Army and caused Gen. Edwin Walker to be confined.)
January 4, 1963, Larry Schmidt to B. Weissman, Munich:
“I want big men … believe me if I had a dozen such men I can conquer the world.”
“I will go down in the history books as a great and noble man, or a tyrant.”
“I expect to see you here in Dallas, especially Norman and Larry.”
“If Jim Mosely is not here by Feb. 15, he is finished.”
“One thing had best be understood, I am not playing games here in Dallas and expect you not to play games in Munich.”
“I am not here in Dallas for my health or because I think Dallas is a wonderful place.”
“Continue to have regular meetings and try to get things back in order in preparation for the big meetings.”
February 2, 1963, Larry Schmidt:
“We have succeeded, the mission with which I was charged in Dallas has been achieved.”
“Friday night I attended a gathering of the top conservatives in Dallas.”
“The meeting was at the home of Dr. Robert Morris, President of the Defenders of American Liberty.”
“Present were Mr. George Ward, Detective for Dallas City Police, Mr. Ken Thompson, editorial writer for the Dallas Morning News, Mr. Clyde Moore, former PR man for H.L. Hunt, former UPI writer. (Eight others).”
“I told them exactly what I wanted.”
“Others suggested using an already existing movement, named the Young Americans for Freedom, with already 50,000 members.”
“CUSA, as set up in Munich, is now an established fact in Dallas, only we are calling it YAF. I think you catch on.”
“We are starting Munich chapters of YAF. To spread to Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Berlin, Kaiserslautern.”
“We are getting every top name in business, education, politics, and religion to endorse YAF.”
“The advisory board includes 37 congressmen . . . including Sen. Strom Thurmond, Sen. John Tower, and Sen. Barry Goldwater. There is Ronald Reagan, Gen. Mark Clark, Gen. Charles Willoughby, John Wayne, etc.”
“Change all your records to read YAF.”
“All those months in Munich were not wasted. I accomplished my task in Dallas. I need you here soon. I sold these people on each of you and they are expecting you to come to Dallas and play an important role.”
“The days of leisure are over.”
“We want to see you, Norman, Jim and Bill Burley back here in Dallas.”
“Sheila and my brother will be here in August; Ken Glazebrook in Sept.”
June 13, 1963, Larry Schmidt to B. Weissman in Munich, Germany:
“Warren Carroll, our only other recruit to CUSA, is already a PhD and two MS’s. Warren is a scriptwriter for Lifeline, the H.L. Hunt television and radio series. Hunt is the millionaire oilman.”
“Warren is 32, former CIA man. Don’t worry, he has been checked out.”
“Hunt checked him out.”
(This appears to be a military action, DIA. They have to check out the CIA man, using Hunt’s security).
After Jack Ruby was arrested for killing Oswald inside the Dallas jail, there were copies of Warren Carroll’s Lifeline on the seat of his car. The section was on “Heroism,” on how to become a “hero.” This is interesting because one of the first reasons Ruby gave for killing Oswald was, “I wanted to show them a Jew had guts.”
“We want to get Norman into the Republic National Bank … where we are building our credit like crazy for the day we need ready cash.”
(The Dallas Republic National Bank was identified by the Washington Post, February 26, 1967, as a conduit of CIA funds since 1958.)
(Connie Trammel, who worked at the Republic National Bank, accompanied Jack Ruby to the office of Lamar Hunt, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1963, two days before Kennedy was assassinated.)
October 1, 1963, Larry Schmidt to Munich, Germany:
“I have a lot of contacts, bankers, insurance men, realtors.”
“My brother began working as an aide to General Walker. Paid full time.”
“National Indignation Committee will merge in the Fall of 1963, as soon as Bernie and Norman are in Dallas.”
“This is a top secret merger and is not to be discussed outside the movement.”
October 29, 1963, Larry Schmidt to Munich Germany:
“This town is a battleground and that is no joke. I am a hero to the right, a stormtrooper to the left.”
“I have worked out a deal with the chairman of YAF. The arrangements are always delicate, very delicate. If I don’t produce the bodies it is likely Dale (Davenport) will think me a phoney.”
“He needs our help now. Adlai Stevenson is scheduled here on the 24th.”
“Kennedy is scheduled in Dallas on November 24.”
“All big things are happening now.”
1963: A few connections in Dallas — Gen. Walter Dorberger, Michael and Ruth Paine
When George de Mohrenschildt was busy introducing Lee and Marina to the Dallas-Ft. Worth White Russian displaced Czarists, he managed to keep the social level equal with his American contacts. One casual dinner in the company of Michael and Ruth Paine, and that was enough meeting to set the Oswalds’ course. George and Jeane didn’t have to meet with them again. Ruth Paine would provide housing for Marina while Lee went to New Orleans. A few weeks later, she drove Marina to join Lee. After summer vacation at Wood’s Hole, Mass., Ruth returned and brought Marina to her home in Irving, Texas, while Lee was on the bus to Mexico with Albert Osborne/John Bowen, and four other Solidarists from the Russian network. After Kennedy was murdered, the Dallas police rushed to the Paine’s home. From that garage and elsewhere, via the Paines, came most of the incriminating evidence against Oswald. The alleged murder weapon never could be proven by the Warren Commission as ever having come from their garage.
The cropped photo that Life printed with Oswald holding a rifle came from a box removed from the garage, taken to the police department, then returned the next day, with nobody present to indicate where it came from.
Accessory after the fact, the letter was delivered to Marina in December undated and unsigned, to cover up General Walker’s anxiety to blame a “Communist,” Lee, for shooting at him in April and came from Ruth to Marina. It wasn’t in the home before then. The Warren Commission required planted evidence sometimes in order to divert from Lee Oswald’s links to the Defense Department, assisted by Ruth and Michael Paine. Michael Paine’s occupation at Bell Aircraft is the Defense Department. This job requires security clearances, so what would the unlikely Oswalds be doing in his home? Oswald, the “defector?” Paine’s boss at Bell Aircraft as Director of Research and Development, was none other than the noterious war criminal General Walter Dornberger. Dornberger was supposed to be hanged at Nuremburg for his war crimes, slave labor and mass murders. The British warned the U.S. not to let him live because even after the war he was conniving for another one. As stated, “Dornberger is a menace of the first order who is untrustworthy. His attitude will turn ally against ally and he would become a source of irritation and future unrest.” (Project Paperclip. Clarence Lasby.)
The very first call to authorities after the gun went off on November 22, 1963, was from an employee at Bell Helicopter who suggested “Oswald did it.” Police never located the source of both Oswald addresses that day. Michael Paine took Lee to a meeting with General Edwin Walker shortly before the assassination. Soon Oswald would be charged with having shot Walker in April, and Walker would be calling his nazi cronies in Germany 24 hours after JFK was killed telling them he finally solved “who shot through his window” seven months earlier: the same Oswald. Who were the Paines? To believe the Warren Commission and the CIA staff of lawyers, they were Mr. and Mrs. Good Neighbor, all heart, altruistic. Ruth simply wanted to learn more Russian from a native. For that price, she housed Marina, a two-year-old daughter, a new infant, with all the fuss and mess of three extras in a tiny house. Michael Paine was a descendant of the Cabots on both sides. His cousin Thomas Dudley Cabot, former president of United Fruit, had offered their Gibraltar Steamship as a cover for the CIA during the Bay of Pigs. Another cousin was Alexander Cochrane Forbes, a director of United Fruit and trustee of Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes. Both Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy were part of the United Fruit team. The Paine family had links with circles of the OSS and the CIA. Ruth Hyde Paine maintained close ties with the Forbes families. Peter Dale Scott investigated the Paines, “the patrician Paine and Forbes families.” A far cry from anybody’s neighbor. Michael’s education came as a tradition, third generation physicist at Harvard before working for Bell Helicopter. The British were correct on the Dornberger evaluation. Another clue to Albert Speer, the Reichmaster for Munitions and War Production, and General Dornberger, is their meeting as early as April, 1943. When it was obvious to Hitler they would be losing the war against the USSR, all top Nazis made detailed plans for two years on how to proceed next. Speer met with Dornberger, at Peenemunde, the missile and rocket factory run with Werner Von Braun, and instructed him in “the dispersion of functions throughout the Reich.” Translated, that meant get ready to come to the U.S.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Albert Osborne When Lee Harvey Oswald entered Mexico at Laredo, Texas, on Sept. 26, 1963, his companion on the Red Arrow bus was Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen. Bowen-Osborne had been running a school for highly professional marksmen in Oaxaca, Mexico, since 1934. The cover for the place was his particular mission, and he was the missionary. The FBI records on Bowen go back to June 4, 1942, in Henderson Springs, Tennessee. He operated a camp for boys known as “Campfire Council.” Neighbors complained it was for pro-nazi activities with young fascists. Bowen vehemently opposed the U.S. going to war with nazi Germany. They stomped on the American flag. Before that, Bowen worked for the Tennessee Valley Authority since 1933. His dual citizenship between Great Britain and the U.S. took him over the entire globe. So did his use of multiple aliases. After the Warren Commission published their report in September 1964, several attorneys in the Southwest recognized the name of Osborne. September 8, 1952, Jake Floyd was murdered. The target was meant to be his father, District Judge Floyd. Two suspects were caught, one got away. Their testimony was about being hired by Osborne and how he ran the school for assassins. Later investigation revealed Osborne’s connections to Division V of the FBI, and to Clay Shaw’s Centro Mondiale Commerciale, with funding coming from New Orleans for the CIA, Anti-Castro Cubans, and others. Lee Harvey Oswald applied for a tourist card to enter Mexico while still in New Orleans on September 17, 1963. Four other persons, having consecutive tourist numbers, departed nine days later, like Oswald, all to arrive at the same time, entering from several different cities. They were part of the White Russian Solidarists, the Gehlen emigre community that Lee and Marina mingled with. This assassination team funded Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister, and the Miami office of Double Check Corporation. J. Edgar Hoover’s Division V, Domestic Intelligence, working with the American Council of Christian Churches, had used this group from the Bowen-Osborne academy of assassins. Volume XXV of the Hearings has many pages of interviews with people who had sent money to Jack Bowen. They never met him, and some like Mrs. Bessie White, Pikesville, Tenn., mailed “$35 a month to John Howard Bowen who she believed had been doing missionary work for 18 years in Mexico.” Osborne-Bowen had a mission. Lee Harvey Oswald, agent from U.S. Defense Dept., had a team of doubles impersonating his behavior, leaving trails of anti-American frustration and meetings with various people. While Oswald was in Mexico just prior to Kennedy’s murder, the purposes were concealed. Meanwhile, the CIA and various authorities led Oswald to the Cuban Embassy, the Soviet Embassy. When the face or voices didn’t match the authentic Oswald, it didn’t matter, given a difference of 40 to 50 pounds and shape. What came from all this was the conclusion that Oswald had really wanted to go to Cuba next. Which Oswald, and why?
This was to finalize with the illusion of an Oswald-Castro admiration just days before Kennedy would be killed.
Senator John Tower and Marina Oswald One of the most consistent conservatives among Buckley’s YAF Advisory Board was Senator John Tower, Texas. If there is anything he wouldn’t want in his back yard it was a defector and his allegedly Communist wife from Minsk. Yet, two years after joining the YAF team in 1960, Tower was passing all waivers in order for Marina Oswald to get to the United States as soon as possible. Without his permission, this trip might never have taken place. Many wives from the USSR are not that lucky. March 22, 1962, Senator Tower cooperated. “The sanctions imposed on immigration and nationality are hereby waived in behalf of Mrs. Oswald. The file check on Marina by the FBI, CIA, Dept. of Security Office, Division of biographical intelligence and passport office,” (Volume XXIV, 298). George de Mohrenschildt testified in Volume IX, pages 228-229, “Marina Oswald’s father had been a Czarist officer of some kind. I don’t remember whether it was army or navy.” Her real father was never identified by name in all of the testimony. Between 1948 and 1950 over 200 Byelorussian nazis and their families were brought to New Jersey. Both George de Mohrenschildt and Marina had come from Minsk, part of the Byelorussian area. The Gehlen nazi emigres were useful to every part of the Kennedy assassination cover-up.
John Tower knew Marina was a safe bet. Otherwise, why the hurry? Our CIA and the Defense Department knew all there was to know about both Oswalds. Therefore, Tower signed the immigration papers fast.
The Argentine Connections: Isaac Dan Levine and the Ziger Family
The Warren Report wasn’t published until September, 1964. Testimony of witnesses and exhibits were being collected up to the day of printing. Yet as early as June 2, 1964, Isaac Don Levine, another arch-enemy of Communists and a so-called expert on the Soviet mind, was arranging with the Warren Commission staff to bring the daughters of Oswald’s boss, Alexander Ziger, from the Minsk Radio factory to Argentina. He suggested using CIA assistance. What was that about? “When the Oswalds left Russia they smuggled out a message to one of the relatives of the Zigers living in the U.S. They wanted help to get the Zigers’ daughters out of Russia. The daughters, having been born in Argentina, could claim Argentine citizenship. Levine suggested some confidential source in the American Government such as the CIA should contact the Argentine Government to set machinery in motion. (Memorandum from W. David Slauson: Conference with Mr. Isaac Don Levine, May 23, 1964). January 21, 1964, John J. McCloy told Commission members, before any witness was yet called, “this fellow Levine is a contact with Marina to break the story up in a little more graphic manner and tie it into a Russian business, and it is with the thought and background of Russian connections, conspiracy concept.” If there was a Russian conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy, John McCloy, Isaac Don Levine, Allen Dulles, and J. Edgar Hoover, not to speak of Nixon and others, would squeeze that out. Remember Gary Powers strongly hinted at Oswald’s role in downing the U-2, breaking up the Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting while Lee was employed at the Minsk Radio factory? Nicolae Malaxa, Otto Skorzeny, and international CIA-DIA agents were thick in both Minsk and Argentina. It was Alexander Ziger and his family who introduced Lee to Marina Oswald. That same evening they were at the home of an unidentified woman just returned from the U.S. The President of the U.S. had been murdered in 1963. Six months later the CIA is supposed to assist the Ziger daughters? One more connection to Richard Nixon.
When poor Whittaker Chambers almost collapsed from the strain of having to testify against Alger Hiss, it was Isaac Don Levine who took “Chambers by the arm, a reluctant Chambers, and arranged the meetings where he would begin to smear Hiss.” (Friendship and Fratricide, Meyer Zelig).
