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@mikenov: The 2024 National Counterintelligence Strategy

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@mikenov: The 2024 National Counterintelligence Strategy… The 2024 National Counterintelligence StrategyThis effort will be guided by three main objectives: Detect, understand and anticipate foreign intelligence threats. Counter, degrade and deter foreign…


Inside the IC’s New Counterintelligence Strategy

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from GovCon Wire.

In early August, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published a new edition of the National Counterintelligence Strategy.

The refreshed version includes nine goals split across three pillars, which focus on addressing threats posed by foreign intelligence entities, or FIEs; defending U.S. strategic advantages; and laying a foundation for future counterintelligence, or CI, operations. It was developed by NCSC with input partners across the Intelligence Community and wider U.S. government to provide “a comprehensive vision and direction for the CI community to address increasingly complex foreign intelligence threats,” NCSC Director Michael Casey said in a statement.

Keep reading to learn more about the strategy and its place in the IC’s sweeping transformation efforts.

The 2024 National Counterintelligence Strategy

Pillar 1

Today’s CI landscape is shaped by operations by foreign adversaries in the “gray zone,” which the strategy defines as “a space between war and peace that encompasses intelligence activities that push the boundaries of accepted norms.”

The first pillar hopes to counter gray zone activities by using modern technologies and collection methods and collaboration with government and industry partners to efficiently detect and mitigate threats posed by FIEs. This effort will be guided by three main objectives:

  • Detect, understand and anticipate foreign intelligence threats
  • Counter, degrade and deter foreign intelligence activities and capabilities
  • Combat foreign intelligence cyber activities

Some key technologies NCSC hopes to leverage are open source intelligence, or OSINT, artificial intelligence, modern information technology systems and cybersecurity tools.

Pillar 2

The second pillar aims to safeguard U.S. strengths. This portion of the strategy looks at counterintelligence from both the individual and institutional levels. One of its main goals is to protect American citizens who are targeted by adversaries looking to exploit personal data, such as health records, financial data and mobile device information, among others. 

On a societal scale, this pillar seeks to defend democratic institutions, technology, economic security, critical infrastructure and supply chains.

To address threats to these areas, the NCSC seeks to better understand the intentions of FIEs by improving collection capabilities and enforcing response timelines. It also hopes to foster stronger partnerships with state, local and foreign governments; private sector organizations; and the public to inform decision making and increase risks for FIEs operating in the U.S. 

Pillar 3

The third pillar takes a forward-thinking approach, focusing on ways to lay a foundation for future success in CI operations. It lists four methods for accomplishing this goal:

  • Investing in advanced technologies and integrated capabilities while using current research platforms to address CI gaps
  • Expanding and upskilling the CI workforce
  • Streamlining and augmenting the CI authorities of the federal government and state, local, foreign and private sector partners

Counterintelligence and the Wider IC Modernization Journey

The 2024 National Counterintelligence Strategy is one of many plans the IC has released as it works to adapt its priorities to the shifting intelligence landscape. Below are three recent strategies and updates that support its CI goals. 

Vision for the IC Information Environment

The IC has recognized the importance of modern IT capabilities in today’s intelligence environment, which is more digitally driven than ever before. To pave a pathway for IT transformation, the IC in May published its Vision for the IC Information Environment, a roadmap for achieving the level of IT mastery necessary for success in modern intelligence. Its five focus areas are:

  • Fortify the mission with a reliable and resilient digital foundation
  • Assure the mission with robust cybersecurity
  • Enable the mission with modern practices and partnerships
  • Enhance the mission with data-centricity
  • Accelerate the mission with advanced technologies and workforce readiness

IC OSINT Strategy 2024-2026

Embracing OSINT, which includes any information that is publicly available, such as news articles and social media content, is one way the IC plans to achieve the goals laid out in the first pillar of the National Intelligence Strategy.

