
@MailOnline: Model lifeguard who became the first-ever plus-size Miss England recalls ‘terrifying’ moment she got caught in a rip current while saving someone’s life

The post @MailOnline: Model lifeguard who became the first-ever plus-size Miss England recalls ‘terrifying’ moment she got caught in a rip current while saving someone’s life first appeared on The News And Times Review –


@thehill: Kamala Harris trails Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump at this stage of race

The post @thehill: Kamala Harris trails Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump at this stage of race first appeared on The News And Times Review –


Первым в истории уголовный приговором ребенку действующего президента США – Хантер Хантер признал себя виновным по всем девяти пунктам

В ошеломляющем повороте событий в последнюю минуту окружной судья США Марк Скарси принял изменение вины в тот же день, когда в федеральном суде Лос-Анджелеса должен […]

The post Первым в истории уголовный приговором ребенку действующего президента США – Хантер Хантер признал себя виновным по всем девяти пунктам first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.


@DefenceU: A new dawn, a new day to defend our freedom! Our strength lies in unity, and together we are unbreakable. 📷: 23rd Mechanized Brigade

The post @DefenceU: A new dawn, a new day to defend our freedom! Our strength lies in unity, and together we are unbreakable. 📷: 23rd Mechanized Brigade first appeared on The Russian World.


@guardian: PwC to start tracking working locations of all its UK employees

The post @guardian: PwC to start tracking working locations of all its UK employees first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


@guardian: Georgia shooting: father of teen suspect charged with second-degree murder

The post @guardian: Georgia shooting: father of teen suspect charged with second-degree murder first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


@thehill: Rep. Lauren Boebert defends vote against veterans’ health benefits, saying she didn’t want to spend “$600 billion forever”

The post @thehill: Rep. Lauren Boebert defends vote against veterans’ health benefits, saying she didn’t want to spend “$600 billion forever” first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


@guardian: Trump tells Jewish donors they would be ‘abandoned’ if Harris is elected

The post @guardian: Trump tells Jewish donors they would be ‘abandoned’ if Harris is elected first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


@guardian: Trump tells Jewish donors they would be ‘abandoned’ if Harris is elected

The post @guardian: Trump tells Jewish donors they would be ‘abandoned’ if Harris is elected first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@Xudozhnikipoeti: Я не знаю, что сказать тебе при встрече, Не могу найти хотя бы пары слов.А недолгий вечер, а недолгий вечер,Скоро станет ночью темною без снов.А недолгий вечер, а недолгий вечер,Станет ночью темною без снов…Сегодня день рождения Юрия Шатунова (1973-2022)

The post @Xudozhnikipoeti: Я не знаю, что сказать тебе при встрече, Не могу найти хотя бы пары слов.А недолгий вечер, а недолгий вечер,Скоро станет ночью темною без снов.А недолгий вечер, а недолгий вечер,Станет ночью темною без снов…Сегодня день рождения Юрия Шатунова (1973-2022) first appeared on The Brooklyn Times – The News And Times.