When Levine was searching for a Soviet connection to Kennedy’s death, he was also doing business with Marina’s new manager, James Martin. It was Martin who was selling the photo of Oswald posing with Communist literature and a rifle, the same evidence pulled from the Paine’s garage. Notice the similarity to the Whittaker Chambers pumpkin papers years earlier that launched Nixon’s political career and convicted Alger Hiss. If the evidence didn’t fit the conclusions of the investigators, the one picture would sell the Oswald assassin story.
“Treason for My Daily Bread” — Argentina and Martin Bormann In August 1971, a French paper headlined a news story, “Martin Bormann behind the Kennedy murders.” It listed an international band of killers that was located in Texas. They carried out the two assassinations at the German command.
Six years later, June 8, 1977, the London Guardian reported, “Bormann Linked with Kennedy Murder.” This story was based on a new book titled, Treason for My Daily Bread by Mikhail Lebedev. Lebedev detailed how Martin Bonnann left Europe, established his current life in Paraguay, and how the fatal head shot to Kennedy was delivered by an agent paid by Bormann, alias of Zed. Is any of this true?Many of these allegations and names come together with both Paris Flammonde’s The Kennedy Conspiracy and the Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, known as the Torbitt Document.
“Zed” allegedly used a .45 for the final shot. Buddy Walters, murdered January 10, 1969, picked up a .45 slug in Dealey Plaza and gave it to the Dallas Police. There were two possible assassination teams in Dallas. The military from Munich, Germany, that was to take over the YAF, with Robert Morris’ help, have yet to be identified or interviewed (Morris from U.S. intelligence, having to do with USSR covert work.) Gen. Edwin Walker’s arrangement with U.S. Military in Germany or, the arrival of such people for Nov. 22, 1963, is open to question. Albert Osborne’s “mission” in Mexico, with direct links to Clay Shaw’s Centro Mondiale Commerciale, has never been touched. This was the international band of killers with the Borghese-James Angleton operations working throughout the world. Otto Skorzeny’s CIA and Reinhard Gehlen death squads, with headquarters in Madrid, were funded by Martin Bormann when the Evita Peron funds were shared after 1952. Lebedev mentions “Ruth,” David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, and Colonel Orlov. The very first day George de Mohrenschildt visited Marina Oswald she was alone and Lee was working. He brought with him a “Colonel Orlov.” The House Select Committee on Assassinations “investigated” the murder of President John F. Kennedy from 1976-1978. The information about Bormann was available from 1971. Treason for My Daily Bread was published while they were supposed to be finding the smoking gun.
G. Robert Blakey, Chief Consul for the Committee, refused to admit any research or documents on these subjects. He would hang up the telephone and even refused to say if he had ever seen the Torbitt Document. Six million dollars was allotted by Congress to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy. Martin Bormann may have had his motives for his actions through the years. What were G. Robert Blakey’s? What form of prosecution should be suggested for committees paid to uncover the truth who continuously sweep under the rug? In A Study of a Master Spy, published in London in 1961, Bob Edwards, a member of Parliament and Kenneth Dunne, presented documentary evidence that Allen Dulles of the CIA carried on secret conferences with representatives of Hitler’s SS Security Office in February and March 1943. They learned that “Official Washington knew Martin Bormann, Deputy Fuhrer of Hitler’s Germany, master-minded the international ‘Die Spinne’ (Spider) underground organization which is planning to revive nazism as soon as West Germany is adequately rearmed by the United States. Official Washington seems disinterested.”
With John J. McCloy, Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover in control of the Kennedy assassination investigation, these nazi connections were buried.
The CIA’s Man: The Chronology of Helmet Streikher 1937: Trained for the Gustapo’s S.S Officers. A graduate of The University of Bonn Germany. Went to Military School at Blutordensberg, located at Vogelsang Castle.
1938: Assigned to Spain to join General Francisco Franco.
1939-1940: In the U.S. he learned English and American customs. His cover was as a German journalist working for Adolph Hitler.
1940-1941: Was with Reinhard Gehlen in Eastern Europe. He will join Gehlen when they are both working for Army intelligence.
1943-1945: Streikher worked with Skorzeny.
1945: May 7, 1945, Streikher surrenders to Allies and is cleared for intelligence, accepted for U.S. Army by October 1945.
1946-1947: He works for the OSS (Officers of Strategic Services) in Europe, Central Intelligence Group. CIG.
1948-1950: Streikher was stationed in Israel, Greece, Europe, Africa and Middle East. OSS becomes CIA.
1951-1957: CIA assigned back to General Gehlen, now in his German offices of the BND.
1958: In the U.S. Training Army Intelligence offices and CIA.
1958-1961: Helps plan Cuban Invasion. Active in the Bay of Pigs.
1961-1965: He was in Africa, Middle East, and United States on CIA assignment. On November 22, 1963, he said, “One of the worst kept secrets in the C, is the truth about the President’s murder. It wasn’t Castro or the Russians. The men who killed Mr. Kennedy were CIA contract agents.” “John Kennedy’s murder was a two-part conspiracy murder. One was the action end with the killers; the other was the deeper part, the acceptance and protection of that murder by the Intelligence aparatus that controls the way the world operates.”
“It had to happen. The man was too independent for his own good.”
1968-1970: Senior Field Agent for CIA. Disguised as a writer.
1971-1973: Back in the United States. Langley, Virginia, training and making plans under assignment.
1974-1977: Under George Bush, director of CIA, Streikher sent to Africa and Middle East.
1978-1980: Contract agent on special assignment for CIA. June 15, 1980 he retired.
Other Known Aliases: U.S. Army officer Captain William Raine, also known as Ross Meyers, Hans Mollof, Karl Rolff, and Mark Schmidt. He had nine (9) other pieces of identification in other names and nationalities, some in the form of passports.
The Bunge Corporation, Argentina & Germany The stock market dropped 24 points in 27 minutes when news of President Kennedy’s assassination was announced. 2.6 million shares were sold off. It was the greatest panic since 1929. Somebody made a huge profit selling short in many markets. Somebody made half a billion dollars in one day. Coincidentally, the Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation, headed by New Jersey commodities dealer Anthony De Angeles, crashed the same day, driving the market down. Allied Crude was controlled by U.S. American Bunge Corporation and financially controlled by a group of share-holders headquartered in Argentina, known as “Bunge and Born, LDA.” Business Week of October 19, 1963, one month before the Kennedy assassination, described the Born family in Argentina, the biggest shareholders for Bunge, as being from Europe, specifically Germany. Everything about Bunge has German influence. They have a $2 billion annual business in 80 countries. There are over 110 offices, all linked by Telex and under-the-ocean telegraph channels. The Bunge Corporation is referred to as “the Octopus.”
The book Were We Controlled? detailed the relationship of the Bunge Corporation, the foreknowledge of Kennedy’s murder, and the Argentine-German connections.
General Edwin Walker and the Hitler Nazis The Eagle’s Nest, now a mountain restaurant, was given to Adolf Hitler by nazi aide Martin Bormann for the fuhrer’s 50th birthday. It is not far from Hitler’s former summer home in Berchtesgaden. Nearby is the Platterhof Hotel, built for guests when they came to pay their respects. The Platterhof has changed its name to the General Walker Hotel. November 23, 1963, one day after Kennedy’s death, Gen. Edwin Walker called Munich, Germany, from Shreveport, La. Walker’s important story, via transatlantic telephone, was to the nazi newspaper Deutsche National Zeitung un Soldaten-Zeitung. Walker couldn’t wait to tell them in Munich that Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone suspect in the Dallas murders, was the same person who shot through his window in April, 1963. There was never one shred of evidence, or a reliable witness, that could make this connection Dallas police and FBI were taken by surprise. In order to cover this over-exuberance of trying to link a Marxist assassin to this altercation, it became necessary to have Ruth Paine deliver that ridiculous letter to Marina Oswald on December 3, 1964. The delayed letter was to have been written the night Lee was out shooting in Walker’s home. The only piece of bullet that remained in custody was never positively identified as coming from the 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano, and there is no proof Oswald even handled this rifle. Why was General Walker in such a hurry to get his information printed in Germany before anybody in Dallas ever heard about it? Kurt-George Kiesinger had just been installed as Chancellor of West Germany and Franz-Josef Straus as finance minister. Kissinger entered the radio propaganda division of nazi Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop at age 36. He was then directing a world-wide radio propaganda apparatus with 195 specialists under his supervision during the war. He was the liaison officer, coordinating his department’s work with that of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Richard Nixon and Kurt-George Kiesinger were soon, or maybe before, to become pals. Nixon tried to hide his nazi past. But General Walker, now home from military service in Munich, knew the importance of such propaganda. He was calling the same people who, under Hitler, published and controlled the newspapers. There were two motives for this call. First, it gave international attention to the fact that Oswald, the Marxist gunman, was shooting at Walker as well as the President. General Walker knew too many people in the Defense Department and in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that could be part of this assassination. He made himself appear as a victim instead of a suspect. The other reason, along with the expertise of Robert Morris’s counter-intelligence and psychological warfare training, was to create a profile for Lee Harvey Oswald. No possible motive could explain why Oswald would really want to kill President Kennedy. By having Oswald appear to shoot the right-wing General Walker with his John Birch connections, his militant anti-communist stance, then shoot John Kennedy, the same Commie-symp Walker was accusing of treason, it would appear that Oswald was just nuts. He didn’t know right from left. The Munich newspaper Walker called was linked to the World Movement for a Second Anti-Komintern, part of the Gehlen and U.S. right. Some of Hitler’s ex-nazis and SS-men were on the Staff. The editor, Gerhard Frey, was a close friend with various nazi members of the Witiko League. The Witiko League and the Sudetendeutch Landsmannscraft were organizations for displaced refugees. By the summer of 1948 they formed large organizations and by 1955 Dr. Walter Becher was elected to the executive board of the Witiko League. Becher was one of the kingpins of nazi front organizations. Sen. Joe McCarthy, Charles Willoughby, Gen. Edwin Walker, and Robert Morris’ links to the German nazis converged when Dr. Walter Becher set up offices in Washington, D.C. in 1950. By July 16, 1957, Becher, praised by American Opinion and other extreme right publications, started his policy of liberation. General Douglas MacArthur, Senator Joe McCarthy, General Willoughby, members of the U.S. Congress or public officials then started openly to meet with and cooperate with the nazi resurgence. Dan Smooth, former Dallas FBI agent is the type of person who kept strong nazi ties with Dr. Becher in Munich, to Western Goals today. His printed sheets were identical to the Goebbels propaganda years ago, or to Walker’s disinformation one day after Kennedy was killed. Volkmar Schmidt came from Munich, Germany, to work full time for General Walker. How long did he work, and where was he on November 23, 1963, when Walker made the call to the same city the CUSA imports came from?
The YAF crowd in Dallas was an interesting gang: Col. Charles Willoughby, intelligence Chief for S. Pacific, Robert Morris, U.S. counter-intelligence and psychological warfare, Gen Edwin Walker, brought home from Munich by JFK, William Buckley, CIA in Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere, Sen. John Tower, who gave the okay for Marina Oswald.
1964: The Warren Commission President Lyndon Johnson was forced to select a commission to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. Texas authorities were supposed to do the original investigation. There were too many suspicious people around the world who believed a conspiracy existed. Those rumors had to be squelched. J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI never budged from its conclusion that Lee Harvey acted alone. Whatever evidence didn’t fit this decision was ignored.
Twenty-six volumes of witness testimony and exhibits were published. 8000 copies were sold. No more reprints. The contradiction between the conclusions of the Warren Report, and the abundance of discrepancies in the other volumes, makes fascinating reading.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, John J. McCloy, and Allen Dulles were the logical choices for LBJ. President Kennedy didn’t trust Allen Dulles as CIA Director. Now JFK was dead and Dulles would be in charge of all possible “conspiracy” segments. Richard Nixon, temporarily retired from politics for the first time since 1946, selected Rep. Gerald Ford to be on this Commission. Nixon selected Ford a second time when he ran home to escape impeachment during Watergate. One of the first subjects for commission members to share in January, one month before witnesses were selected, was the matter of Lee Harvey Oswald being a government agent. Gerald Ford was the only member of the group to write a book on the assassination. His book opened with the hushed and secret meeting where allegations had been received that Oswald worked for the FBI. What Ford left out of his book, and the commissioners ignored in their Report, was that Oswald was also identified as working for the CIA. Commission Chairman Earl Warren and Commission Attorney Leon Jaworski knew about this. They stated that “Mr. Belli, attorney for Jack L. Ruby, was familiar with these allegations.” Oswald’s informant number was Number 110669. How was that for a starter? The next move was to start building the myth about the deceased and ignore fact one, stated above. This grand commission would call in a doctor who never met Lee Oswald or Jack Ruby to assist them with their project, covering up. Justice Warren suggested bringing in Dr. Overholser, who “of course is not a lawyer. He is a doctor from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.” As the Chairman went on to explain, “we felt we ought to have someone who, in that field, could advise us on matters concerning the life of Oswald and possibly the life of Ruby also.” The next order of business was who should write the Report for them? By January 21, 1964, that had to be decided. Chairman Earl Warren said, “we consulted with the Defense Department, and they have offered to lend us one of their historians to do this job, and we think that it is quite essential to the work of the Commission.” Mr. Goldberg would assist from the Air Force. Mr. Cokery was from the Army. “Mr. Winnaker recommended them,” Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin offered. “We would work with them to try to anticipate all of the various historical aspects.” “Who’s Who in the CIA” described “Mr. Winnaker” as having been born in Germany in 1904. His full name is Dr. Rudolph August Winnacker. He was an analyst for the OSS, historian in the War Department from 1945-1949, and then Chief of Historical Division of the Pentagon.”
Was Winnaker the ilk of Willoughby? Or Reinhard Gehlen? When did he come here from Germany? Where is he now?
