
Sailor attempted to access Biden’s medical records: Navy

(NewsNation) — The U.S. Navy confirmed a sailor unsuccessfully attempted to access medical records for President Joe Biden multiple times in February.

The junior enlisted sailor was stationed at the Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command at Fort Belvoir, serving in the Navy Hospital Corps.

The sailor, who has not been named, searched for “Joseph Biden” in Genesis Medical Health System, the military’s medical records database, three times but failed to pull up information on the correct Joe Biden.

A coworker reported the incident, which violates the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Navy Criminal Investigative Service launched an investigation. The Defense Department also informed the White House of the breach.

The sailor reportedly admitted to searching for the records because they were curious.

The search occurred shortly after a report from special counsel Robert Hur described the president as an elderly man with a “poor memory.” It also occurred before Biden received his annual physical.

The revelation comes as concerns over Biden’s fitness for office have increased following the first presidential debate, where he rambled and seemed confused at times. Several Democrats have called for Biden to step aside before the November election, fearing he is not able to beat former President Donald Trump.

The president has remained firm in his decision to run, at one point declaring it would take the “Lord Almighty” to convince him to withdraw from the ticket. A number of top Democrats have remained in the president’s camp, publicly offering support for a second Biden term.

The sailor who searched for the records was administratively punished. They continue to serve in the U.S. Navy.

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— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 9, 2024

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Dewey Defeats Truman


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“Dewey Defeats Truman!” Who could ever forget the shock of the “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline? It was on the pivotal date of November 3, 1948, that this headline graced the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune.

See, the media had miscalculated. It was the day after Harry Truman won a stunning victory over Thomas Dewey. Truman held up the front page, smiling triumphantly at a stop in St. Louis Union Station. The Chicago Daily Tribune had egg on their face.

So you see, the media’s mistakes go back VERY FAR. As the media pummels President Biden, it seems they are doomed to make the same error the Chicago Daily Tribune did.

Mike Madrid gets it. He is a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, and he explains that Biden is in an excellent position to beat Donald Trump. Madrid explained on social media Saturday that:

“Biden is in a commanding position politically.”

“There’s a lot more journalists and pundits hoping he fails now. A lot more”

“They wont say it but we all know it’s true.”

Madrid spoke about Biden’s unwavering support from black voters who do NOT want him to quit the race. He added these words which EVERYBODY should take note of: “The base will still likely coalesce behind the nominee. But the media & punditocracy? Not so sure.”

He gets it. Look — the media — at least many of them — wants Trump to win. Many of you have mentioned that in the comment section. I am WITH you on that. The media is not our friend, and Madrid knows it, as he eloquently said. I thinks that in the coming days, we will hear from others like him who grasp this one basic fact that I need you to understand.

The only ones who won’t let this go are the pundits.

Not Jeffries.

Not Pelosi.

Not Harris.

Not Schumer.

. . .

Not The House or the Senate or ANYONE except the media. That’s IT. The press is sweeping along this story. So get ready. Do you know why? Because when it comes time for the election, these clueless people, these sharks that swim in poisoned waters, will have another “Dewey Defeats Truman” moment as they see the headlines that will say: “Biden defeats Trump.” Donate to Palmer Report

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

Palmer Report is moving to a reader-supported format with a significantly reduced number of ads. Donate here!

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