
Botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer: ‘The clock is ticking but the world will teach us what we need to do’

For a long time, western science and Indigenous knowledge have been seen as distinct ways of learning about the world. But as we plunge the planet deeper into environmental crises, it is becoming clear that it is time to pay attention to both. Bridging that gap has been the driving force behind the career of the botanist and author of Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer. She tells Madeleine Finlay what we can learn from the most ancient plants on Earth, why we need to cultivate gratitude for the natural world and what western science can learn from Indigenous knowledge. Help support our independent journalism at

NPR News: 06-04-2024 12AM EDT

NPR News: 06-04-2024 12AM EDT

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Botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer: ‘The clock is ticking but the world will teach us what we need to do’ – podcast

For a long time, western science and Indigenous knowledge have been seen as distinct ways of learning about the world. But as we plunge the planet deeper into environmental crises, it is becoming clear that it is time to pay attention to both. Bridging that gap has been the driving force behind the career of the botanist and author of Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer. She tells Madeleine Finlay what we can learn from the most ancient plants on Earth, why we need to cultivate gratitude for the natural world and what western science can learn from Indigenous knowledge

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Russia’s Shoigu Visits Troops Involved in Ukraine Operation – Asharq Al-awsat – English


Biden says Hamas is sufficiently depleted. Israel leaders disagree, casting doubts over cease-fire. – Parkersburg News


VOA Newscasts

Give us 5 minutes, and we’ll give you the world. Around the clock, Voice of America keeps you in touch with the latest news. We bring you reports from our correspondents and interviews with newsmakers from across the world.

The post VOA Newscasts first appeared on The News And Times.


Российские бойцы с помощью дрона «Лягушка» уничтожили пулеметный расчет ВСУ

Разведчики закрепили на беспилотной платформе несколько мин и дистанционно подорвали их около окопов противника.

The post Российские бойцы с помощью дрона «Лягушка» уничтожили пулеметный расчет ВСУ first appeared on The News And Times.


В Госдуме предложили ввести требования к одежде после скандала с Бузовой

В документе указывается, что не все российские артисты осознают влияние собственного поведения и выступлений на широкую публику.

The post В Госдуме предложили ввести требования к одежде после скандала с Бузовой first appeared on The News And Times.


ЧОП «Крокус профи» лишилось лицензии спустя месяц после теракта в «Крокусе»

Лицензия была отозвана 24 апреля.

The post ЧОП «Крокус профи» лишилось лицензии спустя месяц после теракта в «Крокусе» first appeared on The News And Times.


Израиль объявил о гибели в плену ХАМАС еще четверых заложников


The post Израиль объявил о гибели в плену ХАМАС еще четверых заложников first appeared on The News And Times.