Photo by Manuel Gonzales Bustos Gehlen after the 1972 funeral of Wehrmacht Col. Gen. Franz Halder Marina Oswald was the first witness to testify on February 3, 1964. Warren wanted nothing more than to make her comfortable. The first question dealt with the General Walker story because Walker had blown it by calling Munich so soon. That scandal had to be put to rest right away. Warren asked Marina “if Exhibit 2 was familiar to her because it was a picture of General Walker’s house?” Marina said, “no,” but that wasn’t good enough. She was asked again, and once more said, “I didn’t see it, at least, taken from this view I can’t recognize it. I never saw the house itself at any time in my life.” That wasn’t sufficient. She just couldn’t remember “this particular one.” Chairman Warren was ready to go “off the record.” They had only just begun. Chief Counsel Rankin suggested he show her “more pictures,” then maybe she would recognize the Walker home. This time she was given a selection of a location in New Orleans, two snapshots from Leningrad, and the same shot of the Walker home. Because Walker wasn’t living in a castle in Leningrad, Marina assumed that house in Dallas must belong to “General Walker.” Therefore this was admitted for identification. The Defense Department history could then proceed. “Marina Oswald positively identified the photograph of General Walker’s home among Lee’s possessions.” There are a lot of things that remain to be said about this commission and their phoney report. Admission of an old card trick at the beginning set the tone for what was to follow. What was never supposed to come out was the use of Reinhard Gehlen agents surrounding Lee and Marina Oswald for the purposes of covering up the assassination conspiracy. Two Lee Harvey Oswalds existed. One memorized the Marine manual by age 17, went directly into radar and electronic work. He trained at U-2 bases, learned the Russian language, got himself into and out of the Soviet Union, wrote clear and literate letters. He was met, upon arriving home, by Government agents, provided with occupations, fathered two children, owed no debts, traveled around a great deal, met with interesting oil geologists, defense department and intelligence agents. Their social circle included the “Cabots and Lodges” from Czarist Russia, Admirals and some fancy folks. The other Oswald was one developed by the Warren Commission to divert attention from the facts. Nobody ever saw the original “diary” that he couldn’t have possibly written.
Every Gehlen witness and emigre associated with the CIA, Tolstoy Foundation, or Greek Orthodox Church was directed towards the most ridiculous questions. From all that garbage the Defense Department wrote the history.
The last thing that should happen is for the warriors to interpret and define for us. The facts speak for themselves. Mae Brussell is a researcher based in Carmel, California. Her weekly radio program, World Watchers, has been broadcast for the last thirteen years
WASHINGTON — Adolf Hitler’s top intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence during World War II, according to a transcript made available Tuesday of secret testimony by Allen Dulles before a House committee in 1947.
The Nazi officials provided information about Germany’s missile program that led to the allied bombing of the bases from which the Germans launched rockets against Britain, Dulles told the committee.
Dulles testified June 27, 1947, at a hearing by the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments that laid the basis for establishment later that year of the Central Intelligence Agency. Dulles became CIA director.
The House Government Operations Committee, successor to the expenditures committee, voted unanimously Tuesday to release the transcript.
Dulles, identified in the transcript as ‘Mr. B,’ was a key figure during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA.
The transcript of his testimony confirmed previous disclosures over the years on how U.S. intelligence had penetrated key Nazi organizations.
Dulles said about 10 percent of the Abwehr, the German central intelligence agency operating under the joint chiefs of staff, turned against Hitler because they were ‘disgusted with Hitler’s tactics’ and opposed his ‘treatment of the Russians.’
‘I had a certain measure of success in penetrating the German intelligence service, the German Foreign Office, and certain other of the German agencies,’ he testified.
While he was OSS chief operating out of neutral Switzerland, top German counterintelligence officials like Adm. Wilhelm Canaris, who headed the Abwehr, and Canaris’ deputy were in direct touch with him, Dulles told the committee.
They and others, including two agents attached to the German Consulate at Zurich, ‘furnished information to me of a very valuable nature,’ Dulles said.
‘I think we received some of the first information we had about the German development of the guided missile, and some of the first clues that led us to the bombing of Peenemuende and things of that kind from men in the German Intelligence Service working for us,’ Dulles said.
Peenemuende was the German missile construction base on the Baltic coast where scientists like Wernher von Braun, who later worked for the U.S. space program, developed the devastating V-1 and V-2 rockets launched against England from coastal bases in occupied France.
After the location of the bases became known, the Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Corps bombed them repeatedly.
Asked whether it was not true that Canaris was in fact his agent, Dulles replied: ‘That is going a little far.’
But Dulles said, ‘I had working with me several of the men in Canaris’ organization and I was in direct touch with Canaris, especially with General Oster, who was chief of staff and in charge of his intelligence.’
‘About 10 percent of the Abwehr became anti-Nazi,’ Dulles said. ‘They became disgusted with Hitler’s tactics and they opposed Hitler’s activities against the Russians and his treatment of the Russians and, as a result, it was possible to penetrate the Abwehr.’
Dulles told the committee the top five officials of the German intelligence agency, including Canaris and Oster, ‘were all executed as traitors.’
‘There was a good reason for that?’ a congressman asked.
‘Yes, they were traitors in the German sense. There is no doubt. Two of the men worked with me,’ Dulles replied.
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January 6, 1983, Section A, Page 27Buy Reprints
Two spy stories – hidden for more than a generation – surfaced last week, each knifing to the heart of the questions ”What is treason? What is patriotism?”
The House of Representatives made public 1947 secret testimony on the legislative history of the Central Intelligence Agency. Allen Dulles, who had been our spymaster in Europe during World War II and later headed the C.I.A., revealed that throughout the war ”I was in direct touch with Canaris.”
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was the head of the Abwehr, Germany’s military intelligence organization. ”They furnished information to me,” testified Dulles, ”… about the German development of the guided missiles, and some of the first clues that led to the bombing of Peenemunde.” He added, ”The top five men in the German intelligence service were all executed as traitors.”
Asked if that judgment was reasonable, Mr. Dulles replied: ”They were traitors in the German sense …” Ten percent of the Abwehr were anti-Nazi because ”they became disgusted with Hitler’s tactics.”
Thus, because the German officer worked actively against his country’s barbarous government, Admiral Canaris was hanged by the Gestapo and branded ”traitor” even by the American who dealt with him.
Switch now to our side, and to the forthcoming autobiography of Michael Straight. Mr. Straight was given every advantage that American money and high society could provide. His mother was a multimillionaire, his father a respected artist. After an education at Cambridge, in England, the handsome and personable young man took tea with Mrs. Roosevelt and wound up in the State Department and as a minor speechwriter in F.D.R.’s White House. He dabbled in journalism as an editor of The New Republic, which his liberal parents had founded.
He served honorably in World War II training to be a bomber pilot; after the war, he joined the most brow-furrowing committees, wrote a book denouncing McCarthyism and swam easily in the cultural waters. The momentum he built on the Kennedy Arts Council earned him an appointment during the Nixon years as deputy chairman of the National Endowment on the Arts. An exemplary public life.
His clandestine life began in England when he was recruited by the Cambridge don and Soviet agent, An-thony Blunt. Mr. Straight was sent home to the U.S. to become a high-level ”mole.” While in F.D.R.’s White House, he admits to having given five political analyses to his Soviet control officer, which he insists drew on no secret information. (How delicious it must have been for a Red under the bed to deride Joe McCarthy for looking for Reds under the bed.)
His greatest contribution to the Soviet spy system came in 1951, when he ran into another of Mr. Blunt’s recruits, Guy Burgess, in Washington. The thought crossed Mr. Straight’s mind that Mr. Burgess was running an espionage operation out of the British Embassy which had probably cost thousands of American lives in the Korean War. Did he turn his old friend in, and thereby compromise the worldwide web of Soviet agents? Hardly; Mr. Straight relates with great pride how he told the top Soviet agent to stop spying and go home. Mr. Burgess promptly picked up his partner and lover, Donald Maclean, and fled to Moscow in the most famous spy defection of our time.
Over a decade later, when Mr. Straight wanted a place in the cultural whirl of John Kennedy’s Washington, he told his friend Arthur Schlesinger Jr. that the F.B.I. ought to be made aware of a few events in the Straight past. His belated confession – made not after a sudden insight that loyalty to country comes before loyalty to college chums, but strictly to clear his career path – led to the end of the spying of Anthony Blunt in London. The F.B.I. paid off by treating its well-connected witness the way the British Old Boy Network treats its high-born embarrassments: by giving Mr. Straight a clearance for future government jobs and decades of guaranteed silence.
Can Michael Straight fairly be called a traitor? Not really, because no purpose or passion guided his double life. Evidently that word is not currently applied to White House aides who do political analysis for the Kremlin, or to citizens who fail to report what they know to be espionage until the spy is safely gone.
In that light, let us reconsider Allen Dulles’s too-quick assessment of Wilhelm Canaris. Here was a man who placed his honor as a German officer, his duty to his fatherland and his responsibility as a human being ahead of his loyalty to a mad leader. With courage and clarity of purpose, Admiral Canaris deliberately dared to commit the crime of high treason – and needs no self-justifying memoir to be remembered not as a traitor but as a patriot.
NPR News: 05-06-2023 5AM EDT
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- Hitler, Abwehr, and Canaris – Google Search
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— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2023
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- Critical Analysis of German Operational Intelligence Part II – critica_analysis_ii.pdf
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- (8) The German Spy Who Sabotaged Hitler | Secrets Of War | War Stories – YouTube
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- Michael Novakhov on Twitter: “TNT #TNT FBI #FBI Intel #Intel #NewAbwehr The #News And #Times The FBI News #Review The “Diagnostic Triad” of the New Abwehr Operations: JUDEOPHOBIA, HOMOPHOBIA, AUSTRIA-PHOBIA. REINVESTIGATE THE 9/11!” / Twitter
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- Election 2019 and Anthony Weiner case as the Illustration of the hypothetical New Abwehr diagnostic triad: Specific and typical GERMAN antisemitism, homophobically tinged fear of racial miscegenation, austria-phobia – Google Search
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- Hitler, Abwehr, and Canaris – Google Search
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- Putin and anti-Western intelligence operations – Google Search
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- Michael Novakhov: The Signs (diagnostic triad) of the New Abwehr Operations – Google Search
New Abwehr Hypothesis – Google Search
— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2023
- the remnants of the old, original Abwehr of Canaris, including the Gehlen organization, and later the BND and other related services,
- the KGB and all its past and future reincarnations,
- and the East German STASI, which joined them later but probably made the very significant contributions.
Psychoanalysis of intelligence operations and psychohistory of abwehr – 5.2.23
Psychoanalysis of intelligence operations
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Psychohistory of Abwehr
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— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2023
The sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon its arrival at Washington National Airport. It was August 24, 1945, two weeks after the surrender of Japan, three months after the German capitulation. The general was hustled into a van with no windows and whisked to Fort Hunt outside the capital. There he was attended by white-jacketed orderlies and, the next morning, fitted with a dark-grey business suit from one of Washington’s swankiest men’s stores. General Reinhard Gehlen was ready to cut a deal. Reinhard Gehlen had been, up until the recent capitulation, Adolph Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union. His American captors had decked him out in one of their uniforms to deceive the Russians, who were hunting him as a war criminal. Now U.S. intelligence was going to deploy Gehlen and his network of spies against the Russians. The Cold War was on.
This is a story of how key nazis, even as the Wehrmacht was still on the offensive, anticipated military disaster and laid plans to transplant nazism, intact but disguised, in havens in the West. It is the story of how honorable men, and some not so honorable, were so blinded by the Red menace that they fell into lockstep with nazi designs. It is the story of the Odd Couple Plus One: the mob, the CIA and fanatical exiles, each with its own reason for gunning for Kennedy. It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22, 1963 when John Kennedy was struck down. And it is a story with an aftermath — America’s slide to the brink of fascism. As William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, put it in speaking of the excesses of the Nixon administration, “We could become the first country to go fascist through free elections.”
Photo by Wide World General Reinhard Gehlen, shown (center) in a rare photograph taken during WWII. Even Robert Ludlum would have been hard put to invent a more improbable espionage yam. In the eyes of the CIA Reinhard Gehlen was an “asset” of staggering potential. He was a professional spymaster, violently anti-Communist and, best of all, the controller of a vast underground network still in place inside Russian frontiers. His checkered past mattered not. “He’s on our side and that’s all that matters,” chuckled Allen Dulles, a U.S. intelligence officer during the war who later headed the CIA. “Besides, one need not ask a Gehlen to one’s club.” Gehlen negotiated with his American “hosts” with the cool hand of a Las Vegas gambler. When the German collapse was at hand, he had looked to the future. He lugged all his files into the Bavarian Alps and cached them at a site called, appropriately, Misery Meadows. Then he buried his Wehrmacht uniform with the embroidered eagle and swastika, donned an Alpine coat, and turned himself in to the nearest U.S. Army detachment. When the advancing Russians searched his headquarters at Zossen, all they found were empty file cabinets and litter.
The deal Gehlen struck with the Americans was not, for obvious reasons, released to the Washington Post. As Heinz Hohne and Hermann Zolling phrased it in The General Was A Spy, the German general took his entire apparatus, “unpurged and without interruption, into the service of the American superpower.” There is no evidence that he ever renounced the Third Reich’s postwar plan, advanced by his own family’s publishing house, to colonize vast regions of Eastern Russia, create a huge famine for 40,000,000, and treat the remaining 50,000,000 “racially inferior Slavs as slaves.”
