
@mikenov: I would like to repeat my earlier question: (…) Did Putin buy the New York Times? (…) How, when, and quanto? To me this editorial feels cheap, contrived, and biased. – Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the…

I would like to repeat my earlier question:( Putin buy the New York Times? (, when, and quanto?To me this editorial feels cheap, contrived, and biased. –Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 29, 2024

The post @mikenov: I would like to repeat my earlier question: (…) Did Putin buy the New York Times? (…) How, when, and quanto? To me this editorial feels cheap, contrived, and biased. – Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the… first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times – The News And Times.