
Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say

AP correspondent Ben Thomas reports Russian warships are headed to the Caribbean.

Washington man sentenced for 20 ‘swatting’ calls of false threats in US, Canada

AP’s Lisa Dwyer reports that a Washington man has been sentence for making numerous swatting calls in the U.S. and Canada.

Torrens hits two homers, Lindor another as Mets beat Nationals 9-1

The Mets head to Europe after completing a sweep in Washington. AP correspondent Dave Ferry reports.

Allentown hires former Pawlowski FBI investigator for city hall probe – The Morning Call

The post Allentown hires former Pawlowski FBI investigator for city hall probe – The Morning Call first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


As Feeding Our Future jury deliberates, FBI raids one defendant’s home – Yahoo! Voices

The post As Feeding Our Future jury deliberates, FBI raids one defendant’s home – Yahoo! Voices first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


D-Day без РФ. Как отметят 80 лет со дня высадки союзников в Нормандии

Высадка западных союзников в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 положила начало освобождению Европы от гитлеровских войск. В 2014 году в торжественной церемонии участвовал Путин. На этот раз Россию не пригласили.

The post D-Day без РФ. Как отметят 80 лет со дня высадки союзников в Нормандии first appeared on The News And Times.

The post D-Day без РФ. Как отметят 80 лет со дня высадки союзников в Нормандии first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Tornadoes touch down across US, killing toddler in Michigan and injuring 5 in Maryland

LIVONIA, Mich. (AP) — A tornado killed a 2-year-old boy and injured his mother Wednesday when a tree fell on their house in suburban Detroit, while emergency workers in Maryland were responding to reports of collapsed structures with people trapped inside after a tornado there.

Officials in Livonia, Michigan, said in a post on the city’s website that the quick-developing tornado struck several neighborhoods in the city on Wednesday afternoon.

A massive tree was uprooted and fell onto the family’s house and through the roof, landing on a bed where the woman and her 2-year-old were sleeping, officials said. Crews worked for nearly an hour to remove the roof and parts of the tree and then lift the tree to get the victims out.

The toddler was pronounced dead at the scene, officials said. The mother was transported to a local hospital in critical condition.

A 2-week-old sibling who was in a crib in a separate room was not injured but taken to a hospital for an evaluation, Livonia Fire Department Chief Robert Johnson told WDIV-TV.

“This is a terrible tragedy for our community,” Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan said in the statement. “Our hearts are broken, too, and we send our deepest sympathies.”

The city of Livonia activates warning sirens based on notifications from the National Weather Service or tornado reports, officials said. However, Livonia Emergency Preparedness Director Brian Kahn said in the statement that the city did not receive any advance warning from the agency or others.

A representative from the weather service called it a spin-up storm that didn’t show up on their radars in enough time to issue a warning, according to city officials.

The National Weather Service in Detroit confirmed on the social platform X Wednesday night that an EF1 tornado with a peak wind speed of 95 mph (153 kmh) moved through Livonia. The agency said the twister traveled a path spanning over 5 miles (8 kilometers), uprooting and damaging trees and damaging some houses.

In Maryland, emergency workers responded to reports that people were trapped inside structures that collapsed after a tornado was spotted in the area during rounds of strong storms Wednesday night.

A tornado was spotted in a suburban area of Montgomery County northwest of Washington, the National Weather Service said in a social media post warning people in the area to take cover.

There were reports of three collapsed structures in Gaithersburg with people trapped inside, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson Pete Piringer said.

Piringer said the most significant damage occurred when a large tree fell on a single-family house, leaving five people injured, including one with traumatic injuries. He said they were all transported to a hospital.

Local television footage showed large downed trees that damaged houses when they fell.

David Pazos, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue assistant chief, said there were a lot of power outages.

“We don’t know what people’s needs are, so we’re having to go door to door to assess whether they need fire and rescue services or need relocation because of damage to their homes,” he said.

Tornado warnings were still being issued throughout the state and in Delaware on Wednesday night.

The post Tornadoes touch down across US, killing toddler in Michigan and injuring 5 in Maryland first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Tornadoes touch down across US, killing toddler in Michigan and injuring 5 in Maryland first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


В Германии предложили вернуть обязательную военную службу

В связи с угрозой, исходящей от России, министр обороны Борис Писториус намерен повысить боевую готовность бундесвера. “Мы должны быть готовы к войне в 2029 году, — заявил в среду политик от СДПГ во время заслушивания в Бундестаге. — Мы должны быть готовы к войне к 2029 году. Поэтому странам Запада не стоит верить, что Путин остановится у границ Украины, если зайдет так далеко. Россия представляет угрозу не только для Украины, но и для Грузии, Молдавии и, в конечном счете, для НАТО в целом. Мы должны действовать в качестве сдерживающего фактора, чтобы не доводить ситуацию до крайности”.

