
Donald Trump’s sentencing hearing rescheduled, and his odds of going to prison probably just went up


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After the Supreme Court’s bizarro yet mixed ruling yesterday on presidential immunity, Donald Trump decided that he was going to use the ruling to magically get his existing New York criminal conviction overturned. How would this work, given that his actions in that trial (cooking his books to hide an affair before he was even in office) clearly don’t fall under official business?

It’s plainly obvious that this isn’t going to get Trump anywhere. But interestingly enough, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg announced today he was fine with slightly delaying Trump’s sentencing hearing so that Judge Merchan could indeed rule that Trump’s actions weren’t done in an official capacity. Sure enough, the sentencing hearing is has now been moved to September.

The media is already spinning this as Trump having magically delayed his sentencing hearing to his liking (nevermind that it came from Bragg). But in reality, this doesn’t help Trump at all. He has zero chance of his case being thrown out. All he’s doing is pushing his sentencing hearing into the height of the general election in September. And given the bad faith manner in which he’s handling this, Merchan is probably now more likely to give him a prison sentence.

. . .

So good job, Donald Trump. You probably just increased the odds that you’re going to prison. It’s a good reminder that Trump is really bad at this stuff. Donate to Palmer Report

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