Allen Dulles may not have invited such a man to his club, but he did the next best thing: he funneled an aggregate of $200 million in CIA funds to the Gehlen Organization as it became known. Directing operations from a fortress-like nerve center in Bavaria, Gehlen reactivated his network inside Russia. Soon, news of the first Russian jet fighter, the MiG-15, was channeled back to the West. In 1949 the general scored an espionage coup when he turned up Soviet plans for the remilitarization of East Germany. When Dulles spoke, Gehlen listened. The CIA chief was convinced, along with his brother, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that the “captive nations” of the Soviet bloc would rise up if given sufficient encouragement. At his behest, Gehlen recruited and trained an exile mercenary force ready to rush in without involving American units. Also at Dulles’ direction, Gehlen tapped the ranks of his wartime Russian collaborators for a cadre of spies to be parachuted into the Soviet Union. Some of these spies were schooled at the CIA’s clandestine base at Atsugi, Japan, where, in 1957, a young Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald was posted to the U-2 spy plane operation there. Atsugi was only one station on Oswald’s Far East intelligence route; he was also at the U-2 base at Subic Bay in the Philippines and, for a short while, at Ping-Tung. Taiwan In 1959 he was transferred to a Marine base at Santa Ana, California for instructions in radar surveillance. His training officer had graduated from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, which had close Agency ties. In May, 1960, when President Eisenhower was planning a summit meeting with Soviet Premier Khrushchev, a U-2 was shot down over Russia and its pilot captured. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, later blamed his demise on Lee Harvey Oswald. The U-2 affair effectively sabotaged Ike’s summit meeting. In 1955, by pre-arrangement, the Gehlen Organization was transferred to the West German Government, becoming its first intelligence arm, the BND. The BND became a Siamese twin of the CIA a global operation. They had already worked well together, in Iran in 1953, where the country’s first democratic government was in power. Two years earlier Premier Mossadegh had rashly nationalized the oil industry. Dulles, with Gehlen’s help, engineered a coup that toppled Mossadegh and reestablished the Pahlevi family regime. The family patriarch, General Reza Pahlevi, had been banished from the country for his pro-nazi activities during the war. Now his son, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, ascended the Peacock Throne. The Shah of Iran became one of the CIA’s most faithful assets. Gehlen pioneered the setting up of dummy fronts and cover companies to support his farflung covert operations. A major project was to form Eastern European emigre groups in the U.S. that could be used against the Soviets. Both the Tolstoy Foundation and the Union of Bishops of the Orthodox Church Outside Russia were funded by the CIA. When Lee and Marina Oswald arrived from the Soviet Union in June, 1962 they were befriended by some three dozen White Russians in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Many had identifiable nazi links; others were in the oil and defense industries. It was an improbable social set for a defector to the U.S.S.R. and his wife from Minsk. By the time the Gehlen Organization became part of the West German state, Gehlen already had his agent-in-place in the United States. He was Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, who had been a captain in Heinrich Himmler’s dreaded SS and Adolph Eichmann’s superior in Europe and Palestine. Von Bolschwing worked simultaneously for Dulles’ OSS. When he entered the U.S. in February, 1954, he cleverly concealed his nazi past. He was to take over Gehlen’s network not only in this country but in many corners of the globe. He became closely associated with the late Elmer Bobst of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical, a godfather of Richard Nixon’s political career, which brought him inside Nixon’s 1960 campaign for the presidency. In 1969 he showed up in California with a high-tech firm called TCI that held classified Defense Department contracts. His translator for German projects was Helene van Damme, Governor Ronald Reagan’s appointments secretary. Von Damme is currently U.S. Ambassador to Austria, next door to the nazi’s homeland. In 1968 Reinhard Gehlen withdrew to his chalet in Bavaria. The chalet had been a gift from Allen Dulles.
Wild Bill Donovan of the OSS, Allen Dulles and the Vatican Allen Dulles dubbed it Operation Sunrise. He mounted it from his walk-up office in Bern, Switzerland, where, since 1942, he had maintained contact with key nazis. Operation Sunrise was conceived when these nazis decided, in the face of defeat, that they preferred to surrender to the Americans and British. The agreement, which double-crossed the Russians, was signed April 29, 1945.
The principle negotiator on the German side was SS Commander Karl Wolff, head of the Gestapo in Italy. Wolff acted with full authority, for he was formerly chief of Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. Wolff’s relationship with Dulles spared him from the dock at Nuremberg, but when it was later discovered that he had dispatched “at least” 300,000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp he was handed a token sentence. In 1983 Wolff made the social pages when he and some of his old SS buddies sojourned on the late Hermann Goering’s yacht Carin II of Hamburg. The skipper was Gert Heidemann, an avowed Hamburg nazi. The yacht belonged to the widow, Emmy Goering, whose estate attorney was the celebrated Melvin Belli. Belli has always had an eclectic clientele. He represented Jack Ruby after he shot Oswald. And he represented actor Errol Flynn’s family interests. Flynn (once a close friend of Ronald Reagan) has been identified as having collaborated with the Gestapo.
Photo by Wide World John J. McCloy had a lengthy career riddled with Nazi sympathies When Wolff hammered out the secret surrender terms with Dulles, he had in the back of his mind a safe diaspora for his nazi compatriots. This is where the OSS, William Donovan and the sovereign state of the Vatican came in. “Wild Bill” Donovan was top dog in the OSS. Shortly before the Germans overran Europe, Father Felix Morlion, a papal functionary, had set up a Vatican intelligence organization called Pro Deo in Lisbon. When the U.S. entered the war Donovan moved Morlion lock, stock and barrel to New York and opened a sizeable bank account for him to draw on. The priest founded the American Council for International Promotion of Democracy Under God, on 60th Street. In the same building is the office of William Taub, whose name popped up during the Watergate affair. Taub is well-known as a wide-ranging middleman for such powerful figures as Nixon, Howard Hughes, Aristotle Onassis and Jimmy Hoffa, and his behind-the-scenes maneuvers were invaluable to Nixon in his 1960 run at the presidency. Taub was especially close to Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviania of the Holy See, who arranged Mussolini’s 1929 “donation” of $89 million to the Vatican to ensure its neutrality with Mussolini and Hitler. The money went into a special fund in the Vatican Bank, and after the war part of it was entrusted to “God’s Banker” Michele Sindona for investment. Sindona channeled a good chunk of it to the Nixon campaign. When Rome was liberated in 1944 Morlion and Pro Deo relocated there. In recognition of Donovan’s good works on behalf of Pro Deo, Pope Plus XII knighted him with the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester. And before he flew off to Washington to cut his deal with the CIA, Reinhard Gehlen received the Sovereign Military Order of Malta award from the Pontiff. So did James Jesus Angleton, a Donovan operative in Rome who became the CIA’s chief of counterintelligence.
For Dulles, Operation Sunset was a personal triumph, one that set in motion his rise to the top of the intelligence heap. In 1963, by virtue of that position, he became the CIA’s representative on the Warren Commission.
John J. McCloy and the Chase Manhattan President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation “thinking there was a conspiracy,” but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. “I never saw a case that was more completely proven,” he asserted.
McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.
Photo by Wide World Major General Charles A. Willoughby, “Our own Junker general.” When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham documents the role of Standard Oil of New Jersey, owned by the Chase Manhattan Bank, and I.G. Farben’s Sterling Products with the Bank for International Settlements. Standard Oil tankers plied the sea lanes with fuel for the nazi war machine. Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.
As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:
When the curtain fell on the war, McCloy helped shield Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyons,” from the French. Barbie and other vicious dogs from Hitler’s kennel were hidden out with the 370th Counter Intelligence Corps at Obergamergau. One of their keepers was Private Henry Kissinger, soon to enter Harvard as a McCloy protege. In 1949 McCloy returned to Germany as American High Commissioner. He commuted the death sentences of a number of nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. One was Alfred Krupp, convicted of using slave labor in his armaments factories. Another was Hitler’s financial genius, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, who subsequently went on the payroll of Aristotle Onassis. In 1952 McCloy left a Germany that was prepared to re-arm to return to his law practice. He became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the “Seven Sisters” of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald’s “best friend” in Dallas.
Busy as he was McCloy found time to supervise construction of the new Pentagon building. It was nicknamed “McCloy’s Folly.”
J. Edgar Hoover and Interpol FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover “mistrusted and disliked all three Kennedy brothers. President Johnson and Hoover had mutual fear and hatred for the Kennedys,” wrote the late William Sullivan, for many years an assistant FBI director. Hoover hated Robert Kennedy, who as Attorney General was his boss, and feared John. In turn the President distrusted Allen Dulles, easing him out as CIA director after the 1961 Bay of Pigs debacle. When JFK moved to lower the oil depletion allowance, he incurred the displeasure of John McCloy, whose clients’ profits would be trimmed. Hoover, Dulles and McCloy did not belong to the Kennedy fan club. When the president was shot, Hoover controlled the field investigation, and Dulles and McCloy helped mold the final verdict of the Warren Commission. As America stood on the threshold of World War II Hoover continued a friendly relationship with the nazis who dominated Interpol, the Berlin-based international secret police. He had been obsessed with the “Red menace” since 1919 when he became head of the Bureau’s General Intelligence Division. Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe and other fanatical nazis were active in Interpol. Even after Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia, Hoover ignored all evidence of nazi death squads and atrocities and cooperated with the boys in Berlin. As France fell, Hoover exchanged lists of wanted criminals, enclosing autographed photographs of himself. It was not until three days before Pearl Harbor that he called a halt — and then only because he feared his image might be tarnished.
When the war had been imminent Roosevelt charged Hoover with ferreting out nazi spies in the Western Hemisphere. Two escaped his notice. As early as 1933 Gestapo agent Dr. Hermann Friedrick Erben recruited Errol Flynn as an intelligence source. Erben went on to become a naturalized American citizen, but never abandoned his loyalty to Hitler. Flynn went on to make “Santa Fe Trail” in 1940, co-starring with Ronald Reagan, and the two paired up for “Desperate Journey” in 1942.
George de Mohrenschildt, the Oswalds’ genial host in Dallas, was tagged by Hoover’s FBI as a nazi spy during World War II. G-men noted that his cousin, Baron Maydell, had nazi ties, and that his uncle distributed pro-nazi films. Their suspicions were confirmed when they trailed de Mohrenschildt from New York to Corpus Christi. On October 8, 1942 a “lookout” was placed in his file in case he applied for another passport.
Photo by Wide World J. Edgar Hoover: he kept alive the Nazi intelligence network INTERPOL The parts left out of J. Edgar Hoover’s investigation before and after Kennedy was killed were the nazi associations de Mohrenschildt had while working for U.S. intelligence. George’s cousin, the movie producer Baron Constantine Maydell, was one of the top German Abwehr agents in North America. Reinhard von Gehlen recruited Maydell in the post-war era to be in charge of the CIA’s Russian emigre programs. Gehlen recruited veterans of Maydell’s Abwehr Group to work with East European emigre organizations inside the U.S. Part of Lee and Marina’s red carpet treatment in the U.S. started with their arrival from the USSR. Spas T. Raigkin was the ex-Secretary General of a group such as Maydell’s. The AFABN, the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, with CIA funding, assisted Lee and Marina to get settled. J. Edgar Hoover was trained only to see if there were Communists around …the red menace. The Abwehr, Reinhard Gehlen and Maydell were overlooked by the FBI.
After the war Interpol ostensibly cleaned up its act, moved to Paris and installed the prestigious Hoover as vice president. Yet Interpol steadfastly refused to hunt for nazi war criminals, contending it was independent of politics. The excuse appeared a bit lame when, in the 1970s, former SS officer Paul Dickopf became president.
“Sir” Charles Willoughby — a Franco-German-American He was a bull of a man who spoke with a German accent, wore a custom-tailored general’s uniform and affected a monocle. A fellow officer in the U.S. army under his true name of Adolph Charles Weidenbach, born in Heidelberg, March 8, 1892. But by the time he became Douglas MacArthur’s chief of intelligence for the war in the Pacific, he was Major General Charles A. Willoughby. Behind his back he was derisively tagged “Sir Charles.” For a man of such Teutonic traits it was odd that Willoughby preferred his fascism with a Spanish accent. But this was an accident of geography. While serving as a military attache in Ecuador, he had received a decoration from Mussolini’s government — the Order of Saints Maurizio and Lazzaro. After delivering an impassioned paean to Spanish dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco at a lunch in Madrid, he was toasted by the secretary general of the Falangist Party, “I am happy to know a fellow Falangist and reactionary. MacArthur’s pre-war headquarters were in the Philippines, whose commerce was dominated by resident Spaniards. The Daddy Warbucks of this crowd was Andres Soriano, who owned an early-day conglomerate of airlines, mines, breweries (“Of course!”) and American distributorships. During the Spanish Civil War Soriano was one of Franco’s principal money-bags. When the Rising Sun flag was raised over the Philippines Soriano fled to Washington to become finance minister of the government-in-exile. But there was such a fuss over his fascist reputation that he flew off to Australia to become a colonel on MacArthur’s staff. Willoughby accompanied the Supreme Commander to Tokyo for the occupation of Japan. His preferences remained the same; when military police shook down his hotel looking for a fugitive, they found Willoughby at dinner with the stranded Italian fascist ambassador to Japan and members of his staff. He became a heavy-handed censor, suppressing unfavorable news to the States. He delighted in falsely labeling correspondents who defied him as “Communists,” a tactic Senator McCarthy would adopt with enthusiasm. But the general’s priority project was a dressed-up history of the Pacific War in which MacArthur would be the towering hero. Willoughby brought in Japanese military brass for a view from the enemy side, a move that may have had an ulterior motive. The possibility existed that Willoughby was down-playing Japanese war crimes so that the perpetrators could be protected for use against the Soviets later. This was happening in Germany where the top nazis were writing the history of Malmedy. The tight security in which Willoughby wrapped the project only adds to this impression. One woman had a passkey, the wife of Dr. Mitsutaro Araki, a former exchange lecturer in Germany, who was closely tied in with high nazis in Tokyo and the Tojo clique. Willoughby harbored another secret that only came to light last year. During the war, the Japanese conducted germ warfare experiments with human beings as guinea pigs (at least 3,000 died, including an undetermined number of captured U.S. military). The Pentagon decided that the biological research might prove handy against the Russians, and the Japanese responsible for the experiments were granted immunity from prosecution in return for their laboratory records. On December 12, 1947 the Pentagon acknowledged the “wholehearted cooperation” of Willoughby in arranging the examination of the “human pathological material which had been transferred to Japan from the biological warfare installations.”
As his final public gesture to Franco, Willoughby lobbied the U.S. Congress in August, 1952 to authorize $100 million for the anti-Communist dictator’s needs. Then he settled down in the U.S. to do battle with the domestic enemy. As Sir Charles and his right-wing allies saw it, Marxism wasn’t the real enemy, the Liberals were.
1952: The Travels of Klaus Barbie, Evita Peron, Otto Skorzeny, and Nicolae Malaxa
By 1952 Klaus Barbie had arrived in Bolivia via a stop in Argentina. He had been spirited out of Germany by the CIA, with a hand from the Vatican. Soon he teamed up with SS Major Otto Skorzeny, who now was affiliated with the CIA. Dr. Fritz Thyssen and Dr. Gustav Krupp, both beneficiaries of McCloy’s amnesty, bankrolled Skorzeny from the start. Barbie and Skorzeny were soon forming death squads such as the Angels of Death in Bolivia, the Anti-Communist Alliance in Argentina, and in Spain, with Stephen Della Chiaie, the Guerrillas of Christ the King.
