
Russian MFA lambasts France’s meddling in Kremlin’s internal affairs

France’s meddling in Russia’s internal affairs and putting pressure on its judicial system is unacceptable.

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AP Headline News – Jul 09 2024 15:00 (EDT)


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How airpower experts think Ukraine could pull off bursts of air superiority to get F-16s into the fight and score breakthroughs

Four Portuguese Air Force F-16 jets fly against a white, cloudy background.Portuguese Air Force F-16 M Fighting Falcons fly over Praça do Comercio during the military parade that opens the official ceremonies in celebration of the 50th anniversary of 1974 Carnation Revolution (Revolução dos Cravos).

Horacio Villalobos/Getty Images

  • F-16 fighter jets are about to finally enter combat in Ukraine, where its new operators will have to figure out how best to use them.
  • There is a play in which Ukraine could pursue bursts of air superiority to score breakthroughs, experts say.
  • The integrated air-ground campaign could give Ukraine what it needs to break through Russian defenses.

Ukraine will soon receive F-16s, combat-proven Western fighter jets able to augment the war-torn country’s depleted force of aging Soviet-era aircraft.

A key question is how Ukraine should “optimize the use of the relatively small number of F-16s” it is set to receive and the limited availability of trained pilots, airpower experts say.

Ukraine, they write, could leverage its new fighter jets as part of an integrated air-ground campaign to secure brief, localized air superiority as part of a larger operation to secure breakthroughs in specific areas.

Ret. US Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, now the dean of the Mitchell Institute, and Christopher Bowie, nonresident fellow for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, wrote in a new Mitchell Institute report that “by conducting an integrated air-ground campaign to secure air superiority in the times and places of its choosing, Ukraine can further its military’s momentum on the battlefield and begin reversing the territorial gains the Russian army has achieved up to this point.”

Air superiority refers to the condition in which one side can conduct operations in pursuit of its objective without prohibitive interference from the enemy.

A US Air Force F-22 Raptor flies above two Polish F-16 jets against a lush and green background.An Air Force F-22 Raptor flies alongside two Polish F-16s in formation during the NATO Air Shielding media day at Lask Air Base, Poland.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Danielle Sukhlall

Neither Ukraine nor Russia have gained widespread or significant air superiority thus far in the war, though Russia appeared to establish temporary, localized control of the skies around Avdiivka in February. That limited support helped the Russian troops overwhelm Ukrainian defenses and capture the war-torn area.

Deptula and Bowie’s new report highlights the “absolute necessity of air superiority to achieve a decisive advantage” in the war, noting that without such an advantage, the conflict looks as it does now — a “relative stalemate” resembling World War I trench warfare.

When Ukraine begins receiving F-16 jets from Western partners, it will need to rethink the use of its air force and how to support ground operations.

The effectiveness of Ukraine’s new F-16 force will depend heavily on how many jets its receives, the armaments, the type of jet sent, the total number and proficiency of trained pilots, and the maintenance operations for the planes. Survivability and application will factor in as well.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, and Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder meet with F-16 pilots in front of an F-16 jet in an indoor hanger.Reception of President Volodymyr Zelensky at Melsbroek military airport by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder and meeting with F-16 pilots, instructors, and technicians.

Didier Lebrun/Photonews via Getty Images

Mixing capabilities for a breakthrough

“The first step,” the authors wrote in their report, “is to work with the Ukrainian army to determine, across the entire Ukrainian line of engagement with the Russians, the optimal location (potentially multiple locations) and times to gain air superiority.”

Next, the Ukrainian Air Force would need to work with ground forces on a massive deception plan, placing troops on various axes of the battlefield in order to confuse Russia about where the true location of a major attack is.

Such a move could give Ukraine at least some element of surprise, something it largely lacked in its failed 2023 counteroffensive.

Then Ukraine could aim to hinder the Russian response, employing “hundreds, preferably thousands” of drones against a variety of targets, such as energy production and storage, Deptula and Bowie said, further confusing Russian troops and forcing the expenditure of interceptor missiles.

A Ukrainian serviceman is assembling a reusable bomber drone in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, on March 8, 2024.A Ukrainian serviceman is assembling a reusable bomber drone in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, on March 8, 2024.

Ukrinform/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Along with unmanned systems, Ukraine’s ground forces could use long-range fires, such as US-provided HIMARS and ATACMS, against Russia’s radars, surface-to-air missile systems, and artillery. The air force could support these operations using HARM missiles.

Important to this operation would likely be partner-provided intelligence, which would help Ukraine improve the quality, timing, and effectiveness of the attack. Extensive electronic warfare to jam Russian reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities is also important to further disrupt a response.

