
This is just getting strange

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I wrote yesterday about how this election has startling echoes of 2016, but why it’s likely to have a different outcome. It’s important to remember that the first year and a half of the 2016 election, and the final nine days of the 2016 election, were two entirely different beasts. If the last minute Comey letter hadn’t happened, we’d have won. On the other hand, if the media hadn’t spent the first year and a half constantly lying about the election, the door wouldn’t have been open for the Comey letter to change the outcome.

But here’s what stands out this time around. In 2016 the media seized upon the Hillary email “scandal.” In so doing the media ignored numerous much more serious Trump scandals. Here in 2024 it’s much more on the nose. The media is actively pretending that Biden is senile because he had one bad performance while he was sick. Yet based on his past fifty public appearances, Trump actually is senile.

It would be like if the media were overhyping Hillary’s nonexistent email scandal in 2016 while ignoring the fact Trump had a much more severe email scandal. It’s that much on the nose this time around. Trump is so deep into dementia, he thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. Trump is so deep into dementia, he thinks Ronny Jackson is Mike Johnson. Trump is in fact so deep into dementia that he often thinks Biden is Obama, and at other times thinks Biden is someone named “Bride.”

Yet even though Trump is so blatantly senile that he literally doesn’t know who he’s running against, the (entire) media (on both sides) is intent on falsely portraying Biden as the senile one, and going so far as to make up fictional storylines about the Democrats trying to shove a senile Biden out the backdoor.

The crazy part is that even as Democratic Party leaders loudly rally around Biden, it’s Trump who faces a delegate revolt at his convention. The Washington Post even quietly wrote about the steps the Trump campaign has been taking to try to fend off a delegate attempt at replacing him on the ticket. But still, the media is now loudly screaming about Biden supposedly being replaced when no such thing is happening, and ignoring its own recent reporting about Trump being in danger of potentially being replaced.

. . .

I reluctantly went into this line of work nine years ago specifically because I saw how badly the media was lying about everything at the very start of the 2016 election cycle. I was afraid the media would dishonestly cause the wrong person to win, and they indirectly did. I saw what was coming, and I actively fought against it, but I couldn’t stop it. But this time around we, the Palmer Report community, are much bigger and stronger and smarter and savvier. We’re not going to let the media tank this election. We’re going to fight back, we’re going to fight smart, and we’re going to win: Donate to Palmer Report, click here!

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

The post This is just getting strange appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post This is just getting strange first appeared on The News And Times.

The post This is just getting strange first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.