
Republican Insiders Are Ecstatic About the Trump-Biden Debate – New York Magazine

The post Republican Insiders Are Ecstatic About the Trump-Biden Debate – New York Magazine first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Sununu says he won’t go to Republican National Convention – WMUR Manchester

The post Sununu says he won’t go to Republican National Convention – WMUR Manchester first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Congressional allies to both candidates brace for test of mental fitness to overshadow presidential debate – CNN

The post Congressional allies to both candidates brace for test of mental fitness to overshadow presidential debate – CNN first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Trump will debate Biden while still bound by gag orders. Here’s what he can’t say – NBC New York

The post Trump will debate Biden while still bound by gag orders. Here’s what he can’t say – NBC New York first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


Top 5 viral moments from presidential debate

(NewsNation) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump squared off in a heated debate filled with viral moments, including digs at one another and an argument over golf swings.

The CNN Presidential Debate is the first of two presidential debates as they head toward a rematch of the 2020 election.

Here are five viral moments from the night:

1) Biden stumbles through national debt topic: ‘We finally beat Medicare’

Early in the debate, Biden appeared to lose his train of thought while answering a question about the national debt.

He started out by saying Trump increased the national debt and blamed tax cuts on the wealthy for America’s economic woes.

Trump “had the largest national debt of any president in a four-year period,” Biden said. “Number two, that $2 trillion tax cut benefitted the very wealthy. What I’m gonna do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America. I mean billionaires. And what’s happening? We’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just pay 24%, 25%, either one of those numbers we would’ve raised $500 million … billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. We’d be able to wipe out his debt.”

“We’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do — child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, uh, with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with .. look, we finally beat Medicare.”

Trump responded, accusing Biden of “destroying Medicare” and Social Security by allowing immigrants to access those services.

Biden “beat it to death and he’s destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in,” Trump said. “They’re putting them on Medicare. They’re putting them on Social Security. They’re gonna destroy Social Security.”

2) Trump: ‘I don’t know what he said’

Trump called out Biden for trailing off during his response on immigration policies.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of this. I don’t think he knows what he said,” Trump said.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Biden why should voters “trust” him to resolve the crisis at the border, noting that a record number of migrants have crossed into the U.S. during his administration.

Biden pointed to the bipartisan border security deal and his recent executive order that limits the number of migrants coming across the border once the number hits a threshold.

He then appeared to stumble in thought before concluding.

“I’m going to continue to move until we get to total ban — on the total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers,” Biden said.

3) Biden says Trump has the ‘morals of an alley cat’

At the halfway mark of the debate, Biden brought up Trump’s conviction in connection with a hush money deal with adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Biden said Trump has the “morals of an alley cat” for allegedly having sex with Daniels while his wife, Melania Trump, was pregnant.

Trump pushed back, saying, “I didn’t have sex with a porn star, number one. Number two, that was a case that was started and they moved a high-ranking official at DOJ into the Manhattan DA’s office to start that case. That case is going to be appealed and won.”

4) Arguments over age, golf swings

Biden and Trump addressed concerns about their age, which led to an argument over golf swings.

Biden pointed to his early years as one of the youngest politicians and said now he is one of the oldest before pointing out that Trump is only three years younger. Biden pivoted to accusing Trump of tanking the computer chip industry by enticing companies to move overseas for cheap jobs. He pointed to efforts to increase computer chip manufacturing, creating jobs that don’t require a college degree.

Biden also attacked Trump for calling the U.S. a failing country, saying no president has spoken like that before, calling the U.S. one of the strongest countries in the world and saying America is trusted around the world.

Trump said he aced cognitive tests and claimed Biden refused to take any, saying he wouldn’t get through. He said he is in very good health and attacked Biden for not being good at playing golf. Trump claimed to be in as good shape as he was decades ago.

Biden suggested Trump is lying about his health and said he would be happy to play golf against Trump. The two sparred over golf handicaps before moderators intervened.

5) Trump: ‘I wasn’t going to run’

Trump said he will accept the results of the 2024 election “if the election is fair.”

“I wish he was a great president, I wouldn’t be here,” Trump said. “I don’t mind being here, but the only reason I’m here is he’s so bad as a president that I’m gonna make America great again.”

Trump went on to criticize Biden’s military policies and said “We’re closer to World War Three than anybody can imagine.”

Biden responded that Trump is a “whiner” and that he “continues to provoke a lie” regarding previous claims of election fraud.