In 1952 the nazi, Martin Bormann’s money was released. In Argentina, Evita Peron died of cancer at age 33. In her name was deposited, in 40 Swiss banks, the nazi money. There was $100 million cash, another $40 million in diamonds. Several hundred million more were set aside with Evita’s brother, Juan Duarte, as the courier. This led to three murders the following year:
In 1952 Otto Skorzeny, who had been released from American custody in 1947, moved to Madrid. He created what is known as the International Fascista. The CIA and the Gehlen BND dispatched him to “trouble spots.” On his payroll were former SS agents, French OAS terrorists and secret police from Portugal’s PDID. PDID are the same initials as the Los Angeles police intelligence unit, Public Disorder Intelligence Division. The California PDID was exposed on May 24, 1983 as spying on law abiding citizens at an expense of $100,000, utilizing a computerized dossier system bought by the late Representative Larry McDonald’s “Western Goals.” (McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy assassination. Western Goals has offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that feed data to the Gehlen BND.) On the board of Western Goals are such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Luftwaffe pilot. SS Colonel Skorzeny’s CIA agents participated in terror campaigns waged by Operation 40 in Guatemala, Brazil and Argentina. Skorzeny was also in charge of the Paladin mercenaries, whose cover, M.C. Inc., was a Madrid export-import firm. Dr. Gerhard Hartmut von Schubert, [formerly] of Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda ministry, was M.C. operating manager. The nerve center for Skorzeny’s operations was in Albufera, Spain. It was lodged in the same building as the Spanish intelligence agency SCOE under Colonel Eduardo Blanco and was also an office of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The Albufera building was the kind of intelligence nest that was duplicated in New Orleans in 1963. That summer Lee Harvey Oswald handed out pro-Castro literature stamped with the address 544 Camp Street, a commercial building. This was a blunder, because Oswald actually was under the control of an anti-Castro operation headquartered there. His controller, W. Guy Banister, was connected with military intelligence, the CIA and a section of the World Anti-Communist League that had been set up by Willoughby and his Far Pacific intelligence unit in Taiwan.
In The Great Heroin Coup, Henrik Kruger disclosed that the International Fascist was “not only the first step toward fulfilling the dream of Skorzeny, but also of his close friends in Madrid, exile Jose Lopez Rega, Juan Peron’s grey eminence, and prince Justo Valerio Borghese, the Italian fascist money man who had been rescued from execution at the hands of the World War II Italian resistance by future CIA counterintelligence whiz James J. Angleton.”
A subcommittee on international operations of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee prepared a report “Latin America: Murder, Inc.” that is still classified. The title repeated Lyndon Johnson’s remark, three months before he died, “We were running a Murder, Inc. in the Caribbean.” The report concluded: “The United States had joint operations between Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. The joint operations were known as Operation Condor. These are special teams used to carry out ‘sanctions,’ the killing of enemies.” Jack Anderson gave a few details in his column “Operation Condor, An Unholy Alliance” August 3, 1979:
“Assassination teams are centered in Chile. This international consortium is located in Colonia Dignidad, Chile. Founded by nazis from Hitler’s SS, headed by Franz Pfeiffer Richter, Adolf Hitler’s 1000-year Reich may not have perished. Children are cut up in front of their parents, suspects are asphyxiated in piles of excrement or rotated to death over barbecue pits.”
Otto Skorzeny code-named his assault on American soldiers in the Battle of the Bulge Operation Greif, the “Condor.” He continued Condor with his post-war special teams that imposed “sanctions,” meaning the assassination of enemies. Skorzeny’s father-in-law was Hjalmar Schacht, president of Hitler’s Reichsbank. Schacht guided Onassis’ shipyards in rebuilding the German and Japanese war fleets. In 1950 Onassis signed on Lars Anderson for his whaling ships on the hunt off Antarctica and Argentina. Anderson had belonged to Vidkum Quisling’s nazi collaborationist group in Norway during the war. Clay Shaw, who was charged by New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison with complicity in the JFK assassination, was a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht.
Photo by Wide World Colonia Dignidad. Nobody comes, nobody goes In 1952 Nicolae Malaxa moved from Whittier California to Argentina. Malaxa had belonged to Otto von Bolschwing’s Gestapo network, as did his associate, Viorel Trifia, who was living in Detroit. They were members of the Nazi Iron Guard in Romania, and had felt prosecution. They had one thing in common; they were friends of Richard Nixon. Trifia had been brought to the U.S. by von Bolschwing. Malaxa had escaped from Europe with over $200 million in U.S. dollars. Upon arrival in New York he picked up another $200 million from Chase Manhattan Bank. The legal path for his entry was smoothed by the Sullivan & Cromwell law offices, the Dulles brothers firm. Undersecretary of State Adolph Berle, who had helped Nixon and star witness Whittaker Chambers convict Alger Hiss, personally testified on Malaxa’s behalf before a congressional subcommittee on immigration. In 1951 Senator Nixon introduced a private bill to allow Malaxa permanent residence. Arrangements for his relocation in Whittier were made by Nixon’s law office. The dummy front cover for Malaxa in Whittier was Western Tube. In 1946 Nixon had gotten a call from Herman L. Perry asking if he wanted to run for Congress against Rep. Jerry Voorhis. Perry later became president of Western Tube.
When Malaxa went to Argentina in 1952, he linked up with Juan Peron and Otto Skorzeny. Questions were raised at the time about J. Edgar Hoover, the Iron Guard, Malaxa and Vice President Nixon.
Photo by Wide World Richard M. Nixon: strange friends in strange places and occupations 1960 Elections: Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy Before the election of 1960, a group within the Christian Right plotted to kill John Kennedy in Van Nuys, California while he was still a candidate. The group was a meld of anti-Castro Cubans, Minutemen and home-grown nazis. Some were sought by Jim Garrison, following his arrest of Clay Shaw, for testimony before the New Orleans grand jury. When Garrison forwarded extradition papers for Edgar Eugene Bradley, a member of the group, Governor Ronald Reagan refused to sign them. The leader of one of these groups, the Christian Defense League (CDL), was the Reverend William P. Gale. During the war Gale had been an Army colonel in the Philippines training guerilla bands. His superior officer was Willoughby. By the late 1950s Gale was recruiting veterans for his “Identity” group, which was financed by a wealthy Los Angeles man.
One of the CDL’s contacts was Captain Robert K. Brown, a special forces professional from Fort Benning, Georgia. Brown was working with anti-Castro Cubans, mercenaries similar to Skorzeny’s teams. Brown is now publisher of Soldier of Fortune magazine and paramilitary texts such as Silencers, Snipers, and Assassins. The book explains how Mitchell WerBell made special weapons for the CIA, Bay of Pigs assault squads and other customers. WerBell, son of a wealthy Czarist cavalry officer, perfected a silencer so effective a gun can be shot in one room and not heard in the next. It is ideal for assassinations.
There had been prolonged controversy about how many shots were fired the day Kennedy was killed. The President’s wounds, nicks on the limousine and curb, and other bullet evidence indicated quite a few. But the Warren Commission concluded there were only three. It took the testimony of spectators in Dealy Plaza who said they only heard three. It never considered the possibility that silencer-fitted guns were fired. When Clay Shaw was arrested by Jim Garrison the news was of particular interest to the Italian newspaper Paesa Sera. It followed up with a story that Shaw belonged to a cover organization in Rome named Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC). Its location was frequently moved, its presidents rotated; its modus operandi altered. CMC included Italian fascists, elements of the European paramilitary right, the CIA, and the U.S. Defense Department. There were major shareholders with banks located in Switzerland, Miami, Basel and other major cities.
CMC had been formed in 1961, one year after Kennedy was elected. Its principals had worked with fascist networks established after World War II. The board of directors numbered Ferenc Nagy, a former Hungarian premier who led that country’s Anti-Communist Countrymen’s Party in exile. J. Edgar Hoover brought Nagy to the United States, where there were numerous Gehlen-supported emigre organizations. On August 18, 1951, the Saturday Evening Post pictured Nagy with Czech, Pole, Hungarian and Russian exiles under the heading: “They Want Us To Go to War Right Now.” On November 22, 1963 Nagy was living in Dallas. CMC was actually a subsidiary of Swiss-based Permindex, whose president was Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, Italian industrialist and large landowner. Spadafora’s daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Clay Shaw, who managed the New Orleans Intemational Trade Mart, was a director. Another was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who would later move to New Orleans. Once convicted of “criminal activities” in Switzerland, Mantello worked closely with his fellow Hungarian Nagy. One of the goals of the CMC was that “Rome will recover once again her position as center of the civilized world.” Major L. M. Bloomfield, a veteran of the OSS who resided in Montreal, was a suspect Garrison wanted to question. In Canada he reportedly controlled Credit Suisse, Heineken’s Breweries, Israel Continental Company, Grimaldo Siosa Lines and other international firms. Shaw’s name was found among eleven directors of a company in Montreal that actually was based in Rome. Who was giving the virtually unlimited money to CMC, and who was getting it? The answer might have been found in the huge amounts that flowed out of Evita Peron’s accounts. Paesa Sera reported on March 4, 1967 that CMC was a creature of the CIA serving as a money conduit, and that Shaw and Bloomfield conducted illegal political espionage under its cover. In New Orleans, Shaw was the respected citizen who had helped restore the French Quarter. In Rome he was a vital member of the boards of twin companies dealing with fascists accused of European assassinations. Shaw’s address book contained the private number of Principessa Marcelle Borghese, now Duchessa de Bomartao, who is related to Prince Valerio Borghese. Called the “Black Prince” and “The New Duce,” Borghese was leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, a neo-fascist syndicate. The Black Prince, who was a decorated submarine captain in the First World War, was convicted of cooperating with the nazis in WW II and given 12 years in prison.The Black Prince is the same Borghese rescued by the CIA’s James J. Angleton. No wonder Angleton was awarded the Sovereign Military Order of Malta by the Pope after the war. It might explain what Angleton was hinting at when questioned about the murder of JFK: “A mansion has many rooms; there were many things during the period; I’m not privy to who struck John.” Clay Shaw’s affiliation with Permindex would plug in later to Argentina, Spain, Rome, New Orleans and Dallas. The international range of hit teams, using CIA money diverted overseas to cover companies set up by the Gehlen Organization, started coming together after Shaw’s arrest. In November, 1960 it would be Nixon versus Kennedy. Frank Sinatra introduced Judith Exner to John Kennedy on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. A few weeks later Sinatra introduced Judith Exner to Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana. So Exner became involved, as William Safire put it, in a “dual affair with the nation’s most powerful mobster and the nation’s most powerful political leader.” Giancana was busy with more than his love life; he was hired to form assassination teams to go after Fidel Castro. The man who retained him was Robert Maheu, a former FBI and CIA operative. It was a classic cutoff. Maheu never mentioned that the CIA was behind it. He intimated to Giancana that wealthy Cuban exiles were providing the funds. This sounded plausible, since Maheu was Howard Hughes’ right-hand man. Giancana put his Los Angeles lieutenant, Johnny Roselli, in charge of the hit squads. In 1978 when the House Select Committee questioned him, Roselli hinted that his assignment was aimed at Kennedy as well as Castro. Shortly afterward, his body was found floating in an oil drum off the Florida coast. Giancana never got a chance to testify. He was shot to death in his Chicago home. The Howard Hughes organization, used as a cover for the kill-Castro conspiracy, (Hughes thought it was a patriotic idea) has long retained Carl Byoir Associates as its public relations arm. Throughout the war Byoir represented nazi bankers and industrialists and the I.G. Farben interests. One of his clients was Ernest Schmitz, member of the I.G. Farben-Ilgner and the German American Board of Trade. His Information Services was subsidized by the nazi government. George Sylvester Viereck, editor of the German Library of Information, was also in business with Byoir. A lucrative Byoir client was the Frederick Flick Group. Flick, a Nuremberg defendant released by McCloy, was the single greatest power behind the nazi military muscle. Frederick Flick’s son was close to the W.R. Grace Company, and invested over $400,000 in partnership with J. Peter Grace in the United States. During the war, WR. Grace was accused in a military report of protecting a certain nazi Colonel Brite in Bolivia. In 1951, when the CIA smuggled Barbie out of Germany, he was sent to join the same Colonel Brite. George de Mohrenschildt was a close associate of the company’s founder, William Grace. De Mohrenschildt was a man of many faces. He befriended Lee and Marina Oswald, introducing them to the White Russian community. He made phone calls to obtain Lee jobs and housing. As he told it to the Warren Commission, he was fascinated with this strange couple just out of Russia. But at the Petroleum Club in Dallas, De Mohrenschildt sang the praises of Heinrich Himmler. His travels took him all over the world on missions identified with intelligence. In 1956 he was employed by Pantepec Oil Company owned by the family of William Buckley. De Mohrenschildt often discussed Oswald with J. Walton Moore, the CIA’s Domestic Contacts Division resident in Dallas. In the spring of 1963, just after visiting the Oswalds, he went to Washington. There is a record of a phone call de Mohrenschildt made on May 7, 1963, to the Army Chief of Staff for intelligence. The same month he had a meeting in person with a member of that staff. His military connections seem to have been wide. One of the first persons de Mohrenschildt took the Oswalds to see in Dallas was retired Admiral Chester Burton.
Photo by Wide World Lee Harvey Oswald’s benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt Although De Mohrenschildt and his wife Jeanne testified at length before the Warren Commission, only attorney Albert Jenner and Pentagon historian Alfred Goldberg attended. One of Jenner’s clients was General Dynamics, maker of the F-lll fighter that would achieve fame in Vietnam. The chief of security for General Dynamics in Dallas, Max Clark, was another De Mohrenschildt associate donating money to help Marina while George got Lee his next job in Dallas. He found one at the graphics house of Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, which held classified military contracts. Jeanne de Mohrenschildt was originally brought to the U.S. by a family member employed by the Howard Hughes organization. In 1977 George was found fatally shot, allegedly a suicide, on the day a House Select Committee investigator came by looking for him. Jeanne consented to a press interview. She said George had been a nazi spy. The placement de Mohrenschildt got for Oswald allowed him to visit the Sol Bloom agency at least 40 times. It was this agency that later decided the motorcade route for Kennedy’s fatal visit.
Ruth Paine, whom Oswald met via George, had called Roy Truly and procured work for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository.
