
Senile Donald Trump falls apart so badly in new interview that Sean Hannity can’t keep him on track


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There’s a reason Donald Trump’s handlers only let him hold rallies periodically these days. Each time he appears in public, he behaves in such confused and bizarre fashion that it generates new headlines about whether he has dementia.

Things have gotten so bad for Trump that even with his biggest fan Sean Hannity trying to prop him up in a new interview, Trump still had no idea what was going on – to the point that Hannity ended up having to treat him like a third grader:

HAHAHA! Donald Trump just got confused during his Fox News interview and started rambling incoherently. It got so bad that Sean Hannity had to step in saying “let’s stay focused for just a second.” Donald Trump is LOSING it!

— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) June 6, 2024

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The more Donald Trump puts himself out there, the more the general public sees that he’s completely senile. So if he wants to keep doing interviews and such, please proceed.

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