What Biden and Trump said about Israel — and Hitler — during the first presidential debate


Two Jewish journalists, CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, moderated the first 2024 presidential debate Thursday night, and neither asked President Joe Biden or former President Trump about rising antisemitism. But the debate touched on   other topics of particular interest to Jewish voters. Here are a few, plus one Jewish comedian’s take on the spectacle.

What did they say about Israel, Gaza and a Palestinian state?

When Dana Bash asked the candidates what more could be done to press Israel and Hamas to end the conflict in Gaza, Biden called out Hamas.

“The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas,” he said, pointing to its rejection of a proposal for a hostage-ceasefire deal accepted by Israel, the U.S. and the U.N. Biden also explained his decision to halt a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel. “We’re providing Israel with all the weapons they need and when they need them,” he said. And he said Hamas “should be eliminated.”

Biden added that he’s “the guy” who mobilized allies to stop Iran’s missile attack on Israel. “No one was hurt, not one Israeli was accidentally killed and it stopped,” he said, referring to the successful interception of more than 300 ballistic missiles and drones launched by Iran on April 13. “We saved Israel. We are the biggest producer of support for Israel of anyone in the world.”

Trump said the war would have never happened under his watch. He said Israel wants to continue the war in Gaza until Hamas is defeated, and that the U.S. should allow Israel to “finish the job.”

Trump also described Biden as a “bad Palestinian” who wants Israel to lose the war. “He’s become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one.”

Trump declined to say whether he’s in favor of the creation of an independent Palestinian state in order to achieve peace in the region. “I’d have to see,” he said. 

A fan of Hitler?

Biden reminded voters of his 2020 campaign theme, uniting a divided nation, and pointed to Trump’s “both sides” comments about the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. He also accused Trump of praising Adolf Hitler.

“This is a guy who says Hitler has done good things,” Biden said. “I’d like to know what they are.”

Trump fired back that his “both sides” comment had been “debunked.” Video from the time confirms that Trump did say that about the white supremacist rally and a counter-rally, in which a counter-protester was killed.

“He made up the Charlottesville story,” Trump said. “It’s a nonsense story. He knows that. And he didn’t run because of Charlottesville. He used that as an excuse to run.”

Biden responded: “It happened. All you have to do is listen to what was said at the time.” He said he decided to run after the Charlotteville rally and “because I was worried a guy like this guy can get elected.” 

Trump on the campus protests 

Trump said in his closing statement that pro-Palestinian protests across the country are far worse than the Charlottesville riots, and accused Biden of failing to address them.

“We have the Palestinians and we have everybody else rioting all over the place,” he said. “This is a hundred times Charlottesville — 1,000 times. The whole country is exploding because of you, because they don’t respect you.”

Biden did not address the protests during the debates. He has defended the right to free speech but has also criticized protesters for engaging in violence and antisemitism.

A promise to free a Jewish journalist

Trump said he would free a Wall Street Journal reporter “as soon as I win the election.” He was referring to Evan Gershkovich, a Jewish journalist who Russia has imprisoned for the past 15 months on charges of espionage denied by the U.S., the Journal and his family. Tapper had not asked about Gershkovich, whose trial began Wednesday, but about how Trump would help American struggling with drug addiction.

Trump instead turned to one of  his favored topics, illegal immigration across the Southern border. He said “it’s just like just like when you have a hostage,” and faulted the U.S. for overpaying to release Americans imprisoned overseas. “Now we have a hostage,” Trump said. “I think a good guy, and he’s over there because Putin is laughing at [Biden], probably asking for billions of dollars for the reporter.”

The Biden administration has been pressing Russian President Vladimir Putin to release Gershkovich. 

A Jewish comedian gets semi-serious

Comedian Alex Edelman, whose one-man show about crashing a meeting of neo-Nazis spent made it to Broadway, wrote on X during the debate that “it’s crazy how the takeaway is going to be “Trump is lying every time he talks but he just sounds so VIGOROUS when he does it.”

The post What Biden and Trump said about Israel — and Hitler — during the first presidential debate appeared first on The Forward.


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FBI seeks info to help identify man who may have ‘critical information’ about child sexual assault victim – KTVZ

The post FBI seeks info to help identify man who may have ‘critical information’ about child sexual assault victim – KTVZ first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Штаб Трампа заявил о его победе в прошедших дебатах с Байденом

Аналогичного мнения придерживаются две трети зрителей.

The post Штаб Трампа заявил о его победе в прошедших дебатах с Байденом first appeared on The News And Times.


Трамп обвинил Байдена в получении финансирования от Китая

Экс-президент США назвал нынешнего главу государства «маньчжурским кандидатом».

The post Трамп обвинил Байдена в получении финансирования от Китая first appeared on The News And Times.