
@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про… — Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024

The post @IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про… — Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024

The post @IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.


Bayhorse Silver Operations Update At Its Bayhorse, Pegasus Project, Idaho. – Yahoo Canada Finance

The post Bayhorse Silver Operations Update At Its Bayhorse, Pegasus Project, Idaho. – Yahoo Canada Finance first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


Panama weighs adding checkpoints in Darien Gap, issue deportation orders

PANAMA CITY — Panama’s next government is considering erecting new checkpoints along a stretch of thick jungle on its southern border that has become a treacherous part of the journey for growing masses of U.S.-bound migrants, the incoming security chief said Thursday.

The additional checkpoints, where deportation orders could be issued to migrants, appear to be part of President-elect Jose Raul Mulino’s campaign pledge to close the so-called Darien Gap, even though he has yet to announce a detailed plan.

Frank Abrego, Mulino’s incoming security chief, floated a formal border closure along with the checkpoints to process migrants. He spoke to reporters immediately after a press conference in the capital, where the next president presented part of his Cabinet.

The government of Mulino, himself a former security minister, takes office on July 1.

Last year, a record 520,000 migrants crossed the jungle between Colombia and Panama, mostly fleeing Venezuela, Ecuador, Haiti and China.

The main migration routes hug Panama’s northern Caribbean coast, offering the most direct path to traverse the roadless jungle.

The area, running about 100 kilometers, is known as the “gap” on Panama’s Darien isthmus since it is the only missing section of the Pan-American highway that stretches from Alaska to Argentina.

“If a border closure were declared tomorrow, we establish the checkpoints where we can detain … these illegal immigrants,” Abrego said.

“I think that’s going to happen,” he added.

In his presidential campaign, Mulino repeatedly promised to close the Darien Gap, vowing Panama should not be a transit country for migrants and pledged to ask for help from nations including the United States and Colombia.

Mulino again vowed to take a tough stance against unlawful crossings during a speech last week.

“Those who arrive here are going to be returned to their country of origin,” he said. 

The post Panama weighs adding checkpoints in Darien Gap, issue deportation orders first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


Panama weighs adding checkpoints in Darien Gap, issue deportation orders

PANAMA CITY — Panama’s next government is considering erecting new checkpoints along a stretch of thick jungle on its southern border that has become a treacherous part of the journey for growing masses of U.S.-bound migrants, the incoming security chief said Thursday.

The additional checkpoints, where deportation orders could be issued to migrants, appear to be part of President-elect Jose Raul Mulino’s campaign pledge to close the so-called Darien Gap, even though he has yet to announce a detailed plan.

Frank Abrego, Mulino’s incoming security chief, floated a formal border closure along with the checkpoints to process migrants. He spoke to reporters immediately after a press conference in the capital, where the next president presented part of his Cabinet.

The government of Mulino, himself a former security minister, takes office on July 1.

Last year, a record 520,000 migrants crossed the jungle between Colombia and Panama, mostly fleeing Venezuela, Ecuador, Haiti and China.

The main migration routes hug Panama’s northern Caribbean coast, offering the most direct path to traverse the roadless jungle.

The area, running about 100 kilometers, is known as the “gap” on Panama’s Darien isthmus since it is the only missing section of the Pan-American highway that stretches from Alaska to Argentina.

“If a border closure were declared tomorrow, we establish the checkpoints where we can detain … these illegal immigrants,” Abrego said.

“I think that’s going to happen,” he added.

In his presidential campaign, Mulino repeatedly promised to close the Darien Gap, vowing Panama should not be a transit country for migrants and pledged to ask for help from nations including the United States and Colombia.

Mulino again vowed to take a tough stance against unlawful crossings during a speech last week.

“Those who arrive here are going to be returned to their country of origin,” he said. 

The post Panama weighs adding checkpoints in Darien Gap, issue deportation orders first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


Gold bars in baggies and cash crammed in boots: Prosecutors detail Menendez’s hoarded riches • New Jersey Monitor – New Jersey Monitor

The post Gold bars in baggies and cash crammed in boots: Prosecutors detail Menendez’s hoarded riches • New Jersey Monitor – New Jersey Monitor first appeared on The South Caucasus News.


@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина.

Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024


What Nvidia, Oracle, and Dell Stock Investors Should Know About Recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Updates – Yahoo Finance

The post What Nvidia, Oracle, and Dell Stock Investors Should Know About Recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Updates – Yahoo Finance first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


Statement delivered by Her Excellency Ambassador Vanessa Frazier, Permanent Representative of Malta to the United … – The America Times

The post Statement delivered by Her Excellency Ambassador Vanessa Frazier, Permanent Representative of Malta to the United … – The America Times first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.


Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A. A. Khan KC, to the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Libya … – The America Times

The post Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A. A. Khan KC, to the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Libya … – The America Times first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.