
Сделано заявление об отказе Кейт Миддлтон от королевских обязанностей из-за болезни

В марте 2023 года Кейт Миддлтон сообщила, что проходит ранние стадии профилактической химиотерапии. Диагноз был поставлен после тестов, проведенных после операции в брюшной полости.

Королевский эксперт Ричард Фицуильямс отметил, что принцесса будет следовать рекомендациям врачей при планировании своей деятельности. По словам инсайдеров, Кейт Миддлтон переоценила свои силы и возможности организма. После химиотерапии ей, скорее всего, придется сократить объем выполняемой работы по сравнению с тем, что было раньше.

Несмотря на болезнь, Кейт Миддлтон продолжает выполнять свои королевские обязанности и даже была удостоена Ордена Кавалеров Почета в апреле 2023 года. Король Великобритании наградил принцессу Уэльскую в благодарность за многолетнюю государственную службу.

Диагноз, поставленный Кейт Миддлтон, может повлиять на ее способность выполнять королевские обязанности в полном объеме. Однако принцесса Уэльская будет руководствоваться советами врачей и принимать решения в соответствии с состоянием своего здоровья. Королевская семья и общественность выразили ей свою поддержку и пожелания скорейшего выздоровления.

The post Сделано заявление об отказе Кейт Миддлтон от королевских обязанностей из-за болезни first appeared on The News And Times.


Malware can steal data collected by the Windows Recall tool, experts warn


Cybersecurity researchers demonstrated how malware could potentially steal data collected by the new Windows Recall tool.

The Recall feature of Microsoft Copilot+ is an AI-powered tool designed to help users search for past activities on their PC. The data collected by the tool is stored and processed locally. After its presentation, it raised security and privacy concerns among cybersecurity experts because it scans and saves periodic screenshots of the computer screen, potentially exposing sensitive data, like passwords or financial information.

Microsoft attempted to downplay the risks for the users, the company pointed out that an attacker would need physical access to obtain data collected by the Recall tool.

However, multiple researchers have demonstrated that a malicious code could steal data collected by the Recall feature.

The popular cybersecurity expert Kevin Beaumont explained that an attacker can gain remote access to a device running Recall using a malware.

“When you’re logged into a PC and run software, things are decrypted for you. Encryption at rest only helps if somebody comes to your house and physically steals your laptop — that isn’t what criminal hackers do.” reads a post published by Beaumont. “For example, InfoStealer trojans, which automatically steal usernames and passwords, are a major problem for well over a decade — now these can just be easily modified to support Recall.”

Microsoft told media outlets a hacker cannot exfiltrate Copilot+ Recall activity remotely.

Reality: how do you think hackers will exfiltrate this plain text database of everything the user has ever viewed on their PC? Very easily, I have it automated.

HT detective

— Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) May 30, 2024

Re the second paragraph in this BBC News piece about Copilot+ Recall – I don’t know if it’s a BBC error or a Microsoft misstatement, but the line is not true.

If you gain remote access to a device running Recall (eg a trojan) you can access Recall.

— Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) May 23, 2024

Microsoft pointed out that information captured by their tool is highly encrypted and nobody can access them, but Beaumont said it is false and published a video of two Microsoft engineers accessing the folder containing the images.

Watch as Microsoft staff gain access to the Recall database files at the 24 second mark here, you’ll be shocked by their elite hacking skills.

— Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) May 30, 2024

The cybersecurity researcher Alex Hagenah has released a PoC tool, named TotalRecall, that can automatically extract and display the snapshots captured by Recall on a laptop and saved into its database.

“The database is unencrypted. It’s all plain text,” Hagenah says.⁩” told Wired.

“Windows Recall stores everything locally in an unencrypted SQLite database, and the screenshots are simply saved in a folder on your PC.” Hagenah explained “Here’s where you can find them:


The images are all stored in the following subfolder


The IT researcher Marc-André Moreau explained that an info-stealing malware can easily steal temporarily visible passwords from Remote Desktop Manager, which are captured by the Recall tool, from a local SQLite database.

The full OCR text with the temporarily visible password is available in the %LocalAppData%CoreAIPlatform.00UKP{<UUID>}ukg.db SQLite database, nicely gift wrapped 🎁 for infostealer malware to exfiltrate:

— Marc-André Moreau (@awakecoding) June 3, 2024

While Recall remains as a “preview” feature and, according to Microsoft’s small print, could change before it launches, Beaumont writes in his research that the company “should recall Recall and rework it to be the feature it deserves to be, delivered at a later date.” concludes Wired.

Pierluigi Paganini

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, AI)

The post Malware can steal data collected by the Windows Recall tool, experts warn first appeared on The News And Times.