As Ukraine’s ground began their advance, Ukraine would need to move long-range SAMs to engage and deter Russian fighter jets. This sets up Ukraine’s air force to gain air superiority over specific areas, allowing their pilots to strike Russian units, logistics, and transportation networks and deny movements of reinforcements.

All of this requires a truly integrated approach, Deptula and Bowie wrote. While there are a host of potential challenges, such as insufficient resources and training, the results could be promising, giving Ukraine bursts of air superiority in certain areas that can be exploited for breakthroughs in a way that could “lead to a collapse of Russian positions.”

A F-16 aircraft is pictured after the first delivery of Norway's old F-16 fighter aircraft to Romania at Rygge Air Force Base, Norway on Nov. 28, 2023.An F-16 aircraft is pictured after the first delivery of Norway’s old F-16 fighter aircraft to Romania at Rygge Air Force Base, Norway.

Photo by OLE BERG-RUSTEN/NTB/AFP via Getty Images

Questions have long been raised about how Ukraine could best use its F-16s, with some concern that the jets could be less useful now than they would’ve been earlier in the war.

The effort to get Ukraine F-16s from NATO members has faced a variety of problems, with some Western leaders hesitant to provide jets due to fears of Russian escalation, but the alliance began to budge on the idea last year.

F-16s, fourth-generation fighters that have been used to fly many different missions over the decades, from air-to-air combat to air defense suppression and destruction, will be a capability upgrade for Ukraine, potentially offering them systems and weapons they didn’t previously have and giving them a boost in critical offensive and defensive action.

But the Fighting Falcons, 50-year-old aircraft, are in no way a silver bullet. They’ll face a range of challenges in Ukraine, especially Russia’s advanced air defense systems.

And there may be other issues as well. Ukraine has also faced issues adapting to Western ways of war, specifically complex, combined arms warfare. That’s been a challenge as it’s sought to be more in line with NATO’s fighting style and embrace the assistance and guidance of its Western supporters, though some of that guidance has at times been inconsistent with the realities of the battlefield in Ukraine.

Read the original article on Business Insider

The post How airpower experts think Ukraine could pull off bursts of air superiority to get F-16s into the fight and score breakthroughs first appeared on The News And Times.


How to read the UV index scale and why it’s crucial for preventing skin cancer

A model and a child model apply sunscreen in the sun on a bright blue day.If the UV index is high, it’s crucial you wear sunscreen, seek shade, and cover up in protective clothing.


Radiation from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause lasting damage to your skin. In fact, UV rays are the leading cause of skin cancers, like melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, says Beth Goldstein, MD, a dermatologist with Central Dermatology Center.

Therefore, it’s important to monitor the UV index in your area before spending time outside. This can help protect you from sun damage and subsequent health consequences down the line. 

What is the UV index? 

The ultraviolet index or UV index forecasts the intensity of the sun’s UV rays on a scale of 0 to 11+. 

Understanding the index helps you predict how quickly your skin will burn if exposed to the sun and what kind of preventative actions you should take if planning to be outside. For example, the higher the UV index number, the stronger the UV rays, and the faster you are likely to burn. 

The US National Weather Service (NWS) and the EPA measure UV levels daily using a computer model that analyzes ground-level strength of UV radiation along with forecasted cloud cover and ozone concentration. You can see the UV index forecast for your location on the EPA’s website.

To predict the intensity of UV radiation, the UV index takes into account:

  • The time of day. UV radiation is strongest between 10 am and 3 pm when the sun is at its highest peak in the sky.
  • The season. UV radiation is highest in the spring and summer because this is when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. UV radiation declines in the fall and is lowest in the winter as the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun.  
  • Cloud cover. Heavy clouds can block UV radiation and lower the UV index. 
  • Latitude. Latitude measures how close you are to the equator. The closer to the equator, the more intense the UV radiation. 
  • Altitude. The higher the elevation, the stronger the UV rays. In fact, UV increases about 2% for every 1,000-foot elevation gain.
  • Environmental factors. Trees or tall structures that block UV rays can lower UV radiation levels. On the other hand, reflective surfaces, like water and snow can intensify UV radiation. 

Important: UV rays can damage anyone, although the risks of sun exposure may differ by skin type. For example, people with light skin are more likely to experience sunburns and skin cancer than people with darker skin. People with lighter skin are therefore more susceptible to lower UV index scales.

UV Index of 0 to 2 

A UV index of 0 to 2 means you can expect a low level of UV radiation with minimal risk of getting sunburned, says Debra Jaliman, MD, a dermatologist with her own private practice and an assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

While the average person can lay in the sun for an hour without getting burnt, people with very fair skin should take precautions as they may burn within 30 minutes, says Jaliman.

