
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: “I, and many other reservists, did not enlist to carry out a Nakba. That is not our army”: Former IDF spokesperson explains how Netanyahu’s government played into Hamas’ hands…

“I, and many other reservists, did not enlist to carry out a Nakba. That is not our army”: Former IDF spokesperson explains how Netanyahu’s government played into Hamas’ hands — (@haaretzcom) July 10, 2024

The post @haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: “I, and many other reservists, did not enlist to carry out a Nakba. That is not our army”: Former IDF spokesperson explains how Netanyahu’s government played into Hamas’ hands… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: “I, and many other reservists, did not enlist to carry out a Nakba. That is not our army”: Former IDF spokesperson explains how Netanyahu’s government played into Hamas’ hands…

“I, and many other reservists, did not enlist to carry out a Nakba. That is not our army”: Former IDF spokesperson explains how Netanyahu’s government played into Hamas’ hands

— (@haaretzcom) July 10, 2024


GOP Platform Nixes Abortion Ban—But Trump Could Outlaw It Using This Theory – Forbes

The post GOP Platform Nixes Abortion Ban—But Trump Could Outlaw It Using This Theory – Forbes first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Analysis | From a GOP platform to a MAGA one – The Washington Post

The post Analysis | From a GOP platform to a MAGA one – The Washington Post first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


What to Know About Project 2025, Trump’s Second-Term Blueprint – The Cut

The post What to Know About Project 2025, Trump’s Second-Term Blueprint – The Cut first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Apple set for seven straight sessions of gains – Seeking Alpha

The post Apple set for seven straight sessions of gains – Seeking Alpha first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


The Guardian view on defence spending: budget reality cannot be ignored | Editorial

Sir Keir Starmer is maintaining a difficult balance in acknowledging rising global security threats and the fiscal facts

When it comes to the defence budget, enormous pressure is being put on Sir Keir Starmer to do something he already intends to do. As a Nato member, Britain has signed up to a target of military spending at 2.5% of gross domestic product. The prime minister has made a “cast-iron” guarantee to honour that pledge, and restated it ahead of a Nato summit in Washington this week.

This was also the policy of the last Conservative government. There was no timetable for reaching the target until April this year, when Rishi Sunak declared that it would happen by 2030. Within a month, Mr Sunak had called an election. Those two things are related. The 2030 deadline was a partisan device to make the Tories look more hawkish than Labour.

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The Guardian view on Labour’s devolution plans: beyond ‘levelling up’ | Editorial

Sir Keir Starmer’s No 10 meeting with metro mayors sent the right message. But big challenges loom

Over the years, England’s town halls have become used to being treated with a mixture of hostility, condescension and neglect. During the late 1980s, writing at the height of Margaret Thatcher’s ideological assault on leftwing councils, the political scientist Andrew Gamble warned that her centralising tendencies could pave the way to “the eventual abolition of local government”. In the 2010s, Conservative administrations blithely swung the wrecking ball once more, as punitive austerity hollowed out council budgets to an unsustainable degree.

Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to sit down with England’s metro mayors in Downing Street this week – the first meeting of its kind – was therefore both welcome and significant. Tuesday’s get-together largely amounted to warm words and selfies outside No 10. But Sir Keir’s announcement of a new council of regions and nations formalises a more equal and respectful relationship. It is a genuine statement of collaborative intent. The sense of a step-change was also conveyed by Angela Rayner’s decision to remove Boris Johnson’s “levelling up” slogan from the housing, communities and local government department that she now leads. Rarely has a political slogan generated so many ministerial speeches and column inches, to such little concrete effect.

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Russia aims to undermine support for Ukraine during US election, intelligence warns


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Russia plans information campaigns to sow division in the U.S. society and undermine support for Ukraine in swing states during the upcoming presidential race, American intelligence officials told journalists on July 9.

When asked whether Moscow seeks to boost a specific candidate, an official of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said that they have “have not observed a shift in Russia’s preferences for the presidential race from past elections, given the role the U.S. is playing with regard to Ukraine and broader policy toward Russia.”

Russia has been accused of using social media disinformation, bot farms, and other means to back Donald Trump against his Democratic opponents – Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden – during the 2016 and 2020 elections.

President Biden is most likely going to face Trump again in the November vote.

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“We are beginning to see Russia target specific voter demographics, promote divisive narratives, and denigrate specific politicians,” the ONDI official said.

Moscow is “undertaking a whole-of-government approach to influence the election, including the presidential race, Congress and public opinion,” the official added.

“To accomplish this, Moscow is using a variety of approaches to bolster its messaging and lend an air of authenticity to its efforts. This includes outsourcing its efforts to commercial firms to hide its hand and laundering narratives through influential U.S. voices.”

The U.S. Justice Department announced on July 9 that it had uncovered close to 1,000 accounts on X linked to a Russian bot farm disseminating disinformation in the country.

The result of the election could have a profound impact on Ukraine as it faces Russia’s full-scale invasion.

The Biden administration positioned the U.S. as the leading force in the pro-Kyiv coalition, albeit attracting some criticism from allies over the president’s incremental approach to providing weapons and restrictions on the use of American arms.

While Trump criticized the aid for Kyiv in the past, he has been evasive in public regarding his stances toward Ukraine as the election drew near.

The former president repeatedly promised to end Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine within 24 hours, with several media reports suggesting this could involve blocking Ukraine’s NATO accession or forcing the country to cede territory to Russia.

The post Russia aims to undermine support for Ukraine during US election, intelligence warns first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News.


6 states shift toward Trump in 2024 race: Cook Political Report – Fox News

The post 6 states shift toward Trump in 2024 race: Cook Political Report – Fox News first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.