News Review from The World Web Times

@anders_aslund: Fred Kempe: “President Joe Biden…is in danger of throwing away his shot at a lasting, positive foreign policy legacy because of excessive caution regarding Ukraine.”…

The post @anders_aslund: Fred Kempe: “President Joe Biden…is in danger of throwing away his shot at a lasting, positive foreign policy legacy because of excessive caution regarding Ukraine.”… first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


Central Bank of Azerbaijan unveils preliminary green taxonomy example

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) has developed a preliminary example of a “green taxonomy,” Azernews reports that Şahin Mahmudzade, CEO of the CBA, told in an update to the “Economy of Azerbaijan” Telegram channel.

The post Central Bank of Azerbaijan unveils preliminary green taxonomy example first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


@mikenov: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump! – Peak Prosperity… via @YouTube

The post @mikenov: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump! – Peak Prosperity… via @YouTube first appeared on FBI Reform – The News And Times.


@mikenov: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump! – Peak Prosperity… via @YouTube


8AM ET 09/17/2024 Newscast

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8AM ET 09/17/2024 Newscast
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The post 8AM ET 09/17/2024 Newscast first appeared on Audio Posts.


Op-Ed | Keeping New York City safe for everyone

Making New York City a safer and more affordable city has always been the mission of our administration. Every day, we fight to ensure that New Yorkers can pursue their dreams without fear for their safety and with a better quality of life. I am proud to say that New York remains the safest big city in America, and we are continuing to get safer each day.

As a result of our administration’s successful public safety strategy, our streets and our subways are safer. New York City has seen eight straight months of overall crime reduction across the five boroughs, realizing a significant 6.4 percent decrease in crime citywide for the month of August compared to the same time last year. Overall crime continues to trend downward and is down year to date as well. Additionally, last month, we had the fewest shootings of any August since the NYPD started tracking crime through CompStat in 1994.Homicides are down double digits for the year and for last month. Car theft is also down double digits. And burglaries are down, too.

Our public transit system is the lifeblood of our city, so keeping New Yorkers safe on the subway is key to ensuring that New York remains the safest big city in America. That is why we surged more than 1,000 additional officers in the subway system in February and introduced additional technology, including cameras and data driven officer deployment. As a result, overall transit crime has been down for seven cumulative months, and robberies are at the lowest point in recorded history. These numbers don’t lie, our safety strategy is on track and working.  

We know that community input is critical to improving public safety and that every community has its own unique needs. That is why we are bringing partners from across the city together to find innovative approaches to reducing crime and improving quality of life. Issues like illegal vending, retail theft, substance use, the mental health crisis, scaffolding, and unlicensed cannabis shops have no place on our streets. And our administration refuses to tolerate an atmosphere where anything goes.

That is why we launched our “Community Link” initiative, which works with multiple agencies, as well as community partners, to make our city safer and more livable for all. We have Community Links established across the city, including on 14th Street on the Lower East Side, 125th Street in Harlem, Central Park near 110th Street, and around Washington Square Park — all areas in which we have seen unacceptable quality-of-life issues take hold. This approach works hand-in-hand with the community to bring tailored city services right to their doorsteps.

Just last week, I was happy to convene members of the NYPD, the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and others to launch “Operation Front Door,” a targeted operation focusing on quality-of-life issues in and around Times Square, the front door to the world. In one night, we seized 36 illegally operating pedicabs, issued 45 summonses, and shut down six food trucks for various health and safety violations.

Times Square is the welcome mat to our city, a place where the hospitality, entertainment, tourism and business industries meet. Millions of tourists continue to visit Times Square and are often targeted by illegal vendors and pedicabs. The unsafe and unregulated practices of illegal vendors and pedicabs not only put tourists’ safety at risk but undermine legitimate business trying to make a living. With Operation Front Door, we are taking decisive action to keep Times Square safe for New Yorkers, tourists, and businesses.

We came into office with the clear goal of making our city safer, more affordable, and more livable for all New Yorkers. We are making improvements that New Yorkers feel every day. And ensuring that New York remains the safest big city in America. 

The post Op-Ed | Keeping New York City safe for everyone first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.


A French man admits in court to drugging his wife so that he and dozens of men could rape her

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AP correspondent Charles de Ledesma reports accused Frenchman Dominique Pélicot’s lawyer comments as Pélicot testifies in a rape trial that is shocking France.

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The post A French man admits in court to drugging his wife so that he and dozens of men could rape her first appeared on Audio Posts.


The latest international headlines

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AP correspondent Charles de Ledesma reports on a likely shift in military tactics by Israel over Hezbollah in Lebanon; Kashmiris may vote in this weeks’ local elections; Central Europe floods worsen; and Myanmar deaths rise following Typhoon Yagi.

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The post The latest international headlines first appeared on Audio Posts.


Suspect in apparent assassination attempt on Trump was near golf course for 12 hours, records show

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AP correspondent Julie Walker reports Donald Trump speaks out about the apparent assassination attempt on him and the suspect appears in court.

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The post Suspect in apparent assassination attempt on Trump was near golf course for 12 hours, records show first appeared on Audio Posts.

News Review from The World Web Times

@mikenov: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump! – Peak Prosperity… via @YouTube

The post @mikenov: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump! – Peak Prosperity… via @YouTube first appeared on FBI Reform – The News And Times.