News Review from The World Web Times

The Russian ‘spy’, the NSA mole and the FBI sting that got him – BBC

The 31-year-old former US National Security Agency (NSA) employee parked several blocks away, walking to the train station with a laptop, a memory card, a gun and a note with handwritten …
News Review from The World Web Times

Transnational repression by Russia – Wikipedia

Transnational repression by Russia refers to efforts by the Russian government to control its diaspora and exiles. This phenomenon targets former insiders and individuals perceived as threats to the government’s security.
News Review from The World Web Times

Russia Case Study | Understanding Transnational Repression

The Russian government conducts highly aggressive transnational repression activities abroad. Its campaign, which heavily relies on assassination as a tool, targets former insiders and others who are perceived as threats to the regime’s security.
News Review from The World Web Times

Transnational Repression: Understanding and Responding to Global …

Freedom House’s first report on transnational repression, Out of Sight, Not Out of Reach, consisted of an introduction, a description of the methods of transnational repression, case studies on six states—China, Rwanda, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey—that have conducted significant transnational repression campaigns, and regional …
News Review from The World Web Times

China Case Study | Understanding Transnational Repression – Freedom House

China conducts the most sophisticated, global, and comprehensive campaign of transnational repression in the world. Efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to pressure and control the overseas population of Chinese and members of minority communities.