
2AM ET 10/09/2024 Newscast

2AM ET 10/09/2024 Newscast
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News Review from The World Web Times

[Trends ] Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Tools Market Growth Drivers – News in Assen

The post [Trends ] Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Tools Market Growth Drivers – News in Assen first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


@Reuters: Renewable energy to fall short of UN goal to triple by 2030, IEA says


Armenia, Azerbaijan agreed to speed up work on peace deal draft document

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan has agreed to intensify their work aimed to finalize their peace deal draft document, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Tuesday.

“Both Armenia and Azerbaijan have stated in recent months that the draft document of the ‘Agreement on Peace and Establishment of Interstate Relations’ is at least 80% ready,” Pashinyan said speaking at the CIS [the Commonwealth of Independent States] meeting of the heads of member states.

“Foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan reached an agreement recently to intensify the work on finalizing the draft peace treaty,” the Armenian premier, who is currently paying an official visit to Moscow, added.

Addressing last month the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Pashinyan stated that: “After signing the Peace Agreement with Azerbaijan, we must submit it to the Constitutional Court to verify the compliance of the Agreement with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.”

“If our Constitutional Court decides that the Peace Agreement with Azerbaijan is in contradiction with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia – even though our experts assure that it is not likely to happen, – then we will face a specific situation where constitutional changes will be needed for the sake of achieving peace,” the Armenian premier added at that time.

While in Moscow, Pashinyan is taking part in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) summit this week. The CIS leaders are expected to sum up the results of Russia’s CIS chairmanship and make plans for 2025, holding one-on-one and expanded talks and signing a number of documents.

The post Armenia, Azerbaijan agreed to speed up work on peace deal draft document — Armenian PM first appeared on The South Caucasus News.

Blog and Tweets

@Bundeskanzler: RT by @mikenov: Es darf niemals sein, dass jüdische Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Angst leben müssen. Das Gedenken an die Opfer des Anschlags auf die Synagoge in Halle mahnt uns, diese Verantwortung wahrzunehmen. Für uns alle muss gelten: Antisemitismus werden wir niemals hinnehmen.

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

L’Afrique du Sud, défenseur de la cause palestinienne, sur la voie d’un rééquilibrage diplomatique

Après la plainte pour génocide contre l’Etat hébreu déposée par Pretoria auprès de la Cour internationale de justice en décembre 2023, le nouveau gouvernement d’union nationale sud-africain semble infléchir sa position vis-à-vis de Tel-Aviv.


@Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г.


@Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г.

The post @Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г. first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.


@Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г.

The post @Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г. first appeared on The Brooklyn Times – The News And Times.


@Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г.

The post @Xudozhnikipoeti: Александр Самохвалов. «Встреча друзей». 1945 г. first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.