If Maydell and the Gehlen agents were active in the U.S. they knew all the right moves to secure their patsy.1960: Young Americans for Freedom President Harry Truman warned about the CIA “Gestapo” he had created. President Eisenhower left the White House fearing the new “military-industrial complex” he handed to us. In 1960 candidate Richard Nixon was qualified for the job of President. A lot of influential people were sure he was the only choice. Nixon was familiar with every red scare tactic. From his first campaign against Jerry Voorhis in 1946 for the House seat, or vs. Helen Douglas in the Senate, and working with Sen. Joe McCarthy, he knew it well. The prosecution of Alger Hiss, with such flimsy evidence, proved his value alone. But Nixon had also accumulated strong connections with members of the crime syndicate, the Vatican hierarchy, defense industries and known nazis. He knew them all. What if he lost after those seventeen years of preparation? Would there be a back-up team for the future? Could the Pentagon or Reinhard Gehlen visualize leaving the entire United States presidency to chance elections? Remember what happened to Senator Robert Kennedy on the eve of his primary election in June, 1968? They can’t get that close to losing it again, you know. With both Kennedy’s gone, Nixon finally made it. September, 1960, two months before the elections, William F. Buckley Jr. launched his YAF, Young Americans for Freedom, from the grounds on his Connecticut estate. Prior to that date, Buckley’s career was one of the most conservative in the U.S. Following his graduation at Yale, mentor Frank Chodorov grabbed him for purposes related to his job with McCormick’s Chicago Tribune. Buckley served the CIA in Japan from 1950 to 1954. He also did a stint with CIA in Mexico with E. Howard Hunt. Co-founder of YAF was Douglas Caddy, whose offices were used by the CIA and Howard Hughes organization, at the time of Watergate illegal entries and other dirty tricks.
After the CIA in Japan, Buckley was ready to publish his own magazine, The National Review. This was an unusual opportunity to bring together the world’s most conservative writers for publication and much propaganda accompanied by Buckley’s glib innuendos.
Once the publication was going, Buckley decided to bring Young Americans for Freedom to the campus; old ideas, old money, and young minds to mold. Behind the project were always the well-funded military masters, such as the YAF’s Tom Charles Huston and the Cointel-Program Nixon cooked up. The selected advisory board for YAF was a Who’s Who of oldies even then: Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator John Tower, Mr. Ronald Reagan, Professor Lev Dobriansky, General Charles Willoughby, and Mr. Robert Morris are a sample. Robert Morris may not be a household name. But William Buckley knew him well, and Morris, Nixon, and Senator Joe McCarthy were team players. Senator Joe McCarthy’s two strongest supporters for him to represent Wisconsin were Frank Seusenbrenner and Walter Harnisfeger. Both admired Adolf Hitler and made continuous trips to Germany. Senator McCarthy obliged fast enough. Before he went after the Commies in the State Department, he had to release a few of Hitler’s elite nazis lingering in the Dachau prison camp. McCarthy beat John McCloy by about three years. In 1949, during congressional hearings on the Malmedy Massacre, the bloody Battle of the Bulge, McCarthy invited himself to take over the entire testimony. He wasn’t satisfied until the prison doors flew open. The most detestable and ugly battle of World War II, an assault upon Americans and civilians in Belgium, was ignored. Hitler’s precious Generals Fritz Kraemer and Sepp Dietrick, along with Hermann Priess and many others, were free. With that business finished, McCarthy took on Robert Morris as Chief Counsel for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. Morris’ earlier training in Navy Intelligence in charge of USSR counter-intelligence and psychological warfare could be utilized well by Senator Joe. Particularly the psychological warfare part. After McCarthy died, Morris moved to Dallas, Texas. He was a judge, and became president of Dallas University. In 1961, a year after Buckley founded YAF, another conservative organization was formed in Munich, Germany, calling itself CUSA, Conservatism USA. These were not students, but members of the U.S. army, soon to be mustered out, then to appear in Dallas, Texas, by November 1963. The host would be Robert Morris. A correspondence between Larry Schmidt in Dallas, to Bernie Weissman in Munich, Germany, in preparation for their arrival, was published in the Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. XVIII.
Segments of the letters are as follows:November 2, 1962: Dallas to Munich, Larry Schmidt:“Gentlemen we got everything we wanted.”
“It saved the trouble of infiltration.”
“Met with Frank McGee … (president of the Dallas Council of World Affairs.)”
“Suggest Bernie convert to Christianity and I mean it.”
(Bernard Weissman, the only Jew, was brought all the way to Dallas on November 22, 1963, to lend his name to the “Wanted for Treason” fliers handed out to welcome JFK. He testified that the John Birch Society paid for the ads and “wanted a Jewish name at the bottom.”)
“We must all return to the church.”
“These people are religious bugs.”
“I think in terms of 300,000 members, $3,000,000.”
“The John Birch Society has a million members. Look for us to merge with them in 1964.”
“Arrangements are being made for me to meet the heads of the Dallas John Birch, General Walker, and H.L. Hunt, Texas oil millionaire.”
(General Walker had been retired from the military by John Kennedy for his compulsory Pro-Blud indoctrination.)
“I have already met the top editors of the Dallas Morning News, the country’s most conservative newspaper.”
“These people are radicals but there is a method in their madness. You see, they’re all after exactly what we’re after.”
“No liberal talk whatsoever, none.”
“Down here a Negro is a nigger.”
“I mean, no one is ever to say one kind word about niggers.”
“Liberals are our enemies.”
“The conservative isn’t against the Niggers, he just wants to keep him in his place for his own good.”
(Pres. John Kennedy and Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy had waged a bitter battle from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, 1962, at the University of Mississippi. The integration of one black student brought in the U.S. Army and caused Gen. Edwin Walker to be confined.)
January 4, 1963, Larry Schmidt to B. Weissman, Munich:
“I want big men … believe me if I had a dozen such men I can conquer the world.”
“I will go down in the history books as a great and noble man, or a tyrant.”
“I expect to see you here in Dallas, especially Norman and Larry.”
“If Jim Mosely is not here by Feb. 15, he is finished.”
“One thing had best be understood, I am not playing games here in Dallas and expect you not to play games in Munich.”
“I am not here in Dallas for my health or because I think Dallas is a wonderful place.”
“Continue to have regular meetings and try to get things back in order in preparation for the big meetings.”
February 2, 1963, Larry Schmidt:
“We have succeeded, the mission with which I was charged in Dallas has been achieved.”
“Friday night I attended a gathering of the top conservatives in Dallas.”
“The meeting was at the home of Dr. Robert Morris, President of the Defenders of American Liberty.”
“Present were Mr. George Ward, Detective for Dallas City Police, Mr. Ken Thompson, editorial writer for the Dallas Morning News, Mr. Clyde Moore, former PR man for H.L. Hunt, former UPI writer. (Eight others).”
“I told them exactly what I wanted.”
“Others suggested using an already existing movement, named the Young Americans for Freedom, with already 50,000 members.”
“CUSA, as set up in Munich, is now an established fact in Dallas, only we are calling it YAF. I think you catch on.”
“We are starting Munich chapters of YAF. To spread to Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Berlin, Kaiserslautern.”
“We are getting every top name in business, education, politics, and religion to endorse YAF.”
“The advisory board includes 37 congressmen . . . including Sen. Strom Thurmond, Sen. John Tower, and Sen. Barry Goldwater. There is Ronald Reagan, Gen. Mark Clark, Gen. Charles Willoughby, John Wayne, etc.”
“Change all your records to read YAF.”
“All those months in Munich were not wasted. I accomplished my task in Dallas. I need you here soon. I sold these people on each of you and they are expecting you to come to Dallas and play an important role.”
“The days of leisure are over.”
“We want to see you, Norman, Jim and Bill Burley back here in Dallas.”
“Sheila and my brother will be here in August; Ken Glazebrook in Sept.”
June 13, 1963, Larry Schmidt to B. Weissman in Munich, Germany:
“Warren Carroll, our only other recruit to CUSA, is already a PhD and two MS’s. Warren is a scriptwriter for Lifeline, the H.L. Hunt television and radio series. Hunt is the millionaire oilman.”
“Warren is 32, former CIA man. Don’t worry, he has been checked out.”
“Hunt checked him out.”
(This appears to be a military action, DIA. They have to check out the CIA man, using Hunt’s security).
After Jack Ruby was arrested for killing Oswald inside the Dallas jail, there were copies of Warren Carroll’s Lifeline on the seat of his car. The section was on “Heroism,” on how to become a “hero.” This is interesting because one of the first reasons Ruby gave for killing Oswald was, “I wanted to show them a Jew had guts.”
“We want to get Norman into the Republic National Bank … where we are building our credit like crazy for the day we need ready cash.”
(The Dallas Republic National Bank was identified by the Washington Post, February 26, 1967, as a conduit of CIA funds since 1958.)
(Connie Trammel, who worked at the Republic National Bank, accompanied Jack Ruby to the office of Lamar Hunt, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1963, two days before Kennedy was assassinated.)
October 1, 1963, Larry Schmidt to Munich, Germany:
“I have a lot of contacts, bankers, insurance men, realtors.”
“My brother began working as an aide to General Walker. Paid full time.”
“National Indignation Committee will merge in the Fall of 1963, as soon as Bernie and Norman are in Dallas.”
“This is a top secret merger and is not to be discussed outside the movement.”
October 29, 1963, Larry Schmidt to Munich Germany:
“This town is a battleground and that is no joke. I am a hero to the right, a stormtrooper to the left.”
“I have worked out a deal with the chairman of YAF. The arrangements are always delicate, very delicate. If I don’t produce the bodies it is likely Dale (Davenport) will think me a phoney.”
“He needs our help now. Adlai Stevenson is scheduled here on the 24th.”
“Kennedy is scheduled in Dallas on November 24.”
“All big things are happening now.”
1963: A few connections in Dallas — Gen. Walter Dorberger, Michael and Ruth Paine
When George de Mohrenschildt was busy introducing Lee and Marina to the Dallas-Ft. Worth White Russian displaced Czarists, he managed to keep the social level equal with his American contacts. One casual dinner in the company of Michael and Ruth Paine, and that was enough meeting to set the Oswalds’ course. George and Jeane didn’t have to meet with them again. Ruth Paine would provide housing for Marina while Lee went to New Orleans. A few weeks later, she drove Marina to join Lee. After summer vacation at Wood’s Hole, Mass., Ruth returned and brought Marina to her home in Irving, Texas, while Lee was on the bus to Mexico with Albert Osborne/John Bowen, and four other Solidarists from the Russian network. After Kennedy was murdered, the Dallas police rushed to the Paine’s home. From that garage and elsewhere, via the Paines, came most of the incriminating evidence against Oswald. The alleged murder weapon never could be proven by the Warren Commission as ever having come from their garage.
The cropped photo that Life printed with Oswald holding a rifle came from a box removed from the garage, taken to the police department, then returned the next day, with nobody present to indicate where it came from.
Accessory after the fact, the letter was delivered to Marina in December undated and unsigned, to cover up General Walker’s anxiety to blame a “Communist,” Lee, for shooting at him in April and came from Ruth to Marina. It wasn’t in the home before then. The Warren Commission required planted evidence sometimes in order to divert from Lee Oswald’s links to the Defense Department, assisted by Ruth and Michael Paine. Michael Paine’s occupation at Bell Aircraft is the Defense Department. This job requires security clearances, so what would the unlikely Oswalds be doing in his home? Oswald, the “defector?” Paine’s boss at Bell Aircraft as Director of Research and Development, was none other than the noterious war criminal General Walter Dornberger. Dornberger was supposed to be hanged at Nuremburg for his war crimes, slave labor and mass murders. The British warned the U.S. not to let him live because even after the war he was conniving for another one. As stated, “Dornberger is a menace of the first order who is untrustworthy. His attitude will turn ally against ally and he would become a source of irritation and future unrest.” (Project Paperclip. Clarence Lasby.)
The very first call to authorities after the gun went off on November 22, 1963, was from an employee at Bell Helicopter who suggested “Oswald did it.” Police never located the source of both Oswald addresses that day. Michael Paine took Lee to a meeting with General Edwin Walker shortly before the assassination. Soon Oswald would be charged with having shot Walker in April, and Walker would be calling his nazi cronies in Germany 24 hours after JFK was killed telling them he finally solved “who shot through his window” seven months earlier: the same Oswald. Who were the Paines? To believe the Warren Commission and the CIA staff of lawyers, they were Mr. and Mrs. Good Neighbor, all heart, altruistic. Ruth simply wanted to learn more Russian from a native. For that price, she housed Marina, a two-year-old daughter, a new infant, with all the fuss and mess of three extras in a tiny house. Michael Paine was a descendant of the Cabots on both sides. His cousin Thomas Dudley Cabot, former president of United Fruit, had offered their Gibraltar Steamship as a cover for the CIA during the Bay of Pigs. Another cousin was Alexander Cochrane Forbes, a director of United Fruit and trustee of Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes. Both Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy were part of the United Fruit team. The Paine family had links with circles of the OSS and the CIA. Ruth Hyde Paine maintained close ties with the Forbes families. Peter Dale Scott investigated the Paines, “the patrician Paine and Forbes families.” A far cry from anybody’s neighbor. Michael’s education came as a tradition, third generation physicist at Harvard before working for Bell Helicopter. The British were correct on the Dornberger evaluation. Another clue to Albert Speer, the Reichmaster for Munitions and War Production, and General Dornberger, is their meeting as early as April, 1943. When it was obvious to Hitler they would be losing the war against the USSR, all top Nazis made detailed plans for two years on how to proceed next. Speer met with Dornberger, at Peenemunde, the missile and rocket factory run with Werner Von Braun, and instructed him in “the dispersion of functions throughout the Reich.” Translated, that meant get ready to come to the U.S.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Albert Osborne When Lee Harvey Oswald entered Mexico at Laredo, Texas, on Sept. 26, 1963, his companion on the Red Arrow bus was Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen. Bowen-Osborne had been running a school for highly professional marksmen in Oaxaca, Mexico, since 1934. The cover for the place was his particular mission, and he was the missionary. The FBI records on Bowen go back to June 4, 1942, in Henderson Springs, Tennessee. He operated a camp for boys known as “Campfire Council.” Neighbors complained it was for pro-nazi activities with young fascists. Bowen vehemently opposed the U.S. going to war with nazi Germany. They stomped on the American flag. Before that, Bowen worked for the Tennessee Valley Authority since 1933. His dual citizenship between Great Britain and the U.S. took him over the entire globe. So did his use of multiple aliases. After the Warren Commission published their report in September 1964, several attorneys in the Southwest recognized the name of Osborne. September 8, 1952, Jake Floyd was murdered. The target was meant to be his father, District Judge Floyd. Two suspects were caught, one got away. Their testimony was about being hired by Osborne and how he ran the school for assassins. Later investigation revealed Osborne’s connections to Division V of the FBI, and to Clay Shaw’s Centro Mondiale Commerciale, with funding coming from New Orleans for the CIA, Anti-Castro Cubans, and others. Lee Harvey Oswald applied for a tourist card to enter Mexico while still in New Orleans on September 17, 1963. Four other persons, having consecutive tourist numbers, departed nine days later, like Oswald, all to arrive at the same time, entering from several different cities. They were part of the White Russian Solidarists, the Gehlen emigre community that Lee and Marina mingled with. This assassination team funded Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister, and the Miami office of Double Check Corporation. J. Edgar Hoover’s Division V, Domestic Intelligence, working with the American Council of Christian Churches, had used this group from the Bowen-Osborne academy of assassins. Volume XXV of the Hearings has many pages of interviews with people who had sent money to Jack Bowen. They never met him, and some like Mrs. Bessie White, Pikesville, Tenn., mailed “$35 a month to John Howard Bowen who she believed had been doing missionary work for 18 years in Mexico.” Osborne-Bowen had a mission. Lee Harvey Oswald, agent from U.S. Defense Dept., had a team of doubles impersonating his behavior, leaving trails of anti-American frustration and meetings with various people. While Oswald was in Mexico just prior to Kennedy’s murder, the purposes were concealed. Meanwhile, the CIA and various authorities led Oswald to the Cuban Embassy, the Soviet Embassy. When the face or voices didn’t match the authentic Oswald, it didn’t matter, given a difference of 40 to 50 pounds and shape. What came from all this was the conclusion that Oswald had really wanted to go to Cuba next. Which Oswald, and why?
