
I saw my mum forced to fight and cajole as a carer. When will politicians end the conspiracy of silence on adult social care? | Rory Kinnear

There are millions of carers, exhausted and sick of broken promises, yet neither Labour nor the Tories seem serious about reform

My sister, Karina, suffered a lack of oxygen at birth causing her to have multiple complex health problems. For most of her life, after my father’s death, my mother was her sole carer.

During that time, Mum argued and fought and shouted and cajoled and wrote and championed and filled-in-forms and coerced and harassed and endured and chivvied and filled-in-different-forms-after-the-old-forms-had-been-changed and phoned and met and refused-to-accept and lobbied and advocated and relentlessly struggled her way to as good an area-health-authority care package as she could get.

Rory Kinnear is an actor and playwright

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