
Apple внедряет ChatGPT и больше функций ИИ в свои устройства

11 июн (Рейтер) – Apple представила в

понедельник долгожданную стратегию в области искусственного

интеллекта, интегрировав новую технологию Apple Intelligence в

свой набор приложений, включая голосового помощника Siri, и

внедрив на свои устройства чатбота ChatGPT от OpenAI.

The post Apple внедряет ChatGPT и больше функций ИИ в свои устройства first appeared on The Russian World.


В горах Северной Осетии разбился Су-34, экипаж погиб


The post В горах Северной Осетии разбился Су-34, экипаж погиб first appeared on The News And Times.


Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick


Prosecutors are moving to dismiss hate crimes charges against a woman charged with attacking an Israeli student on Columbia University’s campus in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 invasion of Israel.

The suspect, Maxwell Friedman, who also goes by Malaika, was charged with four counts of assault and other offenses for allegedly striking the Israeli student with a stick on Oct. 11 during a dispute over Israeli hostage posters.

On Monday, the Manhattan district attorney’s office told the New York Jewish Week that Friedman accepted an offer to dismiss the case. As part of the agreement, Friedman has completed three sessions with Manhattan Justice Opportunities, a social services group that provides counseling and other services in place of incarceration for certain crimes. She also made a public apology during a court appearance.

If she is not arrested again within the next six months, the case will be dismissed, according to the legal agreement, known as an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal. The agreement, which Friedman accepted last month, includes an order of protection for the victim.

The D.A.’s office said Friedman’s age — 19 at the time — lack of criminal history and willingness to learn through the social services classes factored into the decision. At the time of the incident, the victim was 24.

The incident took place outside Columbia’s Butler Library. The Israeli man who was hit with the stick told the D.A.’s office in October that he and others had printed fliers with information about the number of deaths in Israel, along with a photograph of a kidnapped Israeli family, and posted the fliers on designated news bulletins on campus.

The victim said he saw Friedman take down and rip up several fliers. He said Friedman told him and others, “F— you. F— all of you prick crackers.”

She also said, “I disrespected you. What are you going to do about it?” according to a complaint filed with the district attorney’s office.

Friedman then shoved the victim and struck him in the hands with a dowel, slicing and fracturing his finger, the initial complaint said.

The D.A.’s office said Monday, however, that the court determined Friedman had not intentionally hit the student with a stick. According to video and witnesses, the court found that Friedman was waving the stick at the victim, when he reached out and was hit. It was later determined that the finger was sprained, not broken, the D.A.’s office said.

A friend of the alleged victim, who is also Israeli, told the campus newspaper, the Columbia Spectator, that Friedman approached the pro-Israel students while they were putting up the fliers and asked to join them, saying she was Jewish. She remained with the group that morning, but later in the day, the Israelis noticed her with a bandana over her face tearing down the posters.

When the pro-Israel group confronted her she shouted at them and hit the man with the stick, one of the Israeli students told the Spectator.

Friedman was charged with one count each of assault in the second degree as a hate crime; assault in the third degree as a hate crime; aggravated harassment in the second degree; and criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree. She pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The incident was one of the earliest high-profile instances of hate crimes related to the Israel-Hamas war in New York City. Campuses across the United States were already in turmoil at the time after some students backed the attack on Israel or blamed Israel for the bloodshed.

In the eight months since, hate crimes against Jews in New York City have surged. Several other incidents that occurred in the aftermath of Oct. 7 are being pursued by prosecutors, including one in which a suspect allegedly punched a Jewish Israeli near Times Square while shouting antisemitic epithets. 

This article originally appeared on

The post Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick appeared first on The Forward.

The post Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick first appeared on The News And Times.


Москалькова попросила освободить бойцов СВО от выплат процентов по кредиту

Уполномоченный по правам человека в РФ также предложила кабмину освободить членов семей участников СВО от налога на имущество.

The post Москалькова попросила освободить бойцов СВО от выплат процентов по кредиту first appeared on The News And Times.


Адвокат генерала Попова счел отправку в зону СВО шансом приостановить дело

Экс-командующий 58-й армией находится в СИЗО по обвинению в мошенничестве.