FBI Challenged With Building Workforce Needed to Detect Deepfakes – MeriTalk

The post FBI Challenged With Building Workforce Needed to Detect Deepfakes – MeriTalk first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


The World Has Seen Record-Breaking Temperatures for 12 Months. Experts Warn They Will Be ‘Comparatively Cold’ to the Future

Global temperatures have broken records for 12 consecutive months, and  last month was the warmest May ever recorded, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service announced on Wednesday. 

In May the global average temperature was 1.52 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average, marking the 11th consecutive month where the global average temperature was at least 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average. The global average temperature from June 2023 to May 2024 was 1.63 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average, a worrying trend that could signify that the world is moving closer to the thresholds set in the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

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The impact has already been felt around the globe. The United States is facing another summer of extreme heat along with wildfires in California and an “explosive” hurricane season in the Atlantic. In the last month, deadly floods killed hundreds in Afghanistan, Brazil, and Indonesia, while dozens have died in India from extreme heat. 

But this might only be the beginning, experts warn. “This string of hottest months will be remembered as comparatively cold,” Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said in a statement

Buontempo says that the trend is “shocking but not surprising” and noted that, while the record-breaking streak might be interrupted, “the overall signature of climate change remains and there is no sign in sight of a change in such a trend.”

Despite the rising temperatures, there might still be time to make a change—as long as significant work is made to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. “…if we manage to stabilize the concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere in the very near future we might be able to return to these “cold” temperatures by the end of the century,” Buontempo said. 

The report comes as the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres made a call for more ambitious climate action— noting that there is an 80% likelihood of at least one year between 2024 and 2028 temporarily exceeding 1.5°C, and a 47% likelihood that the global temperature averaged over the entire 2024-2028 five-year period will exceed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial era.

“For the past year, every turn of the calendar has turned up the heat,” Guterres said. “Our planet is trying to tell us something. But we don’t seem to be listening. We’re shattering global temperature records and reaping the whirlwind.”

The post The World Has Seen Record-Breaking Temperatures for 12 Months. Experts Warn They Will Be ‘Comparatively Cold’ to the Future first appeared on The News And Times.

The post The World Has Seen Record-Breaking Temperatures for 12 Months. Experts Warn They Will Be ‘Comparatively Cold’ to the Future first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


NY Governor Halts Plan to Charge Manhattan Drivers Big Tolls to Fight Traffic

Manhattan Congestion Tolls

NEW YORK — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday indefinitely delayed implementation of a plan to charge motorists hefty tolls to enter the core of Manhattan, just weeks before the nation’s first “congestion pricing” system was set to launch.

The announcement dealt a stunning blow to a program, years in the making, that was intended to raise billions of dollars for New York’s beleaguered subways and commuter rails while reducing gridlock and air pollution on the city’s streets.

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Hochul, a Democrat, delivered the news in a pre-recorded video statement, saying she had arrived at the “difficult decision that implementing the planned congestion pricing system risks too many unintended consequences at this time.”

She cited the city’s fragile economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the financial burden that the fee would impose on New Yorkers struggling with inflation, as reasons not to go through with the program.

“A $15 charge might not seem like a lot to someone who has the means but it can break the budget of a hardworking or middle class household,” Hochul said. “It puts the squeeze on the very people who make this city go.”

Hochul had previously been a vocal supporter, praising the program as recently as two weeks ago and dismissing the “backlash from drivers set in their ways” who worked to stall implementation.

Her change of heart was widely lamented by transit advocates as a betrayal of a key state environmental initiative that was expected to provide an annual cash infusion of around $1 billion for subway and bus systems that carry some 4 million riders daily.

Kate Slevin, executive vice president of the Regional Plan Association, a nonprofit advocacy group, said the move would “hurt millions of transit riders relying on improvements and hinder the economic success of our broader region.”

The plan called for people driving passenger vehicles into Manhattan below 60th Street — roughly the area south of Central Park — to pay at least $15, with larger vehicles paying more. These payments would come on top of already steep tolls for using bridges and tunnels to enter Manhattan.

The MTA had already invested tens of millions of dollars installing cameras, sensors, license plate readers and other equipment on city roadways in anticipation of the plan’s launch.

But as the start date approached, the fee touched off growing backlash — and several lawsuits — from suburban drivers and some local officials who expressed concerns about the impact on commuters. Former president Donald Trump called it a “disaster.”

Members of the MTA board, which oversees the transit agency, said they had not been briefed on Hochul’s plan.

“I’m in shock,” board member Andrew Albert said. ”We won’t get new buses, new subway cars, new signals. It’s a betrayal of the millions and millions of people who would have been helped by this.”

