
Donald Trump’s cheese slides off his racker


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Let’s delve into the world of UFOs, those mysterious unidentified flying objects that often capture our collective imagination. And while we’re at it, let’s also explore the rather insane beliefs of one Donald John Trump.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is a big fan of discussing whether these objects exist—this writer—not so much. However, dear readers, I have a confession to make. I, too, have seen an Unidentified flying object. I’d like to share that experience with you, but first, let’s delve into the topic at hand.

We must talk about Donald John Trump, who claims he’s a believer.

Trump claims to have met with some “beautiful pilots” who quickly told him that these objects do in fact exist.

“I met with pilots…like beautiful Tom Cruise but taller — handsome perfect people.”

I must stop here to make one comment. How utterly CREEPY! Trump made these comments to Logan Paul in an interview. Trump claims a pilot told him he saw a round UFO and it was traveling fast. Trump then proceeded to wax poetic about UFOs and whether the sky is filled with space aliens.

“His cheese is sliding off his cracker.”

“Does he even know he lives on planet earth?”

“The martians made me do it!!

“He done got splinters in the wind mills of his mind.”

“One sandwich short of a picnic.”

“It’s a cover-up by the deep state I tell ya!”

“Trump supporters are the reason shampoo bottles have instructions.”

“He’s lost in space, alright.”

“Calling asylum — he got loose again.”

And my personal favorite:

‘The deep state isn’t hiding aliens, Donald. They’re in Uranus.”

As you can see, many are having a good laugh at these comments made by a man who seems to be living in a different reality. In this reality, he’s running against Jeb Bush and thinks Hannibal Lecter might be real. It’s almost comical, isn’t it?

Donald Trump’s brain is causing him to say extremely odd things. It would seem that he makes a gaffe an hour at this point.

. . .

Before I end this article, allow me to fulfill my promise as I will tell you about this unidentified flying object I saw. You saw it, too. We all saw it. It is Donald Trump’s brain, filled with unidentifiable word salads, as it flies every which way but loose, quickly becoming the most prominent object of ridicule in the great USA.

The post Donald Trump’s cheese slides off his racker appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post Donald Trump’s cheese slides off his racker first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Donald Trump’s cheese slides off his racker first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.