
Trump hush money verdict: Guilty of all 34 counts – The Associated Press

The post Trump hush money verdict: Guilty of all 34 counts – The Associated Press first appeared on The Trump Investigations – – The News And Times.


@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Top Biden aide: Israel accepted ceasefire proposal, ‘ball is in Hamas’s court’…

Top Biden aide: Israel accepted ceasefire proposal, ‘ball is in Hamas’s court’

— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) June 5, 2024


@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: GOOD NEWS: After 48 hours: Fires in northern Israel are under control in all major areas. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.


After 48 hours: Fires in northern Israel are under control in all major areas.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) June 4, 2024


Галузин: Армения начала избегать контактов с Россией по линии МИД и МО

Ереван принял решение на фоне давления западных стран.

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Федор Конюхов планирует поход с Сахалина на Курилы

Над детальной проработкой маршрута и условий будут трудиться инженерная команда и сахалинские специалисты.

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В результате опрокидывания буксира в Карском море пропал один человек

Восемь человек были спасены.

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“Totally insane”


Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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Republicans are always in over their heads when trying to question someone who has more knowledge than several of them combined. Such was the case with their grilling of Dr. Fauci. When it became Marjorie Taylor Greene’s turn to ask questions, she was as combative, embarrassing, and stupid as always. She was reprimanded for her remarks and refused to address Fauci as “Dr.” She repeatedly called him “Mr. Fauci.” Her reasoning? “You’re not a doctor.” Jamie Raskin asked the committee chairman: “Mr. Chairman, point of order, just in terms of the rule of decorum, are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we don’t want him to be a doctor?” Instead of waiting for the chairman’s response, Greene shouted out “yes” and went on to say that Dr. Fauci “does not deserve to have a license, as a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison.” What is Greene’s fascination with prison? Perhaps she is thinking about her favorite president’s future place of residence. The chairman finally interrupted Greene to say that they should recognize a doctor as a doctor.

Following the hearing, Congressman Robert Garcia wrote on X: “Totally insane that Marjorie Taylor Greene would not refer to Dr. Fauci as a doctor. He’s one of the most brilliant medical minds in the country. She’s a national embarrassment.” Greene then went on a tirade: “…The Democrats … are responsible for the lockdowns, forced vaccinations, kids being forced to stay home, people committing suicide, and all the horrors the country lived through during COVID. Fauci … should be tried for mass murder, and he should be tried for crimes against humidity.” This woman is so stupid that it’s not even funny. The only one we can try for crimes of humidity is God. Good luck getting cuffs on Him. As for “mass murder,” she needs to talk to her favorite president. He’s the one who denied COVID’s existence and allowed it to run rampant. As Garcia said, she is a national embarrassment.

Video on MSNBC showed Chairman Brad Wenstrup declaring the reason for the hearing. Lawrence O’Donnell narrated the video and pointed out that Wenstrup is also a doctor and was “mostly respectful,” but O’Donnell then turned to MTG’s questioning, which he called an “uncouth performance.” O’Donnell said that Greene is the current frontrunner for the most stupid person in Congress in history. Dr. Raul Ruiz, a ranking member, led the question toward Republicans’ claims that COVID originated in a lab in China. Ruiz said that after 15 months, Republicans have found nothing to “substantiate these extreme allegations that Republicans have alleged against Dr. Fauci for nearly four years.” Dr. Fauci then laid the truth on Republicans.

. . .

Dr. Fauci was responsible for quickly developing vaccines for COVID. As a result of Dr. Fauci’s work, “tens of millions of lives were saved,” as reiterated by O’Donnell. Indeed, Dr. Fauci was the one who asked for swift research into a possible lab leak. Dr. Fauci did everything within his power to save lives because that’s what doctors do. Republicans act like idiots because that’s what idiots do.

The post “Totally insane” appeared first on Palmer Report.


Is Trumpism a movement or a cult? | Opinion – MSN

The post Is Trumpism a movement or a cult? | Opinion – MSN first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.


Trump Asks Judge To Lift Gag Order From Hush Money Criminal Trial – NDTV

The post Trump Asks Judge To Lift Gag Order From Hush Money Criminal Trial – NDTV first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.


Could Venomous Flying Spiders Be Dropping in on You Soon?

Nakasendo Way

If you live in the New Jersey and New York area, brace yourself—giant venomous spiders could soon be flying your way.

In January, the company New Jersey Pest Control cautioned the public that the Joro spiders native to East Asia have spread to the southeastern United States, and were expected to move north to the New Jersey area later in the year. The invasive species have a leg span of up to 4 inches and yellow and black bodies, according to the company. While Joro spiders are venomous, their venom isn’t dangerous to humans, Gothamist reported.

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“These spiders are hard to miss,” the company said. “What sets them apart, however, is their ability to fly, a trait uncommon among spiders.”

The company clarified that the spiders don’t fly in the way birds do, but they use a technique called “ballooning,” which involves them releasing silk threads into the air and being carried by the wind.

Experts suspect that the spiders came to the U.S. because they were accidentally transported through cargo shipments, international trade or personal travel, according to the company. While exactly how they were brought to the U.S. is uncertain, “the consequences of their arrival are becoming increasingly evident,” New Jersey Pest Control said. Georgia is believed to be the “ground zero” of the Joro spider invasion.

Read More: How Trillions of Buzzy Cicadas Will Affect People on the Autism Spectrum

Last year, University of Georgia biologist Andy Davis, who studies Joro spiders, told The New York Times that the arachnids could reach New York by the summer, but none have been spotted yet.

David Coyle, an assistant professor in the department of forestry and environmental conservation at Clemson University and one of the authors of a peer-reviewed study about the spiders that was published last fall, had previously said in a Clemson University press release that “these things are here to stay.” The study found that Joro spiders will be able to inhabit most of the eastern U.S. Coyle has since clarified that there’s no set timeline on when the spiders could arrive on the east coast.

“I think the Joro *has the ability* to spread beyond the Southeast based on environmental conditions in its native range. In terms of a time frame… there isn’t one. It might be this year. Might be a decade. Heck, it might not happen at all,” Coyle told PIX11 News. “Spread rate depends on many factors, some environmental, some human, some that are just spider biology.”

Linda Susan Rayor, senior lecturer and senior research associate in the department of entomology at Cornell University who has written about the spiders, told PIX11 News that she didn’t believe the spiders would arrive in New York this summer “unless people move them” because “they are unlikely to balloon for many hundreds of miles.”

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The post Could Venomous Flying Spiders Be Dropping in on You Soon? first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Could Venomous Flying Spiders Be Dropping in on You Soon? first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.