
I endured Evin, Iran’s most notorious jail. I can’t understand how Sweden can leave its citizen to die there | Siamak Namazi

I’m overjoyed two Swedes were released as part of a swap deal – but to leave another behind on death row is unconscionable

  • Siamak Namazi is an Iranian-American businessman and former hostage

I am a former hostage. I spent eight years enduring captivity and cruelty in Iran’s notorious Evin prison. Last year I was released as part of a controversial prisoner deal between the US and Iran, similar to the one that brought Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori home to the UK two years ago.

I firmly believe that we cannot abandon our innocent citizens in the dungeons of rogue states. Hostage deals, although distasteful, are necessary. We must do whatever it takes to save our citizens at risk while imposing harsh punishments to deter hostage-taking once and for all. Yet even I find Sweden’s recent hostage deal unpalatable.

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