
This makes me sick


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The New York Times has apparently decided that it hasn’t dishonestly done enough damage to the public discourse this week, even after it absurdly called for President Biden to drop out of the race over a debate in which convicted felon Donald Trump told wall to wall lies. Now the Times is at it again, and it’s frankly sickening.

The New York Times has now run an op-ed titled “Why I Won’t Vote.” I won’t link to it, because the entire goal of such an article is to get you to hate-click on it and hate-share it. But suffice it to say that the upshot of this very lengthy and very idiotic article is that, well, you shouldn’t vote either.

No really, the New York Times is now telling people not to bother voting. First the Times tries to force Biden out of the race, and now that it hasn’t worked, the Times is telling everyone to just sit out the election.

. . .

It’s easy to hate on the New York Times these days. It’s a stunning thing to say, but we’d all be better off if it went under. But keep in mind that the rest of the political media isn’t really any better. MSNBC and CNN have been right there parroting the Times’ dishonest attacks on Biden. It’s a reminder of what we’re truly up against in this election. Yes we’re going to win, but we’re going to have to earn it: Donate to Palmer Report, click here!

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

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