The post Адвокат генерала Попова счел отправку в зону СВО шансом приостановить дело first appeared on The News And Times.


Роспотребнадзор сообщил о завершении подъема заболеваемости корью в РФ

Глава Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова заявила, что подъем заболеваемости корью идет во всем мире, но в России он заканчивается.

The post Роспотребнадзор сообщил о завершении подъема заболеваемости корью в РФ first appeared on The News And Times.


Moderna’s combo COVID and flu shot offers strong immunity in older adults during late stage trial – KFSN-TV

The post Moderna’s combo COVID and flu shot offers strong immunity in older adults during late stage trial – KFSN-TV first appeared on The CoronaVirus Alerts – The News And Times.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct

Episode 191 has been uploaded.


YouTube, later


  • SPECIAL COMMENT: The polls continue to underscore it. Trump’s conviction, just twelve days ago, is already half as important in voters’ decision-making process as where the candidates stand on immigration. 28% tell CBS the convictions are a “major factor” for them, yet this number is dismissed because it isn’t by itself decisive. A separate Morning Consult poll says Trump’s net favorability is now four points below that of Biden’s — because of the trial.
  • And yet the President, and his advisors, and the old men of the Democratic Party continue to contrive to keep Joe Biden from saying the truth in public. He says the impact of the convictions is for the public to decide. No! That’s for the public to decide? This isn’t an American Idol vote. This isn’t Coke versus Pepsi. This is democracy or dictatorship and most people don’t know and YOU, Mr. President, have to make the case. You don’t have to sink to Trump’s brain-damaged rhetorical level but “that’s for the public to decide?” HELP THEM DECIDE. TELL THEM THE TRUTH.
  • Part of the problem is: the campaign seems to be incapable of realizing it can do multiple attacks on Trump — from criminality to dictatorship to the price of orange juice. I’ll give some examples of the variety of ads they could run.
  • MEANWHILE: KNOTTED BY WINDSOR. Justice Alito makes a fool of himself as my friend the investigative journalist Lauren Windsor records him agreeing that either the right or left will “win” — and he had a much better visit with her than did his wife. Martha-Ann Alito promises to get revenge against everybody, fly an anti-LGBTQ flag, and sue the bunch of them. It turns out everything we thought about them was comparatively positive. AND JUST FOR LAUGHS: Jonathan Turley has declared Trump “elderly.”


You can find the typo via a Google search, but Politico has fixed the mistake online. The original sentence at the article originally said, “Trump has also told people that Burgum looks the part, and has gushed over his thick head of head.”


  • FROM THE SPORTS CENTRAL CENTER NEWSDESK TONIGHT: I moved this last in case you are NOT a baseball fan of 57 seasons’ duration whom the game is losing. The Athletic publishes its survey of current players and guess what! Turns out they all invented the game, and anybody who played before about 2010 was incompetent and irrelevant. Worse yet, somebody grabs my personal third rail, insulting Babe Ruth. Which means I have to go through mediocre reliever Adam Ottavino’s 2018 contention that he would strike Babe Ruth out every time he faced him. If you brought Babe Ruth into baseball 2024 and gave him its tiny ballparks and elaborate video scouting and training regimens, he would hit 255 homers.

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct

Episode 191 has been uploaded.


YouTube, later


  • SPECIAL COMMENT: The polls continue to underscore it. Trump’s conviction, just twelve days ago, is already half as important in voters’ decision-making process as where the candidates stand on immigration. 28% tell CBS the convictions are a “major factor” for them, yet this number is dismissed because it isn’t by itself decisive. A separate Morning Consult poll says Trump’s net favorability is now four points below that of Biden’s — because of the trial.
  • And yet the President, and his advisors, and the old men of the Democratic Party continue to contrive to keep Joe Biden from saying the truth in public. He says the impact of the convictions is for the public to decide. No! That’s for the public to decide? This isn’t an American Idol vote. This isn’t Coke versus Pepsi. This is democracy or dictatorship and most people don’t know and YOU, Mr. President, have to make the case. You don’t have to sink to Trump’s brain-damaged rhetorical level but “that’s for the public to decide?” HELP THEM DECIDE. TELL THEM THE TRUTH.
  • Part of the problem is: the campaign seems to be incapable of realizing it can do multiple attacks on Trump — from criminality to dictatorship to the price of orange juice. I’ll give some examples of the variety of ads they could run.
  • MEANWHILE: KNOTTED BY WINDSOR. Justice Alito makes a fool of himself as my friend the investigative journalist Lauren Windsor records him agreeing that either the right or left will “win” — and he had a much better visit with her than did his wife. Martha-Ann Alito promises to get revenge against everybody, fly an anti-LGBTQ flag, and sue the bunch of them. It turns out everything we thought about them was comparatively positive. AND JUST FOR LAUGHS: Jonathan Turley has declared Trump “elderly.”