Quick tip: For a UV index of 0 to 2, the EPA recommends wearing sunglasses and sunscreen with SPF 30 or more.

UV Index of 3 to 5 

This is a moderate level of UV radiation, meaning there is a moderate risk of getting burnt if you are outside without sun protection. 

The time it takes for your skin to burn at this level depends on your skin type, Jaliman says, but generally speaking, a UV index of 3 to 5 could result in sunburn in about 30 to 45 minutes on average.

To protect your skin, the EPA recommends:

  • Seeking shade in the late morning through the mid-afternoon. 
  • Using sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on exposed skin.
  • Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing that helps block UV rays. This can include fabric with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of 30 or more, which means it is tightly woven and helps block UV rays. 

UV Index of 6 to 7 

This is a high level of UV radiation, meaning the average person is likely to burn in about 15 to 25 minutes without sun protection. 

At this level, the EPA recommends:

  • Applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every two hours.
  • Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sun-protective clothing, like UPF fabric or long sleeves and pants. 
  • Avoiding time in the sun during the hottest parts of the day — between 10 a.m and 3 p.m. If you must be outside during this time, try to stay in the shade. 

UV Index of 8 to 10 

This is a very high level of UV radiation with a high risk of getting sunburnt. On average, you can expect to burn in about 10 minutes or less at this level of UV radiation, Jaliman says. The EPA recommends you take extra precautions if you are outside, including all the measures listed above. 

“Do not go [outside] without serious protection, or just do not go out at all,” Goldstein says.

UV Index of 11+ 

This is an extreme level of UV radiation and sun exposure without protection at this level is dangerous. All precautions should be taken, including wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and protective clothing. At this level, unprotected skin can burn in minutes

Our top sunscreen picks to keep you protected at any UV index

It’s clear that no matter the UV index, your best bet is to use at least an SPF 30 when in sun exposure to stay optimally protected. We’ve tested the best sunscreens that offer lasting, comfortable coverage for any skin type. Whether you’re looking for the best sunscreen moisturizer specifically for the face or the best sunscreens for darker skin tones, our rigorous testing in sun, sweat, and water has put each of these at the top of our list. And don’t forget about your SPF lip balms; they’re susceptible to burning as well.

Insider’s takeaway 

The UV index provides a measure of how strong UV rays are in a specific location. This information can help you plan when to spend time outside and what kind of sun protection to use. 

Your risk of burning increases the higher the UV index reads, Jaliman says, but regardless of what the index says you should always wear sun protection when spending time in the sun. 

This can include wearing sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or wearing protective clothing, like a hat, sunglasses or clothes with UPF fabric. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

The post How to read the UV index scale and why it’s crucial for preventing skin cancer first appeared on The News And Times.


Xbox Game Pass: Price, plans, games, and how to sign up

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Screenshot of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate logo overlaid on image of "Halo" video game characters.Xbox Game Pass lets you download tons of games for a monthly fee.


Since its introduction in 2017, Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass has steadily grown into a Netflix-style subscription service that lets players download or stream a rotating library of more than 450 games.

Separate Xbox console and PC plans are available starting at $10 a month, giving you access to a library of downloadable games on either platform. The top tier, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, even lets you stream games directly to your phone or select Samsung displays and Fire TV devices for $17 a month. This removes the need for an expensive gaming PC, Xbox Series X, or Xbox Series S console entirely.

Console, PC, and Ultimate members can play the latest Xbox Studios games as soon as they’re released, a strategy that has helped secure more than 34 million subscribers. The same-day releases and sprawling library have made Game Pass a trendsetter for gaming subscriptions, leading Sony to launch a competing platform called PlayStation Plus. You can learn more about how both services stack up in our Xbox Game Pass vs. PlayStation Plus comparison.

If you’re on the fence about Xbox Game Pass, we’ve got you covered with a full breakdown of plans, pricing, and features. And if you’re looking for more Xbox coverage, check out our roundups of the best Xbox accessories and best Xbox headsets.

What is Xbox Game Pass?

Xbox Game Pass is a subscription service that gives members access to more than a hundred games on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, or both. The service offers a mix of classic titles dating back to the original Xbox, along with new releases. Games rotate in and out of the library on a regular basis.

New first-party games from Microsoft — like Starfield, Forza Motorsport, and the Halo franchise — are available with Game Pass the same day they’re released in stores. Several popular indie titles and online multiplayer games, like Lies of P and Payday 3, have also launched on Game Pass.

