
@thehill: “McConnell defends the radical Supreme Court he unleashed on America” (@TheHillOpinion)

The post @thehill: “McConnell defends the radical Supreme Court he unleashed on America” (@TheHillOpinion) first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@thehill: “McConnell defends the radical Supreme Court he unleashed on America” (@TheHillOpinion)

The post @thehill: “McConnell defends the radical Supreme Court he unleashed on America” (@TheHillOpinion) first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@KremlinTrolls: Quick reminder that Donald Trump has been a Russian agent since the 1980s:

The post @KremlinTrolls: Quick reminder that Donald Trump has been a Russian agent since the 1980s: first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


@KremlinTrolls: Here’s one of the elephants in the room. Russian agent Trump:

The post @KremlinTrolls: Here’s one of the elephants in the room. Russian agent Trump: first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


New Zealand’s Maori Name a New Queen

Nga Wai Hono i te Po, 27, is the second woman to assume the ceremonial role. She takes the throne as some of the country’s pro-Maori policies are being pared back.

The post New Zealand’s Maori Name a New Queen first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


@thehill: Donald Trump tops Kamala Harris among veterans: Poll

The post @thehill: Donald Trump tops Kamala Harris among veterans: Poll first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


New Zealand’s Maori Name a New Queen

Nga Wai Hono i te Po, 27, is the second woman to assume the ceremonial role. She takes the throne as some of the country’s pro-Maori policies are being pared back.

The post New Zealand’s Maori Name a New Queen first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@thehill: Donald Trump tops Kamala Harris among veterans: Poll

The post @thehill: Donald Trump tops Kamala Harris among veterans: Poll first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@MailOnline: How post-lockdown rush back to gigs has breathed new life into Britain’s economy: Pop superstars Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Coldplay help drive record £6bn triumph for UK’s live music scene

The post @MailOnline: How post-lockdown rush back to gigs has breathed new life into Britain’s economy: Pop superstars Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Coldplay help drive record £6bn triumph for UK’s live music scene first appeared on The News And Times Review –


NY family loses out on dream vacation as delayed flight causes them to narrowly miss 8-day cruise — watched from dock as ship sailed away

The vacation was meant to serve as a celebration for LaSaine’s 50th birthday and one last summer adventure for her oldest son, Kaseem Miller, who was starting his junior year at Hampton University in Virginia.

The post NY family loses out on dream vacation as delayed flight causes them to narrowly miss 8-day cruise — watched from dock as ship sailed away first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.

The post NY family loses out on dream vacation as delayed flight causes them to narrowly miss 8-day cruise — watched from dock as ship sailed away first appeared on The Brooklyn Times – The News And Times.