
For children to be safe online, it’s not they who need to change – it’s the tech companies | Ian Russell

If the government is going to strengthen the Online Safety Act, banning social media for under-16s is not the answer

In the six years since my youngest daughter Molly died, it is striking how little has changed. Children and young people continue to face a wave of inherently preventable online harms on often negligent social media platforms. In a ferocious battle for market share, the risks on sites such as Instagram and TikTok have, in some respects, become worse.

It is therefore no surprise that there is a considerable groundswell in demands for much more to be done. Across the UK, grassroots parents’ groups are increasingly calling for a fundamental reset in the relationship between children and their smartphone use.

Ian Russell is an internet safety campaigner and chair of the Molly Rose Foundation

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