
Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day!

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  • THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: There’s a name-that-hockey-team contest in Salt Lake City and the six final choices are all nightmarishly bad. So, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, J.D. Vance, Doug Burgum, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds, and Elise Stefanik. You’re being vetted to run with Trump? When he encouraged them to HANG the last guy? And your daily reason to fire Merrick Garland: there may be videotape of Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and others at Fox vivisecting Trump and saying his 2020 Election claims are crap, and you are working to RETURN THESE TAPES TO FOX?


  • FRIDAYS WITH THURBER: Any time the news is full of Trump-driven drivel and MAGA conspiracies, is a good time to remember Thurber’s account of the day in 1913 that the dam outside his home of Columbus, Ohio, broke and everybody fled. Only it hadn’t broken — and they were running in the wrong direction anyway. “The Day The Damn Broke”

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day! first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day!

Episode 190 has been uploaded.

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  • THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: There’s a name-that-hockey-team contest in Salt Lake City and the six final choices are all nightmarishly bad. So, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, J.D. Vance, Doug Burgum, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds, and Elise Stefanik. You’re being vetted to run with Trump? When he encouraged them to HANG the last guy? And your daily reason to fire Merrick Garland: there may be videotape of Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and others at Fox vivisecting Trump and saying his 2020 Election claims are crap, and you are working to RETURN THESE TAPES TO FOX?


  • FRIDAYS WITH THURBER: Any time the news is full of Trump-driven drivel and MAGA conspiracies, is a good time to remember Thurber’s account of the day in 1913 that the dam outside his home of Columbus, Ohio, broke and everybody fled. Only it hadn’t broken — and they were running in the wrong direction anyway. “The Day The Damn Broke”

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day! first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day!

Episode 190 has been uploaded.

Preview is a short.

YouTube, later



  • THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: There’s a name-that-hockey-team contest in Salt Lake City and the six final choices are all nightmarishly bad. So, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, J.D. Vance, Doug Burgum, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds, and Elise Stefanik. You’re being vetted to run with Trump? When he encouraged them to HANG the last guy? And your daily reason to fire Merrick Garland: there may be videotape of Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and others at Fox vivisecting Trump and saying his 2020 Election claims are crap, and you are working to RETURN THESE TAPES TO FOX?


  • FRIDAYS WITH THURBER: Any time the news is full of Trump-driven drivel and MAGA conspiracies, is a good time to remember Thurber’s account of the day in 1913 that the dam outside his home of Columbus, Ohio, broke and everybody fled. Only it hadn’t broken — and they were running in the wrong direction anyway. “The Day The Damn Broke”

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E190: Perfection: They Sent Bannon To Jail On D-Day! first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


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