
My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE” Havana Syndrome, hypothetically occurring at the time of attacks with the direct(ed) energy weapons. Three possible incidents: Jerry Nadler, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden (?) make a pattern.

My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE” Havana Syndrome, hypothetically occurring at the time of attacks with the direct(ed) energy weapons. Three possible incidents: Jerry Nadler, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden (?) make a pattern. Search inside image Unraveling Havana Syndrome: New evidence links the GRU’s assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. […]

The post My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE” Havana Syndrome, hypothetically occurring at the time of attacks with the direct(ed) energy weapons. Three possible incidents: Jerry Nadler, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden (?) make a pattern. first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.