
@mikenov: California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech…

California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2024

The post @mikenov: California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@mikenov: 5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony…

5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2024

The post @mikenov: 5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание…

Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание… — DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 4, 2024

The post @dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security…

Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security… — generalsvr_en (@generalsvr_en) June 4, 2024

The post @generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security…

Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security… — generalsvr_en (@generalsvr_en) June 4, 2024

The post @generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: Patrushev Dominates: The Real Power Behind Russia’s Security Council Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, a person appointed as the President of Russia and similar to Vladimir #Putin held an online operational meeting with permanent members of the Security… first appeared on Idaho Murders – The News And Times.


@mikenov: California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech…

California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2024

The post @mikenov: California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech | Hoover Institution California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech… first appeared on Idaho Murders – The News And Times.


@mikenov: 5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony…

5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2024

The post @mikenov: 5 Key Takeaways from Fauci’s COVID-19 Testimony… first appeared on Idaho Murders – The News And Times.


@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание…

Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание… — DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 4, 2024

The post @dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Не желающих воевать мобилизованных в РФ силой отправляют на фронт. Под принудительную высылку в места боевых действий в ряде регионов РФ попадают дезертиры, проходящие по делу с подпиской о невыезде, и раненые, отказавшиеся возвращаться на войну после отпуска, пишет издание… first appeared on Idaho Murders – The News And Times.


@fratotolo2: RT by @mikenov: #Fauci nelle intercettazioni: “Quando si rende difficile la vita delle persone, abbandonano loro stronzate ideologiche e si vaccinano” Mi ricorda l’ex sottosegretario Sileri che affermò: “Vi renderemo la vita difficile come stiamo facendo perché il non vaccinato e chi non…

#Fauci nelle intercettazioni: “Quando si rende difficile la vita delle persone, abbandonano loro stronzate ideologiche e si vaccinano” Mi ricorda l’ex sottosegretario Sileri che affermò: “Vi renderemo la vita difficile come stiamo facendo perché il non vaccinato e chi non… — Francesca Totolo (@fratotolo2) June 4, 2024

The post @fratotolo2: RT by @mikenov: #Fauci nelle intercettazioni: “Quando si rende difficile la vita delle persone, abbandonano loro stronzate ideologiche e si vaccinano” Mi ricorda l’ex sottosegretario Sileri che affermò: “Vi renderemo la vita difficile come stiamo facendo perché il non vaccinato e chi non… first appeared on Idaho Murders – The News And Times.


@mikenov: Congress is looking for a SCAPEGOAT! Fauci – It is the same ignorance as in the middle of the Pandemic! American Medicine is dead! Address this issue! It is much more here than Fauci and NIH. American Doctors are not allowed to think independently.…

Congress is looking for a SCAPEGOAT!
Fauci – GS

It is the same ignorance as in the middle of the Pandemic!
American Medicine is dead! Address this issue!
It is much more here than Fauci and NIH.
American Doctors are not allowed to think independently.…

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2024

The post @mikenov: Congress is looking for a SCAPEGOAT! Fauci – It is the same ignorance as in the middle of the Pandemic! American Medicine is dead! Address this issue! It is much more here than Fauci and NIH. American Doctors are not allowed to think independently.… first appeared on October Surprise 2016.