
Biden Says No American Troops Died on His Watch, Ignoring 13 Deaths During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

President Joe Biden falsely claimed to be the first president in the last decade not to have U.S. service members die on his watch, ignoring the 13 Americans who died at Abbey Gate during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

“Truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any—this, this decade—that don’t [have] any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did,” Biden said during Thursday night’s debate. Thirteen service members died in the suicide bombing attack at the Kabul airport on August 26, 2021.

The attack marked one of the deadliest days for American forces in Afghanistan in the last decade.

Experts on the subject have argued that the Biden administration’s reliance on the Taliban during the withdrawal is to blame for the attack.

The suicide bomber who detonated an explosive belt at the airport’s Abbey Gate, killing 13 U.S. service members and injuring 45 more, was “Abdul Rahman al-Logari, an ISIS-K terrorist who was freed from the Bagram prison by the Taliban,” House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul (R., Texas) revealed in April.

Biden has faced criticism from the families of the 13 deceased service members for his response to their deaths.

“He has not reached out to our family,” Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Sgt. Nicole Gee, a Marine who was killed during the bombing, told CNN earlier this year. “We’ve actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them to kind of understand where their thinking was in calling [the withdrawal] a success. It’s been months.”

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BEASTMODE: Trump Boasts of Killing ‘Two Greatest Terrorists Anywhere in the World’

Former president Donald Trump during Thursday night’s presidential debate boasted of killing “the two greatest terrorists, biggest terrorists anywhere in the world.”

After President Joe Biden referenced the deadly shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in 2019, saying a terrorist “came along and killed three under [Trump’s] administration,” Trump countered by highlighting the deaths of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, both of whom the United States assassinated under Trump.

“He said we killed three people,” Trump said of Biden. “The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani, the two greatest terrorists, biggest terrorists anywhere in the world.”

In a speech delivered in the wake of al-Baghdadi’s death, Trump said the ISIS leader “died like a dog.”

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For Whom the Split Screen Tolls

It was clear within the first few minutes that the presidential debate was not going to go well for President Joe Biden. His breath was heavy, his voice was raspy and faint, his physical bearing poor. When he wasn’t speaking, his mouth was agape. His answers rambled, and he was sometimes incoherent. Every so often, he coughed noticeably. He did not look well.

This wasn’t the hyped-up, partisan Biden who appeared at the State of the Union in March. This was the Biden who mumbled argle-bargle at the White House’s Juneteenth celebration.

The contrast with former president Donald Trump was apparent. Trump was confident, direct, and forceful. Unlike in 2020, he did not interrupt his opponent or the moderators. He followed the debate rules. He kept his facial expressions, and even his sarcasm, to a minimum. I have watched every Trump debate since he entered electoral politics in 2015. Thursday night was his best performance.

I’ve missed quite a few Biden debates because of his longevity, but this was easily his worst showing since 2008. And while his answers became somewhat steadier over time, he could not overcome the visual of the split screen with Trump.

On the left of television screens around the world, Trump looked like he had just stepped off the 2020 campaign trail. On the right, Biden looked like a diminished man who is not up to the job and cannot be expected to complete a second full term as president. Biden’s presence confirmed that Robert Hur, the special counsel who investigated the president’s handling of classified documents, was, if anything, pulling punches when he wrote that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

The split screen explains why the level of panic among liberal commentators and Democratic strategists on social media was so high during the debate. This wasn’t some “cheapfake” or altered video meme online. This was happening in real time, in a television studio in Atlanta, with only Biden, Trump, Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash in the room. How do you spin what Americans saw Thursday night? You can’t.

Nor were Americans the only ones watching Biden’s performance and assessing Biden’s demeanor. Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, the mullahs, and Kim Jong Un tuned in as well. And the world has become a more dangerous place.

Biden’s hubris might not only cost him a second term and cause Democrats to lose Congress this November. It may provoke America’s adversaries to commit hostile acts before January 20, 2025. And if that happens, Biden won’t be the only one who loses. We all will.

The post For Whom the Split Screen Tolls appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.


Мишель: саммит ЕС не утвердил меры по кредиту Киеву в 50 млрд долларов

Глава Евросовета заявил, что в ближайшее время дискуссии по данному вопросу продолжатся.

The post Мишель: саммит ЕС не утвердил меры по кредиту Киеву в 50 млрд долларов first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Мишель: саммит ЕС не утвердил меры по кредиту Киеву в 50 млрд долларов first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


“Мы в полной заднице”. Демократы паникуют после провала Байдена на дебатах

Демократы в отчаянии от выступления президента Джо Байдена на дебатах в четверг вечером — оно оказалось настолько слабым, что некоторые даже в задались вопросом: должен ли он оставаться кандидатом от партии.

Байден, выйдя на сцену, вещал тихим, дрожащим голосом и стоял с открытым ртом, уставившись в одну точку. Ему с трудом удавалось закончить мысль, и он открыто уступил оппоненту при обсуждении, например, такого вопроса как аборты — хотя позиция демократов обычно пользуется здесь большей поддержкой.

Его сторонникам потребовалось всего несколько минут, чтобы понять, насколько все плохо.

“Байден выглядит и звучит ужасно. Он бессвязен”, — сказал один демократ, работавший в администрации Байдена.

“Ужасно”, — сказал другой демократ.

А один демократ, работавший в избирательных кампаниях по всей стране, сказал просто: “Мы в полной заднице”.

По мере того как дебаты подходили к концу, возникал почти экзистенциальный вопрос: должен ли кто-то заменить Байдена на выборах?

“Трудно спорить с тем, что Байден должен быть нашим кандидатом, — сказал один из экспертов, более десяти лет работавший в избирательных кампаниях всех уровней.

Эти дебаты стали историческими по многим причинам — но не в последнюю очередь потому, что они проходят до того, как каждый из кандидатов был официально номинирован на съездах своей партии. У демократов он пройдет 19 августа в Чикаго.

Демократы провели большую часть прошлого года, размышляя о шансах Байдена победить Трампа на выборах, которые многие рассматривают как экзистенциальные и решающие вопрос выживания американской демократии. Но сам Байден был полон решимости стать тем, кто одолеет Трампа, и в какой-то момент даже прямо сказал: “Если бы Трамп не участвовал в выборах, я не уверен, что участвовал бы”.

Ни один серьезный претендент от демократов не выдвинул свою кандидатуру против Байдена, и на данном этапе кампании он должен был бы принять решение уйти в отставку, если бы демократы выбрали другого кандидата. Если Байден снимет свою кандидатуру, то вопрос о выдвижении демократов будет решаться в ходе голосования.

Демократы даже обсуждали, кто может быть вместо него: “Если бы я был Гэвином (Ньюсомом) или Гретхен (Уитмер), я бы уже сегодня делал звонки”, — сказал один из них.

The post “Мы в полной заднице”. Демократы паникуют после провала Байдена на дебатах first appeared on The News And Times.

The post “Мы в полной заднице”. Демократы паникуют после провала Байдена на дебатах first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Biden, Trump trade barbs over ‘World War 3,’ Putin and Ukraine – Yahoo News Canada

The post Biden, Trump trade barbs over ‘World War 3,’ Putin and Ukraine – Yahoo News Canada first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


US Presidential Debate: Trump says he will end Russia-Ukraine conflict before taking office; Biden says… – Lokmat Times

The post US Presidential Debate: Trump says he will end Russia-Ukraine conflict before taking office; Biden says… – Lokmat Times first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Ex-Uvalde school police chief indicted over Robb Elementary response – The Dallas Morning News

The post Ex-Uvalde school police chief indicted over Robb Elementary response – The Dallas Morning News first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.