Game Pass PC members get access to EA Play as well, which features more downloadable games and trials from popular publisher Electronic Arts. That means you can play games like Dead Space Remake, Madden, Star Wars Battlefront II, and It Takes Two with your Game Pass subscription. Console members need to upgrade their subscription to Game Pass Ultimate to get titles from EA Play.

Xbox Game Pass also offers members special discounts in the Microsoft digital store. You can sign up for the service through the Microsoft website.

What is Xbox Game Pass Core?

Promotional image for Xbox Game Pass Core that features side-by-side art from different games included with a membership.Xbox Game Pass Core replaced Xbox Live Gold and serves as the new entry-level Game Pass plan.


Xbox Game Pass Core is the entry-level Game Pass tier that launched in September 2023. Xbox Game Pass Core replaced Xbox Live Gold, which was a separate service previously needed to play Xbox games online.

An Xbox Game Pass Core subscription costs $10 a month or $60 a year. Members get online multiplayer support along with a collection of about 25 Xbox Studios games. Subscribers also have access to the same discounts as other Game Pass members in the Microsoft Store.

Xbox Game Pass Core members can upgrade their subscription to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate at any time; the number of days remaining on your subscription will be converted based on the price difference.

What is Xbox Game Pass Ultimate?

A side by side image with a list of games available on Xbox Game Pass Streaming and a person playing on a mobile device.Game Pass Ultimate supports cloud streaming on mobile devices, Samsung TVs, and some Fire TV sticks.


Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is the service’s premium tier. It includes membership to Xbox Game Pass on console and PC and also allows users to stream certain games on their phone, a computer browser, certain Samsung smart TVs, and select Fire TV sticks. That means you can play games from the Xbox Game Pass library even if you don’t own an Xbox console, gaming PC, or gaming laptop. 

For example, members with a compatible Samsung TV or Fire TV Stick can stream games to their display without any other hardware. You just need to download the Xbox app on your device, pair a wireless controller, and you’re good to go. However, not every game that’s available on Xbox Game Pass supports cloud streaming.

Game Pass Ultimate also includes support for online console multiplayer. Members can access games from the EA Play library on both consoles and PCs.

In addition to special Microsoft Store discounts, Game Pass Ultimate subscribers get extra perks and offers from partner companies like Discord, Disney Plus, and Marvel Unlimited.

How much is Xbox Game Pass?

Xbox Game Pass prices range from $10 to $17 a month, depending on which of the four plans you choose. For a limited time, Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate both offer a 14-day trial period for $1 before renewing at the regular price.

Here’s a breakdown of Xbox Game Pass plans and prices:


Xbox Game Pass Core

Xbox Game Pass for PC

Xbox Game Pass for console

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate






Downloadable game library

About 25 games for Xbox consoles only

More than 100 games for PC only

More than 100 games for Xbox consoles only

More than 100 games for console and PC

Xbox Studios same-day releases





Streaming game library





Online multiplayer


Not Necessary



EA Play membership


PC only


Console and PC

Microsoft store discounts





Free member perks for in-game DLC and partner offers





What games are included with Xbox Game Pass?

A still from Starfield Xbox of a character standing on and looking at mountainous terrain.Starfield is one of the biggest Xbox exclusives on Game Pass.

Starfield / Xbox

An Xbox Game Pass Console, PC, or Ultimate membership includes more than 100 games. Xbox Game Pass Core members, however, only get access to a library of about 25 games; Microsoft says they will continue adding more games to the Core Collection two or three times a year.

Games are typically available for at least a year, though some titles have rotated out after a shorter period. Games from Microsoft’s Xbox Studios, like Halo and Forza, are permanent fixtures.

Not every Xbox Game Pass title is available on both console and PC. Furthermore, only specific games will share progression between the PC and console versions. Similarly, only certain games allow online multiplayer between PC and Xbox consoles. When streaming on a phone, players will stream the Xbox version of the game.

You can check the full list of Xbox Game Pass games on the official Xbox site, and we’ve included some of the most popular franchises you’ll find below.

Are there deals on Xbox Game Pass?

Xbox Game Pass plans are often sold at a slight discount from various retailers like Amazon and Best Buy. Right now, a 12-month Xbox Game Pass Core membership is available for $60, which is 50% less than you’d pay if you signed up on a month-to-month basis. In the past, we’ve also seen gift cards offering three months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for as low as $30, a discount of $15, or nearly one free month.

The only other notable Xbox Game Pass promo we’re seeing right now is a 14-day trial of Game Pass PC or Ultimate for $1.

Read the original article on Business Insider

The post Xbox Game Pass: Price, plans, games, and how to sign up first appeared on The News And Times.


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The post Who will be Trump’s running mate? JD Vance would be ‘cementing of Trumpism’ for the future – MSNBC first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.