
@NY1weather: Skies are turning sunny in #NYC. ☀️ @MAutovinoWx says after a foggy start to the day, sunshine will return in the afternoon, with readings in the 80s. 🏙️

The post @NY1weather: Skies are turning sunny in #NYC. ☀️ @MAutovinoWx says after a foggy start to the day, sunshine will return in the afternoon, with readings in the 80s. 🏙️ first appeared on The Brooklyn Times – The News And Times.

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On Aug. 23, French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. This unexpected event has sent ripples through the tech industry and raised significant questions about the intersection of digital privacy, state power and global geopolitics.

According to French officials, Durov was arrested on a warrant issued by France’s L’office mineurs, an agency responsible for preventing violence against minors. The charges against him include allegations of failing to curb the use of Telegram for criminal activities such as cyberbullying, drug trafficking, organized crime and the promotion of extremism. Telegram, with its encrypted messaging services, has been a platform of choice for various actors, including those involved in illicit activities, which French authorities argue Durov has not adequately addressed. 

The geopolitical implications of Durov’s detention cannot be overlooked. Telegram has been a critical tool in several global hotspots, most notably the Ukraine conflict, where it has been used by both military units and civilians for communication and information dissemination. Russia’s immediate response, demanding consular access and criticizing French authorities, underscores the international tensions at play.

Durov, who holds multiple citizenships, including Russian, has long been a thorn in the side of the Russian government due to his refusal to comply with demands for user data from his platform. His detention in a NATO member state like France could be interpreted as part of broader Western efforts to counter Russian influence, particularly in the digital realm. 

Speculation also abounds regarding possible involvement of other intelligence agencies, including Israel’s, given its sophisticated cyber capabilities and interest in monitoring or controlling platforms like Telegram, which both allies and adversaries might find useful. Any involvement by Israel, whether through intelligence sharing or cyber operations, would add further complexity to the geopolitical landscape surrounding Durov’s detention. 

Durov’s decision to travel to France despite the risks involved also raises questions. Some speculate that it may have been a calculated risk, possibly linked to broader negotiations or a belief that he could resolve legal issues there. The situation is further complicated by the mysterious disappearance of 24-year-old Yuli Vavilova, a Dubai-based crypto-coach from Moscow who was with Durov at the time of his detention. Speculation is rampant, with theories ranging from her involvement in espionage to the possibility of a honey trap orchestrated by intelligence agencies, adding layers of intrigue to the unfolding events. 

Durov’s detention comes amidst increasing pressure from European regulators on tech companies to comply with the Digital Services Act, which demands stringent content moderation to prevent the misuse of platforms for illegal purposes. France’s actions suggest a hard-line approach to enforcing these regulations, particularly against companies perceived as not fully cooperating with European standards. 

This event serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between public safety and individual freedoms, particularly the right to privacy. Telegram is known for its strong encryption and for Durov’s commitment to protecting user data from government intrusion, making it a vital tool for activists, journalists and everyday users who value privacy. But it has also attracted criminals and extremists, who exploit its secure communication features.  

One significant concern arising from this situation is the potential for the French government to gain access to Telegram’s databases. Although Telegram is designed to be highly secure, with servers distributed across multiple jurisdictions, Durov’s detention could lead to increased pressure on the company to comply with data access requests.

If French authorities gain access to user data, it could impact millions of users worldwide, particularly those involved in sensitive communications, such as political activists, journalists and government officials who rely on Telegram’s encryption for secure messaging. 

This case raises broader concerns about the future of digital privacy and freedom. If governments can hold tech executives personally responsible for their platforms’ users, it may lead to increased self-censorship by companies or even a decline in the availability of secure communication tools. This could have a chilling effect on free speech, especially in authoritarian regimes where platforms like Telegram are essential for organizing dissent.

For the tech industry, this incident signals a new era of accountability, in which CEOs and founders could face legal consequences for their platforms’ failures to comply with local laws. This is particularly significant for companies operating across multiple jurisdictions with varying legal standards. The pressure to adhere to stringent regulations may stifle innovation, especially in sectors like encryption and cybersecurity, where the balance between security and oversight is inherently delicate. 