This was to finalize with the illusion of an Oswald-Castro admiration just days before Kennedy would be killed.
Senator John Tower and Marina Oswald One of the most consistent conservatives among Buckley’s YAF Advisory Board was Senator John Tower, Texas. If there is anything he wouldn’t want in his back yard it was a defector and his allegedly Communist wife from Minsk. Yet, two years after joining the YAF team in 1960, Tower was passing all waivers in order for Marina Oswald to get to the United States as soon as possible. Without his permission, this trip might never have taken place. Many wives from the USSR are not that lucky. March 22, 1962, Senator Tower cooperated. “The sanctions imposed on immigration and nationality are hereby waived in behalf of Mrs. Oswald. The file check on Marina by the FBI, CIA, Dept. of Security Office, Division of biographical intelligence and passport office,” (Volume XXIV, 298). George de Mohrenschildt testified in Volume IX, pages 228-229, “Marina Oswald’s father had been a Czarist officer of some kind. I don’t remember whether it was army or navy.” Her real father was never identified by name in all of the testimony. Between 1948 and 1950 over 200 Byelorussian nazis and their families were brought to New Jersey. Both George de Mohrenschildt and Marina had come from Minsk, part of the Byelorussian area. The Gehlen nazi emigres were useful to every part of the Kennedy assassination cover-up.
John Tower knew Marina was a safe bet. Otherwise, why the hurry? Our CIA and the Defense Department knew all there was to know about both Oswalds. Therefore, Tower signed the immigration papers fast.
The Argentine Connections: Isaac Dan Levine and the Ziger Family
The Warren Report wasn’t published until September, 1964. Testimony of witnesses and exhibits were being collected up to the day of printing. Yet as early as June 2, 1964, Isaac Don Levine, another arch-enemy of Communists and a so-called expert on the Soviet mind, was arranging with the Warren Commission staff to bring the daughters of Oswald’s boss, Alexander Ziger, from the Minsk Radio factory to Argentina. He suggested using CIA assistance. What was that about? “When the Oswalds left Russia they smuggled out a message to one of the relatives of the Zigers living in the U.S. They wanted help to get the Zigers’ daughters out of Russia. The daughters, having been born in Argentina, could claim Argentine citizenship. Levine suggested some confidential source in the American Government such as the CIA should contact the Argentine Government to set machinery in motion. (Memorandum from W. David Slauson: Conference with Mr. Isaac Don Levine, May 23, 1964). January 21, 1964, John J. McCloy told Commission members, before any witness was yet called, “this fellow Levine is a contact with Marina to break the story up in a little more graphic manner and tie it into a Russian business, and it is with the thought and background of Russian connections, conspiracy concept.” If there was a Russian conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy, John McCloy, Isaac Don Levine, Allen Dulles, and J. Edgar Hoover, not to speak of Nixon and others, would squeeze that out. Remember Gary Powers strongly hinted at Oswald’s role in downing the U-2, breaking up the Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting while Lee was employed at the Minsk Radio factory? Nicolae Malaxa, Otto Skorzeny, and international CIA-DIA agents were thick in both Minsk and Argentina. It was Alexander Ziger and his family who introduced Lee to Marina Oswald. That same evening they were at the home of an unidentified woman just returned from the U.S. The President of the U.S. had been murdered in 1963. Six months later the CIA is supposed to assist the Ziger daughters? One more connection to Richard Nixon.
When poor Whittaker Chambers almost collapsed from the strain of having to testify against Alger Hiss, it was Isaac Don Levine who took “Chambers by the arm, a reluctant Chambers, and arranged the meetings where he would begin to smear Hiss.” (Friendship and Fratricide, Meyer Zelig).
When Levine was searching for a Soviet connection to Kennedy’s death, he was also doing business with Marina’s new manager, James Martin. It was Martin who was selling the photo of Oswald posing with Communist literature and a rifle, the same evidence pulled from the Paine’s garage. Notice the similarity to the Whittaker Chambers pumpkin papers years earlier that launched Nixon’s political career and convicted Alger Hiss. If the evidence didn’t fit the conclusions of the investigators, the one picture would sell the Oswald assassin story.
“Treason for My Daily Bread” — Argentina and Martin Bormann In August 1971, a French paper headlined a news story, “Martin Bormann behind the Kennedy murders.” It listed an international band of killers that was located in Texas. They carried out the two assassinations at the German command.
Six years later, June 8, 1977, the London Guardian reported, “Bormann Linked with Kennedy Murder.” This story was based on a new book titled, Treason for My Daily Bread by Mikhail Lebedev. Lebedev detailed how Martin Bonnann left Europe, established his current life in Paraguay, and how the fatal head shot to Kennedy was delivered by an agent paid by Bormann, alias of Zed. Is any of this true?Many of these allegations and names come together with both Paris Flammonde’s The Kennedy Conspiracy and the Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, known as the Torbitt Document.
“Zed” allegedly used a .45 for the final shot. Buddy Walters, murdered January 10, 1969, picked up a .45 slug in Dealey Plaza and gave it to the Dallas Police. There were two possible assassination teams in Dallas. The military from Munich, Germany, that was to take over the YAF, with Robert Morris’ help, have yet to be identified or interviewed (Morris from U.S. intelligence, having to do with USSR covert work.) Gen. Edwin Walker’s arrangement with U.S. Military in Germany or, the arrival of such people for Nov. 22, 1963, is open to question. Albert Osborne’s “mission” in Mexico, with direct links to Clay Shaw’s Centro Mondiale Commerciale, has never been touched. This was the international band of killers with the Borghese-James Angleton operations working throughout the world. Otto Skorzeny’s CIA and Reinhard Gehlen death squads, with headquarters in Madrid, were funded by Martin Bormann when the Evita Peron funds were shared after 1952. Lebedev mentions “Ruth,” David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, and Colonel Orlov. The very first day George de Mohrenschildt visited Marina Oswald she was alone and Lee was working. He brought with him a “Colonel Orlov.” The House Select Committee on Assassinations “investigated” the murder of President John F. Kennedy from 1976-1978. The information about Bormann was available from 1971. Treason for My Daily Bread was published while they were supposed to be finding the smoking gun.
G. Robert Blakey, Chief Consul for the Committee, refused to admit any research or documents on these subjects. He would hang up the telephone and even refused to say if he had ever seen the Torbitt Document. Six million dollars was allotted by Congress to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy. Martin Bormann may have had his motives for his actions through the years. What were G. Robert Blakey’s? What form of prosecution should be suggested for committees paid to uncover the truth who continuously sweep under the rug? In A Study of a Master Spy, published in London in 1961, Bob Edwards, a member of Parliament and Kenneth Dunne, presented documentary evidence that Allen Dulles of the CIA carried on secret conferences with representatives of Hitler’s SS Security Office in February and March 1943. They learned that “Official Washington knew Martin Bormann, Deputy Fuhrer of Hitler’s Germany, master-minded the international ‘Die Spinne’ (Spider) underground organization which is planning to revive nazism as soon as West Germany is adequately rearmed by the United States. Official Washington seems disinterested.”
With John J. McCloy, Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover in control of the Kennedy assassination investigation, these nazi connections were buried.
The CIA’s Man: The Chronology of Helmet Streikher 1937: Trained for the Gustapo’s S.S Officers. A graduate of The University of Bonn Germany. Went to Military School at Blutordensberg, located at Vogelsang Castle.
1938: Assigned to Spain to join General Francisco Franco.
1939-1940: In the U.S. he learned English and American customs. His cover was as a German journalist working for Adolph Hitler.
1940-1941: Was with Reinhard Gehlen in Eastern Europe. He will join Gehlen when they are both working for Army intelligence.
1943-1945: Streikher worked with Skorzeny.
1945: May 7, 1945, Streikher surrenders to Allies and is cleared for intelligence, accepted for U.S. Army by October 1945.
1946-1947: He works for the OSS (Officers of Strategic Services) in Europe, Central Intelligence Group. CIG.
1948-1950: Streikher was stationed in Israel, Greece, Europe, Africa and Middle East. OSS becomes CIA.
1951-1957: CIA assigned back to General Gehlen, now in his German offices of the BND.
1958: In the U.S. Training Army Intelligence offices and CIA.
1958-1961: Helps plan Cuban Invasion. Active in the Bay of Pigs.
1961-1965: He was in Africa, Middle East, and United States on CIA assignment. On November 22, 1963, he said, “One of the worst kept secrets in the C, is the truth about the President’s murder. It wasn’t Castro or the Russians. The men who killed Mr. Kennedy were CIA contract agents.” “John Kennedy’s murder was a two-part conspiracy murder. One was the action end with the killers; the other was the deeper part, the acceptance and protection of that murder by the Intelligence aparatus that controls the way the world operates.”
“It had to happen. The man was too independent for his own good.”
1968-1970: Senior Field Agent for CIA. Disguised as a writer.
1971-1973: Back in the United States. Langley, Virginia, training and making plans under assignment.
1974-1977: Under George Bush, director of CIA, Streikher sent to Africa and Middle East.
1978-1980: Contract agent on special assignment for CIA. June 15, 1980 he retired.
Other Known Aliases: U.S. Army officer Captain William Raine, also known as Ross Meyers, Hans Mollof, Karl Rolff, and Mark Schmidt. He had nine (9) other pieces of identification in other names and nationalities, some in the form of passports.
The Bunge Corporation, Argentina & Germany The stock market dropped 24 points in 27 minutes when news of President Kennedy’s assassination was announced. 2.6 million shares were sold off. It was the greatest panic since 1929. Somebody made a huge profit selling short in many markets. Somebody made half a billion dollars in one day. Coincidentally, the Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation, headed by New Jersey commodities dealer Anthony De Angeles, crashed the same day, driving the market down. Allied Crude was controlled by U.S. American Bunge Corporation and financially controlled by a group of share-holders headquartered in Argentina, known as “Bunge and Born, LDA.” Business Week of October 19, 1963, one month before the Kennedy assassination, described the Born family in Argentina, the biggest shareholders for Bunge, as being from Europe, specifically Germany. Everything about Bunge has German influence. They have a $2 billion annual business in 80 countries. There are over 110 offices, all linked by Telex and under-the-ocean telegraph channels. The Bunge Corporation is referred to as “the Octopus.”
The book Were We Controlled? detailed the relationship of the Bunge Corporation, the foreknowledge of Kennedy’s murder, and the Argentine-German connections.