In March, ODNI released the IC OSINT Strategy 2024-2026, which aims to create a “professionalized, integrated and agile IC OSINT enterprise providing decision advantage for U.S. policymakers and warfighters and driving innovation with partners.” The strategy provides a detailed plan for elevating OSINT capabilities across the entire IC and breaking down information sharing barriers across agencies. Its four strategic focus areas include:

  • Coordinating open source data acquisition and expanding data sharing
  • Establishing integrated open source collection management
  • Driving OSINT innovation to deliver new capabilities
  • Developing the next generation OSINT workforce and tradecraft

Election Security Update

Elections are a vital element of American democracy, and the 2024 National Intelligence Strategy emphasizes the importance of preserving democratic institutions. The IC is laser focused on election security threats, and a July election security update lists three nations — Russia, China and Iran — that are trying to sway U.S. public opinion. The document notes social media and AI as major factors in their efforts.

Want to learn more about current U.S. intelligence goals? The Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Intel Summit on Sept. 19 will offer you the opportunity to hear from IC leaders and industry experts who will gather to share their thoughts on today’s intelligence priorities. To unlock the insights the 2024 Intel Summit has to offer, register to attend the event on the Potomac Officers Club website.

The post Inside the IC’s New Counterintelligence Strategy first appeared on FBI Reform – The News And Times.

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@mikenov: #FBI FBI AUDIO: Inside the IC’s New Counterintelligence Strategy

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@mikenov: #FBI FBI AUDIO: Inside the IC’s New Counterintelligence Strategy……


Op-Ed | Your city wants to help put money in your pocket

New York is a city that works for our people, with resources available to help hard-working residents afford the cost of housing, child care, health care, transit, and more. But all too often, the New Yorkers most in need of these programs are not aware that they qualify for them and don’t take advantage of the benefits they are entitled to. 

That is why our city is taking important steps to make sure New Yorkers know how to get the support they need and deserve with our new “Money in Your Pocket” initiative. This new outreach program will help residents across the five boroughs screen for or learn about more than 70 city, state, and federal programs that can make life in New York City more affordable, equitable, and livable.

Led by the Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit, city workers and trained students will visit underserved neighborhoods across the city to help thousands of New Yorkers find out which benefits they may be eligible to receive.

Some of these benefits include:

  • The Earned Income Tax Credit, which puts money back into the pockets of working people to help with rent, bills, and groceries. 
  • The Child Tax Credit, which helps families afford the everyday expenses of raising a family, like school supplies and clothes. 
  • The Fair Fares program, which brings down costs of transit fares for young people, seniors, and low-income earners, 
  • And the Rent Freeze programs that help seniors stay in their homes.

While these programs have been a success in driving down costs, too many New Yorkers still don’t know about them, or they simply don’t have the time between working two jobs and trying to feed their families to navigate the system and get the help they need.

I know, because I’ve been there.

As someone raised by a single mother who had to work several jobs to support our family, I remember how my mother would go to a government office and walk out more broken than she was when she walked in. That’s not how government should operate. We must always be working for the people, uplifting them, opening doors and making it easier to get by — not making life more difficult for those already struggling.

I have made it my mission to make sure all New Yorkers know that they can turn to their city for support. Since taking office, our administration has helped New Yorkers save more than $30 billion through launching, administering, and helping New Yorkers take advantage of programs across all levels of government.

This includes saving families and working-class New Yorkers $345 million through the Earned Income Tax Credit, giving New Yorkers in public housing access to free high-speed internet and basic TV through Big Apple Connect, and eliminating medical debt for 500,000 New Yorkers — saving them an estimated $1.8 billion.

Putting money back into the pockets of New Yorkers is critical for everyone who lives here — older adults, young families, and, of course, our youth. We want every person who calls this city home to have access to the benefits that can make life more affordable and equitable.

Our ‘Money in Your Pocket’ initiative will build on this record of success and expand opportunity and prosperity to hard-working New York City families.

I encourage all New Yorkers looking for answers and support to visit for a highlight of dozens of the benefits they may qualify for.

We are building a city that expands opportunity and prosperity to every neighborhood and community because New Yorkers deserve their fair share, and your city is now going to deliver that to you.

The post Op-Ed | Your city wants to help put money in your pocket first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.

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The post @nytimes: President Biden gave a demonstration that the Democratic Party now belongs to Vice President Kamala Harris, stepping to the microphone at a campaign event on Monday to introduce his No. 2 rather than taking the speaking slot of honor for himself. first appeared on Links – The News And Times.