
Sen. Bob Menendez’s lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client – Buffalo News

The post Sen. Bob Menendez’s lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client – Buffalo News first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


Sen. Bob Menendez’s lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client – KVIA

The post Sen. Bob Menendez’s lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client – KVIA first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


Декларация НАТО: Альянс не представляет угрозы для России


НАТО не стремится к намеренной конфронтации с Россией и не представляет для нее угрозы: вместо этого организация не оставляет надежду сохранить контакты с Москвой, следует из совместной декларации альянса…

The post Декларация НАТО: Альянс не представляет угрозы для России first appeared on The Russian World.


Борющаяся с раком Кейт Миддлтон оставила крайне эмоциональное послание

Принцесса является покровительницей Всеанглийского клуба лаун-тенниса и крокета, и ее поддержка Маррея была приятным сюрпризом для многих. Эндрю Маррей, британский теннисист и экс-первая ракетка мира в одиночном разряде, сыграл свой последний матч на Уимблдоне 5 июля.

Он рассказал о своем решении завершить карьеру из-за физических проблем и травм. Многие поклонники Маррея выразили свою поддержку и признательность за его вклад в теннис.

Принцесса Кейт и Эндрю Маррей дружат уже несколько лет. Во время пандемии они провели видеозвонок с юными теннисистами из начальной школы Бонд в Южном Лондоне. Маррей рассказал студентам о своем выборе карьеры в теннисе и подчеркнул, что это было дело, в котором он был хорош. Они также обсудили радость, которую теннис приносит их жизни.

Помимо этого, принц Уильям недавно посетил матч между сборными Англии и Швейцарии на чемпионате Евро-2024 в Дюссельдорфе. Он явно не сдерживал своих эмоций, поддерживая свою команду.

Такие моменты подчеркивают важность спорта и его влияние на общество. Они объединяют людей и вдохновляют на достижение выдающихся результатов. Как покровительница спорта, принцесса Кейт активно поддерживает различные спортивные мероприятия и спортсменов, признавая их усилия и достижения.

Принцесса Кейт продолжает проходить лечение от рака, поэтому пока неизвестно, появится ли она на финале Уимблдона и сможет ли вручить награды. Но ее поддержка и послание для Эндрю Маррея останутся в сердцах фанатов тенниса и будут служить вдохновением для всех, кто стремится к достижению высот в своей карьере.

The post Борющаяся с раком Кейт Миддлтон оставила крайне эмоциональное послание first appeared on The Russian World.


@mikenov:… Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ – The Spokesman Review Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ The Spokesman Review The post Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’
Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ – The Spokesman Review
Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’  The Spokesman Review The post Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ – The Spokesman…

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 11, 2024

The post @mikenov:… Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ – The Spokesman Review Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ The Spokesman Review The post Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ first appeared on The News And Times.

The post @mikenov:… Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ – The Spokesman Review Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ The Spokesman Review The post Menendez’s lawyer tells jury bribery case is ‘painfully thin’ first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Clay County ransomware attack update –

The post Clay County ransomware attack update – first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Fujitsu Suffers Worm-Like Attack From Something That Wasn’t Ransomware – Dark Reading

The post Fujitsu Suffers Worm-Like Attack From Something That Wasn’t Ransomware – Dark Reading first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


A hurricane named Beryl, an agonizing plight straight out of the Book of Job


For those following events in my hometown of Houston, you will know that Beryl — the Category 1 hurricane that pummeled Houston three days ago — has been compared to other hurricanes we have weathered, notably Ike and Harvey, as well as the derecho that pounded us just a few months ago.

But there is a different kind of rapidly rotating storm system that offers a more suggestive and, well, scriptural parallel for the event that, as I write, has left more than a million residents still without power to run not just their air-conditioners, but also oxygen and dialysis machines. (One woman died yesterday when her oxygen machine, which she switched to battery power, failed.)

But as the mercury inches towards three digits today, Beryl has also left us without answers to why this happened. This is a situation not unlike the one in which Job finds himself when, reduced to a bewildered old man bereft of home and family, he also demands an answer. After an agonizingly long wait, Job is confronted by a whirlwind, a supernatural storm from which a thundering voice offered an answer that is, to be perfectly honest, not much of an answer.

A Texas Standard version of the Book of Job, with an assist from Robert Alter’s brilliant translation, stars a Houston energy customer, skin boiling in Houston heat and hand grasping a dying smart phone. At wit’s end, he calls out, “He knows the way with me, tests me, and I come out with a gold credit rating.” Taking a slug of warm Gatorade, the Customer continues, “His way I kept, and I did not swerve to pay my bills. From his notices I did not turn and stored them in a drawer where I also keep warnings from the Home Owners Association about my faded siding.”

And yet all of this had been to no avail. “I scream to you, and you do not answer. I stand still and you do not observe me. I stare at this screen, and you cannot maintain a power outage map. Where in Genesis is the creation of Whataburger, whose map has proved more reliable than yours?” Glancing at his darkened screen, the Customer moans, “Yet, he wants but one thing and who can divert him? What he desires he will do — namely, to care not a fig and to be left alone.”

Our local deity, CenterPoint Energy, answers its Customer in a whirlwind of shock and awe, circumlocution and deflection. “Who is this who disturbs my board meeting in words without the knowledge that we own? Gird your loins, miserable Houstonian, that I may remind you that I fixed the measures of these power lines and stretched them across the suburbs. Moreover, I remain committed to working around-the-clock to restore service as safely and quickly as possible and have mobilized nearly 12,000 field resources to support our restoration efforts.”

Wagging the Gatorade bottle toward the heavens, the Customer interrupts: “But why were not those 12,000 resources, many of them from out-of-state, not already in position before the storm? Just today, three days after the storm, a caravan of repair trucks from the neighboring region of the Alabamites lumbered past me. Why?”

The voice from the whirlwind thunders a bit defensively, “I don’t have that specific information.” But, never mind as the voice continues, “Have you ever commanded the morning limousine, appointed to take me to my corner suite high above you? Can you send bolts of electricity on their way, and can you  say ‘Amount due: $514.21?’”

The Customer concedes the last point, but still wonders about the preparation for the storm? After all, the Customer and his kin had tracked the storm’s path for days and knew it would barrel into Houston.  “Were you not aware of its arrival, and that it upon its arrival it would be greater than the Behemoth, if not quite as great as sthe Leviathan?” After a long pause, the voice from the whirlwind replied, “Well, it made more of an impact to our area than many believed was going to happen.”

The post A hurricane named Beryl, an agonizing plight straight out of the Book of Job appeared first on The Forward.

The post A hurricane named Beryl, an agonizing plight straight out of the Book of Job first appeared on The News And Times.

The post A hurricane named Beryl, an agonizing plight straight out of the Book of Job first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


FBI Omaha reveals campaign to prevent mass violence – WOWT

The post FBI Omaha reveals campaign to prevent mass violence – WOWT first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


@Neurodance2462: @azamatistan Jons Stoltenberg has stated on two occasions that it’s due to NATO expansion. As has the head of the CIA, William Burns + many other high level officials. There is no argument to be had, simply a little catch up reading is required.

Jons Stoltenberg has stated on two occasions that it’s due to NATO expansion. As has the head of the CIA, William Burns + many other high level officials. There is no argument to be had, simply a little catch up reading is required.

— Neurodancer (@Neurodance2462) July 10, 2024

The post @Neurodance2462: @azamatistan Jons Stoltenberg has stated on two occasions that it’s due to NATO expansion. As has the head of the CIA, William Burns + many other high level officials. There is no argument to be had, simply a little catch up reading is required. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.