
@GlasnostGone: Me thinks Mordor is saving up its drones for a big strike while President Zelensky is in America. It hasn’t launched any cruise missiles for a good while now & last night only launched 4 kamikaze drones – #Ukraine downed 3 of them. Now it could just be usual Russian

The post @GlasnostGone: Me thinks Mordor is saving up its drones for a big strike while President Zelensky is in America. It hasn’t launched any cruise missiles for a good while now & last night only launched 4 kamikaze drones – #Ukraine downed 3 of them. Now it could just be usual Russian first appeared on The Russian World.


@GlasnostGone: Checkmate: Putin lost his chess propaganda game. After a huge outcry that the International Chess Federation may reinstate the 2 terrorist states, its general assembly voted to maintain sanctions against Russia & its puppet state of Belarus

The post @GlasnostGone: Checkmate: Putin lost his chess propaganda game. After a huge outcry that the International Chess Federation may reinstate the 2 terrorist states, its general assembly voted to maintain sanctions against Russia & its puppet state of Belarus first appeared on The Russian World.


@visegrad24: After Oct. 7th 2023, Germany introduced a complete ban on the activities of Palestinian terror group Hamas. Pro-Palestinian protests have been banned, and schools in Berlin have permission to ban the Palestinian headdress. Why have other European countries not done the same?

The post @visegrad24: After Oct. 7th 2023, Germany introduced a complete ban on the activities of Palestinian terror group Hamas. Pro-Palestinian protests have been banned, and schools in Berlin have permission to ban the Palestinian headdress. Why have other European countries not done the same? first appeared on The Russian World.


3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast

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3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast
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3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast

3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast
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The post 3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast first appeared on Audio Posts.

The post 3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast first appeared on October Surprise 2024.

News Review from The World Web Times

@general_ben: Shutting down Russia’s ability to export oil to India and others is as important to helping Ukraine achieve victory as is the West providing long range strike capabilities to Ukraine.

The post @general_ben: Shutting down Russia’s ability to export oil to India and others is as important to helping Ukraine achieve victory as is the West providing long range strike capabilities to Ukraine. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.

News Review from The World Web Times

@general_ben: Shutting down Russia’s ability to export oil to India and others is as important to helping Ukraine achieve victory as is the West providing long range strike capabilities to Ukraine.

The post @general_ben: Shutting down Russia’s ability to export oil to India and others is as important to helping Ukraine achieve victory as is the West providing long range strike capabilities to Ukraine. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast

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3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast
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The post 3AM ET 09/23/2024 Newscast first appeared on Audio Posts.

News Review from The World Web Times

@sentdefender: Heading to Bed, be back in a few hours.

The post @sentdefender: Heading to Bed, be back in a few hours. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.

News Review from The World Web Times

@sentdefender: Heading to Bed, be back in a few hours.

The post @sentdefender: Heading to Bed, be back in a few hours. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.