
New CDC head uses COVID-era innovations to tackle bird flu outbreak – North Carolina Health News

The post New CDC head uses COVID-era innovations to tackle bird flu outbreak – North Carolina Health News first appeared on The CoronaVirus Alerts – The News And Times.


Cuomo says New Yorkers ‘should be very proud’ on COVID-19, but ‘federal government failed’ – WRGB

The post Cuomo says New Yorkers ‘should be very proud’ on COVID-19, but ‘federal government failed’ – WRGB first appeared on The CoronaVirus Alerts – The News And Times.


Ex-FBI honcho McCabe says intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country – Yahoo! Voices

The post Ex-FBI honcho McCabe says intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country – Yahoo! Voices first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


James Comey says a Trump incarceration is ‘obviously doable’ – Yahoo News UK

The post James Comey says a Trump incarceration is ‘obviously doable’ – Yahoo News UK first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E192: Trump Floats Reinstating The Military Draft

Episode 192 has been uploaded.


YouTube, later.


  • SPECIAL COMMENT: Trump has now floated reinstating the Military Draft. He put the words in the mouth of the last of his Secretaries of Defense and that guy — Christopher Miller who sat back and watched January 6th unfold nearly as much as Trump did —  dressed the draft up as “A National Service Requirement.” It seems to be targeted at 18, 19, and 20-year old American boys and girls (and maybe 17-year olds) and it would start with a mandatory military aptitude test administered BY the Pentagon IN your local high school and any kid who refused to take it might be prevented from graduating and any school that hesitated to go along with this would lose ALL federal funding.
  • Trump breaking precedent and using the American army domestically to suppress protests and conceivably kill civilians is not the bottom of the plan for the military-dictatorship part of his dictatorship. Those army soldiers, and marines, and whoever else, firing on other Americans — many of them or most of them or maybe all of them, would be draftees.
  • And when The Washington Post reported it, and the story got no traction and no pick-up at all, and even though the paper reported Trump had not expressly endorsed the draft, within six hours Trump posted an enraged denial reading, “In fact, I never even thought of that idea” which even for him is a disastrously transparent non-denial denial. Of course HE never thought of that idea: when has Donald Trump ever thought anything about a military draft — except how to dodge it.
  • Somebody ELSE thought of that idea. The somebody else is that former Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. The Post interviewed Miller and he said a national service requirement should be “strongly considered. He described the concept as a common “rite of passage,” one that would create a sense of “shared sacrifice” among America’s youth.”
  • The impact this Washington Post story, could have on Trump’s campaign would be nothing short of fatal — if only it were to be handled correctly by BIDEN’S campaign: Trump wants to reinstate the draft. The. DRAFT.
  • Is there a more powerful campaign message than “Trump wants to draft your kids”? “Trump Wants To Force Your Kids To Kill Or Be Killed?” Actually there is. Because the voting age is not what it was in the ‘60s. The 18-year olds vote. There IS a more powerful campaign message and it is “Trump wants to draft YOU. Trump Wants To Force YOU to Kill or Be Killed.”



  • THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: As I read of Stephen A. Smith demanding that ESPN pay him more than it pays Pat McAfee, I flashed back to the days when the studio-show audiences there were way more profitable than they are now and ESPN was make $60 million a year from SportsCenter and they were paying me $300,000 and I asked for $3,000,000. Oh the look on their faces delights me to this day. How I Quit SportsCenter …

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E192: Trump Floats Reinstating The Military Draft first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Жительница Шебекина получила осколочные ранения при обстреле со стороны ВСУ


Генконсул в Стамбуле: переговоры по Украине без участия РФ неприемлемы

По «формуле Зеленского» достичь мира невозможно, убежден Андрей Буравов.

The post Генконсул в Стамбуле: переговоры по Украине без участия РФ неприемлемы first appeared on The News And Times.


Первым ударом западными ракетами по территории России ВСУ могли уничтожить командный пункт наступающей на Харьков армии

В Белгородской области в результате удара Вооруженных сил Украины была разрушена база отдыха «Нежеголь», которую российская армия использовала как командный пункт. Погибли по меньшей мере трое военнослужащих, пишет Astra со ссылкой на источники в экстренных службах. 

The post Первым ударом западными ракетами по территории России ВСУ могли уничтожить командный пункт наступающей на Харьков армии first appeared on The News And Times.


Власти Грузии начали готовиться к восстановлению дипломатических отношений с Россией

Правительства Грузии и России активно работают над восстановлением дипломатических отношений, рассказали грузинскому телеканалу Mtavari Arkhi осведомленные источники.

The post Власти Грузии начали готовиться к восстановлению дипломатических отношений с Россией first appeared on The News And Times.



— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 12, 2024

The post @mikenov:… first appeared on The News And Times.