
@FT: RT by @mikenov: Top Democrats have called on Joe Biden to halt his bid for re-election after the president repeatedly tripped over his words and gave rambling answers or appeared to lose his train of thought in the presidential debate

Top Democrats have called on Joe Biden to halt his bid for re-election after the president repeatedly tripped over his words and gave rambling answers or appeared to lose his train of thought in the presidential debate

— Financial Times (@FT) June 28, 2024

The post @FT: RT by @mikenov: Top Democrats have called on Joe Biden to halt his bid for re-election after the president repeatedly tripped over his words and gave rambling answers or appeared to lose his train of thought in the presidential debate first appeared on Links – The News And Times.


SHOT: суд в Москве взыскал с Земфиры 200 тыс. рублей долгов за услуги ЖКХ

Накануне уехавшую из России в 2022 году рок-певицу видели посетители одной из московских стоматологических клиник.

The post SHOT: суд в Москве взыскал с Земфиры 200 тыс. рублей долгов за услуги ЖКХ first appeared on The News And Times.

The post SHOT: суд в Москве взыскал с Земфиры 200 тыс. рублей долгов за услуги ЖКХ first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Эксперт Лялина раскрыла негативное влияние растворимого кофе на здоровье

Растворимый кофе почти не бодрит, так как при производстве зерна лишаются ключевой кофеиновой части.

The post Эксперт Лялина раскрыла негативное влияние растворимого кофе на здоровье first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Эксперт Лялина раскрыла негативное влияние растворимого кофе на здоровье first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Татьяна Буланова объяснила, почему выступает против детских конкурсов

Певица раскрыла, как на собственном опыте поняла, что оценивать творчество надо очень осторожно.

The post Татьяна Буланова объяснила, почему выступает против детских конкурсов first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Татьяна Буланова объяснила, почему выступает против детских конкурсов first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Радио Свобода на этой неделе 20 лет назад

Самое интересное из нашего общего прошлого.

Незавершенная история. Незажитые раны. Все еще живые надежды.

Могла ли Россия пойти другим путем?

Радио Свобода на этой неделе 20 лет назад. Архивный проект.

Иван Толстой выбирает из нашего эфира по-прежнему актуальное и оказавшееся вечным.

The post Радио Свобода на этой неделе 20 лет назад first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Радио Свобода на этой неделе 20 лет назад first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Газпром обещает запуск дальневосточного маршрута в Китай в 2027 году

МОСКВА, 28 июн (Рейтер) – Российский Газпром в 2027 году

планирует запустить дальневосточный маршрут для поставок газа в

Китай мощностью 10 миллиардов кубометров в год, сообщила

компания со ссылкой на главу Алексея Миллера.

The post Газпром обещает запуск дальневосточного маршрута в Китай в 2027 году first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Газпром обещает запуск дальневосточного маршрута в Китай в 2027 году first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


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Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become | Steven Greenhouse

The court’s current justices are some of the most hostile to labor rights in modern US history

Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the supreme court has been supremely pro-corporate – one study even called the Roberts court “the most pro-business court in history”. Not only have many justices been groomed and vetted by the business-backed Federalist Society, but Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have taken lavish favors from billionaire corporate titans. Thomas has even spoken at two Koch network fundraising “donor summits”, gatherings of rightwing, ultra-wealthy business barons.

While the court is decidedly pro-corporate, most Americans probably don’t know just how anti-worker and anti-union it really is. The justices have often shown a stunning callousness toward workers, and that means a callousness toward average Americans. One of the most egregious examples was a 2014 ruling – with an opinion written by Thomas – that held that Amazon, which holds workers up to 25 minutes after the ends of their shifts waiting to be screened to ensure they didn’t steal anything, doesn’t have to pay them for that time.

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The abortion ruling hides conservative justices’ partisan agenda | Moira Donegan

One day soon this case will come back, and the supreme court will allow states to ban emergency abortions

The supreme court is a messy institution. It’s six conservative justices are mired in infighting over both the pace of their shared ideological project of remaking American law and life according to rightwing preferences, and over their preferred methodological course for doing so. Their squabbling is not helped by the fact that two of them, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, keep embarrassing the court with gauche public scandals, which draw attention to the court’s legitimacy crises like a vulgar flag waving above One First Street. For their part, the liberals are exhausted, impotent, and at times apparently publicly despairing. Their dissents have sometimes taken on tones of exasperation and peeved sarcasm, as if they’re turning to the country and asking: “Can you believe this?” Their most senior member, Sonia Sotomayor, recently told an interviewer that over the past several terms, since the court’s conservative supermajority was sealed under the Trump administration, she has sometimes gone into her chambers after the announcement of major decisions and wept. She says she anticipates having to do so again: in one recent dissent, she warned ominously about the future of gay marriage rights.

The court’s partisans like to point out that it controls neither the military nor the federal budget; the court’s legitimacy, they say, comes merely from the fact that people believe it to be legitimate. But increasingly, many of them don’t. The court’s approval rating remains at record lows, and the justices’ conduct over the past several years has punctured the mystique of scholarly seriousness that the institution once pretended to. They don’t seem like wise legal scholars, carefully and dispassionately deliberating the merits of competing interests and claims. Instead, they seem more like a bunch of bumbling partisan hacks – perhaps just more cynical and less clever than the average Republican operatives stuffed into suits throughout DC.

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I endured Evin, Iran’s most notorious jail. I can’t understand how Sweden can leave its citizen to die there | Siamak Namazi

I’m overjoyed two Swedes were released as part of a swap deal – but to leave another behind on death row is unconscionable

  • Siamak Namazi is an Iranian-American businessman and former hostage

I am a former hostage. I spent eight years enduring captivity and cruelty in Iran’s notorious Evin prison. Last year I was released as part of a controversial prisoner deal between the US and Iran, similar to the one that brought Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori home to the UK two years ago.

I firmly believe that we cannot abandon our innocent citizens in the dungeons of rogue states. Hostage deals, although distasteful, are necessary. We must do whatever it takes to save our citizens at risk while imposing harsh punishments to deter hostage-taking once and for all. Yet even I find Sweden’s recent hostage deal unpalatable.

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