Durov’s detention bears significant similarities to the 2018 apprehension of Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Huawei, in Canada. Both cases involve high-profile tech industry figures whose detentions have sparked international controversies and raised questions about the motivations behind them. Meng’s detention was widely viewed as part of the U.S.-China trade war, with Huawei at the center of concerns over 5G technology and cybersecurity. Likewise, Durov’s situation can be seen within the context of global power struggles, particularly between Russia and the West, and the role of technology in modern warfare and statecraft. 

Both cases illustrate how technology and geopolitics are increasingly intertwined. Meng’s detention had far-reaching consequences for Huawei and China’s global tech ambitions, just as Durov’s could impact Telegram’s operations and the broader tech landscape, especially concerning encrypted communications.

Just as Meng’s case symbolized the escalating tech rivalry between the U.S. and China, Durov’s detention could mark a key moment in the ongoing struggle over digital sovereignty and the future of the internet. 

Pari Esfandiari is the co-founder and president at the Global TechnoPolitics Forum, a member of the at-large advisory committee at ICANN representing the European region, and a member of APCO Worldwide’s advisory board.

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Op-Ed | The solution to New York City’s animal shelter crisis

New York City animal shelters have been overcrowded for decades. It got so bad last year that shelters were forced to temporarily stop pet intake due to the overwhelming number of surrenders and abandonments. 

Animal-loving volunteers and local independent rescue groups are everywhere but they cannot keep up.

There is a solution. But first we must travel upstream to understand the root cause instead of blaming our city’s animal shelters for a problem they cannot solve. 

The Real Problem

In the wealthiest city in the world, so many of our neighbors’ pets go without the veterinary care they all deserve. In fact, more than 50% of pet owners can no longer afford a basic vet visit, let alone a spay neuter appointment (which now costs more than $1,000 at many NYC vet clinics). 

Affordability is the top issue for New Yorkers across the board. It’s also the #1 reason why people are surrendering their pets to shelters – and why so many sadly say they may never be able to adopt again. 

To tackle this issue head on, local non-profit Flatbush Cats recently built the brand new 3,700-square-foot Flatbush Veterinary Clinic. Here they will provide tens of thousands of spay neuter surgeries and wellness appointments in the coming years – at affordable rates – with initial pilot funding from Councilman Justin Brannan. 

Now it’s time to scale. We need several affordable veterinary clinics like Flatbush Vet in every borough to keep more pets together with their families. And with thousands of cats and dogs flooding municipal shelters every year, we need to act now. 

Everyone Wins With Access to Care

Everyone benefits from affordable access to veterinary care: pet owners, rescuers, shelters, and taxpayers. We can keep thousands of pets with their families where they belong, and out of shelters, for a fraction of what it costs to house them currently. 

Currently, New York City spends less than 5% of its animal welfare budget on high impact, upstream measures like spay neuter – which has been proven to reduce overpopulation and shelter intake. The City has typically looked the other way and relied on citizens and non-profit organizations to volunteer to solve the public problem of stray and abandoned cats. Rescue volunteers show up for everything from hoarding and abuse cases to an abandoned sick cat on the subway. Over many years, an ecosystem of hundreds of tiny neighborhood rescue organizations have popped up to fill the vacuum of city services. But it is wrong for our government to continue taking advantage of compassionate animal-loving New Yorkers by expecting them to continue digging into their own pockets to solve these problems and it’s time we called it out. 

The good news is that the City of New York can correct this imbalance by allocating real funding in next year’s budget to ensure more pet owners and rescuers have affordable access to spay neuter services. 

Let’s be clear: we cannot rescue, adopt, or shelter our way out of this crisis. But we can move upstream and prevent more pets from ever needing help. It’s time to do the right thing for New York City pets and their families. City-funded affordable veterinary clinics will keep pets with their families and reduce the burden on independent rescue groups and our overcrowded shelters. 

Justin Brannan represents southern Brooklyn in the City Council. Allie Taylor is the President of Voters for Animal Rights. Will Zweigart is the Founder & Executive Director of Flatbush Cats.

The post Op-Ed | The solution to New York City’s animal shelter crisis first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.

The post Op-Ed | The solution to New York City’s animal shelter crisis first appeared on The Brooklyn Times – The News And Times.

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