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Hi, children! I am Panoptes, your FBI-KGB monster …

Panoptes – The Creature Codex

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Hi, children! I am Panoptes, your FBI-KGB monster. I have one hundred beautiful blue eyes but they are totally blind, I can’t see anything. I also have very little brain, which is not capable to understand much. 

That is why I am not able to catch the real criminals, just some small, half-rotten fish. I just set up my little traps, in hope to catch someone stupider than I am, and surprise – surprise, I get plenty. 

I want you to work for me and become my eyes, ears, hands, and brain. I will come to you at night and will whisper my stuff into your ears, and we will sign our  cooperation agreement. Then I will dissolve in your dreams, but you will stay and work for me. You will become my informants, and I will pay you well. Information is power!