The post NY Governor Halts Plan to Charge Manhattan Drivers Big Tolls to Fight Traffic first appeared on The News And Times.

The post NY Governor Halts Plan to Charge Manhattan Drivers Big Tolls to Fight Traffic first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Политическая демонстрация не пройдет. Саммит Зеленского априори ждет провал

Международная конференция, которую организует Швейцария 15-16 июня в роскошном отеле на Люцернском озере, будет посвящена поиску “всеобъемлющего, справедливого и прочного мира на Украине”. Россия, одна из сторон конфликта, не была приглашена, что делает это мероприятие бессмысленным и априори обреченным на провал, несмотря на то что его широко разрекламировали. Участие в так называемом “саммите мира” в Швейцарии подтвердили более ста стран и организаций.

Присутствие Китая – крупного союзника России – могло бы придать конференции большую значимость, поскольку одной из ее целей является оказание международного политического давления на Москву, чтобы заставить ее принять предложенную Зеленским формулу. Она включает в себя вывод российских войск с территории Украины, выплату Москвой компенсации ущерба от действий на Украине и создание специального трибунала для расследования “военных преступлений” России.

Китай считает затруднительным участие в конференции по Украине в Швейцарии. Официальный представитель МИД КНР Мао Нин заявила: “Между повесткой встречи, требованиями Китая и общими ожиданиями международного сообщества по-прежнему существует явный разрыв. Китаю трудно участвовать в этой встрече, и соответствующие стороны были уведомлены о соображениях и озабоченностях Китая”.

Итак, Пекин не будет участвовать в “саммите мира”, так как не обеспечены ключевые факторы для его проведения. Поднебесная не хочет попасть в ловушку, которая, по ее мнению, может негативно сказаться на стратегических отношениях с Россией. Отказ КНР от участия в конференции разозлил Зеленского: он прямо обвинил Китай в том, что он старается сорвать саммит, ведь сам глава киевского режима делал ставку именно на присутствие Пекина, чтобы так поддерживать политическую блокаду Москвы.

Китайские власти считают необходимым организовать мирную конференцию, которую в равной степени будут признавать и Россия, и Украина. Текущий кризис вышел за пределы этих двух стран и затронул не только большинство западных государств, но и весь мир. Обсуждение предложений одной стороны и игнорирование позиций других участников конфликта не приведет к его урегулированию, а, скорее, усложнит дело.

Москва, в свою очередь, считает, что переговорный процесс без ее участия “бесмысленен”, а “игнорирование позиции России оторвано от реальности и бесперспективно”. Официальный представитель МИД РФ Мария Захарова заявила: “Хорошо известно, что “формула Зеленского” не предполагает компромиссов, альтернатив и полностью игнорирует предложения Китая, Бразилии, африканских и арабских государств”.

“Что касается самой Швейцарии, то она не может служить площадкой для диалога по урегулированию. Эта страна утратила свой нейтральный статус способность быть посредником. Она встала на сторону киевского режима, активно его поддерживает, занимает антироссийскую позицию, вводит против нас санкции, принимает стратегии, исключающие Россию из системы европейской безопасности”, – отметила Захарова.

Мирная конференция по Украине в Швейцарии – это неправильное название. Она будет не более чем политической демонстрацией против России.

The post Политическая демонстрация не пройдет. Саммит Зеленского априори ждет провал first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Политическая демонстрация не пройдет. Саммит Зеленского априори ждет провал first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.



Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность

The post Новости first appeared on The News And Times.

The post Новости first appeared on Trump And The FBI – The News And Times.


Comey: Trump ‘begging’ for jail sentence – Yahoo! Voices

The post Comey: Trump ‘begging’ for jail sentence – Yahoo! Voices first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: A new bill introduced on Jerusalem Day would prevent de-facto Palestinian embassies from opening in east Jerusalem, with the bill receiving preliminary approval from the Knesset on Wednesday, reported by @tovahlazaroff ✍️…

A new bill introduced on Jerusalem Day would prevent de-facto Palestinian embassies from opening in east Jerusalem, with the bill receiving preliminary approval from the Knesset on Wednesday, reported by @tovahlazaroff ✍

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) June 5, 2024

The post @Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: A new bill introduced on Jerusalem Day would prevent de-facto Palestinian embassies from opening in east Jerusalem, with the bill receiving preliminary approval from the Knesset on Wednesday, reported by @tovahlazaroff ✍️… first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Twelve wounded, one critically, by Hezbollah drone strike in northern Israel…

Twelve wounded, one critically, by Hezbollah drone strike in northern Israel

— (@haaretzcom) June 5, 2024

The post @haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Twelve wounded, one critically, by Hezbollah drone strike in northern Israel… first appeared on October Surprise 2016.