News Review from The World Web Times

How China extended its repression into an American city

How China extended its repression into an American city. A Washington Post investigation reveals Chinese diplomats and pro-Beijing groups organized demonstrations during President Xi’s November visit to San Francisco. These groups violently suppressed anti-China protesters, infringing on First Amendment rights.
News Review from The World Web Times

How China extended its repression into an American city

How China extended its repression into an American city. A Washington Post investigation reveals Chinese diplomats and pro-Beijing groups organized demonstrations during President Xi’s November visit to San Francisco. These groups violently suppressed anti-China protesters, infringing on First Amendment rights.
News Review from The World Web Times

How China Extended Its Repression into an American City | Terrorism …

The events in San Francisco illustrate how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is willing to extend its intolerance of any dissent into the United States and target people exercising their First Amendment rights in an American city.
News Review from The World Web Times

How China Extended Its Repression into an American City | Terrorism …

The events in San Francisco illustrate how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is willing to extend its intolerance of any dissent into the United States and target people exercising their First Amendment rights in an American city.
News Review from The World Web Times

Russian espionage in the United States – Wikipedia

Russian espionage in the United States has occurred since at least the Cold War (as the Soviet Union), and likely well before. According to the United States government, by 2007 it had reached Cold War levels.
News Review from The World Web Times

Russian spies living among us: Inside the FBI’s “Operation Ghost …

FBI agents reveal how they tracked and stopped a Russian spy ring operating in the U.S., tasked with gathering government secrets.
News Review from The World Web Times

US charges suspected Russian spy who allegedly used fake identity to …

CNN — The Justice Department announced charges Friday against a Russian national who allegedly entered the United States under a fake identity and gathered information from American citizens…
News Review from The World Web Times

FBI Director Wray says scale of Chinese spying in the U.S … – NBC News

Chinese spying in the U.S. has become so widespread that the FBI is launching an average of two counterintelligence investigations a day to counter the onslaught, FBI Director Christopher…
News Review from The World Web Times

FBI Director Wray issues warning about number of Russian spies in the US

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that the number of Russian spies operating inside the United States is “still way too big,” despite efforts to kick them out.
News Review from The World Web Times

Transnational repression by China – Wikipedia

Transnational repression by China refers to efforts by the Chinese government to exert control and silence dissent beyond its national borders. This phenomenon targets groups and individuals perceived as threats or critics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).