General Edwin Walker and the Hitler Nazis The Eagle’s Nest, now a mountain restaurant, was given to Adolf Hitler by nazi aide Martin Bormann for the fuhrer’s 50th birthday. It is not far from Hitler’s former summer home in Berchtesgaden. Nearby is the Platterhof Hotel, built for guests when they came to pay their respects. The Platterhof has changed its name to the General Walker Hotel. November 23, 1963, one day after Kennedy’s death, Gen. Edwin Walker called Munich, Germany, from Shreveport, La. Walker’s important story, via transatlantic telephone, was to the nazi newspaper Deutsche National Zeitung un Soldaten-Zeitung. Walker couldn’t wait to tell them in Munich that Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone suspect in the Dallas murders, was the same person who shot through his window in April, 1963. There was never one shred of evidence, or a reliable witness, that could make this connection Dallas police and FBI were taken by surprise. In order to cover this over-exuberance of trying to link a Marxist assassin to this altercation, it became necessary to have Ruth Paine deliver that ridiculous letter to Marina Oswald on December 3, 1964. The delayed letter was to have been written the night Lee was out shooting in Walker’s home. The only piece of bullet that remained in custody was never positively identified as coming from the 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano, and there is no proof Oswald even handled this rifle. Why was General Walker in such a hurry to get his information printed in Germany before anybody in Dallas ever heard about it? Kurt-George Kiesinger had just been installed as Chancellor of West Germany and Franz-Josef Straus as finance minister. Kissinger entered the radio propaganda division of nazi Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop at age 36. He was then directing a world-wide radio propaganda apparatus with 195 specialists under his supervision during the war. He was the liaison officer, coordinating his department’s work with that of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Richard Nixon and Kurt-George Kiesinger were soon, or maybe before, to become pals. Nixon tried to hide his nazi past. But General Walker, now home from military service in Munich, knew the importance of such propaganda. He was calling the same people who, under Hitler, published and controlled the newspapers. There were two motives for this call. First, it gave international attention to the fact that Oswald, the Marxist gunman, was shooting at Walker as well as the President. General Walker knew too many people in the Defense Department and in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that could be part of this assassination. He made himself appear as a victim instead of a suspect. The other reason, along with the expertise of Robert Morris’s counter-intelligence and psychological warfare training, was to create a profile for Lee Harvey Oswald. No possible motive could explain why Oswald would really want to kill President Kennedy. By having Oswald appear to shoot the right-wing General Walker with his John Birch connections, his militant anti-communist stance, then shoot John Kennedy, the same Commie-symp Walker was accusing of treason, it would appear that Oswald was just nuts. He didn’t know right from left. The Munich newspaper Walker called was linked to the World Movement for a Second Anti-Komintern, part of the Gehlen and U.S. right. Some of Hitler’s ex-nazis and SS-men were on the Staff. The editor, Gerhard Frey, was a close friend with various nazi members of the Witiko League. The Witiko League and the Sudetendeutch Landsmannscraft were organizations for displaced refugees. By the summer of 1948 they formed large organizations and by 1955 Dr. Walter Becher was elected to the executive board of the Witiko League. Becher was one of the kingpins of nazi front organizations. Sen. Joe McCarthy, Charles Willoughby, Gen. Edwin Walker, and Robert Morris’ links to the German nazis converged when Dr. Walter Becher set up offices in Washington, D.C. in 1950. By July 16, 1957, Becher, praised by American Opinion and other extreme right publications, started his policy of liberation. General Douglas MacArthur, Senator Joe McCarthy, General Willoughby, members of the U.S. Congress or public officials then started openly to meet with and cooperate with the nazi resurgence. Dan Smooth, former Dallas FBI agent is the type of person who kept strong nazi ties with Dr. Becher in Munich, to Western Goals today. His printed sheets were identical to the Goebbels propaganda years ago, or to Walker’s disinformation one day after Kennedy was killed. Volkmar Schmidt came from Munich, Germany, to work full time for General Walker. How long did he work, and where was he on November 23, 1963, when Walker made the call to the same city the CUSA imports came from?
The YAF crowd in Dallas was an interesting gang: Col. Charles Willoughby, intelligence Chief for S. Pacific, Robert Morris, U.S. counter-intelligence and psychological warfare, Gen Edwin Walker, brought home from Munich by JFK, William Buckley, CIA in Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere, Sen. John Tower, who gave the okay for Marina Oswald.
1964: The Warren Commission President Lyndon Johnson was forced to select a commission to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. Texas authorities were supposed to do the original investigation. There were too many suspicious people around the world who believed a conspiracy existed. Those rumors had to be squelched. J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI never budged from its conclusion that Lee Harvey acted alone. Whatever evidence didn’t fit this decision was ignored.
Twenty-six volumes of witness testimony and exhibits were published. 8000 copies were sold. No more reprints. The contradiction between the conclusions of the Warren Report, and the abundance of discrepancies in the other volumes, makes fascinating reading.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, John J. McCloy, and Allen Dulles were the logical choices for LBJ. President Kennedy didn’t trust Allen Dulles as CIA Director. Now JFK was dead and Dulles would be in charge of all possible “conspiracy” segments. Richard Nixon, temporarily retired from politics for the first time since 1946, selected Rep. Gerald Ford to be on this Commission. Nixon selected Ford a second time when he ran home to escape impeachment during Watergate. One of the first subjects for commission members to share in January, one month before witnesses were selected, was the matter of Lee Harvey Oswald being a government agent. Gerald Ford was the only member of the group to write a book on the assassination. His book opened with the hushed and secret meeting where allegations had been received that Oswald worked for the FBI. What Ford left out of his book, and the commissioners ignored in their Report, was that Oswald was also identified as working for the CIA. Commission Chairman Earl Warren and Commission Attorney Leon Jaworski knew about this. They stated that “Mr. Belli, attorney for Jack L. Ruby, was familiar with these allegations.” Oswald’s informant number was Number 110669. How was that for a starter? The next move was to start building the myth about the deceased and ignore fact one, stated above. This grand commission would call in a doctor who never met Lee Oswald or Jack Ruby to assist them with their project, covering up. Justice Warren suggested bringing in Dr. Overholser, who “of course is not a lawyer. He is a doctor from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.” As the Chairman went on to explain, “we felt we ought to have someone who, in that field, could advise us on matters concerning the life of Oswald and possibly the life of Ruby also.” The next order of business was who should write the Report for them? By January 21, 1964, that had to be decided. Chairman Earl Warren said, “we consulted with the Defense Department, and they have offered to lend us one of their historians to do this job, and we think that it is quite essential to the work of the Commission.” Mr. Goldberg would assist from the Air Force. Mr. Cokery was from the Army. “Mr. Winnaker recommended them,” Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin offered. “We would work with them to try to anticipate all of the various historical aspects.” “Who’s Who in the CIA” described “Mr. Winnaker” as having been born in Germany in 1904. His full name is Dr. Rudolph August Winnacker. He was an analyst for the OSS, historian in the War Department from 1945-1949, and then Chief of Historical Division of the Pentagon.”
Was Winnaker the ilk of Willoughby? Or Reinhard Gehlen? When did he come here from Germany? Where is he now?
Photo by Manuel Gonzales Bustos Gehlen after the 1972 funeral of Wehrmacht Col. Gen. Franz Halder Marina Oswald was the first witness to testify on February 3, 1964. Warren wanted nothing more than to make her comfortable. The first question dealt with the General Walker story because Walker had blown it by calling Munich so soon. That scandal had to be put to rest right away. Warren asked Marina “if Exhibit 2 was familiar to her because it was a picture of General Walker’s house?” Marina said, “no,” but that wasn’t good enough. She was asked again, and once more said, “I didn’t see it, at least, taken from this view I can’t recognize it. I never saw the house itself at any time in my life.” That wasn’t sufficient. She just couldn’t remember “this particular one.” Chairman Warren was ready to go “off the record.” They had only just begun. Chief Counsel Rankin suggested he show her “more pictures,” then maybe she would recognize the Walker home. This time she was given a selection of a location in New Orleans, two snapshots from Leningrad, and the same shot of the Walker home. Because Walker wasn’t living in a castle in Leningrad, Marina assumed that house in Dallas must belong to “General Walker.” Therefore this was admitted for identification. The Defense Department history could then proceed. “Marina Oswald positively identified the photograph of General Walker’s home among Lee’s possessions.” There are a lot of things that remain to be said about this commission and their phoney report. Admission of an old card trick at the beginning set the tone for what was to follow. What was never supposed to come out was the use of Reinhard Gehlen agents surrounding Lee and Marina Oswald for the purposes of covering up the assassination conspiracy. Two Lee Harvey Oswalds existed. One memorized the Marine manual by age 17, went directly into radar and electronic work. He trained at U-2 bases, learned the Russian language, got himself into and out of the Soviet Union, wrote clear and literate letters. He was met, upon arriving home, by Government agents, provided with occupations, fathered two children, owed no debts, traveled around a great deal, met with interesting oil geologists, defense department and intelligence agents. Their social circle included the “Cabots and Lodges” from Czarist Russia, Admirals and some fancy folks. The other Oswald was one developed by the Warren Commission to divert attention from the facts. Nobody ever saw the original “diary” that he couldn’t have possibly written.
Every Gehlen witness and emigre associated with the CIA, Tolstoy Foundation, or Greek Orthodox Church was directed towards the most ridiculous questions. From all that garbage the Defense Department wrote the history.
The last thing that should happen is for the warriors to interpret and define for us. The facts speak for themselves. Mae Brussell is a researcher based in Carmel, California. Her weekly radio program, World Watchers, has been broadcast for the last thirteen years
WASHINGTON — Adolf Hitler’s top intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence during World War II, according to a transcript made available Tuesday of secret testimony by Allen Dulles before a House committee in 1947.
The Nazi officials provided information about Germany’s missile program that led to the allied bombing of the bases from which the Germans launched rockets against Britain, Dulles told the committee.
Dulles testified June 27, 1947, at a hearing by the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments that laid the basis for establishment later that year of the Central Intelligence Agency. Dulles became CIA director.
The House Government Operations Committee, successor to the expenditures committee, voted unanimously Tuesday to release the transcript.
Dulles, identified in the transcript as ‘Mr. B,’ was a key figure during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA.
The transcript of his testimony confirmed previous disclosures over the years on how U.S. intelligence had penetrated key Nazi organizations.
Dulles said about 10 percent of the Abwehr, the German central intelligence agency operating under the joint chiefs of staff, turned against Hitler because they were ‘disgusted with Hitler’s tactics’ and opposed his ‘treatment of the Russians.’
‘I had a certain measure of success in penetrating the German intelligence service, the German Foreign Office, and certain other of the German agencies,’ he testified.
While he was OSS chief operating out of neutral Switzerland, top German counterintelligence officials like Adm. Wilhelm Canaris, who headed the Abwehr, and Canaris’ deputy were in direct touch with him, Dulles told the committee.
They and others, including two agents attached to the German Consulate at Zurich, ‘furnished information to me of a very valuable nature,’ Dulles said.
‘I think we received some of the first information we had about the German development of the guided missile, and some of the first clues that led us to the bombing of Peenemuende and things of that kind from men in the German Intelligence Service working for us,’ Dulles said.
Peenemuende was the German missile construction base on the Baltic coast where scientists like Wernher von Braun, who later worked for the U.S. space program, developed the devastating V-1 and V-2 rockets launched against England from coastal bases in occupied France.
After the location of the bases became known, the Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Corps bombed them repeatedly.
Asked whether it was not true that Canaris was in fact his agent, Dulles replied: ‘That is going a little far.’
But Dulles said, ‘I had working with me several of the men in Canaris’ organization and I was in direct touch with Canaris, especially with General Oster, who was chief of staff and in charge of his intelligence.’
‘About 10 percent of the Abwehr became anti-Nazi,’ Dulles said. ‘They became disgusted with Hitler’s tactics and they opposed Hitler’s activities against the Russians and his treatment of the Russians and, as a result, it was possible to penetrate the Abwehr.’
Dulles told the committee the top five officials of the German intelligence agency, including Canaris and Oster, ‘were all executed as traitors.’
‘There was a good reason for that?’ a congressman asked.
‘Yes, they were traitors in the German sense. There is no doubt. Two of the men worked with me,’ Dulles replied.
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January 6, 1983, Section A, Page 27Buy Reprints
Two spy stories – hidden for more than a generation – surfaced last week, each knifing to the heart of the questions ”What is treason? What is patriotism?”
The House of Representatives made public 1947 secret testimony on the legislative history of the Central Intelligence Agency. Allen Dulles, who had been our spymaster in Europe during World War II and later headed the C.I.A., revealed that throughout the war ”I was in direct touch with Canaris.”
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was the head of the Abwehr, Germany’s military intelligence organization. ”They furnished information to me,” testified Dulles, ”… about the German development of the guided missiles, and some of the first clues that led to the bombing of Peenemunde.” He added, ”The top five men in the German intelligence service were all executed as traitors.”
Asked if that judgment was reasonable, Mr. Dulles replied: ”They were traitors in the German sense …” Ten percent of the Abwehr were anti-Nazi because ”they became disgusted with Hitler’s tactics.”
Thus, because the German officer worked actively against his country’s barbarous government, Admiral Canaris was hanged by the Gestapo and branded ”traitor” even by the American who dealt with him.
Switch now to our side, and to the forthcoming autobiography of Michael Straight. Mr. Straight was given every advantage that American money and high society could provide. His mother was a multimillionaire, his father a respected artist. After an education at Cambridge, in England, the handsome and personable young man took tea with Mrs. Roosevelt and wound up in the State Department and as a minor speechwriter in F.D.R.’s White House. He dabbled in journalism as an editor of The New Republic, which his liberal parents had founded.
He served honorably in World War II training to be a bomber pilot; after the war, he joined the most brow-furrowing committees, wrote a book denouncing McCarthyism and swam easily in the cultural waters. The momentum he built on the Kennedy Arts Council earned him an appointment during the Nixon years as deputy chairman of the National Endowment on the Arts. An exemplary public life.
His clandestine life began in England when he was recruited by the Cambridge don and Soviet agent, An-thony Blunt. Mr. Straight was sent home to the U.S. to become a high-level ”mole.” While in F.D.R.’s White House, he admits to having given five political analyses to his Soviet control officer, which he insists drew on no secret information. (How delicious it must have been for a Red under the bed to deride Joe McCarthy for looking for Reds under the bed.)
His greatest contribution to the Soviet spy system came in 1951, when he ran into another of Mr. Blunt’s recruits, Guy Burgess, in Washington. The thought crossed Mr. Straight’s mind that Mr. Burgess was running an espionage operation out of the British Embassy which had probably cost thousands of American lives in the Korean War. Did he turn his old friend in, and thereby compromise the worldwide web of Soviet agents? Hardly; Mr. Straight relates with great pride how he told the top Soviet agent to stop spying and go home. Mr. Burgess promptly picked up his partner and lover, Donald Maclean, and fled to Moscow in the most famous spy defection of our time.
Over a decade later, when Mr. Straight wanted a place in the cultural whirl of John Kennedy’s Washington, he told his friend Arthur Schlesinger Jr. that the F.B.I. ought to be made aware of a few events in the Straight past. His belated confession – made not after a sudden insight that loyalty to country comes before loyalty to college chums, but strictly to clear his career path – led to the end of the spying of Anthony Blunt in London. The F.B.I. paid off by treating its well-connected witness the way the British Old Boy Network treats its high-born embarrassments: by giving Mr. Straight a clearance for future government jobs and decades of guaranteed silence.
Can Michael Straight fairly be called a traitor? Not really, because no purpose or passion guided his double life. Evidently that word is not currently applied to White House aides who do political analysis for the Kremlin, or to citizens who fail to report what they know to be espionage until the spy is safely gone.
In that light, let us reconsider Allen Dulles’s too-quick assessment of Wilhelm Canaris. Here was a man who placed his honor as a German officer, his duty to his fatherland and his responsibility as a human being ahead of his loyalty to a mad leader. With courage and clarity of purpose, Admiral Canaris deliberately dared to commit the crime of high treason – and needs no self-justifying memoir to be remembered not as a traitor but as a patriot.