
@POTUS: Tune in as I deliver remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 47th Annual Awards Gala.


@Robert4787: U.S. intelligence agrees with isolationism warning! By stepping back from global alliances, the U.S. risks losing critical intel-sharing, cooperation on terrorism, and defense against cyberattacks. Less influence = more vulnerability to foreign threats.

The post @Robert4787: U.S. intelligence agrees with isolationism warning! By stepping back from global alliances, the U.S. risks losing critical intel-sharing, cooperation on terrorism, and defense against cyberattacks. Less influence = more vulnerability to foreign threats. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.

The post @Robert4787: U.S. intelligence agrees with isolationism warning! By stepping back from global alliances, the U.S. risks losing critical intel-sharing, cooperation on terrorism, and defense against cyberattacks. Less influence = more vulnerability to foreign threats. first appeared on The World Web Times.


@Robert4787: Kudos to Five Eyes for taking down a massive 260,000-device botnet used by China to breach critical infrastructure in the US! Over half of the infected PCs and servers were in the US—an incredible win for international cooperation. #CyberSecurity #FiveEyes

The post @Robert4787: Kudos to Five Eyes for taking down a massive 260,000-device botnet used by China to breach critical infrastructure in the US! Over half of the infected PCs and servers were in the US—an incredible win for international cooperation. #CyberSecurity #FiveEyes first appeared on The World Web Times.


@SecBlinken: Met with French President @EmmanuelMacron in Paris today. I thanked him for his leadership on Ukraine’s defense in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. We also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict including efforts to achieve a ceasefire and surge humanitarian aid for Gaza.

The post @SecBlinken: Met with French President @EmmanuelMacron in Paris today. I thanked him for his leadership on Ukraine’s defense in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. We also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict including efforts to achieve a ceasefire and surge humanitarian aid for Gaza. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.

The post @SecBlinken: Met with French President @EmmanuelMacron in Paris today. I thanked him for his leadership on Ukraine’s defense in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. We also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict including efforts to achieve a ceasefire and surge humanitarian aid for Gaza. first appeared on The World Web Times.


@POTUS: Tune in as I deliver remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 47th Annual Awards Gala.


@Robert4787: U.S. intelligence agrees with isolationism warning! By stepping back from global alliances, the U.S. risks losing critical intel-sharing, cooperation on terrorism, and defense against cyberattacks. Less influence = more vulnerability to foreign threats.

The post @Robert4787: U.S. intelligence agrees with isolationism warning! By stepping back from global alliances, the U.S. risks losing critical intel-sharing, cooperation on terrorism, and defense against cyberattacks. Less influence = more vulnerability to foreign threats. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


@SecBlinken: Met with French President @EmmanuelMacron in Paris today. I thanked him for his leadership on Ukraine’s defense in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. We also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict including efforts to achieve a ceasefire and surge humanitarian aid for Gaza.

The post @SecBlinken: Met with French President @EmmanuelMacron in Paris today. I thanked him for his leadership on Ukraine’s defense in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. We also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict including efforts to achieve a ceasefire and surge humanitarian aid for Gaza. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


@Robert4787: Kudos to Five Eyes for taking down a massive 260,000-device botnet used by China to breach critical infrastructure in the US! Over half of the infected PCs and servers were in the US—an incredible win for international cooperation. #CyberSecurity #FiveEyes

News Review from The World Web Times

@BillEvanina: Wow. And Wow! A generational talent and might be best ever at some point. Memorizing!

The post @BillEvanina: Wow. And Wow! A generational talent and might be best ever at some point. Memorizing! first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.

News Review from The World Web Times

@KremlinTrolls: Inside Trump’s failed heist of the 2020 presidential election A Channel 4 documentary

The post @KremlinTrolls: Inside Trump’s failed heist of the 2020 presidential election A Channel 4 documentary first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.