
There is no recovery for the Conservative party until it purges itself of Reform-lite ideas | Justine Greening

This cheap politics of envy distracts from the country’s most pressing issue: inequality. To survive, Tories must face reality

Rishi Sunak looked relieved as he took the final press question from a local reporter after the launch of his Conservative manifesto yesterday. It came after a torrid previous week, which saw the prime minister accused of lying about Labour tax plans and having to apologise for unforgivably missing crucial D-day commemoration services. You might have thought the manifesto would include some surprising, eye-catching policies. But in many respects, it was a more traditional Conservative party manifesto than some had expected – it contained tax cuts, promises to pensioners and the customary pro-business language.

Yet one of the challenges that Sunak’s Conservative party faces is that for the first time in decades, it now finds itself with no clear political territory of its own. For the past several years it has travelled down a political cul-de-sac and is now at a political dead end. In pandering to Ukip, then the Brexit party, and now Reform, it has ceded the political centre ground to the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties, alienating millions of voters turned off by the constant culture warring.

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How can Europe’s progressives fight back? A coalition of losers is now their best hope | Paul Taylor

Far-right gains have left liberals and Greens reeling – but despite differences, their interest lies in banding together

For Europe’s centre-left, it was the night from hell. Liberals and Greens took a beating in many countries and lost dozens of seats as nationalist and Eurosceptic parties grabbed nearly a quarter of the seats in the European parliament. The centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) slipped just below their existing total thanks to unexpectedly strong scores in Italy and Spain.

Worse still, France, the EU’s pivotal power, saw the biggest far-right gains. That prompted President Emmanuel Macron to call a high-risk snap election that could clear the way for Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally to sweep into government within a month.

Paul Taylor is a senior visiting fellow at the European Policy Centre

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Russian officials report deadly Ukrainian attack on Belgorod, while Russia attacks Kyiv – Voice of America – VOA News

The post Russian officials report deadly Ukrainian attack on Belgorod, while Russia attacks Kyiv – Voice of America – VOA News first appeared on The Russian World.


The troops of the Russian Federation shelled 20 settlements in the Kherson region in a day, and three were injured – НикВести



The post The troops of the Russian Federation shelled 20 settlements in the Kherson region in a day, and three were injured – НикВести first appeared on The Russian World.


Russian Barrage Leaves Kyiv Residents Without Power and Water – U.S. News & World Report

The post Russian Barrage Leaves Kyiv Residents Without Power and Water – U.S. News & World Report first appeared on The Russian World.


@DefensieMin: RT by @GlasnostGone: The Superhumans facility is one of the rehabilitation centres for injured 🇺🇦 military personnel. I witnessed the amount of care taken to properly fit complex prosthetics and to provide other medical and social care. There is great need in these areas. #StandWithUkraine

The Superhumans facility is one of the rehabilitation centres for injured 🇺🇦 military personnel. I witnessed the amount of care taken to properly fit complex prosthetics and to provide other medical and social care. There is great need in these areas.#StandWithUkraine

— Kajsa Ollongren (@DefensieMin) June 11, 2024

The post @DefensieMin: RT by @GlasnostGone: The Superhumans facility is one of the rehabilitation centres for injured 🇺🇦 military personnel. I witnessed the amount of care taken to properly fit complex prosthetics and to provide other medical and social care. There is great need in these areas. #StandWithUkraine first appeared on The Russian World.


@sumlenny: RT by @GlasnostGone: This is the best interview on Russian #NuclearMongering I have ever seen. Watch brilliant @walberque from @StimsonCenter, a former @IISS_org Technology and Arms Control Director, explaining complicated things. This is a part of our @EuroResilience interview with William Alberque,…

This is the best interview on Russian #NuclearMongering I have ever seen. Watch brilliant @walberque from @StimsonCenter, a former @IISS_org Technology and Arms Control Director, explaining complicated things. This is a part of our @EuroResilience interview with William Alberque,…

— Sergej Sumlenny, LL.M (@sumlenny) June 11, 2024

The post @sumlenny: RT by @GlasnostGone: This is the best interview on Russian #NuclearMongering I have ever seen. Watch brilliant @walberque from @StimsonCenter, a former @IISS_org Technology and Arms Control Director, explaining complicated things. This is a part of our @EuroResilience interview with William Alberque,… first appeared on The Russian World.


@wartranslated: RT by @KremlinTrolls: Thermal “invisibility” cloaks did not help these Russians avoid FPV drones.

Thermal “invisibility” cloaks did not help these Russians avoid FPV drones.

— WarTranslated (Dmitri) (@wartranslated) June 12, 2024

The post @wartranslated: RT by @KremlinTrolls: Thermal “invisibility” cloaks did not help these Russians avoid FPV drones. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


@KremlinTrolls: It’s called ethnic cleansing. Nothing new for Russians.

It’s called ethnic cleansing. Nothing new for Russians.

— KT “Special CIA Operation” (@KremlinTrolls) June 12, 2024

The post @KremlinTrolls: It’s called ethnic cleansing. Nothing new for Russians. first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.