Неоднократно озвученные предложения об обязательной военной службе

Финансы, материальное обеспечение и кадры занимают в этом вопросе центральное место. “В чрезвычайной ситуации нам нужны молодые мужчины и женщины, которые смогут защитить эту страну”, — подчеркнул Писториус. В связи с этим он считает необходимым введение “новой формы военной службы”, которая “не может быть полностью свободной от обязательств”. В Германии обязательная военная служба была отменена в 2011 году. В ближайшее время планируется представить неоднократно озвученные Писториусом предложения о возможном возобновлении такой службы.

В среду Федеральный кабинет министров принял новую концепцию военной и гражданской обороны Германии. В документе определены функции бундесвера, гуманитарных организаций и органов гражданской обороны в случае стихийных бедствий и войн, о чем в среду в Берлине объявили министерство внутренних дел и министерство обороны.

Так называемые новые рамочные руководящие принципы в области комплексной обороны заменяют соответствующий документ-предшественник 1989 года. В новой версии также рассматриваются киберугрозы и гибридная война, то есть атаки, выходящие за рамки военной силы. Речь также идет об изменении роли Германии в НАТО: в отличие от времен холодной войны, Германия теперь является не передовым государством альянса, а центром сосредоточения вооруженных сил союзников. Не последнюю роль в концепции играют и технические разработки, такие как системы оповещения населения с помощью мобильных телефонов.

The post В Германии предложили вернуть обязательную военную службу first appeared on The News And Times.

The post В Германии предложили вернуть обязательную военную службу first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Senile Donald Trump falls apart so badly in new interview that Sean Hannity can’t keep him on track


Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

There’s a reason Donald Trump’s handlers only let him hold rallies periodically these days. Each time he appears in public, he behaves in such confused and bizarre fashion that it generates new headlines about whether he has dementia.

Things have gotten so bad for Trump that even with his biggest fan Sean Hannity trying to prop him up in a new interview, Trump still had no idea what was going on – to the point that Hannity ended up having to treat him like a third grader:

HAHAHA! Donald Trump just got confused during his Fox News interview and started rambling incoherently. It got so bad that Sean Hannity had to step in saying “let’s stay focused for just a second.” Donald Trump is LOSING it!

— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) June 6, 2024

. . .


The more Donald Trump puts himself out there, the more the general public sees that he’s completely senile. So if he wants to keep doing interviews and such, please proceed.

The post Senile Donald Trump falls apart so badly in new interview that Sean Hannity can’t keep him on track appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post Senile Donald Trump falls apart so badly in new interview that Sean Hannity can’t keep him on track first appeared on The News And Times.


Donald Trump is shrinking right before our eyes


Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

“Following the verdict in his criminal trial, Donald Trump publicly accused the state of New York of subjecting him to a rigged trial, orchestrated by the Biden administration to take down a political adversary. “To the contrary, Trump is now a convicted felon. He is the actual person who has acted in a criminal manner to try to conceal information regarding his own behavior.”

This is a brilliant and scathing denouement of Trump’s criminal behavior. Who do you suppose wrote these words? Could it be a Senator? Perhaps a Reporter? Or was it one of our brilliant political legal minds? Nope.

These words were written to the Palm Beach Post by a Floridian. They were written by an intelligent person who seems to understand what is happening here regarding Donald Trump and his criminal behavior.

Here is another Florida resident: “Donald Trump is now a convicted criminal. It will be very interesting to see if the party of law and order abandons him as their candidate, or if they’ll cling to him and show that they, in fact, don’t care about law and order and that they always just wanted to imprison minorities.”

It was always a myth that Florida was comprised only of Republicans. There are some damn intelligent people in the sunshine state, many of them, along with much of the world, seemingly absolutely and completely repulsed by convicted felon Donald John Trump.

We see it in the polls. Many voters flocked to the polls to vote against convicted Felon Donald Trump and instead voted for Nikki Haley, who isn’t in the race any longer. We have an advantage in this upcoming election. That advantage is that most people cannot stand Donald Trump.

You know, my friends, democracy is a funny thing. All countries have their symbols of democracy. For ancient Greece, the utterly magnificent Parthenon was once a huge symbol of their democracy. What is ours?

We have quite a few. One of them is the fact that we can vote in free and fair elections. That right was fought for, and now we have it. The Capitol also serves as a symbol of freedom, democracy, and the world of visionaries.

. . .

So we must honor it by running, not walking to the polls in November. In the meantime, as we do the work that we need to do to win, let’s marvel, with amusement, at how Donald Trump, an itty–bitty, teeny-weeny, little man, is shrinking before our very eyes as he sees himself wholly rejected by the great Americans who make up the United States of America.

The post Donald Trump is shrinking right before our eyes appeared first on Palmer Report.

The post Donald Trump is shrinking right before our eyes first appeared on The News And Times.