You can find the typo via a Google search, but Politico has fixed the mistake online. The original sentence at the article originally said, “Trump has also told people that Burgum looks the part, and has gushed over his thick head of head.”


  • FROM THE SPORTS CENTRAL CENTER NEWSDESK TONIGHT: I moved this last in case you are NOT a baseball fan of 57 seasons’ duration whom the game is losing. The Athletic publishes its survey of current players and guess what! Turns out they all invented the game, and anybody who played before about 2010 was incompetent and irrelevant. Worse yet, somebody grabs my personal third rail, insulting Babe Ruth. Which means I have to go through mediocre reliever Adam Ottavino’s 2018 contention that he would strike Babe Ruth out every time he faced him. If you brought Babe Ruth into baseball 2024 and gave him its tiny ballparks and elaborate video scouting and training regimens, he would hit 255 homers.

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct first appeared on October Surprise 2016.


Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct

Episode 191 has been uploaded.


YouTube, later


  • SPECIAL COMMENT: The polls continue to underscore it. Trump’s conviction, just twelve days ago, is already half as important in voters’ decision-making process as where the candidates stand on immigration. 28% tell CBS the convictions are a “major factor” for them, yet this number is dismissed because it isn’t by itself decisive. A separate Morning Consult poll says Trump’s net favorability is now four points below that of Biden’s — because of the trial.
  • And yet the President, and his advisors, and the old men of the Democratic Party continue to contrive to keep Joe Biden from saying the truth in public. He says the impact of the convictions is for the public to decide. No! That’s for the public to decide? This isn’t an American Idol vote. This isn’t Coke versus Pepsi. This is democracy or dictatorship and most people don’t know and YOU, Mr. President, have to make the case. You don’t have to sink to Trump’s brain-damaged rhetorical level but “that’s for the public to decide?” HELP THEM DECIDE. TELL THEM THE TRUTH.
  • Part of the problem is: the campaign seems to be incapable of realizing it can do multiple attacks on Trump — from criminality to dictatorship to the price of orange juice. I’ll give some examples of the variety of ads they could run.
  • MEANWHILE: KNOTTED BY WINDSOR. Justice Alito makes a fool of himself as my friend the investigative journalist Lauren Windsor records him agreeing that either the right or left will “win” — and he had a much better visit with her than did his wife. Martha-Ann Alito promises to get revenge against everybody, fly an anti-LGBTQ flag, and sue the bunch of them. It turns out everything we thought about them was comparatively positive. AND JUST FOR LAUGHS: Jonathan Turley has declared Trump “elderly.”


You can find the typo via a Google search, but Politico has fixed the mistake online. The original sentence at the article originally said, “Trump has also told people that Burgum looks the part, and has gushed over his thick head of head.”


  • FROM THE SPORTS CENTRAL CENTER NEWSDESK TONIGHT: I moved this last in case you are NOT a baseball fan of 57 seasons’ duration whom the game is losing. The Athletic publishes its survey of current players and guess what! Turns out they all invented the game, and anybody who played before about 2010 was incompetent and irrelevant. Worse yet, somebody grabs my personal third rail, insulting Babe Ruth. Which means I have to go through mediocre reliever Adam Ottavino’s 2018 contention that he would strike Babe Ruth out every time he faced him. If you brought Babe Ruth into baseball 2024 and gave him its tiny ballparks and elaborate video scouting and training regimens, he would hit 255 homers.

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.

The post Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E191: Trump Hurt Again In Polls; The Alitos Self-Distruct first appeared on October Surprise 2016.